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Europe's Iranian Missile game plane!

remember the mission that U.S. done to kill usama bin laden.....they flew in your country and there was no air defence to detect and down them....so if you were not pakistani i might have accepted your word.....so please do not talk about technological ability....
Bro i accepting that Pakistan has no capability to defend from USA either, but your buddy/countrymen @Hack-Hook has false ego that no one can hurt your country from east or west
Only you have good in Air defense/BMs, and rest of your military Air force/Navy/army are junk
Even those jinks is enough.
By the way our drones is part of our airforce and USA could not detect those junks just 3-4km away.
And we are the only navy in the world that each of its sub even midget ones with a tonnage of 130 ton can fire antiship missiles and is equipped with torpedoes with the speed of more than 200km.
And the rest of the junks is enough to make others think twice .

Bro i accepting that Pakistan has no capability to defend from USA either, but your buddy/countrymen @Hack-Hook has false ego that no one can hurt your country from east or west
Exactly which part of what I said is wrong . didn't Donald Prince of orange had to scrap its plan to bomb iran just 10 min before the start of the operation ?
You guys have a problem that you think deterrence mean if war happen you win . no detterance mean the war won't happen because the cost of war unacceptable for your adversary even if they win and we have detterance and we have showed won't tolerate any attack on iran . something your government failed to show .
Even those jinks is enough.
By the way our drones is part of our airforce and USA could not detect those junks just 3-4km away.
And we are the only navy in the world that each of its sub even midget ones with a tonnage of 130 ton can fire antiship missiles and is equipped with torpedoes with the speed of more than 200km.
And the rest of the junks is enough to make others think twice .
radar with no ability to detect (software/algorithms) to detect stealthy drone and basically a anti ballistic missile system, what a feat achieved by Iran:lol::rofl::rofl:;):enjoy:
and they have no defense against your anti ship missiles like fighter jets on carriers, CIWS , RAM, evolved sea sparrow anti ship missiles defenses as well as electronic countermeasures, ECCM and EW on their ships
and your copycat HOOT aka Russian/Soviet SHKVAL are unguided rocket for last ditch weapon

Exactly which part of what I said is wrong . didn't Donald Prince of orange had to scrap its plan to bomb iran just 10 min before the start of the operation ?
You guys have a problem that you think deterrence mean if war happen you win . no detterance mean the war won't happen because the cost of war unacceptable for your adversary even if they win and we have detterance and we have showed won't tolerate any attack on iran . something your government failed to show .
If they want to attack Iran they don't need to come close to Iran but Fire few 100s CRUISE MISSILES from MEDITERRANEAN SEA and AND RAD SEA and all their Destroyers equipped with SM-6 and SM-3 anti ballistic missiles defense and you will capable to do nothing about USN in Mediterranean Sea/Red sea even in PERSIAN GULF
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HOw are they cocky or idiots when multiple countries, including EU are locked into disagreements with Trump currently? I mean CHina, EU, Japan and South Korea + other countries all currently have disagreements with Trump so whats the constant there? TRUMP.

Afterall, Iranians negotiated succesfully with Obama so that shows Iran can negotiate successfully with the US.

And you guys let GCC terrorists like Jaish Ul Adl + other sunni rebels hit Iran from your borders. sounds fair and balanced to me.

Pakistan ignores anti-Iranian terrorists to attract Saudi aids: Expert
Alwaght – Last week, a terrorist blast hit the Iranian border guards in the eastern province of Sistan and Baluchistan killing 27 and wounding a dozen others. The attack drew a strong reaction from the Iranian political and military officials. In the middle of the reactions, what caught the media focus was the remarks made by Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) chief Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari who said Tehran was “running out of patience with treacherous Saudi Arabia and the UAE”, both behind a string of terrorist attacks on Iranian forces. He said the Islamic Republic no longer holds the previous considerations and will directly take hard measures in retaliation of the “blood of our martyrs.”

Iranian officials in related and relatively similar stances accused neighboring Pakistan of harboring the anti-Iranian terrorist factions who every now and then assault the border posts in the country’s east. Bahram Qassemi, the spokesman to the Iranian foreign ministry, said on Sunday that the ministry summoned Pakistan’s ambassador to voice Tehran’s angry protest to Islamabad. The IRGC head already warned that Pakistan will “pay a high price” for its ignorance of anti-Iranian attacks launched from its territories.

Alwaght in an effort to elaborate on the case talked to Abbas Fayaz, an Iranian expert of the Indian Peninsula affairs.

The first question was about the reason behind IRGC chief’s direct attack at Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) as the agency involved in Zahedan city bombing. Mr Fayaz responded that among the powers in Pakistan, the army has the upper hand and inside the army, the strongest institution dominating the politicians and the state’s policies is the ISI which implements the policies of the army as the top policy-making body in politics and security matters. Directly addressing the ISI, the expert went on, General Jafari sent a message to Islamabad that the Islamic Republic is fully aware who the decision maker is in Pakistan on whether to ignore or block terror actions against its neighbor Iran.

“Well reception of the message can take Pakistan to respond positively to Iran’s demands to prevent the use of Pakistani soil by the attackers. As we saw, immediately after General Jafari’s comments, the Pakistani sides stated readiness to take joint actions against these factions and they started measures in the border areas to cleanse them.”

Asked why despite its friendly relations and acceptable level of cooperation with Iran, Pakistan does not eradicate the anti-Iranian factions on its soil and if other countries’ interests influenced this Pakistan behavior, Mr Fayaz answered that the ISI as the top intelligence force in the country has broad contacts with a number of Arab countries, distinctly with Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Internationally, the ISI is closely linked to the US Central Intelligence Service (CIA). The cooperation with the CIA has so far experienced many ups and downs, however, mainly when it comes to the Afghanistan case.

“Pakistan is not seeking damage to the Iranian interests”, the expert told Alwaght, adding “the Pakistani security men and politicians have no reason for hostility towards Iran. To put it another way, this Pakistani behavior is not a principal policy. Rather, it is encouraged by the country’s need for aids from the reactionary Arab regimes like Saudi Arabia. These regimes bankroll the terrorists hiding in Pakistan. The Pakistani officials, taking advantage of the generous Arab supports, turn a blind eye to the terror groups. This makes Pakistan a suitable launching pad for attacks against Iran.”

“Tehran repeatedly protested to Islamabad for assaults on its forces launched from the Pakistani lands but did not receive a proper response,” Alwaght reporter told Mr Fayaz. “Is Pakistan unable or unwilling to address such a demand?,” he asked.

The expert answered that Pakistan has not shown a fixed reaction to such protests. It sometimes cooperated with Tehran. “For example, it extradited a number of Rigi terrorist faction terrorists taking shelter in Pakistan territories. The Pakistanis also helped with the release of 5 out of 14 Iranian border forces abducted by the terrorists. But the important issue is that Pakistan has so far declined to take firm actions against them. The ISI apparently knows their whereabouts and can easily take actions. But the laxity with them is driven by the considerations the supporters of these groups, on top of them Saudi Arabia, want Pakistan to show so that Islamabad can enjoy their aids which do not come without expectations.

Alwaght asked the expert about the options at Iran’s disposal to prevent such attacks or respond to the agitators after the IRGC chief warned Tehran was losing patience with the terrorists’ backers. Responding, Mr Fayaz said there is no doubt that the Islamic Republic has huge capabilities in military, intelligence, and diplomatic areas, with the Iranian power of influence across the region not covert to anybody. “So far,” he said, “the Iranian policy has been based on respect to the neighbors and steering clear of tension escalation with them. Pakistan is no exception. This principle has been the main reason driving the Iranian patience with Pakistan security shortcomings. The terrorists have abused this Pakistani behavior and grew arrogant.”

According to Mr Fayaz, Iran apparently will look at all of the available choices and will further ask Islamabad to strongly step in against the anti-Iranian militias. But if Pakistan continues to show leniency with them, Iran’s hands are open for diplomatic actions through the international organizations, as well as reviewing its regional policy.

“Relying on its military might and regional intelligence dominance, Iran can itself take serious actions against the terrorism which is a legal right and compliant with the international law. Of course, the best choice is the Islamabad cooperation with Tehran to push back the terrorism risks from the region. We hope that the Pakistani side seriously pursues collaboration with Iran.”

Written by theiranproject for obvious reasons.

It's clear your confused! Over the past decade alone not a single year has gone by where Saudi sponsored Terrorist haven't used Pakistani soil to carry out attacks in Iran NOT ONE YEAR!
So if there are Iranian agents in Pakistan they are there for one reason and one reason alone and that's to try to stop these terrorist before they can carry out their attacks on Iranian soil because other than that Pakistan really has nothing that Iran would actually want to merit paying masses of ppl for support!

And it's also quite clear that your confusing Pakistani's who support Iran's policies with paid agents and I'm sorry to have to be the one who informs you that Iran is NOT Saudi Arabia and unlike Saudi Arabia the vast majority of none citizens who support Iran do so because Iran is on the right side of most issues and not because they are being paid to do so and unlike Saudi Agents who's morals are for sale to the highest bidder.

Here are some clear examples:
-Palestinian issue where Iran's had a consistent policy of supporting right over wrong and supporting and respecting the democratic process for Palestinians. Where the Saudi have flip flopped so much on the issue that most of their own supporters and paid agents are confused on who they support!
-Yemen a rather easy issue for anyone capable of independent thought and that is having one of the financially richest countries of the region bombing one of the financially poorest countries of the region and destroying what little infrastructure they had simply because they dared not to follow your politics is FLAT OUT WRONG!
-In Iraq supporting ISIS over the Iraqi government simply because they are a majority Shiite government ruling over a majority Shiite population.
-In Lebanon basically holding the prime minister of that country hostage until he agrees to do what you want and doing everything in your power to disrupt the democratic process in Lebanon
-Qatar getting all your allies to create a blockade against a country much smaller and weaker than you because they refused to be your puppets on every issue.
-In Egypt it was again the Saudi's who hijacked Egypt 1st attempt at a democracy with a military coup.
-In Syria things may not be as clear or easily visible for those who don't know any better simply because ~40% of Syrians are Sunni Arabs. However, when it comes to Syria Iran has again been on the front lines against ISIS in Syria and has stood against and has been the main hurdle against Israeli policies in Syria.

So you see the consistency in Iran's foreign policy is the main reason behind the support Iran gets abroad and so unlike the Saudi's Iran doesn't need to hand over cash for support!

1. False allegations about terrorists. Our government refused to send soldiers on behest of UAE and Saudi Arabia for the Yemen issue, what makes you think we would let their terorists stay to create trouble.

And you think fencing is only to stop terrorists from our side of the border. Are you fucking retarded or what.

2. You go on a rant about Saudi Arabia. I couldn't give two flying fucks about it all. Both Iran and Saudi Arabia have their hands dirty in blood over Sunni-Shia conflict.
radar with no ability to detect (software/algorithms) to detect stealthy drone and basically a anti ballistic missile system, what a feat achieved by Iran:lol::rofl::rofl:;):enjoy:
Again you showed your lack of knowledge, well if you knew better than Lockheed Martin
Enemy tactical ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and aircraft have met their match. Meet the Patriot Advanced Capability – 3 (PAC-3) interceptor – one of the most advanced, capable and powerful terminal air defense missiles in the world.
The Phased Array Tracking to Intercept of Target (PATRIOT) Advanced Capability-Three (PAC-3) program is an air-defense, guided missile system with long-range, medium- to high-altitude, all-weather capabilities. It is designed to counter tactical ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and advanced aircraft.

copycat HOOT aka Russian/Soviet SHKVAL are unguided rocket for last ditch weapon
its ages that hoot an Shkval can home on their target

If they want to attack Iran they don't need to come close to Iran but Fire few 100s CRUISE MISSILES from MEDITERRANEAN SEA and AND RAD SEA and all their Destroyers equipped with SM-6 and SM-3 anti ballistic missiles defense and you will capable to do nothing about USN in Mediterranean Sea/Red sea even in PERSIAN GULF
well , they don't do that and that show they can't do it , because it degrade their attack capabilities dramatically
And where its say its can able to detect stealthy drones according to your quotes

its ages that hoot an Shkval can home on their target
and give me the proofs that your Hoot is a guided torpedo, even Soviet/Russia (developer of Shkval) don't have the capability to put the seeker on its head, how can you, and how can you steer this torpedo which is traveling inside a cavity (empty space free of drag/bubble), don't troll yourself boy:rofl::lol::enjoy:

well , they don't do that and that show they can't do it , because it degrade their attack capabilities dramatically
Then you don't know about CMs technologies, sorry to say my boy, the more cruise missiles can travel more accurate they will become using TERCOM/DSMC (TERRAIN COMPARISON/DIGITAL SCENE MATCHING CORRELATION):p:;):enjoy:
And where its say its can able to detect stealthy drones according to your quotes
The drone was jet powered big drone in size of f-5.
The fact that the system could not detect it ,show how effective and devastating it can be.
and give me the proofs that your Hoot is a guided torpedo, even Soviet/Russia (developer of Shkval) don't have the capability to put the seeker on its head, how can you, and how can you steer this torpedo which is traveling inside a cavity (empty space free of drag/bubble), don't troll yourself boy:rofl::lol::enjoy:
Sorry you are talking about old version of the torpedo . later version of it can home on target .
And I don't care to explain to you how the newer version of the torpedo do that . if you are interested you can go and read about it . it's all open material and you can find it by some simple google search.
And where its say its can able to detect stealthy drones according to your quotes

and give me the proofs that your Hoot is a guided torpedo, even Soviet/Russia (developer of Shkval) don't have the capability to put the seeker on its head, how can you, and how can you steer this torpedo which is traveling inside a cavity (empty space free of drag/bubble), don't troll yourself boy:rofl::lol::enjoy:

Then you don't know about CMs technologies, sorry to say my boy, the more cruise missiles can travel more accurate they will become using TERCOM/DSMC (TERRAIN COMPARISON/DIGITAL SCENE MATCHING CORRELATION):p:;):enjoy:

It seems you dont understand the basic of this technology as you are completely wrong about that .
and give me the proofs that your Hoot is a guided torpedo, even Soviet/Russia (developer of Shkval) don't have the capability to put the seeker on its head, how can you, and how can you steer this torpedo which is traveling inside a cavity (empty space free of drag/bubble), don't troll yourself boy:rofl::lol::enjoy:
there are alternative ways, like wire guidance (i am not sure if it's the exact guidance method but it's a possibility).
also they don't really need a guidance due to their cavitation creating characteristic that limits transmission of sound waves in water resulting in their low profile appearance in sonar devices and it's relatively short range makes it almost impossible for target to dodge it.
there are alternative ways, like wire guidance (i am not sure if it's the exact guidance method but it's a possibility).
also they don't really need a guidance due to their cavitation creating characteristic that limits transmission of sound waves in water resulting in their low profile appearance in sonar devices and it's relatively short range makes it almost impossible for target to dodge it.
Shkval 2 can do maneuver . it do so by momentarily break out of cavitation around it and use of a vectored thrust and it's range is twice the original.
The drone was jet powered big drone in size of f-5.
The fact that the system could not detect it ,show how effective and devastating it can be.
Ah RQ-170 has only span of F-5 its length is much shorter Length: 14 ft 9 in (4.5 m), if it would coming toward PAC-3 (head on) then its extremely hard to detect from head on (front), if you know nothing about technology stay silent
RQ-170 and PAC-3 is not design to intercept stealthy drone, why you insist your crap again and again, do you know what is the design of RQ-170 is called
Sorry you are talking about old version of the torpedo . later version of it can home on target .
And I don't care to explain to you how the newer version of the torpedo do that . if you are interested you can go and read about it . it's all open material and you can find it by some simple google search.
And tell me how to steer it in empty space (no Air) only 2 options left it will have wire guideness which is effective only on short ranges (Few Kilometers) or TVC (Thrust Vectoring) which can be used at long ranges and what seeker head it utilized, Radar waves wont work in water, and SONAR (sound waves/acoustic) wont work in empty space (bubble ) Infrared waves absorb by water, can you tell me what seeker head Shkval or you copycat Hoot have, and by the way i know better than most of you guys which are blind with blind patriotism
It seems you dont understand the basic of this technology as you are completely wrong about that .
Can you answer these???
And tell me how to steer it in empty space (no Air) only 2 options left it will have wire guideness which is effective only on short ranges (Few Kilometers) or TVC (Thrust Vectoring) which can be used at long ranges and what seeker head it utilized, Radar waves wont work in water, and SONAR (sound waves/acoustic) wont work in empty space (bubble ) Infrared waves absorb by water, can you tell me what seeker head Shkval or you copycat Hoot have, and by the way i know better than most of you guys which are blind with blind patriotism

Shkval 2 can do maneuver . it do so by momentarily break out of cavitation around it and use of a vectored thrust and it's range is twice the original.
but it lack seeker head, can you answer these
what seeker head it utilized, Radar waves wont work in water, and SONAR (sound waves/acoustic) wont work in empty space (bubble ) Infrared waves absorb by water, can you tell me what seeker head Shkval or you copycat Hoot have, and by the way i know better than most of you guys which are blind with blind patriotism

there are alternative ways, like wire guidance (i am not sure if it's the exact guidance method but it's a possibility).
also they don't really need a guidance due to their cavitation creating characteristic that limits transmission of sound waves in water resulting in their low profile appearance in sonar devices and it's relatively short range makes it almost impossible for target to dodge it.
Thanks bro for that sensible logic, and yes your right about acoustic low profile of Hoot/Shkval against enemy SONARS but i thinks its only works well against single ship, against carrier battle groups where so many SONARS are around Destroyers/Subs/carrier own SONAR, it have more chances to being detected, just my cents bro:angel:
Ah RQ-170 has only span of F-5 its length is much shorter Length: 14 ft 9 in (4.5 m), if it would coming toward PAC-3 (head on) then its extremely hard to detect from head on (front), if you know nothing about technology stay silent
RQ-170 and PAC-3 is not design to intercept stealthy drone, why you insist your crap again and again, do you know what is the design of RQ-170 is called
pac-3 is designed to detect cruise missiles so drones fall in detection capabilities.
by the way if Pac-3 cant detect stealthy drones then mission accomplished our drones can take out every single air defense there and then nothing to stop our missiles.

so stop talking about something you don't knew shit about
And tell me how to steer it in empty space (no Air) only 2 options left it will have wire guideness which is effective only on short ranges (Few Kilometers) or TVC (Thrust Vectoring) which can be used at long ranges and what seeker head it utilized, Radar waves wont work in water, and SONAR (sound waves/acoustic) wont work in empty space (bubble ) Infrared waves absorb by water, can you tell me what seeker head Shkval or you copycat Hoot have, and by the way i know better than most of you guys which are blind with blind patriotism
you even didn't tried google search , to see how its done . world of advice dont insist on things you knew shit about

Can you answer these???
And tell me how to steer it in empty space (no Air) only 2 options left it will have wire guideness which is effective only on short ranges (Few Kilometers) or TVC (Thrust Vectoring) which can be used at long ranges and what seeker head it utilized, Radar waves wont work in water, and SONAR (sound waves/acoustic) wont work in empty space (bubble ) Infrared waves absorb by water, can you tell me what seeker head Shkval or you copycat Hoot have, and by the way i know better than most of you guys which are blind with blind patriotism
as i said don't talk about things you don't knew shit about

but it lack seeker head, can you answer these
what seeker head it utilized, Radar waves wont work in water, and SONAR (sound waves/acoustic) wont work in empty space (bubble ) Infrared waves absorb by water, can you tell me what seeker head Shkval or you copycat Hoot have, and by the way i know better than most of you guys which are blind with blind patriotism
it seems you even can't read the post itself , in that its explained how it works
so stop talk about things you don't knew shit about

Ah RQ-170 has only span of F-5 its length is much shorter Length: 14 ft 9 in (4.5 m), if it would coming toward PAC-3 (head on) then its extremely hard to detect from head on (front), if you know nothing about technology stay silent
RQ-170 and PAC-3 is not design to intercept stealthy drone, why you insist your crap again and again, do you know what is the design of RQ-170 is called

And tell me how to steer it in empty space (no Air) only 2 options left it will have wire guideness which is effective only on short ranges (Few Kilometers) or TVC (Thrust Vectoring) which can be used at long ranges and what seeker head it utilized, Radar waves wont work in water, and SONAR (sound waves/acoustic) wont work in empty space (bubble ) Infrared waves absorb by water, can you tell me what seeker head Shkval or you copycat Hoot have, and by the way i know better than most of you guys which are blind with blind patriotism

Can you answer these???
And tell me how to steer it in empty space (no Air) only 2 options left it will have wire guideness which is effective only on short ranges (Few Kilometers) or TVC (Thrust Vectoring) which can be used at long ranges and what seeker head it utilized, Radar waves wont work in water, and SONAR (sound waves/acoustic) wont work in empty space (bubble ) Infrared waves absorb by water, can you tell me what seeker head Shkval or you copycat Hoot have, and by the way i know better than most of you guys which are blind with blind patriotism

but it lack seeker head, can you answer these
what seeker head it utilized, Radar waves wont work in water, and SONAR (sound waves/acoustic) wont work in empty space (bubble ) Infrared waves absorb by water, can you tell me what seeker head Shkval or you copycat Hoot have, and by the way i know better than most of you guys which are blind with blind patriotism

Thanks bro for that sensible logic, and yes your right about acoustic low profile of Hoot/Shkval against enemy SONARS but i thinks its only works well against single ship, against carrier battle groups where so many SONARS are around Destroyers/Subs/carrier own SONAR, it have more chances to being detected, just my cents bro:angel:
sonars well have you heard how swedden Gotland-class submarine met Ronald Regan Aircraft carrier and virtually sank it in 2005 or how in 2006 chinese Song Class submarine surprised U.S.S. Kitty Hawk
and no its not how Shkval 2 work by the way even Germans have one such torpedo and guess what that also is steerable .
pac-3 is designed to detect cruise missiles so drones fall in detection capabilities.
by the way if Pac-3 cant detect stealthy drones then mission accomplished our drones can take out every single air defense there and then nothing to stop our missiles.

so stop talking about something you don't knew shit about
Oh my god, what a retard self proclaim shit expert you,re, who can't differentiate ABM system and Anti drone system which is newest forms of air defense mostly relying on short range air defense system, First most of Cruise missiles are non-stealthy Like Tomahwak/ALCM/ AGM-86/K-55/CJ-10 etc etc and less stealthy cruise missiles like Stom shadaw (aka Scalp) Tarus (Sweden/Germany) JASS-ER (USA) and Russian/Chinese equivalents, and tell me how many times Stealthy Cruise missiles in wars may be 2-3 times (in Syria/In Libya) and conventional Used since First Gulf war and they have relatively large RCS because they haven't plan-form alignments (aka stealth shaping/materials/coatings) they have vertical tails/ didn't their air intakes have S shape duct to hide turbine blades, and stealthy drones have no vertical tails/build upon stealth philosophy ( Plan-form alignments)/build for composite materials/coatings, don't shit in your pants again and again you self proclaim Missile expert

you even didn't tried google search , to see how its done . world of advice dont insist on things you knew shit about
I already did even you're not in the PDF forum, Shkval has no terminal guided, Its only guided by inertial navigation system, which take it to general direction of the target without any terminal guideness system, and there is no Shkval-2, Russian fail to develop replacement of Shkval, Shkval to is name of upgrade Shkval basically to its engines with TVC giving it better range/maneuverability/agility to original Shkval

it seems you even can't read the post itself , in that its explained how it works
so stop talk about things you don't knew shit about
You're acting like a 4 old year kid, who claims he knows everything about defense, you're nothing but you're
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