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Erdogan declares 10 ambassadors persona non grata

what you do if eu and usa stop trade with you?
Central Asian Turkic nations - Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan , Uzbekistan etc
Middle East - Qatar and Palestine :agree:
North Africa
South Asia
East Asia.
It's endless who we can replace EU and USA with.
Constantinople(Istanbul) was capital for RomanEmpire. There was a Roman king who was live captured in a battle of malazgirt by sultan alf arslan in 1071

Rome had no kings since 509 before Christ.
Will you show your own picture?

Same reason Greeks support India. or Serbia or Russia and so on. Why is it such a problem that Turks and Pakistan are close?
Turks and Pakistan have exactly the same enemies. DO YOU AGREE?? Greeks only friends are the poor Balkan trash and rest of Europe couldn't care about you.

USA are extremly greekophil. 🙂 So is France.
Funny to see the greeks jumping like monkeys and acting like indians. I get it now, our Turk brothers also have a version of india.
These ambassadors have no right to interfere in internal affairs, they never allow such stuff in their own countries. These ppl are biggest hypocrites. These western ambassadors do the same in Pakistan and are actually involved in covert spying and recruiting ops.
Time for countries like Russia, china, Turkey, Pakistan, Iran and others to unite and face their bullying of FATF and media.
Funny to see the greeks jumping like monkeys and acting like indians. I get it now, our Turk brothers also have a version of india.
These ambassadors have no right to interfere in internal affairs, they never allow such stuff in their own countries. These ppl are biggest hypocrites. These western ambassadors do the same in Pakistan and are actually involved in covert spying and recruiting ops.
Time for countries like Russia, china, Turkey, Pakistan, Iran and others to unite and face their bullying of FATF and media.

You are free to leave the civilized banking system if you dont want follow the rules.

That said...still no declaration by turkey to remove the ambassadors from office. Just hot air...as expected.

You dont know whats difference between king and emperor. Maybe you should read?
Not to mention the other 7 countries. It really takes courage to expel the ambassadors of USA, France and Germany at the same time.
Not to mention the other 7 countries. It really takes courage to expel the ambassadors of USA, France and Germany at the same time.

He has not expelled any ambassadors. He justed ranted in an aircraft but now ...no reaction.

Tell me what would this mean in China if Xi declares to expell ambassadors and then does nothing? And what does this mean for Turkey?
Constantinople(Istanbul) was capital for RomanEmpire. There was a Roman king who was live captured in a battle of malazgirt by sultan alf arslan in 1071

Amigo, you dont know whats the difference between a king and an emperor. Thats the thing, no roman king existed in 1071.
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He has not expelled any ambassadors. He justed ranted in an aircraft but now ...no reaction.

Tell me what would this mean in China if Xi declares to expell ambassadors and then does nothing? And what does this mean for Turkey?

China rarely expels ambassadors from other countries.
In recent years, China has only expelled Lithuania's ambassador, which has caused no consequences. The Lithuanian government did not expel the Chinese ambassador, but China still took the initiative to recall its ambassador to Lithuania.
This incident shows that the EU's political behavior is not too principled. In essence, they are a group of barbarians who only care about strength.
Central Asian Turkic nations - Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan , Uzbekistan etc
Middle East - Qatar and Palestine :agree:
North Africa
South Asia
East Asia.
It's endless who we can replace EU and USA with.

Then do it, what hinders you? Its like "expelling ambassadors...you just say but do nothing and it gets tiresome.

I would love to see relations between the entire west and turkey to collapse. infact i would pay to see that. Yet all we get since years is just empty words from turkey. Now that Merkel is gone, Turkey loses its only ally in the west and i think we finally might come to the final break.
China rarely expels ambassadors from other countries.
In recent years, China has only expelled Lithuania's ambassador, which has caused no consequences. The Lithuanian government did not expel the Chinese ambassador, but China still took the initiative to recall its ambassador to Lithuania.
This incident shows that the EU's political behavior is not too principled. In essence, they are a group of barbarians who only care about strength.

Again since it appears you have not understand the situation. Erdogan said he wants to expell ambassadors but so far has done nothing. Thats the biggest show of weakness, its losing face
China rarely expels ambassadors from other countries.
In recent years, China has only expelled Lithuania's ambassador, which has caused no consequences. The Lithuanian government did not expel the Chinese ambassador, but China still took the initiative to recall its ambassador to Lithuania.
This incident shows that the EU's political behavior is not too principled. In essence, they are a group of barbarians who only care about strength.

You forgot to mention, that the EU did freeze the invest agreement with China.
You forgot to mention, that the EU did freeze the invest agreement with China.

Yes they did freeze or get involved by putting pressure on the smaller irrelevant east european member states.

But I find it funny that you had audacity to show your face in this thread after the epic dragging you went thru earlier on:lol:..

You are going against your assumed ancestors:enjoy: Mr. Greek fisherman
You forgot to mention, that the EU did freeze the invest agreement with China.

In May 2021, the EU froze the China EU investment agreement under the pressure of USA. China expelled the Lithuanian ambassador in August 2021. There is obviously no relationship between the two things.
The EU's only counterattack against China is that the Lithuanian president asked citizens not to use Chinese mobile phones.
A bunch of cowards.
Will you show your own picture?

No problem with that.


Remember my face Attila. Who knows, maybe you will get a good place when i get coronated as emperor in Constantinople. You never know.

That said, has Erdogan issued any official declarations yet? So far no country has recieved anything and it appears it was just one of his typical mental outbursts.
In May 2021, the EU froze the China EU investment agreement under the pressure of USA. China expelled the Lithuanian ambassador in August 2021. There is obviously no relationship between the two things.
The EU's only counterattack against China is that the Lithuanian president asked citizens not to use Chinese mobile phones.
A bunch of cowards.

There was no pressure from USA. It was simple geopolitics, the investment agreement has nothing positive for Europe and was pushed through by Merkel. Merkel is history now and the enw german government is much more critical to China.
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