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EU says Turkey must do more

Ok, so i was wrong/out of date with sources. My bad. Still doesn't mean Poland has a sick economy which is the gist of this debate.
If you find anything that will support this view bring it "down" to my league and we will discuss it.

My man , lets discuss in a civil manner.
The biggest note i will give you about poland is this, their yearly budget revenue is just below 90 billion dollars.
Their public debt is lets say 50% of their gdp. Their gdp is 530 billion thus they have a public debt of 265 billion dollar.

Now i couldn't find any reliable source about the interst they pay for their debt. But for comparison a triple a noted country like the Netherlands paid last year 2,4 % interest for their debt. Poland is not a triple a country, but a ( -a noted country . I think you as well as I know that they would be paying at least 5% interest over their debt. 5% of 265 billion is 13 billion dollar.

now really thell me. Are these figures good for a country. Do you actually think that poland can survive with these figures and not get in line after spain greece cyprus italy?

I foresee that Poland will not be able to fullfill their payments in the near future if something does not drasticly change.

And they are one credit note away before they fall from A note to a B note, can you comprehend the outflow of foreign capital when that happns?
i could say the same to you but i wont cause you are one.
Merkels party the CDU proposed a ''privileged partnership'' between the EU and Turkey,like they did with Norway and Switserland.
Merkel Calls for New Talks With Turkey on EU Role - WSJ.com

So ritardus idiotus adius,still convinst you are right?
Nobody cares about those date s,the outcome will stay the same genius.
Btw look at the date.

UK was told there would be no special partnerships like it is with Switzerland. If UK can't get it, neither will Turkey.
The link you provide tells how the position of Merkel's party is a long standing one, but it doesn't elaborate if they came to it before or after they expressed disatisfaction with Switzerland's status.
I think you as well as I know that they would be paying at least 5% interest over their debt. 5% of 265 billion is 13 billion dollar.

5% is Spain and Italy with alarm bells ringing, not Poland.

Key words for searching is "bond rate". Below is chart for Poland for 10 year bonds:



And this one for Turkey:



The interest matters only if your growth can't support it. You can pay 8% but if you grow at 9% it should still work out.
My man last year (2012) they averaged an 5% so again i was right:)
Who makes the best cars?

In no particular order:

Germany, Japan and South Korea.

The Germans will always have the advantage of BMW and Mercedes but this is for Germany only and not for the rest of the EU.
Turkey's current public debt is 278 billion dollar. Turkey paid 8,5% interest. Debt 8,5% is 23, 63 interest paid in 2012 , revenue was 210 billion dollar , thus interest paid is 11 % of turkey's revenues.

Poland's current public debt is 295 billion dollar. Poland paid 5% interest. Debt 5 % is 14,75 interest paid in 2012, revenue was 89 billion dollar, thus interest paid is 16,5% of Poland's revenues.

You see i put much effort in this and if this still does not proof that Poland is nowhere near Turkey I give up.
By the way i just read. At the end of march poland already has a budget deficit of 1,5% of their gdp.
Plz from this moment do not insist that poland is economicly in a better situation then Turkey.
Turkey's current public debt is 278 billion dollar. Turkey paid 8,5% interest. Debt 8,5% is 23, 63 interest paid in 2012 , revenue was 210 billion dollar , thus interest paid is 11 % of turkey's revenues.

Poland's current public debt is 295 billion dollar. Poland paid 5% interest. Debt 5 % is 14,75 interest paid in 2012, revenue was 89 billion dollar, thus interest paid is 16,5% of Poland's revenues.

You see i put much effort in this and if this still does not proof that Poland is nowhere near Turkey I give up.

You dont have to prove anything to anyone mate..European Union Energy Commissioner Günther Oettinger made a good point once and said ""EU will 'come to Turkey its knees and say, join us.' We just need to focus on our economy and keep growing..Forum posters opinions are not really that important
You dont have to prove anything to anyone mate..European Union Energy Commissioner Günther Oettinger made a good point once and said ""EU will 'come to Turkey its knees and say, join us.' We just need to focus on our economy and keep growing..Forum posters opinions are not really that important

Well you're right , if he still insists on to defend his stance after all the info i gave, I will stop the discussion anyway it will lead to nowhere.
UK was told there would be no special partnerships like it is with Switzerland. If UK can't get it, neither will Turkey.
The link you provide tells how the position of Merkel's party is a long standing one, but it doesn't elaborate if they came to it before or after they expressed disatisfaction with Switzerland's status.
Thats the best you can do?
Read carefully before commenting.
I should realy call you a retard,UK is a member who wants out of the EU unlike Turkey and Switserland (no members)thats why they said no to the UK.
So whos buttthurrt now radio?
Next time try trolling somewhere else,your not even worth to comment on.

I guess the 99 in your name stands for your birthyear.
The world of 1929 is not the same as the world of 2013.

There are no more colonies to exploit with large defenceless third world countries like India and China to pillage.

As for not being able to grow when you reach GDP/capita of 30-40,000 dollars a year, it can be done by South Korea and Taiwan very easily - both are at similar levels of GDP/capita to Western European countries and growing 3-4% a year per annum. Europe is now having to rely on technology like aerospace, military arms and nuclear power, where Asian countries have still not caught up, to help maintain their living standards and once that goes soon then there will be nothing left.

Fact is that most EU states are governed by idiots who have no business running a country.

Nobody was pillaging colonies in 1945 when Europe was nothing but smoke and ashes and yet they still pulled themselves together,you have no ideea what Europe is about,you are just a very hateful and clearly unneducated individual.Your country is poor because you're people are stupid and corrupt not because someone robbed them,stop living in fairy land.Hope you won't have a heart attack when you'll see Europe flourishing and not crumbling as your idiotical predictions would want.
Lol @ above.

When you have lost the argument then resort to personal attacks:lol:
Lol @ above.

When you have lost the argument then resort to personal attacks:lol:

You still failed to explain how a continent reduced to rubble and his citizens eating dust amidst destroyed cities managed to pick themselves up in 1945(and don't give me the marshall plan,that was a drop of water in the ocean).
Those are not insults,it's the truth,you try to explain your failures by blaiming others,blaiming the ones who actually helped you.
Thats the best you can do?
Read carefully before commenting.
I should realy call you a retard,UK is a member who wants out of the EU unlike Turkey and Switserland (no members)thats why they said no to the UK.
So whos buttthurrt now radio?
Next time try trolling somewhere else,your not even worth to comment on.

See, that is the problem, you don't know things. UK (it's political leadership) wants to negotiate not an exit alltogether, but a redefinition of it's status so it is similar to what Switzerland has. It was told it would not happen. I don't see it happening for Turkey unless Brussels wants to give arguments to London that will strengthen it's case.

Not my fault if you don't know the basics actually. How could you, kebap stands operate 24/7 and have no news channels inside.

Turkey's current public debt is 278 billion dollar. Turkey paid 8,5% interest. Debt 8,5% is 23, 63 interest paid in 2012 , revenue was 210 billion dollar , thus interest paid is 11 % of turkey's revenues.

Poland's current public debt is 295 billion dollar. Poland paid 5% interest. Debt 5 % is 14,75 interest paid in 2012, revenue was 89 billion dollar, thus interest paid is 16,5% of Poland's revenues.

You see i put much effort in this and if this still does not proof that Poland is nowhere near Turkey I give up.

So on the account of 5.5% of interests you concluded Poland has a sick economy.
Congratz, now if you maybe post some links that support your theory. because as your fellow countryman in a post bellow explained, forum posters' opinion dont mean anything. If you fail to produce any such link, well, we know where we stand, won't we.
Anyhow, your argument of non sustainability of Polish economy is already blown, since we established Poles pay less interest then Turks, even though in general Turkish economy is more solid. That fact is alone a testament of how international investors (read -lenders) have faith in the Polish economy.
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