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EXCLUSIVE: Big New Hurdle For India’s Arjun Battle Tank

DRDO. Pakistan salutes you.
You are our secret weapon.
IS I agents
Contrary to what you believe I hope that the Arjun tank can act like the centurion tanks of the past for the Indian army.
Tip of the spear so as to speak.
DRDO and HAL should be invited over to Pakistan for a celebration party and be awarded medals for services to Pakistan

The slaps these organisations have given to india for decades have been awesome

DRDO and HAL should be invited over to Pakistan for a celebration party and be awarded medals for services to Pakistan

The slaps these organisations have given to india for decades have been awesome
First call PAF & Raheel , their failed policies have helped India more than HAL has .
You don't half talk some sh1t.
Don't need it......Why don't you say as it is....if India tries it will have its head cut off. The reality is well known to India planners. You internet monkeys can keep screaming

Please, keep Pakistan, thanks. It's run by good hands.
How can you talk when your troops are on YouTube beggibgvfor food that your corrupt officers sell. Is that competent. Those that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Somehow it manage to be enough for your army. At least India's military brass isnt corrupt enough to over throw it's civilian government multiple times and set the country back several decades unnecessary.
Other than bs can some one tell what is the acceptable weight to IA? Also since I assume this to be a very fundamental requirement kept in mind during the design phase, why was it ignored and was is intentionally or ignorance?
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