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English Grammar & Syntax

I have opened this thread for the purpose of discussing the English language's grammar & syntax. I am willing to answer questions pertaining to the aforementioned subject, & may even ask a few if needed. I think this would be an interesting subject to discuss, & am hoping that the present forum members participate in the discussion.

Alright, let's begin; any questions so far?

Can any of you find mistakes in the post above?

So, am I correct? :D

That's perfect! But there are no mistakes in my post, I guess.:azn:
That's perfect! But there are no mistakes in my post, I guess.:azn:

There are some mistakes you made intentionally in your original post pertaining to capitalization, punctuation, etc. I corrected all of them in my rewrite. ;)

That's perfect! But there are no mistakes in my post, I guess.:azn:

That's perfect! I guess my post is devoid of mistakes.

sorry wrong punjabi grammar :lol:

even wrong grammar is acceptable in punjabi -- that's why we love it :D :D

hey guys which one is the correct option?

- I as well as my brothers are watching TV
- I as well as my brothers am watching TV
what do you think of my question?
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There are some mistakes you made intentionally in your original post pertaining to capitalization, punctuation, etc. I corrected all of them in my rewrite. ;)

That's perfect! I guess my post is devoid of mistakes.


That's right, I made them intentionally:D
You are right, I don't know why I wrote the words grammar and syntax with a capital letter :/
As, for the punctuation marks, I think you are referring the apostrophe after English which I think unnecessary to be used. It's acceptable to say it the way in my OP.
I have opened this thread for the purpose of discussing theEnglish language's grammar & syntax. I am willing to answer questions pertaining to the aforementioned subject, & I may even ask a few if needed. I think this would be an interesting subject to discuss, & I am hoping that the present forum members participate in the discussion.

Alright, let's begin; any questions so far?

Can any of you find mistakes in the post above?

So, am I correct? :D

"The" shouldn't be used here.
The possessive "S" is mainly used with animate things. So, it's unnecessary here. :nana:
even wrong grammar is acceptable in punjabi -- that's why we love it :D :D

what do you think of my question?

The second one, although it should be "I and my brothers are watching TV". Since you and your brothers are plural, are should be used.
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The second one, although it should be "I and my brothers are watching TV". Since you and your brothers are plural, are should be used.

:D what exactly are you trying to say?

you say it's second one -- which contains 'am' -- but you say in next sentence -- although it should be 'are' :P
:D what exactly are you trying to say?

you say it's second one -- which contains 'am' -- but you say in next sentence -- although it should be 'are' :P

Then, it's the first.

I'll get back later guys.
I am still confused -- look at these guys -- although they are not discussing exactly what im asking but they are directly using He as well as I IS

"He as well as I ..." or "He as well as me..."

especially read the last post

Since you use plural of brother- brothers- it should be "are"-
If you hv said I aswell as my brother (singular) then it will be- is watching tv-
I aswell as my brother is watching tv-
I aswell as my brothers are watching tv-
Since you use plural of brother- brothers- it should be "are"-
If you hv sai I aswell as my brother (singular) then it will be- is watching tv-

but those guys who are discussing in that english forum -- they pick the example -- 'he as well as i is' -- means IS or ARE or AM depends upon the noun coming first -- like in that example HE is used first so they say 'is' -- similarly AM for I in my example/question
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