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Ethiopia showcased officially the Bayraktar TB-2


Mar 2, 2018
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And an Ethiopian Wing Loong I
Good we saved another country from terrorist supported by Arab dictator regime to put a puppet and control the country. Thanks to TB2 like in Libya wher the enemy was almost taking the city, the brave Etihopian people saved ther country.
Is Ethiopia arming herself against possible Egyptian attack on it's dam.....
Is there a border dispute with Sudan and Ethiopia??? Do you have some additional information on this

Just googling, there is disputed land between these nation. And also Tigray rebellion that even wants to attack the capital after defeating the central government army in their homeland.
Just googling, there is disputed land between these nation. And also Tigray rebellion that even wants to attack the capital after defeating the central government army in their homeland.

Sudan I guess won't be a big military challenge for Ethiopia..... that country is really doing great on economic front....
Is Ethiopia arming herself against possible Egyptian attack on it's dam.....
Is there a border dispute with Sudan and Ethiopia??? Do you have some additional information on this

If Egypt attacks Ethiopia, we will not send ground troops but more of aircrafts. Bayraktar TB2 can't reach Egypt so it isn't a big "deal" for us.

There is border dispute between them in Fashaqa region. Two days ago, Ethiopian army killed 7 sudanese soldiers one citizens. TB2 would be more problematic for Sudan than Egypt
more then poorsian qahar.... :p:

View attachment 857889

1. You call me Poorsian when i'm not Persian
2. Turkey is the poor one now, with CRAZY inflation that NATO not US can save you from, and with little real wealth - a hand to mouth economy with fancy western looks and toys
3. Can you answer my original question instead of distracting with this Iranian Qaher that has no relation to the simple question i asked?
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