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EU Parliament to review Pakistan’s GSP+ status and put trade embargo (blasphemy laws

@Dalit What an excellent and highly accurate analysis of the whole situation. Couldn't have penned it better even though wanted to say the same things.

As far as pseudo-liberals are concerned, they are not worth even a reply. They are actually "dhobi ka kutta"

Na khuda hi mila, na visaal-e-sanam
Na idhar ke rahe, na udhar ke rahe

Let them cry. We won. They lost.

he totally din’t understand what PMIK said about holocaust.

Also mubarakbads to everyone who want to kill in the name of Religion while asking everyone to believe them when the religion is of peace. Totally sends the correct message. (Sarcasm)

And this shinny dckhead cant not say a thing about religious freedom in india where churches and entire christian community is burnt to the ground.
We are overly reliant on the US and Europe. We have leaders both in the civilian and military sphere who have held Pakistan hostage.

Thanks bro you are right at that as our leaders are not really leaders of our own nation who should have interests at heart for us instead they are looking after Western interests in the Islamic republic. If up to them they could have fed us like a mince meat to the foreign powers but thanks to Mullahs and having no family planning there are too many of us to do that lol. :p:
This resolution is under handedness of French albeit the sponsors are others due to the Thareek a Labeak gains. Blasphemy law which is decades old is being used as an excuse instead of being open about the reason, which is hall mark of the Western deception. West thinks they can still rule and shackle us while they can roast the world and pick and choose the counties which don't obey them. Due to suspension of GSP we may loose few hundred millions of trade but then what French will do as US have not tried it before with us. We should do what Chinese do and make those few French cosmetics/fashion clothing companies life difficult so they can leave and that will create some space for our companies.
We really must sort out our economy and education and IK instead of focusing on corruption should focus on industrialization as our bread and butter, dignity, and respect lies there. Elimination of corruption requires revolution and wiping out thousands every year for next few years and our country haven't got a stomach for it and Western world will not sit ideally when you are going to take out there assets. So Pakistan will soon get used to living without GSP like it did living without US aid.
And this shinny dckhead cant not say a thing about religious freedom in india where churches and entire christian community is burnt to the ground.

Because world in general and west in particular understands and respect power, be it financial or otherwise. We on the other hand have been trying and still think that appeasement will work. IT WON'T.
Very sad to see some titleholders misusing the Quran verses just to look good in Gora eyes.
Blasphemy laws in Pakistan need to be reviewed and anyone using it for personal gains needs to be punished the same, second, there are some genuine cases of disrespect which happens but mob justice bring nothing but wrong in society, Islam is not just a religion its a system that runs a Govt, that is why Mob justice never happens or supported by Islam.

Now EU reacted the way I've expected because they just never satisfied with brown people, even if we offer them our mothers and sisters they will still not be happy, British Colonizing period is enough evidence for it, they want you to be more like them, make laws that are similar to their country because they know it creates a conflict of interest in the local population, you can not implement Islam in the west, similar to that you can implement west into the Muslim world, every country has its unique culture, law, people and their psychic. How can we remain blind to the fact this is the classic example of what has been done in ME? Remember Iraq anyone? A country which was the Sunni majority, later west disposed of its leader only to install a Shia leader which took years of oppression revenge from common Sunni, they want the leadership in every Muslim country to be from a minority where it clashed with the majority, and when people start killing each other they claim " necessary intervention " to bring their entire Army to the country to steal its wealth and resources.

TLP has done major harm to the image of Pakistan, and don't expect any khair from the right-wingers in the EU cause this is what they do, that's literally their politics all along. Anti Islam, Anti Immigration, Protecting EU culture, White identity, so for them making laws or putting people in educational camps to protect their culture is fine, but for us, we have changed this and that. Can't people see they are still not out of their colonizing mindset, they are used to dictating terms, ordering Brown/Muslim people and as ME and Muslim countries start to get stronger they fear that their hegemony will be in danger? As for People who are talking about Pakistani's are Anti-Christian or Anti Minority, they are not just bad apples in every society, have we witness any mass migration of Pakistani Hindu? Christian? No, yes some extremists will abuse Islam, and its name to spread their political influence on the masses such as TTP, TLP etc. None of them actually follows the Prophet teaching themselves but they will beat you and then preach to you about Islam? Have we forgotten how Prophet started his mission? Even when he holds the power to either punish those who wronged him, he forgives them all and starts a reconciliation process just to unite them, I am yet to see any reconciliation from TTP or TLP?

We need to convey our message to the EU and the west, that TLP and TTP is just hijacking Islam, and State is trying to curb their influence and its not an overnight job, Hell even today you will find Neo Nazi's in the EU Politics and Society, People in the US still believe blacks are inferior and white people are superior, so Pakistan as we went through a huge surge of extremism in 80's and 90's followed up by a lengthy war on Terror, this preception change will take time, We need to tell the Europeans on the state level that we are taking our religion back from these criminals and thugs, but for them, they also have to stop provoking people in the Muslim world by doing tricks, let's be honest here none of these Cartoons, movies, books that were made or written against Prophet to mock him has ZERO academic material, its just garbage stuff designed only for one reason, create anger, controversy and get reactions hence more sale, and publicity.

But this is a war we will lose and I say this with a heavy heart, why? because we have Muslims who are ready to undermine Islamic principle on the orders of their local imam, and then we have those who are taking cheap shots at Islam under the guise of this situation, and unfortunately both are Muslims, while the Actual non-Muslims (West&EU) they just sit back and enjoy on the fact that even in their hate they are united against a cause to undermine Muslims and Islam, and for us even in taking back our religion and conveying a right message to them we are divided.
UK/EU is indeed acting hypocritical towards Pakistan. UK putting us on watchlist for money laundering is laughable.
EU needs to introspect, look how much freedom they give to muslims in their own countries.

The recent events are not going to help in next FATF meeting. PM, INterior minsiter and establishment at fault here for bowing down infront of goons.

The VERY FACT that these Mullah Goons exist and can disrupt and destroy anytime they like, points to GROSS incompetency and probably corruption of the Agencies, The Establishment including the Military, and so on.
And this shinny dckhead cant not say a thing about religious freedom in india where churches and entire christian community is burnt to the ground.

Our own libtard brigade is willing to sell the nation. What can we expect from the enemy. Hating us is his job.
Also mubarakbads to everyone who want to kill in the name of Religion while asking everyone to believe them when the religion is of peace. Totally sends the correct message. (Sarcasm)
We all know TLP was a fitna. This is a age of fitna. Every evil looks like good these days. Times of dajjaliat.
All bluff. The Europeans had a million reasons to leave Pakistan. They never left. After all the accusations and drama the Western nations don't want to remove their diplomatic enclaves in Pakistan. The Europeans along with their daddy America didn't get tired of scapegoating Pakistan during the height of WoT. What more reason do you need to abandon relations with a nation that you accuse of purportedly supporting terrorism? People who keep repeating this broken record need to understand the ground realities. The Western nations won't leave Pakistan. It is not that simple. There is too much at stake. The Western nations would have already left Pakistan collectively if they could. Make no mistake about that.

France which was directly accused of Islamophobia didn't remove its embassy from Pakistan. France is a hostile country towards Pakistan. Long before Imran Khan highlighted French hate obsession with Islam, the French were already testing waters. Let's not delude ourselves that everything was dandy between us. What makes you think that other European nations are going to remove their embassy in Pakistan?

Pakistan have significant economic relations with EU:

1. Why would Pakistan (GOP) consider curbing economic relations with EU?
2. Why would Pakistan (GOP) consider removing diplomatic presence of EU from Pakistan? What good will come from this?

It is important to understand how Pakistani industries benefit from EU and how Pakistani consumers benefit from EU goods at individual level. TLP does not represent entire Pakistan in this matter. PM Imran Khan can see the obvious as well.

I strongly condemn French attitude towards Islamic beliefs in person but I will emphasize LOGICAL debate and considerations as well.

GOP can have conversations with the French about respecting Islamic beliefs and consult OIC to gauge its level of interest and capacity to make difference in relation (appreciative efforts). It is however important to contemplate that this mission is not misread by EU which is possible in view of strongly worded statements from members of GOP in public.

For example:

"I want the Muslim countries to devise a joint line of action over the blasphemy issue with a warning of trade boycott of countries where such incidents will happen." - Imran Khan

Does Khan have assurances from OIC in this matter?

"I will highlight this issue in OIC and see how it goes." (assumption)

See the difference in wording? Minimum disclosure.

Following links highlight how Khan's statement is received in EU thus far:

To refresh memories:

1. Pakistan-USA relations are not good in the present.
2. Pakistan-France relations are not good in the present.
3. Both USA and France have much say in the affairs of EU and the Western hemisphere by and large.

Pakistan should not miscalculate its options vis-à-vis EU therefore.

GOP should consult OIC and see how it goes.

Pakistan have significant economic relations with EU:

1. Why would Pakistan (GOP) consider curbing economic relations with EU?
2. Why would Pakistan (GOP) consider removing diplomatic presence of EU from Pakistan? What good will come from this?

It is important to understand how Pakistani industries benefit from EU and how Pakistani consumers benefit from EU goods at individual level. TLP does not represent entire Pakistan in this matter. PM Imran Khan can see the obvious as well.

I strongly condemn French attitude towards Islamic beliefs in person but I will emphasize LOGICAL debate and considerations as well.

GOP can have conversations with the French about respecting Islamic beliefs and consult OIC to gauge its level of interest and capacity to make difference in relation (appreciative efforts). It is however important to contemplate that this mission is not misread by EU which is possible in view of strongly worded statements from members of GOP in public.

For example:

"I want the Muslim countries to devise a joint line of action over the blasphemy issue with a warning of trade boycott of countries where such incidents will happen." - Imran Khan

Does Khan have assurances from OIC in this matter?

"I will highlight this issue in OIC and see how it goes." (assumption)

See the difference in wording? Minimum disclosure.

Following links highlight how Khan's statement is received in EU thus far:

To refresh memories:

1. Pakistan-USA relations are not good in the present.
2. Pakistan-France relations are not good in the present.
3. Both USA and France have much say in the affairs of EU and the Western hemisphere by and large.

Pakistan should not miscalculate its options vis-à-vis EU therefore.

GOP should consult OIC and see how it goes.

It all depends on how France behaves. If it continues to ridicule and harm relations with the Islamic world things will go south. If the EU takes French side they too will suffer the consequences. That is why.

It is the libtards who brought EU ramifications into this discussion. I merely responded to their query.

Yes, Pakistan should consult with IOC on this matter.
It all depends on how France behaves. If it continues to ridicule and harm relations with the Islamic world things will go south. If the EU takes French side they too will suffer the consequences. That is why.

It is the libtards who brought EU ramifications into this discussion. I merely responded to their query.
Pakistan cannot create 'consequences' for them by itself; OIC should be onboard.

Both EU and USA are among the largest trading partners of Pakistan as well. Do not forget this.
Pakistan cannot create 'consequences' for them by itself; OIC should be onboard.

France is irked by Pakistan and not the OIC. It is Imran Khan who criticized French anti-Islam behavior. Not the OIC. Therefore consequences will be between France/EU and Pakistan. Frankly I don't see OIC take any stance.
France is irked by Pakistan and not the OIC. It is Imran Khan who criticized French anti-Islam behavior. Not the OIC. Therefore consequences will be between France/EU and Pakistan. Frankly I don't see OIC take any stance.
I understand what have happened and what is happening lately. Imran Khan have cautioned about the 'consequences' of antagonizing France over blasphemy considerations in the context of Pakistan; he rejected hardline position of TLP to close French embassy in Pakistan and considers diplomatic course-of-action to address this problem. It would be much better for GOP to approach and consult OIC for this matter and see how it goes.

Making noise without solid backing is miscalculation. You can see how EU have reacted to strongly worded statement(s) of PM Khan thus far; not a good sign.

Logical debate and considerations emphasized once again.
I understand what have happened and what is happening lately. Imran Khan have cautioned about the 'consequences' of antagonizing France over blasphemy considerations in the context of Pakistan; he rejected hardline position of TLP to close French embassy in Pakistan and considers diplomatic course-of-action to address this problem. It would be much better for GOP to approach and consult OIC for this matter and see how it goes.

Making noise without solid backing is miscalculation. You can see how EU have reacted to strongly worded statement(s) of PM Khan thus far; not a good sign.

Logical debate and considerations emphasized once again.

The EU needs to be ashamed of itself. On the one hand it claims to clamp down on bigotry. Yet when France draws derogatory cartoons and the French president praises the anti-Islam hatred the EU looks the other way? That sounds like hypocrisy to me. Why does the EU act tough against Pakistan when one of its member states is involved in Islamophobic bigotry? That weakens EU's claims of being tolerant and anti-bigotry.

Pakistan doesn't have a weak case here. It stands in its right to totally reject French Islamophobic stance. Whether the EU chooses French side is their conscience. Pakistan stands on the right side against French Islamophobia.

If the EU and France choose to sanction Pakistan for calling out bigotry so be it. Pakistan won't be the only side dealing with consequences. If the European nations think they can blackmail and sanction Pakistan economically over a racist and Islamophobic leader like Macron they should go ahead by all means. This is going to hurt Europe too in their relations vis a vis Pakistan.
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