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Establishment punished former PM Imran Khan due to General Faiz Hameed issue: Parvez Ilahi

In a shocking interview yesterday, Chaudhry Parvez Ilahi of PML Q revealed in detail behind the scene details of bad relations between army chief and Imran Khan. He revealed how he tried hard to convince former PM Imran Khan not to dictate army chief about the posting / transfer of DG ISI back in October 2021. He said Imran Khan despite warnings kept delaying the notification of new DG ISI which angered establishment to the point they decided to remove him as punishment!
ye budha sathya gya hai, apni ego ki wajah say, is pagal insaan nay hamara mulk ganday ando k hawalay kr diya hai. jahil qoum k liye aisay log he Allah pak ooper lay k aatay hein.
#1: Done through parliament but with obvious horse trading. Is it how it should be?
#2: Courts stepped in where they shouldn't (dictating procedures of NA, including time of new voting) and didn't step in where they should have (question of law 63A). Clearly, had they done their job and ruled on 63A in good time, the wave that became wouldn't have been.
#3: Right. How will people tell you who they want if EVM being discarded to ensure rigging, overseas voting being taken away and CEP in PDM's pocket?
Judical coup used like mushi did
There is no other way to look at it
Death of so called meesaq jamhoriat
Establishment should not be so strong that they start meddling in Domestic/International politics of a country. If I am not wrong ISI Intelligence chief is equivalent to RAW chief who is appointed by the Prime Minister of India and Armed Forces has no say in it. Same is the case with chiefs of Armed forces. We are thankful to Almighty that such type of things does not happen in India as it not only defame the country but hinder economic progress and other things.
شاعر : حبیب جالب

صرف چند لوگوں نے حق تمہارا چھینا ہے
خاک ایسے جینے پر یہ بھی کوئی جینا ہے

اٹھ کے درد مندوں کے صبح و شام بدلو بھی
جس میں تم نہیں شامل وہ نظام بدلو بھی
دوستوں کو پہچانو
دشمن کو پہچانو
بیس کروڑ انسانو​

Meanwhile 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Yeh kaun se muhibane watan hain? 🙄
Pakistan Army Chief has lost his marbles. Got news for you Bajwa, you think you are protecting Pakistan by removing an Honest Leader, one with Integrity and replacing him with a Jahil, Mafia mentality, thief, liar and traitor. Remember this, when Pakistan does not exist no more, I pray the likes of these traitors' corpses never be buried.

Pakistan is not your jaagir, Pakistan is a gift from Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah for Muslims. And if Pakistanis stop being Muslims by accepting thieves, murderers, liars and traitors as their leaders ... then guess what? Allah gave Pakistan to Pakistanis, then Allah can destroy Pakistan when Pakistanis have lost their sight of being Muslim.

May the vultures and dogs feast on your corpses. Traitors, cowards and inbred $wine$.
Hear, Hear!!

I do believe that IK was wrong in wanting Gen Faiz to be DG after his term expired, as the army has it's own system of postings and transfers,
It was a minor disagreement - if the rules allow it, then the PM is within his/her constitutional authority to extend the tenure of the DG.

Bajwa has no leg to stand on here given his own extension.

he was supposed to eliminate them but instead he first went on a love crusade with the bong lady, modi, irani mullahs and khaleefah ordo. because of him having been an utter failure in this regard it has now become somewhat difficult for naamahloom afraad to sort them out (not impossible but difficult).

he also wanted to punish Gen Musharraf and Amreeka for war in Afghanistan (and ended up causing more FC deaths).

please re-read the post you are quoting.
Regurgitating the propaganda of the sold out, treasonous Army leadership now are we?
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If Sir Showbaz is corrupt then Zardari is also corrupt but why two different slogans in one place?
The matter of fact is that both Zardari and Shahbaz are allies at the moment, so the Pakistanis called Showbaz a thief and how can Bilawal be the Prime Minister?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Why are establishment so thick? IK is a once in a generation person, make the most of him. He is born for this.

He mogged Modi so many times, I have never seen a Pakistani leader command so much respect and they replace him with career criminals?

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Khan was in the process of isolating India, he knew if he won Russia's favour and the yanks dumped India, it would checkmate India. But Pakistan doesn't know how to make decisions for its best interest and it self sabotaged and assumed the doggy position for a yankee pounding.
You guys don't see the bigger picture. The army should not be politicised in any circumstances.

IK tried to favour and nurture a person for the post of COAS, so he could remain in power or to fortify his position. This would have set the precedent of later civilian meddling with army postings anf appointments. Ultimately turing the force into punjab police 2.0.

Whatever happened, happened for the greater good of the country. We will get a neutral chief that won't support a single politcal party. Khan saab should focus on his mandate and next elections.
You guys don't see the bigger picture. The army should not be politicised in any circumstances.

IK tried to favour and nurture a person for the post of COAS, so he could remain in power or to fortify his position. This would have set the precedent of later civilian meddling with army postings anf appointments. Ultimately turing the force into punjab police 2.0.

Whatever happened, happened for the greater good of the country. We will get a neutral chief that won't support a single politcal party. Khan saab should focus on his mandate and next elections.
Police forces were armies that were to keep the peace within cities, while traditional armies kept it on the borders.
Bajwa has ruined the only institution that has some respect left in the hearts of people, he has single handedly destroy everything, and even if IK comes back to power the Army will never get its past respect back, at least for a long time.
Do you mainstream fellows ever use your brain before making an online ruckus ? Its an inter-service office not army intelligence so any airmarshal or admiral can occupy the post too .

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