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Eurofighter ahead in IAF deal set to pip $10bn deal

Eurofighter costs 3x more than the cheap contenders like Mig-35. Then there is the cost of maintenance and spare parts which is going to be "the gift that keeps on giving."

Also I noticed that IAF is not too happy about LCA as if LCA totally fails their requirements. They already adjusted their requirements for LCA upwards many times. And now they are still not happy.

If India goes this route it shows that its strategic intention is to seek parity with China at all costs to the economy. And this "parity" is a moving target because China's progress is far faster than New Delhi expected.

So it's basically going to spend itself into the ground just like USSR. Nice! :china:

May be in your wildest dreams:D
Also I noticed that IAF is not too happy about LCA as if LCA totally fails their requirements.
what makes you think so........
They already adjusted their requirements for LCA upwards many times. And now they are still not happy
Can you point out the requirements IAF have adjusted for LCA...:disagree:
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Incidentally, the IAF ‘top guns’ - after trials at home and abroad - were said to be in favour of Swedish Saab’s Gripen fighters. Boeing’s ‘Super Hornet’ also reportedly gave a tough fight to be among the top four. The Eurofighter is said to be the costliest jet among the competitors.

Its not surprising that IAF found Gripen NG good as it can come in the way of LCA mk II. EFT is costliest because it is most capable and advanced, has huge potential in future. If Eurofighter GmBH is ready to offer 126 EFT for the price than what is wrong being costliest? Silly argument!
The only thing going for Typhoon is that it has the Lowest RCS among all 4.5 gen fighters and it is the best Air superiority platform by far available in the mmrca, along with the only one apart from Mig35 offering 3D Thrust vectoring , It also is capable of Super Cruise in light weapons load , Current T2 Typhoon are not capable in Air to Ground Role But T3 variant being offered to India will be fully Integrated with Paveway LGB Kits and Storm Shadow / Scalp Air launched Cruise Missile which Indian Air force is very much Interested in becoz of Its ability to deliver a 400 Kg payload over 250 Km Now this payload can be Nuclear Capable which would be very Beneficial to Strategic Nuclear Command
As per My Info The main role for the mmrca fighter is ground attack with secondary Air superiority role
In future with phase out of Mirage 2000 , these fighters are also expected to be used for nuclear delivery unless SNC manages to convince MOD to purchase 40 Bombers for them
The only thing going for Typhoon is that it has the Lowest RCS among all 4.5 gen fighters and it is the best Air superiority platform by far available in the mmrca, along with the only one apart from Mig35 offering 3D Thrust vectoring , It also is capable of Super Cruise in light weapons load , Current T2 Typhoon are not capable in Air to Ground Role But T3 variant being offered to India will be fully Integrated with Paveway LGB Kits and Storm Shadow / Scalp Air launched Cruise Missile which Indian Air force is very much Interested in becoz of Its ability to deliver a 400 Kg payload over 250 Km Now this payload can be Nuclear Capable which would be very Beneficial to Strategic Nuclear Command
As per My Info The main role for the mmrca fighter is ground attack with secondary Air superiority role
In future with phase out of Mirage 2000 , these fighters are also expected to be used for nuclear delivery unless SNC manages to convince MOD to purchase 40 Bombers for them

Thought the French Rafale had the lowest RCS, the good news is India is seeking to get single crystal blade technology if it goes with the Eurofighter we must get as much tech transfer as we can.
As per My Info The main role for the mmrca fighter is ground attack with secondary Air superiority role
In future with phase out of Mirage 2000...

Exactly and that's why the Rafale is the obvious choice! It is not an air superiority fighter like the EF, or MKI but designed for air defense and strikes. Not to mention that it is an evolution of the Mirage 2000, which makes it to the logical replacement in role as well and will take over all the weapons that the upgraded M2K-5s will have.
Btw, Storm Shadow, or other A2G missiles are still not cleared for EF T3 and will depend on what weapons UK and ITA wants to integrate on their F35s.
The EF is excellent for A2A, but only average so far in A2G and needs many changes to be really good in this role. F16IN, Rafale and F18SH are clearly better in this role, to some extend even the Gripen NG.
The accurate of this report is questionable. But if it is true, then India has decided to go from 2.5% GDP military spending up to 3.5% or 4% GDP military spending. It is ready to spend itself into the ground to beef itself up against perceived threats from China. (China spends at 1.5% to 2%.) Perhaps J-20 has something to do with its perceptions.

In any case, increase spending just means India will have even more domestic problems when economic crisis hits as Haq's Musing has pointed out.

You have no idea where Indian economy stands...

Indian defence budget for this yrs is $32 Billion.
Indian GDP nominal = $1367.22Billion
Which comes out to 2.3% of GDP.

This Financial year FY 2010-11 Indian economy is expected to grow at 9%.
From next yr(FY 2011-12).. it is expected to grow at 10%.

So even India maintains its current GDP to Defence expenditure ratio ..Indian defence budget will growing at 10 % every yr.

Now Euro fighter deal will cost around $11 Billion ..even if all fighter are procured in short span of 12 yrs, from the day deal is signed..India will shelling less than $1 billion a year. Which is 1/35 the amount of next yrs Defence budget(assuming the deal is signed in FY 2011-12 and India defence budget grows by 10%)
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By the time the $10 or $12 billion deal for MMRCA delivers the first plane it will be 2013. IN 2013 india,s defense budget will around $38-$40 billion based upon 2.5% of GDP defense budget.

By the time the last Typhoon or MMRCA is delivered in 2021 Indian annual defense budget will be $65 billlion +

On other words its no big deal $$$$
i can see the SH winning even with no full ToT. It is just a very capaable and undeaniably the most combat experienced aircraft being offered in the MMRCA. IAF going for EF is justified, but ruling our SH on the basis of ToT is completely absurd. If the babus were smart then we could go for 126 EF, 74 SH or 126 SH, 74 EF....
Guys and Gals this video represent why India should go for Euro-Fighter

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i can see the SH winning even with no full ToT. It is just a very capaable and undeaniably the most combat experienced aircraft being offered in the MMRCA. IAF going for EF is justified, but ruling our SH on the basis of ToT is completely absurd. If the babus were smart then we could go for 126 EF, 74 SH or 126 SH, 74 EF....

if IAF looking for fast induction and best proven tech then SH should be awarded the MMRCA....

TOT could be still lesser but i still think it's will be a win-win situation considering the potential of SH..

there is no doubt the US made the best weapons..
SH is a fat piece of US old designed relic India should never pick this junk
go n google a bit before posting ......

sh is still under production for us and austrlia..:disagree:

yes and have u read what Australia thinks of it's F18 S/H ?:disagree:

The F/A-18A is Australia's air combat fighter, acquired to provide an air superiority aircraft to replace the Mirage IIIO series. When acquired it was the most capable fighter in the region. It has since been joined by two understrength squadrons of F/A-18F Super Hornets.

The acquisition of Russian designed Sukhoi Su-27SK and Su-30MK series fighters by most regional nations now presents an environment where the F/A-18A/B/F is outclassed in all key performance parameters. With the remaining fatigue life in Australia's F/A-18A fleet to expire over the next decade, a costly program to replace fuselage centre barrels has been initiated to stretch the life of these aircraft. Radar, electronic warfare, guided weapon and missile upgrades are now in progress.


F18 is a naval designed fighter which is a fat and lacks air superiority the only thing saving it is the radar and the air to ground operations which is superior.
In summary, the Flanker outperforms the Super Hornet decisively in aerodynamic performance. What advantage the Super Hornet now has in the APG-79 radar will vanish in coming years as Russian AESAs emerge. The one area in which the Flanker currently trails the Super Hornet is in radar signature (stealth) performance. The Super Hornet has inlet geometry shaping, inlet tunnel S-bends, and an AESA shroud all of which reduce its forward sector signature well below that of the Flanker.

In the short term, this is an advantage the Super Hornet retains, with the caveat that external stores put hard limits on signature improvement for the Super Hornet. However, Russian researchers have done some excellent work over the last decade in absorbent materials and laminate techniques for radar signature reduction, which offer the potential for the Flanker to achieve similar signature reduction to the F/A-18E/F. If funded, a reduced signature Flanker is feasible in the next half decade.

In conclusion, the Flanker in all current variants kinematically outclasses the Super Hornet in all high performance flight regimes. The only near term advantage the latest Super Hornets have over legacy Flanker variants is in the APG-79 AESA and radar signature reduction features, an advantage which will not last long given highly active ongoing Russian development effort in these areas. The supercruising Al-41F engine will further widen the performance gap in favour of the Flanker. What this means is that post 2010 the Super Hornet is uncompetitive against advanced Flankers in BVR combat, as it is now uncompetitive in close combat.

F/A-18E/F Super Hornet vs. Sukhoi Flanker

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