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European Roma descended from India

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My bad,it was the 10th century...."The Romani ethnonym was first mentioned by Emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos (r. 912–959)"

No,i have nothing against gypsies marying whites or racial mixing,i don't believe that "white power" stuff.
You see the problem with gypsies is not that they are indians(it would be great if they resembled most indians in Europe) but that they are indians from the 10th century stuck in that mentality. ;)

Maybe You dont but lots of People do. Especially right wing Europeans and Parties.

During communist times they were given free houses by the regime who desperately tried to integrate them.After the communists fell,they sold the pipes for scrap and brought horses into the buildings....horses in apartments for pete's sake!!! In highschool my brother had a rich gypsie friend,we were invited to dine at his grandious villa but innside they were cooking on the floor,i excused myself and left...i was told that they were very offended.

Sry to tell you but most gypsies live like this:

Unfortunately the authorities are forced to separate them from civilisation.When everything fails you resort to some extreme measures.

that they were cooking on the floor is maybe a cultural difference by very traditonal roma, japanese eat on the floor for example, but i dont cook on the floor and neither does any of my relatives. they cook in the kitchen. well during communism they were integrated, in hungary 80% were employed. the big majority.
Id like to post a few Pictures as represantive of Roma Phenotype.




it is about a roma
Girl from Kosovo who goes to india to find her roots. the Speaker says
she passes as any other Indian Girl. and the roma Girl says she would
feel at home in india because no one makes fun of her Skin colour and
all are like her.

here you can find the studies to Romani People
A Genetic Genealogy Community • View topic - New Genome-wide Study on European Roma

link to denikers anthropology book
the races of man an outline of anthropology and ethnography - Joseph Deniker - Google Books
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Indian Couple on Romani Radio

9:20 "similar culture makes us like a brotherhood" says the indian
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Firangis are the biggest criminals in the history of man. A venereal disease that has been responsible for the death of million. With that being said, gypsies are NOT Indian. To the idiots in this forum who believe they are, quit fooling yourself. They are criminals, european criminals.
Firangis are the biggest criminals in the history of man. A venereal disease that has been responsible for the death of million. With that being said, gypsies are NOT Indian. To the idiots in this forum who believe they are, quit fooling yourself. They are criminals, european criminals.

you are a faggot
I feel sorry for you gypsies, that you are related to the Indians.
Dude, even your Indian Punjabis are dark as hell. Get a grip.

When did I say they are not? Most Punjabis (Pakistanis/Indians) are dark skinned in comparison to Euro population.

According to genetic studies, Romas originated from Punjab region which includes Pakistan too. So feel sorry for them, sure :lol:

Multilocus comparison of classical genetic markers [13] showed strong affinities of the Roma with Rajput and Punjabi populations from North-Western India. Additional genetic evidence relating the Roma populations to this geographical area comes from the study of a private mutation causing primary congenital glaucoma in the Roma which has been also described in a family belonging to the Jatt, an ethnic group of Indo-Aryan descent from the Pakistani Punjab province [14].
When did I say they are not? Most Punjabis (Pakistanis/Indians) are dark skinned in comparison to Euro population.

According to genetic studies, Romas originated from Punjab region which includes Pakistan too. So feel sorry for them, sure :lol:

Punjabis aint that dark in Pakistan as Punjabis in India.

A lot of people that live in Pakistani Punjab are not even Punjabis. Go figure.

But Sikhs are some dark *** pointy nosed dudes in Indian Punjab.

That's what I've seen.
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