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Europe's Iranian Missile game plane!

You could say the Europeans are holding on to the JCPOA but you could argue that they are simply not taking any action. Since the US withdrew from the JCPOA the sanctions are back, even worse than before, and Iran waited one full year abiding by the rules for either the US to come back to the negotiation table or the Europeans to finally start implementing the mechanism you mentioned. But what have the Europeans done so far? Are they willing to circumvent US sanction? I have my doubts and most people in Iran too. According to the Iran poll by the University of Maryland 59% of Iranians that were asked in Oct. 2019 wanted Iran to leave the JCPOA. You might know some Iranians but the people living in Iran are actually affected by the sanctions and not quiet satisfied with Europe's inaction.

This doesnt mean u push europeans to the american side. And as far as i know its iran who doesnt want to negotiate before sanctions are lifted. Trump was interested and is interested in negotiations but iran wants sanctions lifted first, if sanctions are lifted then whats there to negotiate about. Seems the regime doesnt care much what the ppl face due to sanctions. France arranged a deal at UN sidelines but iran refused.
This doesnt mean u push europeans to the american side. And as far as i know its iran who doesnt want to negotiate before sanctions are lifted. Trump was interested and is interested in negotiations but iran wants sanctions lifted first, if sanctions are lifted then whats there to negotiate about. Seems the regime doesnt care much what the ppl face due to sanctions. France arranged a deal at UN sidelines but iran refused.
are u retard?? they obviously want something in exchange for negotiations otherwise there was a deal at the first place.
Thank god for my real life Pakistani friends. If i had only these interactions with Pakistanis then my views on Pakistani people would not be favorable!

I have Iranian friends as well. If I didn't have interaction with them, I would think Iranians are a bunch of over sensitive clowns who think their theocratic Government is a saint.

Literally all I said was that it's in Pakistan's interests as well that Iran does not possess nuclear weapons, and your replies...

"OuR lEaDeR mAdE a FaTwA." while uranium enriching continues.

"YoUr OpInIoN dOeS nOt MaTtEr."
are u retard?? they obviously want something in exchange for negotiations otherwise there was a deal at the first place.

That's what negotiations are for. U cant have sanctions removed even before negotiations. Trump also wanted to show off about his so called negotiation skills, so just meet him. Iranians instead chose to be cocky or idiots.
I have Iranian friends as well. If I didn't have interaction with them, I would think Iranians are a bunch of over sensitive clowns who think their theocratic Government is a saint.

Literally all I said was that it's in Pakistan's interests as well that Iran does not possess nuclear weapons, and your replies...

"OuR lEaDeR mAdE a FaTwA." while uranium enriching continues.

"YoUr OpInIoN dOeS nOt MaTtEr."

I don't know if you know this or not but Uranium enrichment at 5% does not equal Nuclear Weapons! There are these things out there called Nuclear power plants. Have you ever heard of them?

Iran developing nuclear-capable missiles, European powers warn UN
A letter sent by the UK, France and Germany says Iran tested a Shahab-3 missile variant "equipped with a manoeuvrable re-entry vehicle" that could deliver a nuclear weapon
& such activity is "inconsistent" with a resolution endorsing the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, it argues.

My Thoughts:

In Short the Europeans are complaining to the UN about Iran building more accurate re-entry vehicles for it's Shahab-3's!
Question to the Europeans should be why would Iran work on maneuverability and accuracy if they were truly intended to be armed with nukes????

As for the Missiles being "capable" of being armed with Nukes fact is if the U.S. managed to put nukes on artillery shell's & RPG's way back in the 50's then one can basically claim that based on known history of nuke's, any projectile capable of being armed with over a 100lb payload is basically capable of being armed with nukes! Since the W54 was only about 50lb https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W54 & the Davy Crockett weight in at under 80lb https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Davy_Crockett_(nuclear_device)

Unfortunately, this is what Iran gets for putting self imposed limitations on it's Ballistic Missile Program.
The Europeans are no longer complaining about Iran extending the ranges of it's BM's to ICBM level, they aren't complaining about the vast expansion in payload and warhead size, they aren't complaining about the increasing number of RV per missile. Today their hypocrisy has reached new heights that they are now complaining about the accuracy of Iranian missiles so now they are tying accuracy with nuclear capability when in reality a CEP and accuracy of a few kilometers would be sufficient for a nuclear payload so what would be the point of wasting money on accuracy?

An we Iranians need to think long and hard about Europe's current behavior towards our Missile Program today despite all our own self imposed restrictions on our missile program and we need to think long and hard on what would of happened to our Missile Program if the JCPOA had actually resulted Iran doubling the size of it's economy and U.S. and EU had waited for then to start this game with Iran's Missile Program and think how hard it would have been to keep our Missile program if Iranian public opinion had been totally fooled by short term riches and short terms gains of the JCPOA...
Well it's Iran response to it:
ELCETtnXUAcL60S.png ELCETtpWoAE5q--.png
Both play the same game by different tactics.
This doesnt mean u push europeans to the american side. And as far as i know its iran who doesnt want to negotiate before sanctions are lifted. Trump was interested and is interested in negotiations but iran wants sanctions lifted first, if sanctions are lifted then whats there to negotiate about. Seems the regime doesnt care much what the ppl face due to sanctions. France arranged a deal at UN sidelines but iran refused.
Trump is only interested in negotiating a completely new deal not the already existing deal that took seven countries two years to negotiate. This new deal would severely limit or even halt Iran's ballistic missile program which is Iran's most important and strategic means of deterrence against regional threats and thus not negotiable. Except for the US, all other countries that signed the JCPOA want the current deal to be reimplemented.

Since you like to bring up the people of Iran and speak on their behalf, let's look at what they actually think about these issues as of October 2019:
  • 69 % of Iranians asked were not confident that the P5+1 countries will live up to their obligations toward the nuclear deal
  • 59 % of Iranians think Iran should withdraw from the JCPOA, 32 % think Iran should stay committed
  • 74 % of Iranians support the recent government decision in response to the US withdrawal from the JCPOA
  • Regarding the European mechanism of trade with Iran that you mentioned: 46 % of Iranians don't think the Europeans are actually taking such steps, 25 % believe it's too little and too late, 17 % think it's a small step in the right direction and only 7 % think that it is an important development
  • 75 % of Iranians think Iran should agree to talks with Trump if the US returns to the JCPOA and lifts all sanctions
  • 60-63 % of Iranians oppose the idea of talks with Trump if only some of the sanctions are lifted
  • 72 % of Iranians think that the JCPOA experiment has shown that it is not worthwile for Iran to make concessions while only 21 % believe it is worthwile
  • 92 % of Iranians believe Iran's ballistic missile program is important and only 9 % believe Iran should halt its ballistic missile testing until after confidence is created
  • 68 % of Iranians oppose the idea of halting the ballistic missile program for some sanctions to be lifted by world powers
The link to the public opinion study:
It's in Pakistan's interests as well that Iran does not reach the point where it can possess nuclear weapons.

LOL! Wrong! Iran having a nuclear program is most definitely in Pakistan's interest. Right after Iraq's nuclear program was bombed backed to the stone ages the only other Muslim country with a nuclear program to obsess over at that time was Pakistan and that's why Pakistan handed centrifuge technology to Iran to help Iran kickoff an enrichment program so they can get the American off their backs because they knew Iran having any type of indigenous enrichment program is something Americans will be blinded by and would obsess over which would move Pakistan out of their priority list!!!! And it's no different today, Iran having an enrichment program that may have the potential of building nukes deters the Americans from obsessing's over Pakistan. So an Iranian nuclear program with or without nukes is in Pakistans interests.
Europe is by defacto, owned and controlled by Zionist-Swines. At least the major European powers such as Britain, France and Germany are 100% owned and controlled. So to expect anything other than deceit or lies from the collective Zionist-West, is not only foolish but also ridiculously naive. Those self-proclaimed liberal, allegedly educated fools in the East, that think Iran, Pakistan or any other Muslim country could have friendship with these swine's in the West, are truly deluded and should labelled as confounded buffoons for holding such a view.
In reality, Iran already has the capability to strike Berlin, Rome, maybe even Paris and London with an IRBM version of the Khorramshahr. The only modification is to swap out the deliberately excessive 1500 kg warhead with something like a 500 kg warhead. It is only a question of when/if Iran tests this capability to make it official. For now, Iran has opted for restraint.
LOL! Wrong! Iran having a nuclear program is most definitely in Pakistan's interest. Right after Iraq's nuclear program was bombed backed to the stone ages the only other Muslim country with a nuclear program to obsess over at that time was Pakistan and that's why Pakistan handed centrifuge technology to Iran to help Iran kickoff an enrichment program so they can get the American off their backs because they knew Iran having any type of indigenous enrichment program is something Americans will be blinded by and would obsess over which would move Pakistan out of their priority list!!!! And it's no different today, Iran having an enrichment program that may have the potential of building nukes deters the Americans from obsessing's over Pakistan. So an Iranian nuclear program with or without nukes is in Pakistans interests.

It was the case when we weren't a Nuclear power. Not now. A nuclear armed Iran is a threat to us and Saud Arabia due to tensions that remain ever since the regime change.

The Iran of 1965 gave Pakistan F-86 Sabres, the Iran of today gave Pakistan RAW agents and terrorists.
Well it's Iran response to it:
View attachment 593234 View attachment 593235
Both play the same game by different tactics.

I wouldn't call this a game for Iran! It may be a game for them because it would make no real difference for them either way, however, for us (Iran) it's a direct threat and it threatens everything from our economy to our security and our independence.

And today Europeans have not only failed to live up to their own commitments under the JCPOA but they have gone so low as to claim Iran improving the accuracy of it's conventional RV's somehow increases their nuclear capability when in reality it's the complete opposite. And their hypocrisy today has reached a point where they act as if they are doing us a favor by staying in the JCPOA as if the JCPOA somehow isn't a mechanism to keep Iran's Nuclear Program in check!

It was the case when we weren't a Nuclear power. Not now. A nuclear armed Iran is a threat to us and Saud Arabia due to tensions that remain ever since the regime change.

The Iran of 1965 gave Pakistan F-86 Sabres, the Iran of today gave Pakistan RAW agents and terrorists.

O' I get it now your true country is Saudi Arabia not Pakistan! since they pay your bill's I'm guessing....
I wouldn't call this a game for Iran! It may be a game for them because it would make no real difference for them either way, however, for us (Iran) it's a direct threat and it threatens everything from our economy to our security and our independence.

And today Europeans have not only failed to live up to their own commitments under the JCPOA but they have gone so low as to claim Iran improving the accuracy of it's conventional RV's somehow increases their nuclear capability when in reality it's the complete opposite. And their hypocrisy today has reached a point where they act as if they are doing us a favor by staying in the JCPOA as if the JCPOA somehow isn't a mechanism to keep Iran's Nuclear Program in check!

O' I get it now your true country is Saudi Arabia not Pakistan! since they pay your bill's I'm guessing....

Even without them, the nutcase sitting in Iran is a threat. Like I said, today's Iran has given us RAW agents and terrorists. Nothing else.
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