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Erdogan: Turkey may attack Syria's Idlib if situation remains unresolved

Oct 15, 2017
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ISTANBUL - Turkey may launch a military operation into Syria's northwestern Idlib province if the situation is not resolved immediately, President Tayyip Erdogan said Friday as attacks by Russia-backed Syrian government forces risked a new wave of refugees.Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's forces, backed by Russian air power, have since last week rapidly advanced on Idlib. They have taken dozens of towns, including the key city of Maarat al-Numan, upending the last major rebel-held stronghold in Syria's nearly nine-year war.

The recent campaign has also raised tensions between Ankara and Moscow, which back opposing sides in the conflict. Turkey fears a fresh wave of migrants from Idlib and has 12 observation posts in the region, part of a 2018 de-escalation deal that Erdogan says Russia is now violating.Speaking in Ankara, Erdogan repeated Turkey could not handle a fresh influx of migrants. He said Ankara will not allow new threats near its borders, even if it meant resorting to military power, as it did in its three previous cross-border operations in northern Syria."We will do what is necessary when someone is threatening our soil. We will have no choice but to resort to the same path again if the situation in Idlib is not returned to normal quickly," Erdogan said.He also appeared to hold out the option of another operation in northeastern Syria, where in October Ankara targeted the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia that it calls a terrorist group."We will not refrain from doing what is necessary, including using military force," he said, adding Turkey wants stability and security in Syria.

Later on Friday, the Kremlin said Russia was fully compliant with its obligations in Idlib, but that it was deeply concerned about what it said were aggressive militant attacks on Syrian government forces and Russia's Hmeimim air base.Turkey, which has backed some rebels fighting to oust Assad, currently hosts more than 3.6 million Syrian refugees. Erdogan has repeatedly called for Assad to step down, even while Iran, Russia and Turkey have said they seek a political solution to the conflict."We will not allow the regime to put our country under the constant threat of migrants by tormenting, attacking, spilling the blood of... its people," Erdogan said.
There two options either northern syria under turkish control or erdogan in retirement hahahahah
There two options either northern syria under turkish control or erdogan in retirement hahahahah

I take it Erdogan will quite easily take Idlib city. It's basically medieval city at this point. No electricity. No running water. No sanitation. No modern agriculture. No modern healthcare. Plus the vast majority of HTS have already been killed by now. Should take him no longer than a few weeks. Much easier than Bab and Afrin battles.
Look how deluded are these assadists they have won in idlib after RuAF has literally killed/destroyed everything that exists in cities and he thinks he will get afrin al bab or other cities under direct turkish control
And he thinks that they will jointly attack turkey with pkk
I pray for that to happen he will regret the day he was born hahahahah
We all know how it ended for the SAA when they decided to support them in Afrin, involve PKK in the fights and enjoy Turkish airstrikes.
We all know how it ended for the SAA when they decided to support them in Afrin, involve PKK in the fights and enjoy Turkish airstrikes.
It would be blessing if these brainless fools do that mistake we can get rid of them in one wave of operations
Why was the western world doubled back over itself in despair and anguish over Turkey occupying/threatening Idlib last year and whining on with the usual "naughty Turks must behave and not cause a humanitarian crisis in idlib because we care about idlib", while now Russia is flattening it (in violation of the previous agreement with Turkey) without any media resistance. In fact, the Turks are still being told off for having observation posts.

I smell a crusade.

According to this account
Koral is active russian jets are blocked in northern aleppo
Mahir assad has been killed in air raid
Syrian artillery batteries that has been shooting at sna are destroyed by turkish UAVs
Syrian army and hezbollah position are being hit by turkish jets

According to this account
Koral is active russian jets are blocked
Mahir assad has been killed in air raid
Syrian artillery batteries that has been shooting at sna are destroyed by turkish UAVs
Syrian army and hezbollah position are being hit by turkish jets

Assad intelligence HQ and airbase is hit by Turkish AirForce. They shelled Al-Bab region which is under the control of Turkiye and They are paying the price. They lost many vehicles and soldiers in conflicts and now they are pulling their soldiers back from several locations.
Turkey inshallah will win against the Russian criminals and their mad dog Assad and hezbu shaytan
sounds good, but reality might be different. Don't think Turkey can take on Russia, neither do they want to do that anyway. I find it difficult to see how Turkey can keep Idlib under control in the foreseeable future. I think Turkey will have no choice than to negotiate with Russia like they did before and pull out with honour while signing some sort of agreement with Russia about restricting Kurdish activities in the north of the country. That's the most they can do, however remains to be seen if this agreement will be respected in full by Russia, since Turkey has signed such agreements with Moscow before in Idlib but we all know how what happened after Russia/Iran and their affiliated Shia militias consolidated its position in Syria, they immediately launched an assault to dislodge Turkish baked forces in this last strategic stronghold. So hard to see how Turkey can keep Idlib and even other areas in Syria which they currently occupy.
sounds good, but reality might be different. Don't think Turkey can take on Russia, neither do they want to do that anyway. I find it difficult to see how Turkey can keep Idlib under control in the foreseeable future. I think Turkey will have no choice than to negotiate with Russia like they did before and pull out with honour while signing some sort of agreement with Russia about restricting Kurdish activities in the north of the country. That's the most they can do, however remains to be seen if this agreement will be respected in full by Russia, since Turkey has signed such agreements with Moscow before in Idlib but we all know how what happened after Russia/Iran and their affiliated Shia militias consolidated its position in Syria, they immediately launched an assault to dislodge Turkish baked forces in this last strategic stronghold. So hard to see how Turkey can keep Idlib and even other areas in Syria which they currently occupy.
Snake has shown itself, it rarely does.
sounds good, but reality might be different. Don't think Turkey can take on Russia, neither do they want to do that anyway. I find it difficult to see how Turkey can keep Idlib under control in the foreseeable future. I think Turkey will have no choice than to negotiate with Russia like they did before and pull out with honour while signing some sort of agreement with Russia about restricting Kurdish activities in the north of the country. That's the most they can do, however remains to be seen if this agreement will be respected in full by Russia, since Turkey has signed such agreements with Moscow before in Idlib but we all know how what happened after Russia/Iran and their affiliated Shia militias consolidated its position in Syria, they immediately launched an assault to dislodge Turkish baked forces in this last strategic stronghold. So hard to see how Turkey can keep Idlib and even other areas in Syria which they currently occupy.
Idlib is the last adventure of assad
Cesar sanctions pased by US senate when they enter into force we will see how russia will be the one who will ask turkey for deals
Also idlib is not the same as al bab or afrin
There are rumors that assad is teaming up with pkk he wouldn’t do that if there weren’t cesear sanctions but this is good news for turkey this is justifying reason for launching new operations
On the other side turkish tourism is booming turksream is built-joint dependence on each other akkuyu nuclear plant started in short things are not as they were 2015 when russia had economic leverage against turkey
2015 was one year before the US-backed coup in 2016 we all know before the coup from november 2015 until may 2016 both american and russian tv stations bombarded world with anti-turkish news
But today is 2020 i think US would gladly welcome if russian-turkish relations are harmed and would jump in to repair turkish-american ties
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