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Erdogan says Turkey interested in improving relations with Israel

China has good relations and full diplomatic/trade ties with the Zionist state. Why are you forbidding Pakistan from doing the same? lol Dont worry Pakistan wont collapse because they set up diplomatic relations with Israel like Turkey did long ago. lol
Diplomatic r/s vs friendly deep cooperation state are different. China r wary of israel close r/s with US and ever since the cancel of phalcon deal pressure by US. We know Israel r not trustworthy.

Our r/s with Israel are pure on business level with no military cooperation and no intel sharing. Both also has different political views. China is one of the big supporter of palestine state and we do not recognised jerusalem as capital of israel.
Ah, so now Turkey wants good ties with that criminal, liar, murderer zionist state of israel? What happened to the turkish citizens murdered by israelis? Was their life cheap enough to forget about and mend ties with zionist-israel? What happened to standing firm to support Palestinians being brutally murdered and treated like cockroaches by those zionist-israelis?

This makes news for the ignorant buffoons, but those who are not predisposed with zionist-western brainwashing, know that israel and Turkey have had continued trade, business to business relations and ever growing tourism even after the dramatized stance of the Turkish govt over Palestine.

What happened to "Our Minarets are our Spears and Our Mosque Domes are our Shields," Mr. Erdogan?

They lie through their teeth and thump their chests about being the champions of Islam, or the so-called Khadim-ul-Haramain as well. They (Turkish-Govt, Najdis-Saudi-Govt, Najdi-Emarati-Govt, Egyptians-Govt,J Jordanian-Govt) are all a bunch of liars and traitors to Islam. They use Islam to galvanize support, when in reality they join the ranks of those who are the enemies of Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah.
Ah, so now Turkey wants good ties with that criminal, liar, murderer zionist state of israel? What happened to the turkish citizens murdered by israelis? Was their life cheap enough to forget about and mend ties with zionist-israel? What happened to standing firm to support Palestinians being brutally murdered and treated like cockroaches by those zionist-israelis?

This makes news for the ignorant buffoons, but those who are not predisposed with zionist-western brainwashing, know that israel and Turkey have had continued trade, business to business relations and ever growing tourism even after the dramatized stance of the Turkish govt over Palestine.

What happened to "Our Minarets are our Spears and Our Mosque Domes are our Shields," Mr. Erdogan?

They lie through their teeth and thump their chests about being the champions of Islam, or the so-called Khadim-ul-Haramain as well. They (Turkish-Govt, Najdis-Saudi-Govt, Najdi-Emarati-Govt, Egyptians-Govt,J Jordanian-Govt) are all a bunch of liars and traitors to Islam. They use Islam to galvanize support, when in reality they join the ranks of those who are the enemies of Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah.
Erdogan and turkey is only interested in pan turkic empire , not pan islamic unity. He simply beating the drum of champion for muslim as smokescreen to fuel his true ambition.

Anybody not part of turkic lineage will be discarded once their usefulness is exhausted.
Brother, in all fairness you did not start this. And I can imagine it is easier said than done, since the initial invectives directed at you seemed rather uncalled for. However, try not to engage in it any longer if possible, as this would only lead the discussion to deviate from the topic.

What we need now, is to create unity around the actual goal, which is to confront the usurpatory zionist regime. Let's rather try to adress the last lines of Indus Pakistan's comment, that since Islam has survived for so long, including invaders such as the Mongols, it won't be threatened by zionism and the contemporary globalist oligarchy either.

My first reply to this, would be that today's dominant powers have tools at their disposal which Mongols could only dream of, due to how much science and technology have advanced since then. Today, powers to be are on the verge of being able to alter the living creation of God, i. e. man, in its fundamental building blocks. Mind control, social engineering and psy ops on the scale on which they are practiced in this era are miles away from anything the Mongols could muster. Also, unlike contemporary zionist and globalist elites, the Mongols weren't motivated by an active messianist agenda endeavoring to replace every nation and religion by a unified one-world substitute, respectively referred to as global citizenry and Noahide faith.

When we witness how guardian authorities of the holy sites in al-Hijaz have altered the Jamarat devil stoning ritual under dubious pretexts (in fact, instead of surrounding the pillars with walls on every side, building such a wall behind one side and having everyone face the pillars, so that stones could be thrown in a single direction and that nobody would be standing at the receiving end, would have served the invoked purpose well enough - so, why prevent the stones from hitting the pillars?), and how this is tolerated by Muslims, then we know the danger is of an acute nature.

When we see a modern mosque, church and synagogue housed under the same roof in the UAE, in what represents sort of an ideal stepping stone towards a notional temple for a future unitary world religion concocted and imposed by zionist and globalist elites, then we know the threat is a pressing one.

When the corrupt and criminal superpowers of our time, whose might and influence surpasses the prowess of all their predecessors throughout history, are largely getting away with innumerable crimes, including against Muslims (500.000 babies and children massacred as a result of sanctions against the Iraqi people from 1991 to 2003 alone, just imagine the total cumulated body count of their mischief); and when those who raise their voice above others and claim to be defending Islam, choose to focus their wrath on Iran, the same Iran which in fact has been standing practically alone against these superpowers for the past 40 years, then you can sense that there's something inherently wrong about the direction taken.

There is so much more to say. But let this suffice for now.


First of all, I would like to thank you for expressing your view in a civil, respectful and sincere manner (unlike some who will lose it, resorting to intellectual dishonesty, ad hominems, libel, insults and even threats).

The Islamic Republic of Iran and the Iranian people have no issues with ordinary Jews either. Despite Iran's enmity with the regime in Tel Aviv, Jewish Iranians are entitled by law to a representative in Majles (Iranian parliament), despite numbering only about 7500. They are free to practice their religion, have their synagogues (including some ancient historic ones) and community centers, and are on average relatively well off from the economic point of view. Racist attacks on Jewish Iranian citizens from their compatriots are virtually unheard of.

However, things are very different when it comes to zionist elites, who have hijacked the Jewish community and are not only occupying Palestine and oppressing its people, threatening Masjid ul-Aqsa, but moreover have hegemonic designs at the global scale, in association with the bankster, corporate, and masonic oligarchies.

And those designs call for the dissolution of the national, cultural and religious heritage of all goys into a one-world system placed under the thumb of the global oligarchy. Under this concept, all nation-states, national identities and religions (except the Jewish ones) are set to disappear, only to be replaced by a single one-world regime headquartered in Jerusalem, a single one-global nation of goys, and a single religion for non-Jews called Noahism (as clearly mentioned in certain Jewish texts, however these texts claim that the messiah sent by God is going to institute such a world order; whereas current global elites instrumentalize the scriptures by taking it upon themselves to implement this described order, arguing that the Jewish people themselves must act as their own messiah). In the framework of this goal, Masjid ul-Aqsa is to be demolished and a so-called third temple of Solomon is to be constructed upon its ruins (a demand formulated by assorted radicals in Isra"el").

This is not something that a patriot or a religious person, no matter their background, can accept. Of course, our common adversary will brush this off as a "conspiracy theory", as "antisemitic prejudice", "paranoia" and what not.

Unfortunately for them though, they and the literature they produced have been quite explicit about it. It's just that this sort of literature and these declarations are not echoed by the mainstream media, which are firmly under their control. But those interested can access the sources in question and obtain confirmation. People can also put this material side by side with actual policies conducted by the globalist ruling class accross the planet, as well as by the zionist entity and its overseas lobbies and agents of influence, and draw their own conclusions.

This is of course your right. But please note nonetheless, that Hezbollah's Resistance in Lebanon as well as Hamas' and Islamic Jihad's efforts in Gaza introduced a new paradigm. Asymmetry has trumped vain attempts by classic Arab armies at confronting Tel Aviv on a level where that regime's strengths actually lie.

We have to admit, these Resistance groups have been far more succesful, with Hezbollah clearly defeating the zionist regime twice (in the rational i. e. Clausewitzian sense - military defeat does not necessarily imply annihilation, it means failing to reach one's predetermined war objectives).

I have never labeled Turkey as such. If any Iranian or supporter of Iran did so, it is certainly because of all the gibberish directed every day at Iran, be it here and everywhere else for the matter, by people who are under the influence of narratives propagated by certain regimes which unlike Iran have not dared to support the Palestinians militarily, but are in fact normalizing their relations with Tel Aviv, without even extending the level of humanitarian and diplomatic support that Ankara is granting to the Palestinians.

Yet such people, often driven by sectarianist prejudice (while projecting this same bias on the Islamic Republic and falsely accusing it of conducting "sectarian" policies), will randomly and baselessly accuse Iran of being the foremost "enemy" of Muslims, of being "secretly allied" to the zionist regime or of tacitly colluding with the latter against Sunni-majority and/or Arab states.

The zionist regime and its operatives, through their domination of print, satellite and internet media (including so-called social media, weblogs, forums) are playing a key role in this systematic incitement of significant swaths of Arab and Muslim opinion against Iran, achieved by a constant and relentless demonization of the latter. The sheer volume and intensity of this anti-Iranian propaganda and psy-ops campaign is unprecedented in history.

For example, a vlogger showed recently that the Persian language service of the BBC is churning out nearly 8 times more content than their second most prolific foreign language branch on Twitter and Instagram... This by itself says it all.

In 2007, Pullitzer-winnning veteran journalist Seymour Hersh (the person who first revealed the gruesome massacre committed by US occupation troops at the village of My Lay during the Vietnam war), spilled the beans based on statements from sources within the American security apparatus. Ever since that year, the policy of the US, the zionist regime and their allies entirely confirm what was announced in Hersh's paper:

Let's be fair and coherent: one can't on the one hand suggest that Iran has been encouraging war in Palestine - whereby one would necessarily be alluding to Iranian arms shipments, training and logistical assistance for Palestinian Resistance groups, because those same Palestinians are hardly going to be encouraged to go to war simply on verbal injunctions from Tehran; and on the other hand, claim that this Iranian policy is nothig more than a pretext for the pursuit of unavowed objectives, namely to delegitimize neighbors or to hatch hegemonic designs against them.

It wouldn't make much sense for Iran to go to such lengths and take such risks by doing what no other state has dared for the last 40 years, if its aim was simply limited to garnering some popularity among Muslims by portraying itself as an opponent to zionism. Instead, Iran would have kept its opposition at the mere verbal level and would not have ventured in any shape or form into supporting armed resistance against the occupation regime, because that is guaranteed to instantly blacklist it with the world's "superpower" (considering America's bipartisan subservience to Tel Aviv) and cost far more overall than what it could hope to reap from it in terms of PR within regional public opinion.

I alluded to what the issue with zionism is. It goes beyond the sole plight of Palestinians, and even beyond the future of Islam and the Muslim Ummah. It concerns everyone who is not part of the global oligarchy nor ideologically supportive of it. Because they are coming for us one by one, while keeping us busy by instigating as many divisions and conflicts between us as they can. Tactics haven't so much changed since the times of the British, only the present zio-American empire is way, way more resourceful and has stepped much closer to this ultimate goal.

But to address your above quoted remark, states cannot always be held responsible for what their more or less distant predecessors did. Otherwise we would have to hold present day Mongolia to account, since in some regions of the Muslim world, Mongol invaders of the Middle Ages eliminated up to 90% of all inhabitants.

If we stay focused on present times and present regimes, then the zio-American empire tops the list. If I may reiterate: 500.000 Iraqi babies and children alone perished in the 1990's as a result of the sanctions regime brought about by Washington, whose policies in West Asia are largely determined by the powerful zionist lobby... with the pro-zionist Secretary of State Madeleine Albright declaring in cold blood on CNN, it was "worth it":

By the way, this video is becoming harder and harder to locate. Try searching on YouTube using obvious keywords, and you'll find no adequate results after several pages. Try it on Google, the same picture will present itself to you. Clearly they are indirectly censoring clips of this interview by downgrading its visibility as much as they can.

And that's babies and children only. The total number of casualties is well over a million. Only as a result of the sanctions.

So add the body count from the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq since 2003, the many dead from internecine "confessional" and "ethnic" conflicts in Iraq and beyond actively stoked by the zio-Americans, the victims of their wars in Somalia, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen (where the Saudi invasion is directly backed by the US and its European allies with arms, intelligence and more), as well as Syria (although you will surely have a different opinion on that one and probably blame the victims on the government in Damascus, let's just agree that the western regimes, by putting their weight behind the insurgency, hardly intended to prevent or to halt the civil war in Syria).

Now if post-Soviet Russia was to engage in another Afghanistan-type of operation, with as little justification and as massive a civilian-to-military toll, I would condemn it and so would Iran, I am sure. Remember that Islamic Iran extended some military level support to Afghan Mujahidin factions during the Soviet occupation, at great cost to itself since this was one of the reasons which motivated Moscow to double down on its assistance to Saddam, against whom Iran was at war back then. So Iran found itself isolated, fighting an Iraqi army that was being simultaneously propped up by both Western and Eastern blocs, an extremely rare occurrence during the Cold War period.

We shall see. But Iran-Turkey relations were quite stable prior to AKP rule already. While another government in Ankara might interrupt some of Erdogan's policies deemed favorable to Iran, it will in all likelihood also refrain from some other measures taken by Erdogan, which were not so much to Iran's advantage (like his so-called neo-Ottomanist type of outlook, which at times clashed with Iranian priorities, particularly over Syria). So on the whole, these changes should balance each other out.

Have a nice day as well.


Just to add the following: I'd be honestly surprised if Xerxes22, the thread starter, was a psy-ops agent from an organized group. I have been reading his comments since he registered here, and from what I can tell he is a sincere person with no ill intent, defending what and whom he believes to be the right, like must of us do.

He can just get upset at times, due to the massive anti-Iranian drivel encountered here and there, drivel which happens to include lots of inconsistencies, unfair accusations and downright outlandish nonsense, often brought accross with an unusually violent and provocative tone. I said it at the beginning of this post - thanks for not falling into that category, despite our differences.

As an example, take a glimpse at this: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/to-my-friend-turkey-beware-of-satanic-iran.694768/

Dude you just whined a lot of pity party, look at us Muslims, look at our condition etc

(1) if Turkey has a right to takeover the seat of eastern orthodox church in constantinople, Israel has every right to take over Dome of the rock

(2) Most of the Muslims killed in syria, Iraq, Iran, libya, yemen, etc were Muslims killing other Muslims. There is no greater fools than you guys, emotional too.
Yet such people, often driven by sectarianist prejudice (while projecting this same bias on the Islamic Republic and falsely accusing it of conducting "sectarian" policies), will randomly and baselessly accuse Iran of being the foremost "enemy" of Muslims, of being "secretly allied" to the zionist regime or of tacitly colluding with the latter against Sunni-majority and/or Arab states.

Brother Salar, stop accusing everyone of being sectarian, Khomeini himself is part of this same Zionist/Satanic order that garners your attention:

With all bets off, the Iranian reformers have now struck at the heart of the revolution and are insisting on an inquiry into the disappearance of Imam (Ayatollah) Musa Sadr, some 25-years ago, during a visit to Libya. The Iranian-born leader of the Lebanese Shia, Imam Musa Sadr, was revered and respected above all others in the Shia world. He refused to accept Khomeini as an Ayatollah. With the influence Imam Musa Sadr enjoyed, he became an insurmountable obstacle to Khomeini’s political plans, and of those who supported the overthrow of the Shah and needed a despot like Khomeini to be their cat’s paw.

Imam (Ayatollah) Musa Sadr’s mysterious disappearance in Libya - his body was never found- opened the way for Khomeini to invade Iran, which accurately describes the action of a foreigner like Khomeini taking over a country in which he (Khomeini) was neither born nor had any Persian blood in his veins at all, paternally or maternally.

While one devout Iranian in California speaks of Khomeini reverently as a great man, similar to Hitler, other less friendly Persians liken him to an invader like Genghis Khan the Mongol scourge.

The cornerstone and founder of the Islamic Revolution of Iran was Ayatollah Khomeini and the structure which he put in place. However, there is compelling evidence that Khomeini was never an Iranian in the first place and had no right to impose his policies on the Iranian people. Nor was his elevation to the title of ayatollah anything more than a political, face-saving expediency to prevent his being hanged for treason in 1964. Considerable effort was made in 1979 to eradicate evidence of any record of either Khomeini's non-Iranian origins and the source of his use of the title of Ayatollah.

One of the first actions which Khomeini took, within hours of his return to Iran after the Shah left, was to execute two prominent men who were living proof of his origin and also of his false Ayatollah status. One of these was Gen. Hassan Pakravan, Head of SAVAK, the Imperial Iranian national intelligence and security organization.

Furthermore he immediately tried to assassinate the highly-respected Ayatollah Shariatmadari, who, with Ayatollah Golpayegani, had in 1964 granted Khomeini the false title. They had agreed to allow Khomeini, then literally awaiting death on charges of treason, to be called an Ayatollah to save his life: it was forbidden to execute an Ayatollah. This took place in 1964 at the urging of the British Ambassador to Iran and Gen. Pakravan, when a face-saving legal reason had to be found not to hang Khomeini for treason. It is known that Pakravan had fought hard to avoid Khomeinis execution at that time.

Later, when the 1979 assassination attempt failed against Shariatmadari, Shariatmadari, far higher in the religious hierarchy than Khomeini, was placed, incommunicado and under house arrest, without the right to preach or receive visitors other than a handful of close relatives, whose anti-Khomeini statements could be easily impugned as biased.

Few contest that Khomeini’s mother was a Kashmiri Indian, but even fewer Iranians or otherwise know his fathers origins or his real name. The late Iranian Senator Moussavi, who represented Khuzestan Province in Southern Iran, at the time of the monarchy, knew Khomeini’s father and his four sons well, looked after their needs, used his influence to obtain their Iranian identity cards with fictitious dates and places of birth to avoid military service. Sen. Moussavi died for this help, on Khomeini's personal orders, immediately on Khomaini return from France after the 1979 coup.

SAVAK chief Gen. Pakravan, the man who saved Khomeini's life in 1964, was taken that same night onto the roof of his house and shot to death for having compiled a complete background file on Khomeini. The SAVAK background file still exists, as a senior SAVAK official, who defected and joined SAVAMA (the clerics equivalent of the SAVAK) took possession of it. This same man was reportedly head of SAVAMA in the US for quite some time, and sources indicate that he has kept the file for a rainy day.

Why did Khomeini return to Iran with such a bloodthirsty mind set? It seems clear that it was to exact the revenge which he said he would have. Prior to his return to Iran in 1979, Khomeini openly stated that he would kill as many Iranians. He considered everyone in Iran guilty in advance as there were hairs on the head of his son, killed in a car accident, but in his mind killed by Iranian authorities.

Unable to provide an acceptable paternal background for Khomeini, a story was concocted to link his paternal heritage to that of his Kashmiri Indian mother and introduced an Indian-born father (also from Kashmir) but of Iranian heritage. In fact, no such person existed. But someone with similar and misleading characteristics certainly did, which could lend credence to this fiction of an Indian father.

Khomeini’s real father, William Richard Williamson, was born in Bristol, England, in 1872 of British parents and lineage. This detail is based on first-hand evidence from a former Iranian employee of the Anglo- Iranian Oil Company (later known as British Petroleum- BP), who worked with and met the key players of this saga. This fact was supported by the lack of a denial in 1979 by Col. Archie Chisholm, a BP political officer and former editor at The Financial Times, when interviewed on the subject at his home in County Cork, Ireland, by a British newspaper.


You do not understand how this Satanic order works and you take things at face value. As I told you before, there is nothing gonna stop you from falling for the Dajjal if you take things at face value and don't understand their greater agenda. They're using Iranian regime to go for the kill. Lots of people in Iran have nothing to do with this or in the regime in itself are unaware of it.
give glory to these peoples who openly colluded with our enemies, and themselves were invaded by them. now 50 years later they still honour and ruled by Hindus that’s very honourable state

1971, Pakistans small army units did what they could there. where betrayal was happening all round them with these peoples.

and yep, Pakistan hasn’t been gobbled up by neighbours thanks to god for Pakistan army. Martial race !!! yes thank you we Pashtuns are that in Pakistan unlike other weaklings groups ..,,

Since you have brought this up , i will explain to you the reasons behind the breaking up of East Pakistan and the many thousand causes that eventually led to it. Trust me , there was not just political reasons, infact u dont have to trust me at all, you can dig up a book, visit a library or look it up on the open sources on the internet.

They weren't just political Issues that caused it. There were major economical inequalities, civilian and military inequalities, racial injustices and discriminations shown for decades.

Political Issues

The general elcections held in Pakistan on 7th December 1970 comes to forefornt. The election was held to elect members of the National Assembly. And it was the first general election since the independence of Pakistan. The Pakistan People's Party (Bhutto) and The Awami League (Mujeeb) fought the elections in which The Awami League won an Overwhelming majority of I60 seats compared to 81 seats won by PPP.

But the National Assembly was not inaugaurated by President Yahya Khan and Bhutto as they did not want a party from East Pakistan to be in the federal government (talk about Justice). Instead a Bengali Politician named Nurul Amin was made Prime Minister instead of Mujeeb. But this failed as people in East Pakistan strongly protested. The west pakistani leadership took a very heavy handed approach since afterward which culminated in Operation Searchlight. Read about it.

I do not know of any other nation that went so merciless after their own people. Yes, those that you went after called themselves Pakistanis at that point. They went after regular Bengali speaking civilians and caused an absolute havoc and massacre in just one single bloody night.

To show the INFERIOR bengalis their place, to put them on their little hole, the Pak army unleashed hell. Imagine waking up that night and hearing the roar of tanks and artillary and Fighter jets and you are terrorized who are causing it, only to find out its ur own military.

Our Grand parents told the stories wen we were kids, how they all ducked under their beds , confused as to what was happening. All lot of indiscriminate killing took place that night. The next day the Bengali men in the military rebelled (Zia). And how wud they not. They shud join in the massacre against their own people right ?

The civil war started right after. Bangladeshis didnt call to arms and asked for independence before this occured. Nor did they provoke you militarily. You came in and attacked East Pakistanis and got the war started. The bengalis never asked for a war.

Your leaders thought that you cud come in , roll the streets with some tanks , fire artillery shells and Kaput the Coward lowly Bengalis wud Hush their mouth forever. No, Bengali men in the army declared independence the very next day.

Economical Reasons

Although East Pakistan had a Larger Population, (yes most Pakistanis were not even in current Pakistan, how about that for an EGO SHOT?), West Pakistan received more money from the national budget. Development policies were different for the two parts. West Pakistan also had more capital as all major infrastructure and industries were located in West Pakistan. The East Pakistani felt the brunt of these double nature in economic inequality that added to other discriminatory social woes. East Pakistan had an agrarian economy basically compared to West Pakistan's urban industrial society.

Other Issues

Bengalis were under-represented in the Pakistan military. Officers of Bengali origin in the different wings of the armed forces made up just 5% of overall force by 1965; of these, only a few were in command positions, with the majority in technical or administrative posts . West Pakistanis believed that Bengalis were not "martially inclined" unlike Pashtuns and Punjabis; the "martial races" notion was dismissed as ridiculous and humiliating by Bengalis.

Moreover, despite huge defence spending, East Pakistan received none of the benefits, such as contracts, purchasing and military support jobs. The Indo-Pakistani War of 1965 over Kashmir also highlighted the sense of military insecurity among Bengalis, as only an under-strength infantry division and 15 combat aircraft without tank support were in East Pakistan to thwart any Indian retaliations during the conflict.

And not to mention all the cultural discrimination as well as the mess caused about the bengali language.

and yep, Pakistan hasn’t been gobbled up by neighbours thanks to god for Pakistan army. Martial race !!! yes thank you we Pashtuns are that in Pakistan unlike other weaklings groups ..,,

Abbey Sun le, Sirf Pathan Pathan karta hain. Mein kon hoon? Tune check nehi kiya teri racist bhai ka comment ? Mein ne Usko kya bola phir se check kar. Sare Pathan kya teri North mein hi hai ? Aur koi is dunya me Pathan nehi hain? Toh phir meri maa ne kya galti ki ? Hum bhi toh Pathan hain meri maa ka baap bhi toh Pathan hain aur Uska baap bhi pathan tha. My Grandfather worked greater part of his life in Lahore. Tera indus mein hi kya saare Pathan hai tujhe lagta hain yeh?
give glory to these peoples who openly colluded with our enemies, and themselves were invaded by them. now 50 years later they still honour and ruled by Hindus that’s very honourable state



They Police say 50,000 but over a 100,000 thousand ppl took the street and its just one instance. So yeah we worship the Hindus and are ruled by them, what an honourable state as u mentioned. TROLL
Laughing my *** off at the hypocrites who attacked Morocco and UAE for exactly the same thing.
Brother Salar, stop accusing everyone of being sectarian, Khomeini himself is part of this same Zionist/Satanic order that garners your attention:


You do not understand how this Satanic order works and you take things at face value. As I told you before, there is nothing gonna stop you from falling for the Dajjal if you take things at face value and don't understand their greater agenda. They're using Iranian regime to go for the kill. Lots of people in Iran have nothing to do with this or in the regime in itself are unaware of it.
The conspiracy guy is here. All thats left to justify BS by their world leaders is conspiracy theories. This is the basis of their arguement. I hope ppl like these are able to sleep peacefully at night, I wudnt be able to.

Falling for the dajjal? Wake up and see who are the only ones fighting zion. Its you who needs to save urself from Dajjals deception. Cuz by the looks of it you and ur associates have already been deceived.
well the "Iranian state oil" is a win win for Iran and Pakistan. why do i say this? well Iran is sanctioned from selling oil, and it has alot of it...and is willing to sell it cheaply....AND Pakistan doesnt have oil, and is a generally a poor country, so cheap oil is attractive, so once again, its a WIN WIN For both Islamic republics. whats your beef bro?
and you have evidence for it?

Its not policy... but our policy should of what ever serves Pakistan's economical interest best.

BTW, state sponsored Iranian oil is no joke... come to Pakistan, simply walk to any gas station of your choice. take a sample and if local refineries accept it as their own produce, i will be ready to accept any punishment any one suggest for me.

As far i remember, there's daily /monthly quota for individuals to buy oil. See i'm not demanding any action from Iranian regime, but only from Imran Khan.
Since you have brought this up , i will explain to you the reasons behind the breaking up of East Pakistan and the many thousand causes that eventually led to it. Trust me , there was not just political reasons, infact u dont have to trust me at all, you can dig up a book, visit a library or look it up on the open sources on the internet.

They weren't just political Issues that caused it. There were major economical inequalities, civilian and military inequalities, racial injustices and discriminations shown for decades.

Political Issues

The general elcections held in Pakistan on 7th December 1970 comes to forefornt. The election was held to elect members of the National Assembly. And it was the first general election since the independence of Pakistan. The Pakistan People's Party (Bhutto) and The Awami League (Mujeeb) fought the elections in which The Awami League won an Overwhelming majority of I60 seats compared to 81 seats won by PPP.

But the National Assembly was not inaugaurated by President Yahya Khan and Bhutto as they did not want a party from East Pakistan to be in the federal government (talk about Justice). Instead a Bengali Politician named Nurul Amin was made Prime Minister instead of Mujeeb. But this failed as people in East Pakistan strongly protested. The west pakistani leadership took a very heavy handed approach since afterward which culminated in Operation Searchlight. Read about it.

I do not know of any other nation that went so merciless after their own people. Yes, those that you went after called themselves Pakistanis at that point. They went after regular Bengali speaking civilians and caused an absolute havoc and massacre in just one single bloody night.

To show the INFERIOR bengalis their place, to put them on their little hole, the Pak army unleashed hell. Imagine waking up that night and hearing the roar of tanks and artillary and Fighter jets and you are terrorized who are causing it, only to find out its ur own military.

Our Grand parents told the stories wen we were kids, how they all ducked under their beds , confused as to what was happening. All lot of indiscriminate killing took place that night. The next day the Bengali men in the military rebelled (Zia). And how wud they not. They shud join in the massacre against their own people right ?

The civil war started right after. Bangladeshis didnt call to arms and asked for independence before this occured. Nor did they provoke you militarily. You came in and attacked East Pakistanis and got the war started. The bengalis never asked for a war.

Your leaders thought that you cud come in , roll the streets with some tanks , fire artillery shells and Kaput the Coward lowly Bengalis wud Hush their mouth forever. No, Bengali men in the army declared independence the very next day.

Economical Reasons

Although East Pakistan had a Larger Population, (yes most Pakistanis were not even in current Pakistan, how about that for an EGO SHOT?), West Pakistan received more money from the national budget. Development policies were different for the two parts. West Pakistan also had more capital as all major infrastructure and industries were located in West Pakistan. The East Pakistani felt the brunt of these double nature in economic inequality that added to other discriminatory social woes. East Pakistan had an agrarian economy basically compared to West Pakistan's urban industrial society.

Other Issues

Bengalis were under-represented in the Pakistan military. Officers of Bengali origin in the different wings of the armed forces made up just 5% of overall force by 1965; of these, only a few were in command positions, with the majority in technical or administrative posts . West Pakistanis believed that Bengalis were not "martially inclined" unlike Pashtuns and Punjabis; the "martial races" notion was dismissed as ridiculous and humiliating by Bengalis.

Moreover, despite huge defence spending, East Pakistan received none of the benefits, such as contracts, purchasing and military support jobs. The Indo-Pakistani War of 1965 over Kashmir also highlighted the sense of military insecurity among Bengalis, as only an under-strength infantry division and 15 combat aircraft without tank support were in East Pakistan to thwart any Indian retaliations during the conflict.

And not to mention all the cultural discrimination as well as the mess caused about the bengali language.

Abbey Sun le, Sirf Pathan Pathan karta hain. Mein kon hoon? Tune check nehi kiya teri racist bhai ka comment ? Mein ne Usko kya bola phir se check kar. Sare Pathan kya teri North mein hi hai ? Aur koi is dunya me Pathan nehi hain? Toh phir meri maa ne kya galti ki ? Hum bhi toh Pathan hain meri maa ka baap bhi toh Pathan hain aur Uska baap bhi pathan tha. My Grandfather worked greater part of his life in Lahore. Tera indus mein hi kya saare Pathan hai tujhe lagta hain yeh?

I don't agree with your pan Islamism views but that is an excellent breakdown of the 1971 war

Stick to Bangladeshi national interests first and help the people who deserve your support
Why are people so sour about this news? Is there anything im missing? Erdogan said Turkey wants even better relations with Israel(they still have relations/ties and trade for a long time now) . So having better relations is a welcome move. I don't see what's wrong here.
The Iranian Khomeinists (I must make a distinction between Iranians and Khomeini fanboys) are perpetually angry at everyone in their neighborhood. They thrive on war and turmoil. They initially had a beef with US and Israel. As if that wasn't enough, the Arabs and Turks have joined the list of those who have wronged them. Take them with a pinch of salt.
Turkey got banned about F-35 and F110 engine for TF-X. The loss of F-35 and TF-X is major blow to Turkey's defense industry which is already reeling under the recent CAATSA attack. Turkey must have good relation with Israel to save its defense industry.
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