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Ex Taiwan governer: I feel so ashamed to see how backward Taiwan is to mainland china

haha you kill/arrest/send to pogoms whoever have dissent opinions against CCP. Tell me any instance where the joke called your parliament have amended a bill, had a discussion, voted out a bill, had a discussion on social issues, criticize the President over any bad planning.

Democracies, they fight over different opinions. Sometimes things go out of control. But fact of the matter is, they are free to disagree. Gather support, ask the public for support and are answerable to the public. :DOtoh sometimes they forget that parliamentarians are public servants. All these are unlike in China. I have no issue over China having CCP, historically your populace have been and are ruled over and people obeyed whoever is in power.
I never said that China is a democracy, China did have democracy from early to mid 20 century and that proved to be a disaster to the Chinese nation. CCP came to power from nothing in China for a reason, when the nation decided they were the only force that is strong enough to hold China together firmly again. CCP turned China from one of the poorest nation in the world to a rich and powerful nation only second to US by now is nothing short of a miracle, no one can deny it, but even more important, a once fractious nation being united as a whole again, that will be down in the Chinese history as a major historical event.

I have no issue over China having CCP, historically your populace have been and are ruled over and people obeyed whoever is in power.
If you have no issues with CCP why you said those above? where did I say China is a democracy? my whole point is China is not a democracy and it doesn't work for China, maybe it's good in your eyes but bad in ours. one person one vote is the dumbest thing ever happened to humanity and no families, businesses or armies run this way in real life. of course you can have a different idea.
Yes, historically China experienced most revolts and uprisings in the world, that's why China changed dynasties much more frequenet than western ones which one family dynasty can run for a thousand years, your statement only shows how ignorant you are about China, and how about India? Did you always have democracy in the past before your colonial master Britain handed you this one?
I never said that China is a democracy, China did have democracy from early to mid 20 century and that proved to be a disaster to the Chinese nation. CCP came to power from nothing in China for a reason, when the nation decided they were the only force that is strong enough to hold China together firmly again. CCP turned China from one of the poorest nation in the world to a rich and powerful nation only second to US by now is nothing short of a miracle, no one can deny it, but even more important, a once fractious nation being united as a whole again, that will be down in the Chinese history as a major historical event.
You had a brief period of democracy followed by World war. In total, democracy lasted some 30 odd years. Stop making stupendous claims like it was disaster, you didn't give any time for it be a success or disaster. Mao simply switched to dictatorship after an illogical and bloody revolution.
Also, the notion that CCP build China into this is another propaganda claim, China was one of the largest economy during the Quing dynasty. It only went down following the Japanese invasion and the British taking advantage of your wealth. Simply, looting you left and right.
Since Mao came, China actually slowed down following a manufactured famine, which put you at least 20 years behind. China only started developing after it deregulated, i.e remove restriction put up by the communist party and opening up market to the west.

If you have no issues with CCP why you said those above? where did I say China is a democracy? my whole point is China is not a democracy and it doesn't work for China, maybe it's good in your eyes but bad in ours. one person one vote is the dumbest thing ever happened to humanity and no families, businesses or armies run this way in real life. of course you can have a different idea.
Yes, historically China experienced most revolts and uprisings in the world, that's why China changed dynasties much more frequenet than western ones which one family dynasty can run for a thousand years, your statement only shows how ignorant you are about China, and how about India? Did you always have democracy in the past before your colonial master Britain handed you this one?
Why not? Am I wrong in any account? I'm only calling out the hypocrisy in your comment. You have no right to criticize Taiwan for being a democracy because in one way or other, it is the real people's republic.

Let me ask you this, how come China is people's republic? Do they even know what it means?
A vast majority of successful countries in the world are in one way or other democracies. I wouldn't call China developed, it is a middle income nation. China didn't face half as much as invasions like many countries in the region and the wealth largely remained in China. Maybe you really need to read your history clearly.
China's CCP rule = 700M out of poverty

India's moronic democracy = 700M in poverty

Lol @ your inferiority complex. Even in a thread about China, you need to mention India.

RE: Your inferiority complex

even in a china thread you need to stalk Pak posters....
Also, the notion that CCP build China into this is another propaganda claim, China was one of the largest economy during the Quing dynasty. It only went down following the Japanese invasion and the British taking advantage of your wealth. Simply, looting you left and right.
It seems that you know nothing about the Chinese history, I was not talking about Qing dynasty, Qing was not a democracy just in case you don't know, I was talking about after the fall of Qing dynasty and China lost her centralized government and fell into chao after China adopted western democracy, every province became defacto independent and warlords of different regions started fighting against each other, those regional wars greatly damaged China's overall national strength and make foreign invasions possible.

Let me ask you this, how come China is people's republic? Do they even know what it means?
A vast majority of successful countries in the world are in one way or other democracies. I wouldn't call China developed, it is a middle income nation. China didn't face half as much as invasions like many countries in the region and the wealth largely remained in China. Maybe you really need to read your history clearly.
It's just a name, it's Chinese people's republic. China is not very developed , that's true, but how come PRC and India republic were founded at roughly same time, simlar GDP and population size but Now China's economy is 5 times of India and beats India in everey category of development?
You had a brief period of democracy followed by World war. In total, democracy lasted some 30 odd years. Stop making stupendous claims like it was disaster, you didn't give any time for it be a success or disaster. Mao simply switched to dictatorship after an illogical and bloody revolution.
Also, the notion that CCP build China into this is another propaganda claim, China was one of the largest economy during the Quing dynasty. It only went down following the Japanese invasion and the British taking advantage of your wealth. Simply, looting you left and right.
Since Mao came, China actually slowed down following a manufactured famine, which put you at least 20 years behind. China only started developing after it deregulated, i.e remove restriction put up by the communist party and opening up market to the west.

Why not? Am I wrong in any account? I'm only calling out the hypocrisy in your comment. You have no right to criticize Taiwan for being a democracy because in one way or other, it is the real people's republic.

Let me ask you this, how come China is people's republic? Do they even know what it means?
A vast majority of successful countries in the world are in one way or other democracies. I wouldn't call China developed, it is a middle income nation. China didn't face half as much as invasions like many countries in the region and the wealth largely remained in China. Maybe you really need to read your history clearly.
Well we would end up as another shithole like India. =)
u.s slaves always remain backwards taiwan should learn from situation of arab gcc countries

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