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Ethiopia: A socio-economic success story


Feb 1, 2013
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Saudi Arabia

One of the success stories of Africa today is the socio-economic turnaround of a number of countries over the past decade, including Ethiopia, according to a recent African Development Bank publication entitled “AfDB and Ethiopia - Partnering for Inclusive Growth”. At an average annual growth rate of 11%, Ethiopia has made a tremendous progress to become one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, poised to become the largest in East Africa. Investing in projects and programs across various sectors of the Ethiopian economy, the African Development Bank is decisively emerging as the country’s development partner of choice. For an economy that is largely based on agriculture, AfDB’s pro-poor support is crucial in sustaining an inclusive growth and enhancing economic integration with its neighbours. With almost 50% of population under the age of 18, inclusive growth is geared to job creation, better distribution of incomes so as to eradicate poverty. In this respect, the Bank has been visibly present.

The right policy orientations must be there. The Bank’s partnership with Ethiopia has effectively been marked by such orientations based on frank dialogue, strategic selectivity and a strong focus on results. In this regard, Ethiopia has done well. A series of reforms are contributing not only to accelerate growth but to improve the overall delivery of basic services, enhancing the country’s enviable ability to achieve a number of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Among notable reforms include the privatization of state enterprises and the rationalization of government regulations which have begun to attract the much-needed foreign investment.

As at the end of December 2012, the Bank Group operations in Ethiopia amounted to a cumulative of UA 2.5 billion or about US $3.8 billion for some 119 loans and grants. This level of commitments made Ethiopia the sixth largest beneficiary of Bank Group lending after Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, South Africa and Nigeria. It is by far the largest in East Africa, ahead of Tanzania (approx. US $3 billion), Uganda (approx.US $2.6 billion) and Kenya (approx. US $2 billion).

Commitments from the ADF concessionary resources accounted for about 85% of the cumulative commitments, as Ethiopia is currently classified as a lower income country along with 36 other category A countries of the Bank.

According to AfDB President Donald Kaberuka,“the Bank will sustain its partnership to realize Ethiopia’s ambition to reach middle income status by 2025 and achieving greater integration in the sub-region.” To achieve this objective, in accordance with its principle of selectivity, the Bank is currently shifting the focus towards fewer but larger projects with average project size of US $80 million that will have higher development impacts.

The Bank is also playing greater aid coordination role to attract additional resources. Clearly, the continued effectiveness of the Ethiopia Field Office, re-established in 2001 will be crucial in promoting Bank Group operations and transformation agenda in Ethiopia.

Ethiopia: A socio-economic success story - African Development Bank

Best of luck to Ethiopia and especially our cousins the Habesha people.:enjoy:


Comments please bro.
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I wonder if the economic development has transferred into an improvement for quality of life indicators.

My knowledge of that part of the world is poor as well :(
I wonder if the economic development has transferred into an improvement for quality of life indicators.

My knowledge of that part of the world is poor as well :(
I had an interaction with an Ethiopian not too long ago. Apparently, conditions are very similar to what we are used to in India...from major cities having very good yet creaking infra and getting the lion's share of economic benefits to towns and villages resembling the middle ages to long power cuts to perpetual water scarcity to soaring crime rates to women being unsafe everywhere after dark to........you got the picture right.
I wonder if the economic development has transferred into an improvement for quality of life indicators.

My knowledge of that part of the world is poor as well :(

It's getting better and better. Ethiopia is an ancient civilization. Probably the oldest in Africa. The only African country that was never a Western colony. It's a neighboring country of the Arabian Peninsula which ancient ties to it.

It's the second most populous country of Africa after Nigeria and one of the biggest economies of Sub-Saharan Africa and one of the fastest growing. Very friendly people overall as well.

Economy of Ethiopia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I believe that the country has a lot of potential.

The food is also very similar to the one in Southern Arabia.

Also check out their old badass coast of arms and flag. I really like both.

It's from the Empire of Ethiopia.

Ethiopian Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ethiopia also have more World Unesco Heritage Sites than any other African country.

What language is that @Belew_Kelew ? Sounds somewhat familiar. Sounds like Amharic.:D Maybe I should marry an Habesha women. Some of them are very beautiful and exotic looking. It's quit amazing. Many are very Middle Eastern looking but with an exotic touch about them.:lol:

Also Ethiopia has had one of the better generals in recent times from Africa.

Ras Alula - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He defeated the Italians in a few battles. Very impressive.
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al-Hasani have a good relation with his ancestors land
It's getting better and better. Ethiopia is an ancient civilization. Probably the oldest in Africa. The only African country that was never a Western colony. It's a neighboring country of the Arabian Peninsula which ancient ties to it.

It's the second most populous country of Africa after Nigeria and one of the biggest economies of Sub-Saharan Africa and one of the fastest growing. Very friendly people overall as well.

Economy of Ethiopia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I believe that the country has a lot of potential.

The food is also very similar to the one in Southern Arabia.

Also check out their old badass coast of arms and flag. I really like both.

It's form the Empire of Ethiopia.

Ethiopian Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ethiopia also have more World Unesco Heritage Sites than any other African country.

What language is that @Belew_Kelew ? Sounds somewhat familiar. Sounds like Amharic.:D Maybe I should marry an Habesha women. Some of them are very beautiful and exotic looking. It's quit amazing. Many are very Middle Eastern looking but with an exotic touch about them.:lol:

Also Ethiopia has had one of the better generals in recent times from Africa.

Ras Alula - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He defeated the Italians in a few battles. Very impressive.
How many wives you going to have first you said you want to marry a Kuwaiti and you want to marry from habasha
al-Hasani have a good relation with his ancestors land
Salman Al-Farsi have a good relation with his ancestors land - the Farsi Kazakh nomads.

I don't have any ancestral connection to Ethiopia but it's a beautiful and ancient land that I only wish well for. As should every other Muslim given the history of Ethiopia in connection to Islam.

Don't you know about the Muslim exile to Abyssinia and Prophet Muhammad's (saws) praise for it and its people?

I don't see a problem with that. I am a man with a historical interest in general and Ethiopia is simply a very interesting civilization and country. More than most others.

How many wives you going to have first you said you want to marry a Kuwaiti and you want to marry from habasha

A lot. One Arab, one European, one Habesha and the final one I have not decided yet. Asians don't tell me anything. Probably an Latin woman.

You must like Habesha women since you do no talk about any other women than them.
Salman Al-Farsi have a good relation with his ancestors land - the Farsi Kazakh nomads.

I don't have any ancestral connection to Ethiopia but it's a beautiful and ancient land that I only wish well for. As should every other Muslim given the history of Ethiopia in connection to Islam.

Don't you know about the Muslim exile to Abyssinia and Prophet Muhammad's (saws) praise for it and its people?

I don't see a problem with that. I am a man with a historical interest and Ethiopia is simply a very interesting civilization and country. More than most others.

A lot.
I know the beautiful and ancient ethopia have good relation with the Semitic and ancient Egyptians also they used the Semitic wrighting system
I know the beautiful and ancient ethopia have good relation with the Semitic and ancient Egyptians also they used the Semitic wrighting system

Habesha are half Middle Eastern people and half local Africans. This is what gives them their exotic and distinctive look. They look very different from other Africans.

I wonder if it is good to invest in Ethiopia. I believe that one can make quick money there and other developing markets in Africa.

Iran should also be a good country to invest in for the future.

Some are troublemakers though like we saw in Riyadh in November. So not all of them are good.

Eritrea are more close to the Arab world than Ethiopia and it's people too. Many Arab tribes live there and Arabic is official language but Eritrea was once part of Ethiopia but @Belew_Kelew is from Eritrea I think so he can tell more. I only know the basics.
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Habesha are half Middle Eastern people and half local Africans. This is what gives them their exotic and distinctive look. They look very different from other Africans.

I wonder if it is good to invest in Ethiopia. I believe that one can make quick money there and other developing markets in Africa.

Iran should also be a good country to invest in for the future.

Some are troublemakers though like we saw in Riyadh in November. So not all of them are good.

Eritrea are more close to the Arab world than Ethiopia and it's people too. Many Arab tribes live there and Arabic is official language but Eritrea was once part of Ethiopia but @Belew_Kelew is from Eritrea I think so he can tell

Horner cuisine also shares similarity with Indian cuisine. I'm told that Somalis eat samosas :lol:
Horner cuisine also shares similarity with Indian cuisine. I'm told that Somalis eat samosas :lol:

There is a connection due to the Arabian Sea/Indian Ocean trade. Horn of Africa, which was back then controlled by Arabs, was one of the more important places for trade. Like the Swahili coastline not long from there. This is why you can find similarities with Arab cuisine especially and also that of the Indian Subcontinent and even South East Asia.

Ethiopian cuisine is really great. You should try it if it is possible to eat it in India. Somali also. I am yet to try Eritrean but I believe that it is similar to both.

Honestly this is also the only Sub-Saharan African cuisine that I have tasted so I have really no idea how for instance Angolan, Namibian or Tanzanian cuisine tastes like.

@Belew_Kelew should know much more than me since he is a local of the Horn of Africa (Eritrea).

At least in KSA you can eat at many of their restaurants. It's cheap and tasty and the food is of good quality.
There is a connection due to the Arabian Sea/Indian Ocean trade. Horn of Africa, which was back then controlled by Arabs, was one of the more important places for trade. Like the Swahili coastline not long from there. This is why you can find similarities with Arab cuisine especially and also that of the Indian Subcontinent and even South East Asia.

Ethiopian cuisine is really great. You should try it if it is possible to eat it in India. Somali also. I am yet to try Eritrean but I believe that it is similar to both.

Honestly this is also the only Sub-Saharan African cuisine that I have tasted so I have really no idea how for instance Angolan, Namibian or Tanzanian cuisine tastes like.

@Belew_Kelew should know much more than me since he is a local of the Horn of Africa (Eritrea).

At least in KSA you can eat at many of their restaurants. It's cheap and tasty and the food is of good quality.

Bro, I don't live in India :lol: I live in canada. Yea hornets have a lot of Arabic admixture. Like ethiopians often have curly hair which is a common trait among Arabs. Their food and cultures are also influenced by Arabs. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I have not been able to try Ethiopian or any Horner food unfortunately but now I'm curious to try it! I too don't know anything about African cuisines. It's a shame really that most people are so ignorant about African cultures.
Bro, I don't live in India :lol: I live in canada. Yea hornets have a lot of Arabic admixture. Like ethiopians often have curly hair which is a common trait among Arabs. Their food and cultures are also influenced by Arabs. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I have not been able to try Ethiopian or any Horner food unfortunately but now I'm curious to try it! I too don't know anything about African cuisines. It's a shame really that most people are so ignorant about African cultures.

Actually I would not say that curly hair is an Arab trait per se but quit a few have it. I do not.:D:lol:

Yes, that's true. I think it goes both ways to be honest. I believe that most of our Afro-Arabs are from the Horn of Africa because many do not look like African-Americans who are mostly from West Africa but more like half Middle Eastern and half East African like many Habesha people and Horners. They have a very exotic look.

Did you know that Somalia once was quit an affluent country famous for its beaches and that it had many foreign tourists? I read about that long, long ago. Now it is really problematic.

Yes, I do not know much either. Only about North Africa and Horn of Africa for obvious reasons and then a bit about the Mali Empire. I am otherwise interested in history a lot but I do not know as much about Sub-Saharan Africa especially as I should. Oh, I also know about the basics of the history of the Swahili region.

Mate, where do you live in Canada?

@jandk please check this documentary out. I am going to watch it now.
I seriously believe that Ethiopia is one of the most beautiful countries on earth. They have everything. Rainforest's, savanna, tall mountains, deserts, lowlands, very interesting and old architecture, amazing animal life, rivers, lakes, valleys, volcanos etc.

That they also have an ancient and very proud history, the most World UNESCO Heritage Sites in Africa (jointly with Egypt) and are very friendly and exotic looking people, especially the Habesha (;)) makes the country even more interesting. Or them never being a colony as the only African country which is also a thing to admire. I hope to visit one day. People from Southern Arabia did trade with the people of Horn of Africa and even settled there for millenniums and vice versa. The ties are very strong and the Habesha people and other Semitic speaking people are cousins although more remotely.:D

If Eritrea sitll belonged to Ethiopia than it would be a coastal neighbor of Yemen and KSA again.

So in short it's time to invest in Ethiopia!
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Fantastic thread @al-Hasani. :tup:

Also, I read somewhere that the ancestors of all human beings first originated in East Africa, somewhere around Ethiopia?
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