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Establishment punished former PM Imran Khan due to General Faiz Hameed issue: Parvez Ilahi

israeli bhai jaan stop distorting, you're getting as bad as my persian brother the agnostic muslim.

being selected had gone to moron khan's head. he started to imagine himself as being divinely ordained 12th imam or mahdi or messiah. anytime anyone tried to advise him, he'd say merai sai ziada koi nahin jaanta.

he was chosen to eradicate the fat pandit chor clan, sayyad ghaddari; deezal et. al. but he kept going off script imagining he had become the leader of the islamic world.

each and every time he was presented a criminal (like shobaaz, drug-lord sana ullay) on a platter to prosecute/execute, he'd promptly fcuk-it up. because some tv person would say that it was not ehtesaab accross the board.

so in order to be loved by tv people the moron e ahzam would go back to screaming: mein Musharraf ko nahin chorroon ga. or to look more just would start chasing tareen and aleem.

instead of owning the institutions, he'd say idaaray azad hain.

this could take many pages but since someone is bound to delete this, suffice it to say that last straw came when he started to throw about his non-existent weight around Army promotions/demotions.

so they merely removed their protection, did not actively remove him.

all PTI has to do now is to give some undertaking e.g moron will not go to to Iran and start fellating mullahs blaming Pakistan for any problems in the land of the aryans. or modi come forward 1 step I'll come 2. or afghhoons have defeated NATO with power of eemaan. or like hamid mir sympathise with the ugly bong bitch saying that it was west Pakistan fault that BD came into being because our Army did not want a bengali PM (moronic retard should know that we have had bengali leaders before bongaghandu mujib the akhand bharati.

list of his fcuk-ups is to long to type here


Anything is better than fat toad and his backwater criminal family or psychopath Zardari and his hermaphrodite son.
In a shocking interview yesterday, Chaudhry Parvez Ilahi of PML Q revealed in detail behind the scene details of bad relations between army chief and Imran Khan. He revealed how he tried hard to convince former PM Imran Khan not to dictate army chief about the posting / transfer of DG ISI back in October 2021. He said Imran Khan despite warnings kept delaying the notification of new DG ISI which angered establishment to the point they decided to remove him as punishment!

Pakistan Army Chief has lost his marbles. Got news for you Bajwa, you think you are protecting Pakistan by removing an Honest Leader, one with Integrity and replacing him with a Jahil, Mafia mentality, thief, liar and traitor. Remember this, when Pakistan does not exist no more, I pray the likes of these traitors' corpses never be buried.

Pakistan is not your jaagir, Pakistan is a gift from Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah for Muslims. And if Pakistanis stop being Muslims by accepting thieves, murderers, liars and traitors as their leaders ... then guess what? Allah gave Pakistan to Pakistanis, then Allah can destroy Pakistan when Pakistanis have lost their sight of being Muslim.

May the vultures and dogs feast on your corpses. Traitors, cowards and inbred $wine$.
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Anything is better than fat toad and his backwater criminal family or psychopath Zardari and his hermaphrodite son.
he was supposed to eliminate them but instead he first went on a love crusade with the bong lady, modi, irani mullahs and khaleefah ordo. because of him having been an utter failure in this regard it has now become somewhat difficult for naamahloom afraad to sort them out (not impossible but difficult).

he also wanted to punish Gen Musharraf and Amreeka for war in Afghanistan (and ended up causing more FC deaths).

please re-read the post you are quoting.
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he was supposed to eliminate them but instead he first went on a love crusade with the bong lady, modi, irani mullahs and khaleefah ordo.

he also wanted to punish Gen Musharraf and Amreeka for war in Afghanistan (and ended up causing more FC deaths).

please re-read the post you are quoting a bit of.

He needs a majority mandate to remove 18th amendment and declare presidential system, he will take them all to the cleaners. Judiciary will need replacing and all Sharif and Zardari allies pulled out of the system thoroughly.

These families have spread their net by marrying into families who have people of influence so its favour for a favour. Bank managers and judges are relations, even generals, and they all hold key positions. They help each other like one giant corrupt organism which is like a parasite sat on top of Pakistan. And you have their minions who worship them hoping to catch the crumbs.

Imran must win otherwise there is no one else who is influential enough to break this parasite. We will be done for decades until we produce someone else capable of challenging them. It could be another 30 years! Maybe even 50 if someone is born this decade.
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The real reason for removing IK from power is his Pro-Taliban and anti US stances before he came to power as well as independent foreign policy after his coming to power. In fact Pak Army and establishment had the same policy as IK since 1990s. Due to this policy US had to leave Afghanistan unceremoniously and they wanted to have a scapegoat for their failure. So US threaten to put Pakistan and/or ISI to put into terrorist supporting list. Another alternative US gave to remove IK from power making him the scape goat and Pak army/ISI to toe the US lines in future. COAS Bajwa like the previous COAS Musharraf in 2001, remember the famous phone call, could not stand the ultimatum given to them by US. So COAS Bajwa agreed to regime change operation by sacrificing IK government thinking of it a lesser harm. But he could not guess in his wildest dream that IK could muster the public support after his removal. I think IK made a mistake that he should have publicize openly the US regime change operation and called for public support much earlier. On the evening of No-confidence Vote he should have called public to come to Islamabad for his support and barricade the parliament the way Erdogan was able to mobilize Turkish people against US sponsored coup attempt.
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It is up to the Chief of the Army to make the decision on whether or not to appoint the core commander. It is possible however, for political influence to result in them becoming the Punjab Police. In this situation, it makes sense as to why Army cheif is upset. The fact that he is blocking your decision does not mean that you must overthrow the government just because he is blocking your decision. While there were other methods to let him go gracefully, you tried your own method and saw the results in front of your eyes. This public mandate prevailed over everything else.
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In a shocking interview yesterday, Chaudhry Parvez Ilahi of PML Q revealed in detail behind the scene details of bad relations between army chief and Imran Khan. He revealed how he tried hard to convince former PM Imran Khan not to dictate army chief about the posting / transfer of DG ISI back in October 2021. He said Imran Khan despite warnings kept delaying the notification of new DG ISI which angered establishment to the point they decided to remove him as punishment!
And for this, Mr Ilahi doesn't have any proof. Bs bhai, Allah ki panah chahiay. Jo jis ky monh main aata Hai woh bolta Hai.
Hain yeh sary hi harami, chahy establishment ho, opposition ho ya govt.
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Punishment for serving Pakistan truthfully and honestly?

Punishment for opting to buy cheaper wheat and oil from Russia to improve economy?

Punishment for helping poor, establishing food stamps, shelters for poor?

Punishment for raising voice against Islamophobia on an international forum, UN general assembly?

Punishment for raising Kashmir issue, and highlighting genocide of muslims in India?

Punishment of resisting drone attacks and saying Absolutely Not to the CIA bases in Pakistan, 400+ drone attacks which killed thousands of Pakistanis, destroyed our tribal area

I hate it soooo much f man wtf, no way we can recover from this.

Why are establishment so thick? IK is a once in a generation person, make the most of him. He is born for this.

He mogged Modi so many times, I have never seen a Pakistani leader command so much respect and they replace him with career criminals? You fools.

View attachment 839600

Khan was in the process of isolating India, he knew if he won Russia's favour and the yanks dumped India, it would checkmate India. But Pakistan doesn't know how to make decisions for its best interest and it self sabotaged and assumed the doggy position for a yankee pounding.

Bro there's no hope for Pakistan. I took the black pill. Once in a lifetime candidates don't come in peacefully look at what they did to Jeremy Corbyn, Hugo Chavez, Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, JFK, they had to put in term limits because of FDR's popularity.

They are gonna try every rule from the book to try to stop him.
They are gonna try every rule from the book to try to stop him.
He should expose them fully then, if he truly feels like there's no way for him to re-enter to make a change, then no secret should be left untold.

Name and shame every one of them, including any military involvement, if he fears assassination, he should also make it known and state by who. Let them deal with the aftermath, which would likely be bloody.
Punishing an elected representative because he just wanted to discuss things from another POV.

I do believe that IK was wrong in wanting Gen Faiz to be DG after his term expired, as the army has it's own system of postings and transfers, but the COAS 'punishing' a sitting PM for having another POV?

Especially since in the end, IK did go with the Army's POV and agreed with their thought process.
He should expose them fully then, if he truly feels like there's no way for him to re-enter to make a change, then no secret should be left untold.

Name and shame every one of them, including any military involvement, if he fears assassination, he should also make it known and state by who. Let them deal with the aftermath, which would likely be bloody.

With this it proves that they are trying to wrap this up as fast as possible. They are gonna try to use religion against Imran Khan.

Didnt he select the one chosen by Bajwa after all?

Is the ego of one person so great that it should consume the entire country?

Not even US or EU has such ego.

This third rate elite goes to IMF and middle east every 3 years to beg ,but never brings about any reform whatsoever and have the nerve to call themselves adherents of a religion where a ruler is sharply held accountable.

They literally run this country and its military on chanda and Karzas while taxing the poor to payback interest of their ayashi.

They have turned Pakistan into an utterly poor, corrupt, drug addicted, lawless country with huge debt which it cannot pay back and look at their ego.

The only rival of this corrupt venal elite was the Nigerian elite. Even Nigeria now has a bigger GDP than Pakistan.
This is not about a posting of COAS etc.

This is about keeping Pakistan slave of Western Bloc and maintain the status quo


All their children are residing in west, they have villas, luxury cars, scholarships and offshore bank accounts, lockers filled with gold. Their children visit Pakistan once or twice in an year to collect money.


My dad worked whole life as a government servant, all our lives, we did not have extra money. He couldnt even afford a car, let alone sending children abroad for education.


The people of Pakistan elected Imran Khan. He's our PM. Dont play dirty tricks.
same here. dad was in pia. I was only able to come overseas due to pure luck. was able to afford education as a local (lower rate) and still took loans and grants and working almost full time jobs. however had 2 sons of navy-captain/commodore (brigadier level) as classmates. paying international tuition. which requires showing assets to be able to pay for education that have been in your possession for more than 2 years. never figured it out how.
In a shocking interview yesterday, Chaudhry Parvez Ilahi of PML Q revealed in detail behind the scene details of bad relations between army chief and Imran Khan. He revealed how he tried hard to convince former PM Imran Khan not to dictate army chief about the posting / transfer of DG ISI back in October 2021. He said Imran Khan despite warnings kept delaying the notification of new DG ISI which angered establishment to the point they decided to remove him as punishment!
Very interesting and more I hear Pervaiz/Monis Ilahi, more I'm becoming a fan of their political acumen.
Both of them should do more public interviews. Today Monis was on Twitter Space and I found him very realistic and balanced.

but a couple of things that I believe he got wrong are:
(1) IK didn't say he wanted Faiz to be next COAS rather IK wanted to keep him in ISI. It was opposite, it was Bajwa who wanted to "keep" Faiz ready for next COAS.
(2) All grudges bw IK & Bajwa that are being publicly discussed are excuses, real reason is simple, Bajwa buckled under US pressure to ouster IK. Rest is all excuses.

Very interestingly Pervaiz mentioned @3:15+ almost exactly what I speculated too:
That Bajwa still has soft corner for IK :lol:
It will be Faiz Hameed. I am 99% confident.
COAS already expressed it tacitly multiple times that he want Faiz Hameed as next COAS.
The reason to take him off ISI was to make him ready to become COAS.

Look guys, whether COAS took good or bad alleged decisions in regards to current situation, one thing is clear that he has a soft corner for IK.
Whether ouster of PTI was result of American interference or not, COAS allegedly fully expects PTI to be back in next election with vote bank allegedly expected to rise from 7% to 27%.

That translates into ( with my poor math skills):

Last election votes = ~220mn population x 0.07-0.08 popularity = ~1.7 cror PTI votes

Next election's alleged expectation = 220mn x 0.27 expected popularity = ~6 cror PTI votes. = ~2/3rd majority(?)

I know what I wrote above is counter intuitive looking at state of affairs at their face value.

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