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Featured Erdogan: Sending international force to protect Palestinians viable idea

That all might be true - it may also be because of bad decisions and poor diplomacy by Turkey. It can't all be pinned on outsiders.

Arab govts are not saying much and they are doing even less. But Turkey is saying lots but also doing nothing. I don't know which one is better.
Erdogan does not give a single solitary **** about palestine.
These statements are just for public Consumption

Palestinians were sold for cash, now sold for political mileage
Guys, let us face it us Muslims are powerless when it comes to helping the Muslims in Palestine, Kashmir and in China.

Although China is one of the worst oppressors of Muslims with their treatment of Uyghurs, we can use them to at least try to make things better for the Palestinians and maybe the Kashmiris.

Once China has become a superpower by circa 2030, then the US will no longer have so much power as it does now.

At this time as long as Turkey has developed its economy and military technology sufficiently then it along with Iran and Pakistan may be able to send a naval force to assist the Palestinians if the Jews do something similar. Jews are only bullying the Palestinians as there is little cost to them.
US at the time may not be able to pick up fight with a combined Muslim block as well as the powerful Chinese at the same time.

Right now, there is nothing that can be done for the Palestinians or the Kashmiris. As for Uyghurs their fate is sealed at the hands of China but Muslim countries should do more to speak up, especially ones like Pakistan that China will find harder to ignore.
and this photo from Turkish-Syrian border
stop lying
Maybe it was. But you can't deny the fact that Turkish Armed forces were deployed in Afghanistan as part of NATO forces. And yes I agree they never fired bullit in combat but they were in Afghanistan as part of the wider MATO mission there.
Once China has become a superpower
The Chinese will not allow such a force to go against Israel. By that time Israel will have built sufficient influence in China. They may not support the destruction of Palestine but equally they will not allow destruction of Israel either.
so you want Arabs or Turks to come stop you from killing each other?

or you believe that Islam is some 70 year old religion immune from primal instinct of man?
bhai yahan roti poori nhi ho rahi apko jehad e falsteen ki pari hai :lol:
The Chinese will not allow such a force to go against Israel. By that time Israel will have built sufficient influence in China. They may not support the destruction of Palestine but equally they will not allow destruction of Israel either.

Chinese don't give a screw about Jews or what happened in the Holocaust.

By 2030 the competition between USA and China for global dominance will be in full swing. That is what will matter to them.

No ways Jews will penetrate the Chinese state like they have with the US and the West in general. It is simply not possible in a few decades as the Jews took centuries to do the same in the West.

It is not about destroying the Jewish presence in Palestine but more about stopping the Palestinians getting bullied when the Jews feel the need.

It will need to be pretty powerful - lots of destroyers, frigates, submarines, assault ships etc to be credible. Turkish airforce can also be around as backup.
My friend calm down. I think most Turks know I am pro Turkish. I never said Turks have fired any bullets. But fact is contingent on NATO they are there in Afghanistan as part of the NATO force.

Turkey and Erdogan are doing a terrific job of looking after their interests. That isa good. My issue is not Turkey but foolish Pakistani's who behave like children

You know nothing about Turkey
Turkish Army was in Afganistan , Bosnia , Kosovo , Lebanon ,etc for peace keeper role

and NATO - Turkey saved muslim Bosnians from christian Serbs in 1990s

Turkey support muslims from Bosnia to Arakan , from Palestine to Somalia , from Afghanistan to Libya
from Azerbaijan to East Turkestan

and The US ,İsrael ,France were alliance against Turkey ... Why ?
Muslims leaders need to raise their voices for justice to the Palestinians people. The should send military aid to them at least to knock down fighters attacking civilians.
bhai yahan roti poori nhi ho rahi apko jehad e falsteen ki pari hai :lol:

Pakistan's minister of postal services who is one step from going postal himself recently took in food aide from some Muslim country.

Go lock horns with him for ghairat

Until you stop recognizing Israel's existence, your words are nothing but hollow garbage.
Erdogan does not give a single solitary **** about palestine.
These statements are just for public Consumption

Palestinians were sold for cash, now sold for political mileage

We dont care about Palestinians who sold their lands to the Jews
We care about Al Aqsa mosque which is one of third holiest site in İslam

persian were nothing for İslam
and Turks fought Crusaders for Jerusalem
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