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European Roma descended from India

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Not just former Soviet Republics but majority of East European countries. Many Soviet former Soviet Republics saw inter-ethnic tension not just with Russians but others too. After the end of Communism many multi-ethnic East Europeans countries could not survive as a nation. In Macedonia, the Macedonians were not ready to accept the promotion of minority Albanian language. Slovaks have issues with minority Hungarians. While Bosnia-Herzegovina has ethnicity based presidency which rotates between three ethnicities.

erm...that is not a majority :P

Macedonia was the case of them not letting the Albanians make an underground resistance similar to what they did in Kosovo. Albanians dream of Great Albania which would consist of the state of Albania, Kosovo and a good chunk of Macedonia where they form 40% minority if i am not mistaken. Well, at least they did in those days when NATO was their airforce.

Bosnia and Hezegovina animosity goes way back, literally centuries....hass to do with Serbian hate for Ottoman influenced Bosnians etc...and coupled with the Balkan mentality of being quick on the draw and and no compromise it was what it was. A bloody war. In came the Croats who at the time had a very "ambitious" president, Franjo Tudjman who after repeling Serbs in Croatia, wanted to achieve as much territorial gains in Bosnia for Bosnian Croats.
The rotation of the presidency and a virtual partition of the country into ethnically administered areas was the only way to stop the slaughter. It's a loose federation now, with no real common foreign/defense policy....They mostly each keep to themselves

I couldn't comment on Slovak-Hungarian issue because i don't know anything about it. But i'd imagine it has something to do with newly found power and not knowing what to do with it in the way it benefits all.

Roma people are part of Europe since centuries. their backwardness is failure of European civilization. if they are not integrated socially, European society must take the blame.

Quote of the month. Unbeliavable....:omghaha: Apart from the first sentence, everything is LOL!

I believe its the benefits to the citizens that every country's government provides.

I don't understand. To provide what? They get everything.....but they reject it, or better put, they accept only the good stuff...shuning education. Elementary school is mandatory by law, not my fault they don't learn and have no interest to continue forward to middle school and maybe a decent job.
That might explain their behavior... :lol: :omghaha:

Hey troll, greats like Charlie Chaplin descended from them. They are from North west India i.e largely present day Pakistan, known for going to each country and asking aid.
That might explain their behavior... :lol: :omghaha:

What about your behavior. I heard you guys are told by other Pakistanis to return back to India where you came from. :cheesy:
erm...that is not a majority :P

Macedonia was the case of them not letting the Albanians make an underground resistance similar to what they did in Kosovo. Albanians dream of Great Albania which would consist of the state of Albania, Kosovo and a good chunk of Macedonia where they form 40% minority if i am not mistaken. Well, at least they did in those days when NATO was their airforce.

I read about some Albanian language university founded in Albanian majority areas of Macedonia but Macedonians didn't want to recognize such university. While Greeks blamed Macedonians of stealing their heritage.

I am aware of Balkans and the Republika Srpska in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
I read about some Albanian language university founded in Albanian majority areas of Macedonia but Macedonians didn't want to recognize such university. While Greeks blamed Macedonians of stealing their heritage.

I am aware of Balkans and the Republika Srpska in Bosnia-Herzegovina.


As for the Greeks, well, i wouldn't dare say who is correct. here's the map, the region known as Macedonia is now spread among three countries.


Whole thing would probably be a non issue if bragging rights to Alexander the Great weren't involved.
Hey troll, greats like Charlie Chaplin descended from them. They are from North west India i.e largely present day Pakistan, known for going to each country and asking aid.

Thread said they are from Hindu Punjab and Kashmir :lol:

One on side respect and on another disrespecting gyspies?
Thread said they are from Hindu Punjab and Kashmir :lol:

One on side respect and on another disrespecting gyspies?

Where I had disrespected Gypsies??

I said those things about Pakistan, I literally pulled your pants and you are still laughing. Pakistan came into existence in 1947.
Interesting, though I am not surprised.
Thread said they are from Hindu Punjab and Kashmir :lol:

One on side respect and on another disrespecting gyspies?

Whole of Punjab was Hindu Punjab at that time.

Thanks a lot for not relating Kashmir with Pakistan, you have made a true point here.


As for the Greeks, well, i wouldn't dare say who is correct. here's the map, the region known as Macedonia is now spread among three countries.


Whole thing would probably be a non issue if bragging rights to Alexander the Great weren't involved.

Macedonians during Alexander's time were not Slavs.
Macedonians during Alexander's time were not Slavs.

Well i can't argue with that, but be pragmatic, they were part of ex-Yu as Socialist Federal Republic of Macedonia. What other name could they choose?
No, i would not say that. I would say the children need to be taken away and put into a proper home. Stop putting words in my mouth to advance your agenda.

Ah, so now i'm a racist when i pour you a cup of clear wine. Classy, that gypsy attitude of spinning is slowly showing itself.As for welfare scammer and parasite. More words in my mouth. Surely you won't imply they are constructive members of society?

lol, no. In the old days, the more children you had, meant the more money you would rake in once they are old enough to beg, steal etc...or work honestly....in either case lots of children is a consequence of no contraception.

Well, ofcourse you don't. You are who you are after all.

The question is not in fertility, but in your attitude towards life. Women go to work so they can provide their share towards a decent home, car etc....

The sentence below basically says it all about you, the black and white world you live in and the bubble in which you cocooned yourself with thinking how evil Yuropeans are the bane of gypsies......and the poor gypsies are innocents who love their children so much they send them begging daily.

no you are not racist but you say such things. im 30 years old and still single not married and dont have children
i already wrote certain ethnic Groups are overly represented by certain crimes, for gypsies it is theft and fraud. certain muslim Groups for example are overly represented in the rape statistics of europe. and the Profile of a Amok mass killer is White, like School shooter. also the famous pedophiles are White, josef fritzel who raped his own daughter, there is even a dutch pedophile Party and the founder was arressted for possessing child ****. gypsy crime is not worst then other crime.
i already wrote certain ethnic Groups are overly represented by certain crimes, for gypsies it is theft and fraud. certain muslim Groups for example are overly represented in the rape statistics of europe. and the Profile of a Amok mass killer is White, like School shooter. also the famous pedophiles are White, josef fritzel who raped his own daughter, there is even a dutch pedophile Party and the founder was arressted for possessing child ****. gypsy crime is not worst then other crime.

Sure, there's just so much crime per capita it is disproportionate. And Fritzl, the bastard he was, only "damaged" a handful of people, actions of gypsies touch many more....

Here son, i suppose you speak German, since you're in Austria-250 gypsies in one building, 400 fellonies attributed-more then 1 per person:

A man in Spain ran over a gypsy girl, rendered her unconscious without permanent injury and was riddled with eleven bullet holes for it.


You can use translate function.

paper from the 1900's talking about the issue how gypsies don't send their kids to school-how things have changed in over a century haven't they? o wait, they didn't...


#edit: i actually wanted to apologize for my yesterday's semi rude behaviour, but then i thought to myself, why the fuck should i do that! I'm only telling you real life stories, not my problem you are part of the story!
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Sure, there's just so much crime per capita it is disproportionate. And Fritzl, the bastard he was, only "damaged" a handful of people, actions of gypsies touch many more....

Here son, i suppose you speak German, since you're in Austria-250 gypsies in one building, 400 fellonies attributed-more then 1 per person:

here son, a man in Spain ran over a gypsy girl, rendered her unconscious without permanent injury and was riddled with eleven bullet holes for it.

You can use translate function.

Now run along to your Indian cousins crying foul....

those gypsy neighbourhood Looks primitive, they leave trash and are naughty to thei neighbours. the neighbours dont like them. they also **** and **** on the floor. but if they are 250 People some will do that probably, im sure not all do that. all gypsies i know use regulary the toilett. and gypsies can be violent but they are usually not characterised by violence or Shootings etc. they are charatericised by fraud using to cheat rather then brute force. they can be sometimes violent like everyone else. also you can cherry pick as many News articles you want but since i live in Austria i read and watch daily about crimes commited by White People including incestous rape and murder. Gypsies are naughty to the neighbours but Fritzl is a Monster who raped his own daughter. Also europeans are characterised overproportionally (more then anywhere else in the world) by ethnic cleansing, genocide and industrial killings. im sure if you compare the misdeeds of europeans with that of gypsies the europeans are worse. it is disproportionate crimes but it is a characteristic crime or a typical crime for that Population.
there are other things like corruption etc. which are common for example in eastern europe, you can pay a Police man so he wont fine you for driving drunk for example often. you can pay doctors so you would get preferential Treatment etc. eastern europe is corrupt to the core and those are Whites not gypsies. a wealthy Person is chief in eastern europe. also Prostitution is characteristic for eastern european women like ukranian or russian
those gypsy neighbourhood Looks primitive, they leave trash and are naughty to thei neighbours. the neighbours dont like them. they also **** and **** on the floor. but if they are 250 People some will do that probably, im sure not all do that. all gypsies i know use regulary the toilett. and gypsies can be violent but they are usually not characterised by violence or Shootings etc. they are charatericised by fraud using to cheat rather then brute force. they can be sometimes violent like everyone else. also you can cherry pick as many News articles you want but since i live in Austria i read and watch daily about crimes commited by White People including incestous rape and murder. Gypsies are naughty to the neighbours but Fritzl is a Monster who raped his own daughter. Also europeans are characterised overproportionally (more then anywhere else in the world) by ethnic cleansing, genocide and industrial killings. im sure if you compare the misdeeds of europeans with that of gypsies the europeans are worse. it is disproportionate crimes but it is a characteristic crime or a typical crime for that Population.
there are other things like corruption etc. which are common for example in eastern europe, you can pay a Police man so he wont fine you for driving drunk for example often. you can pay doctors so you would get preferential Treatment etc. eastern europe is corrupt to the core and those are Whites not gypsies. a wealthy Person is chief in eastern europe. also Prostitution is characteristic for eastern european women like ukranian or russian

You are trying to justify it in through the lens of past transgressions made by "whites". What i'm debating is going on right now, no genocide is happening atm is it?
How many stories of incest rape after Fritzl you heard of? Daily is it? Please....

i edited post above, please go and take a look, even a hundred years ago they talked about the same things as i'm talking now. Wheel for progress my ass.
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