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Featured Erdogan: Sending international force to protect Palestinians viable idea

oh, yeah forgot about that project...
The US , NATO and Turkey fought Serbs and saved Bosnia , Kosovo

and Turkish forces were in Bosnia , Kosovo for peace keeper mission

muslim forces should be in Palestine
but Egypt,Saudi Arabia,The Uae will not do it
well egypt, kingdom of crown prince and dubya (uae) can go to hell in a hand basket. Turkey + Pakistan + Iran alone can make an intimidating protection force...especially if Pakistan brings its SSMs into the theatre. Russia is already in Syria, if they give these 3 nations' forces access, it can happen. We have the way, we just need the will!
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We should unite together instead of ALL the name calling in this thread.
The top priority should be deployment of elite Muslim force to protect Al Aqsa mosque, it cannot be left at the mercy of Isreali forces and extremists/terrorists Jews. Specially at the times when they are getting bold in their quest to build the temple for their awaited king.
The top priority should be deployment of elite Muslim force to protect Al Aqsa mosque, it cannot be left at the mercy of Isreali forces and extremists/terrorists Jews. Specially at the times when they are getting bold in their quest to build the temple for their awaited king.
so, I think Iran has already proven that the isreali iron domb is in fact iron dumb & can be defeated. maybe keep the SSM sword looming on the isrealis...
so, I think Iran has already proven that the isreali iron domb is in fact iron dumb & can be defeated. maybe keep the SSM sword looming on the isrealis...

It's the Al Aqsa Mosque these terrorists Jews are after. Their awaited king, Dajjal, cannot come till Al Aqsa is still standing. Just watch the joy they had dancing and cheering when a tree caught fire within Al Aqsa compound. Yet still there is no visible and strong military presence from Muslim world for the protection of Al Aqsa. There are plenty of idiots who still taking it as "Palestinian issue".

They may or may not get deterred in their plans against Al Aqsa. But if they do succeed, we Muslims have to make sure that their awaited king will only rule over the deads and ruins.
You have little knowledge about anything. The destruction of Israel would prompt a western response. How can you be so ignorant after all these years. You heard it from the goats mouth like Nancy Pelosi and you choose to deny it. I don't care that is it a defensive pact, THEY CAN ALSO BE OFFENSIVE, get that through your thick skull. They on numerous occasions have shipped massive amounts of arms to them during their wars and they won't allow Israel to be wiped off the map.
Once again, you have no idea how NATO works.

You're assuming Turkey is beholden to NAYO, it is not. NATO has no influence on what individual nations actually do. This is why we constantly see NATO member states often supporting opposing sides.

My issue has nothing to do with Israel, it has everything to do with how you're misinterpreting and misrepresenting how NATO works.

If tomorrow, Turkey and Israel go to war, NATO will do nothing. Individual nations may take sides, but NATO as an organization will not be involved.

That's all I'll say on the matter. Next time, if you disagree with someone, no need to name call. If you think you're right, than all you need to do is present facts.
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Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin the international community needs to “teach a deterrent lesson” to Israel.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russia's Vladimir Putin have discussed in a phone call tensions in Gaza and occupied Jerusalem, Turkey's presidency said, as Ankara seeks international action against Israel.

Israel carried out hundreds of air strikes in Gaza into Wednesday morning, killing at least 48 people, including children and women.

Hamas and other Palestinian resistance groups retaliated by firing rockets toward Israel.

Erdogan said showing that Turkey, Russia share same stance on developments in Palestine will send an important message.

Erdogan told Putin the international community needed to "teach a deterrent lesson" to Israel, adding that Ankara was working to mobilise this reaction, according to a statement from his office.

Erdogan said nations should also discuss the "idea of sending an international protection force to the region in order to protect Palestinian civilians".

"UN Security Council should get involved, give clear messages to Israel to halt attacks before crisis grows further," Erdogan added.

Erdogan, a vocal advocate of the Palestinian cause, has stepped up diplomacy, speaking to a range of regional leaders and condemning Israel's "terror".

Turkey additionally has also withdrawn an invitation for Israel's Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz to attend the Antalya Diplomacy Forum in the southern coastal city on June 18-20.

The big mouth has spoken! I am sure , behind the doors, he will voice against it..
This is a viable option and Muslim countries should work with Russia and China, two UN permanent representatives. It also provides opportunity for Russia and China to have say in the world affairs. After all, this constant encouragement Israel gets from powerful EU and USA needs to be countered.

An international force for protection of Palestinians. The reason being that Palestine does not have a military. Its on receiving end not just in days likes these but on a routine basis. So Palestine needs protection against Israel which is armed to the teeth by the Americans.

Any self respecting human being, not just a Muslim, will condemn this constant insulting of dignity of Palestinians. But here, on these threads about Palestine, some Pakistanis are making it as if just a Palestine issue. Its not a Palestine issue. One of Islam's holiest sites was desecrated on the holiest night of the year. This is an issue for all Muslims.

These same Pakistanis of 'liberal' leaning will excoriate Islam and Pakistan if a church is attacked by some extremists in Pakistan. But wont raise an eyebrow if Al-Aqsa is attacked. Its not what Arab will or should do. Its what Muslims should do.
Have you read history? Do you even know how to read? It's obvious you don't know how to write. As for my DNA, it's the same as yours. :enjoy:

That's because Jews have been proactive, by lobbying governments the world over. Still, I find it fascinating that a handful of Jews wield such power and a billion-plus Muslims are weak. Perhaps Muslims should learn from the Jews.

Oh we have a learned one among us who can read and write, now you can write any crap and imagine you r a know it all. Perhaps u should learn from brave child killers.
Once again, you have no idea how NATO works.
You're assuming Turkey is beholden to NAYO, it is not. NATO has no influence on what individual nations actually do. This is why we constantly see NATO member states often supporting opposing sides.
My issue has nothing to do with Israel, it has everything to do with how you're misinterpreting and misrepresenting how NATO works.
If tomorrow, Turkey and Israel go to war, NATO will do nothing. Individual nations may take sides, but NATO as an organization will not be involved.

Finally some sanity.
So what is wrong with Turkey being part of NATO?? As I see it, it is a smart strategy to gain all kinds of military know-how and yet still able to maintain its sovereignty.

Hasn't Turkey put itself in a dock by buying the Russia S-400 defense system in light of America's tough opposition?? Wasn't Pakistan a 'Major Non-Nato Ally' while helping America crush Pakistan's former ally the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan?? Was Azerbaijan not helped by Turkey's military know-how in the recently concluded war against Armenia? Isn't Turkey sacrificing its considerable economic interests by openly siding with Pakistan against India?

After Iran, Mr. Erdogan is the most vocal and effective voice for the Palestinians. Period! Today Turkey's image is tarnished because Turkey sent the Flotilla against Israel. The American press is dominant in forming the global narrative and so we are made to believe that Turkey is a 'fundamentalist' or 'Islamist' country blah, blah. The real reason was Erdogan's vocal support for Palestinians!!

If you talk about 'Islamist' then Saudi Arabia is the epitome of that but The Israel Lobby in America is quiet about that.

Connect the dots guys and don't shoot down a great leader like Erdogan!
The US , NATO and Turkey fought Serbs and saved Bosnia , Kosovo

and Turkish forces were in Bosnia , Kosovo for peace keeper mission

yes as you said muslim forces should be in Palestine
but Egypt,Saudi Arabia,The Uae will do it ?
Egyptians were in Bosnia ( Mujahdeen and peace keepers)



Nato can suck it along with westeren forces.
Again I say it , the only nation that suppose to act for Palestine is Egypt .. Palestinians want the Egyptians to interfere and we want to interfere but the scumbag who rules us is a traitor .. Erdogan demand to send international troops to Palestine is wrong , it should be Islamic troops .. we all saw what happened to the bosnians when they international troops reached there , they let the serb do massacares ( dutch troops allowed them).

Erdogan , think before you talk.
Eygpt?..this is funny
Lets start from who created the mess in 1970s...
Even today gaza is under seige with help of whom?
Eygpt?..this is funny
Lets start from who created the mess in 1970s...
Even today gaza is under seige with help of whom?
Yes Egypt .. When mongols took over the Islamic world it was Egypt who stopped them with the help of mamluks here.
When Salah El din decided to reclaim Al-Quds it was from Egypt.

having bad leaders nowadays doesn't make Egypt a bad country.
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