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Ex-Bangladeshi armyman arrested in India

Your 6000 BDR men are in jail for horrible crimes against your army officers, and you are calling Indian security agencies doing their duties jokers? I get it.

@ topic - what is the real deal here, was he illegally here, or legally and doing something else illegal? Why would he go to Bhuj of all places, its nowhere near BD. In any case he has been detained not arrested and charged, so we should not speculate until more info comes out.

Most important topic:::So are you saying that these jokers had something to do with the BDR mutiny??

@topic::Obviously he entered legally, or else it would have been mentioned that "he was arrested for illegally entering India and taken by SOG for further interrogation". India has a list of places that are restricted to foreigners and Bhuj is not one of them.
Tell me something, detaining a foreign businessman , under no valid ground, what kind of hospitality is that.
What is the charge against him. If he has not broken any laws, why was he arrested ?
Indians will support any hostile, unprovoked action their govt agencies would take anyone they deem to be inferior. This man has been arrested and it clearly says he was not found with anything. Until he is charged with any sort of crime, judgement based on prejudice should be equated to racism.
Matter of fact, the Ramu incidence has been condemned by most Bangladeshi, but I guess Indians don't play by the same rules, which makes us morally more superior.
Indians will support any hostile, unprovoked action their govt agencies would take anyone they deem to be inferior. This man has been arrested and it clearly says he was not found with anything. Until he is charged with any sort of crime, judgement based on prejudice should be equated to racism.
Matter of fact, the Ramu incidence has been condemned by most Bangladeshi, but I guess Indians don't play by the same rules, which makes us morally more superior.

Just to be clear, I do not support injustice carried out by indian security against any innocent.

I agree we do not know why he was detained for further questioning. I do not think he has been arrested.

Just the same way he can not be called a criminal at this stage because we do not have the data, bangladeshi posters calling our security agencies jokers indeed shows your moral superiority. Being strong in the verbal abuse department, the BD contingent here sure is morally superior.
and what exactly was the suspicious condition......

I wont be surprised if he turn out to be ISI agent as told by 'sources' to TOI..
Really surprising SOG is involved in arresting people,as far as i know spec ops involve in eliminating targets not arresting. Must be wrong reporting by the news agency.
"Shamim is expert in handling modern arms of defence forces". He is supposed to be ! Rather I would say he was trained in China and USA. As because most of our officers and Soldiers are trained in China, Pakistan and USA.
Now toilet news will find mythical links of terrorism and extremism with this guy. Inherent Indian character of deception in line with their chankya ideology.
Just to be clear, I do not support injustice carried out by indian security against any innocent.

I agree we do not know why he was detained for further questioning. I do not think he has been arrested.

Just the same way he can not be called a criminal at this stage because we do not have the data, bangladeshi posters calling our security agencies jokers indeed shows your moral superiority. Being strong in the verbal abuse department, the BD contingent here sure is morally superior.

Think sanely, a businessman, no criminal history, legally travelling to a place which is not restricted to foreigners , probably to find new opportunity , or to meet delegates there- I wonder what more data you need to figure out what kind professionalism or efficient they are in doing their job. In fact I think those jokers are corrupt officials also. They thought if BSF can take bribe and get rich from Bangladeshi, why not us.

Moral of the story: The jokers can also be stupid corrupt officials.
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