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Erdogan's 'aid' truck to Syria exposed by Turkish paper


May 23, 2015
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United States
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Election is coming, and the double-faced, pro-dictators, pro-corruption, anti-democracy libtards are coming out of their holes.
Sorry, we don't have double-standard, secular, libtards. Who only support democracy when its in their favor. How's the military coup going? still planning another one?

Talk to me again about democracy when Saudi woman can drive and vote.

I know you and your king are fond of coups and licking their perpetrators' balls but sorry, there won't be any in Turkey. You gotta make do with Sisi.
Talk to me again about democracy when Saudi woman can drive and vote.

I know you and your king are fond of coups and licking their perpetrators' balls but sorry, there won't be any in Turkey. You gotta make do with Sisi.
I don't support Sissy. Neither is the new king.

You're confusing him for another guy mate. He doesn't support old administration's policies and is pro-Turkey/MB. I know that you support opposition in Turkey but you're making misinformed comments against azzo.

You're confusing him for another guy mate. He doesn't support old administration's policies and is pro-Turkey/MB. I know that you support opposition in Turkey but you're making misinformed comments against azzo.

His support for Turkey is limited to AKP and since I'm anti AKP/MB, I believe my comments were pretty accurate.
Election is coming, and the , pro-dictators, pro-corruption, anti-democracy libtards are coming out of their holdouble-facedes.
Dictator=Erdogan(how many journalists and civilians are in jail again because they gave negative comments on Erdogan?)
Corrupt=Erdogan(where did those shoe boxes with money come from again?)
Anti-democratic=Erdogan(what rights do the common people have left?)
Are you talking about Erdogan or am i missing something?
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