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Featured Erdogan: Sending international force to protect Palestinians viable idea

No, Saudi with 40+ countries coalition,

They already marching towards Israel, but unluckily they forgot the way towards Israel, and went Yemen. Now they are ready to clean the Juice from Israel.

Are you some claimant to the throne of Sheba or something?
Any such attempt is not possible without Egyptian Involvement sissi will never agree to it without KSA and UAE onboard and if Erdogan is indeed serious here he should personally contact the leaderships of Pakistan, Bangladesh, GCC Countries, Egypt, Indonesia and Malaysia Whether he succeeds or not is a different matter. The problem here is Mr Erdogan himself doesnt seem to be serious about it he should be contacting Leadership of Muslim countries but here he is contacting Russians.

I won't fault him for his nations relations with the state of Israel, but he is guilty of strengthening economic relation between Israel and Turkey.
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Turkey still trying to "act" leader of Muslim world. What's laughable is some do actually believe this bluff, despite it being clearly western and secular, seeing only nation's interests.
No one beats Erdogan when it comes to wringing political mileage out of an 'Islamic cause'.

If he is serious, why doesn't he make a start to this viable international force. Is it because 50 Palestinian lives mean absolutely zilch in comparison to the economic fate of 60m Turks?

Rightly so tbh, I just wish he wouldn't talk both ways.
Turkey still trying to "act" leader of Muslim world. What's laughable is some do actually believe this bluff, despite it being clearly western and secular, seeing only nation's interests.

Why is Indo Persian ego hurt during this episode?

Strange trend
Turkey still trying to "act" leader of Muslim world. What's laughable is some do actually believe this bluff, despite it being clearly western and secular, seeing only nation's interests.

Muslim heritage sites in India are also vulnerable to vandalism fueled through religious hate.
Funny how all those who sold Palestine 100 years ago to the Zionists for worldly gain talk about protecting Palestine today.

Palestinians today are the most sold commodity in the international market .

Got sold out for cash 100 years ago. Today getting sold out for political mileage.

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No, Saudi with 40+ countries coalition,

They already marching towards Israel, but unluckily they forgot the way towards Israel, and went Yemen. Now they are ready to clean the Juice from Israel.
That is counter terrorism coalition
actually for tribal people in Pakistan, it is a non issue.

these people decide politics and power in Pakistan.

give @Imran Khan some shekels and he will tell you where @Zarvan is hiding.
The Arabs have given up on Palestine. How many Arab leaders do we today see condemning Israeli landgrabbing? None. Worse, they fully recognise Israel. They conduct business with Israel.

You have a handful of non-Arab Islamic nations who are standing up for Palestine. That is it.
Arabs lost Al Quds in 1099. Nuredin zengi, Imadedin Zengi and Salahudin Ayubi. Who won it back were Oğuz Turk and Kurd respectively.

Arabs given false hope of their own dominion by white devil British in 1800s. Stabbed the Ottomans in the back. Got more lies and deception in return and lost Al Quds.

In 2011 same Arabs promised "democracy" and "liberation" by white devils in EU and America. Got nothing but ruined countries, endless civil wars, refugees and chaos in return.
NATO doesn't work like that. It's essentially a self-defense pact: if one member is attacked, the other members come to its defense. Action against Israel would be outside NATO's purview. Turkey has launched military operations in Syria, Iraq, and Libya, all without NATO's approval.

:rofl: The Jews are cowards?

Read some history. The Jews are anything but cowards. And do you think the US will allow such a thing to happen?
Whatever flotilla that is sent off Gaza will be sent to the bottom of the sea.

Seriously, did you write this in anger?

The US is owned by the Zionist lobby. No person gets to political leadership without performing acts of oral gratification for Israel. The US will defend Israel no matter what.

And we are approaching the end of the american century.
You actually believe that crap. NATO won’t come to their aid? Absolute foolish assessment. Europe would mobilize to prevent Israel being wiped off the map. Don’t kid yourself

So you are saying that other NATO members will go to war with another NATO member over Israel? I can see individual European countries assisting Israel but not NATO as a whole, especially since Israel is not a member of NATO.

Besides, Israel can take care of itself. The 1967 war proved that Israel was capable of defending itself.
No one beats Erdogan when it comes to wringing political mileage out of an 'Islamic cause'.

If he is serious, why doesn't he make a start to this viable international force. Is it because 50 Palestinian lives mean absolutely zilch in comparison to the economic fate of 60m Turks?

Rightly so tbh, I just wish he wouldn't talk both ways.

only Erdogan what can do ? we need islamic alliance

after 2009 DAVOS ..... ERDOGAN was under attack by zionists in İsrael ,Europe and The US
and Turkish Economy lost over $500 billion because of in 2009 ERDOGAN criticized İsrael for killing Palestinians

since 2013 , The US attacked Turkish Economy and 1 USD has risen to 8.3 TL from 1,8 TL .. Turkish economy lost over $500 billion

since 2013 , The US doesnt give even pistol to Turkey and blocked transfer of F-35s to Turkey

since 2013 there are economic-arms embargo on Turkey by the US

even I am not talking about to fight against American proxies FETO , PKK/YPG , HAFTAR , etc inside and in İraq,Syria,Libya
yes in 2018 , when İsrael atttacked Gazza

still there is no Turkish ambassador to Israel

And how effective was that move in preventing what is happening now? Obviously, turkey needs to take some more concrete steps.
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