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EU says Turkey must do more

Maybe for the same reason that you(and many more like you) choose to live in this "dying continent" rather than their homes:ashamed:

BD cannot be compared to Turkey.

Turkey is around 8 times richer when it comes to living standards.

Europe is a dying continent and no-one will bother listening to Europeans 15-20 years from now as they will become an irrelevance in world affairs.
Why should a Turkey, that is set to grow around 5% a year this decade, want to join an EU that may only manage around 1%?

Turkey is on the rise, and with the rise of Asia, it should not be interested in joining a dying European continent.

Europe's time is over, Turkey's is only just beginning.

That's I have been trying to say to these Turk :disagree:..
It would make more sense to just make special trade agreements and less Tariff restriction for Turkish Exports and set up an EEZ (Economic Exclusive Zone) for the EU. But instead, they want to lose their fiscal and monetary independence to the ECB (European Central Bank) and the infamous Euro-bond.
That's I have been trying to say to these Turk :disagree:..
It would make more sense to just make special trade agreements and less Tariff restriction for Turkish Exports and set up an EEZ (Economic Exclusive Zone) for the EU. But instead, they want to lose their fiscal and monetary independence to the ECB (European Central Bank) and the infamous Euro-bond.

Have you even read the posts of the turkish members?
I don't recall one of them saying to join eu. So dafvck are you talking about?
BD cannot be compared to Turkey.

Turkey is around 8 times richer when it comes to living standards.

Europe is a dying continent and no-one will bother listening to Europeans 15-20 years from now as they will become an irrelevance in world affairs.

This, I agree with! Unfoutanatly, when things go bad for Europeans (economically and Socially) they always create an scapgoat to blame on. I reckon Muslims are more aware of their safety in the UK, since that woolwich incident..
BD cannot be compared to Turkey.

Turkey is around 8 times richer when it comes to living standards.

Europe is a dying continent and no-one will bother listening to Europeans 15-20 years from now as they will become an irrelevance in world affairs.

Than go to Turkey:devil:
The problem I have with guys like you is that you are two face hypocrites who constantly bash the countries which gave a good life to you.You're pathethic."Europe is hellhole,Europe is an economic mess,Europe is down" and yet you still flock to Europe,rarely do I hear a deserved kind word for your adoptive host,disgusting.

This, I agree with! Unfoutanatly, when things go bad for Europeans (economically and Socially) they always create an scapgoat to blame on. I reckon Muslims are more aware of their safety in the UK, since that woolwich incident..

I reckon that the british aren't to confident about their safety either.
BD cannot be compared to Turkey.

Turkey is around 8 times richer when it comes to living standards.

Europe is a dying continent and no-one will bother listening to Europeans 15-20 years from now as they will become an irrelevance in world affairs.

Do feel you feel safe in Europe, as an Muslim? Most Chinese are not harassed unless it's an EDL/BNP area...
Than go to Turkey:devil:
The problem I have with guys like you is that you are two face hypocrites who constantly bash the countries which gave a good life to you.You're pathethic."Europe is hellhole,Europe is an economic mess,Europe is down" and yet you still flock to Europe,rarely do I hear a deserved kind word for your adoptive host,disgusting.

What is wrong with saying it as it is? I am not doing anything to make it happen - I obey the law and pay my taxes so that is my only obligation to my host country.

It is Europeans fault that they are unable to govern themselves properly, not mine or any other immigrant.

The crap I have seen going on in UK companies makes me not at all surprised at what is happening in EU in general.:whistle:

Do feel you feel safe in Europe, as an Muslim? Most Chinese are not harassed unless it's an EDL/BNP area...

Not really. I avoid white areas at night.
Because a similar deal is already regretted in the case of Switzerland. To be clear, a deal where you have all the benefits of being in but you aren't actually. Just facts, not my anti Turkey attitude.


The date for further negotiations is set for June son. Learn to read. Last i saw schools in the Netherlands taught basic comprehension.
You can freely label me as being anti Turkey for calling you a retard in your next post.

i could say the same to you but i wont cause you are one.
Merkels party the CDU proposed a ''privileged partnership'' between the EU and Turkey,like they did with Norway and Switserland.
Merkel Calls for New Talks With Turkey on EU Role - WSJ.com

So ritardus idiotus adius,still convinst you are right?
Nobody cares about those date s,the outcome will stay the same genius.
Btw look at the date.
What is wrong with saying it as it is? I am not doing anything to make it happen - I obey the law and pay my taxes so that is my only obligation to my host country.

It is Europeans fault that they are unable to govern themselves properly, not mine or any other immigrant.

The crap I have seen going on in UK companies makes me not at all surprised at what is happening in EU in general.:whistle:

Not really. I avoid white areas at night.

Europe is quite risky these days, I've seen racist Swedes in Malmo making statement about South Asians and Iraqis recently... Not to mention the news about the Stockholm Riots and the Stabbing of an French Solider..
What is wrong with saying it as it is? I am not doing anything to make it happen - I obey the law and pay my taxes so that is my only obligation to my host country.

It is Europeans fault that they are unable to govern themselves properly, not mine or any other immigrant.

The crap I have seen going on in UK companies makes me not at all surprised at what is happening in EU in general.:whistle:

You're full of blind hate towards a country that welcomed you,that's what's wrong,and i've seen many like you.You think economic growth is so easy,most western countries have a gdp per capita of over 40.000,where do they grow from there...to 80.000,1.000.000? I say ,let the rest of the world reach half of that first.

You might try to brush up on your history,Europe has faced many economic crises before(the 1929 economic meltdown and others),people thought that the end came but in the end this continent endured and so will endure now.
When you display this kind of hateful attitude to your host country it shouldn't come as a surprise to you when hate is returned.;)

Europe is quite risky these days, I've seen racist Swedes in Malmo making statement about South Asians and Iraqis recently... Not to mention the news about the Stockholm Riots and the Stabbing of an French Solider..

The nerve on those swedes to get upset that their capital is burned to the ground by foreign immigrants! I bet that the chinese would look the other way if scores of non chinese would riot and burn in Beijing.
You're full of blind hate towards a country that welcomed you,that's what's wrong,and i've seen many like you.You think economic growth is so easy,most western countries have a gdp per capita of over 40.000,where do they grow from there...to 80.000,1.000.000? I say ,let the rest of the world reach half of that first.

You might try to brush up on your history,Europe has faced many economic crises before(the 1929 economic meltdown and others),people thought that the end came but in the end this continent endured and so will endure now.
When you display this kind of hateful attitude to your host country it shouldn't come as a surprise to you when hate is returned.;)

The world of 1929 is not the same as the world of 2013.

There are no more colonies to exploit with large defenceless third world countries like India and China to pillage.

As for not being able to grow when you reach GDP/capita of 30-40,000 dollars a year, it can be done by South Korea and Taiwan very easily - both are at similar levels of GDP/capita to Western European countries and growing 3-4% a year per annum. Europe is now having to rely on technology like aerospace, military arms and nuclear power, where Asian countries have still not caught up, to help maintain their living standards and once that goes soon then there will be nothing left.

Fact is that most EU states are governed by idiots who have no business running a country.

2012 EST. Now back to reality my friend 2012 has passed it's no more an estimated exact numbers are available.

Drum sound tatattatatatatatatatatatat

2012 3,9%
2011 5 %
2010 7,9%
2009 7,4%
2008 3,7%

2012 2,8%
2011 1,8%
2010 3,6%
2009 5,5%
2008 2,2 %

here i have two sources for you to compare.

Poland Government budget deficit 2013 | countryeconomy.com

Turkey Government Budget | Data | Chart | Forecast | News

Next time use up to date information instead of the cia factbook of 2009.

Now walk with shame my friend.

O and one more thing.

The public debt of poland is 3 times bigger then their budget revenues in a year.
The public debt of Turkey is as big as 1 year of their busget revenues.

Sooner or later they are going to have payment problems.

I'm way in another league then you boy. Don't waste my time.

Ok, so i was wrong/out of date with sources. My bad. Still doesn't mean Poland has a sick economy which is the gist of this debate. (in relation to geting funds from EU budget and would Turkey be a net contributor or beneficiary)
If you find anything that will support this view bring it "down" to my league and we will discuss it.
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