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Enemy of Pakistan Will be Considered As Enemy of Iran: Ahmadinejad

Fasih Khan

Apr 1, 2010
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Enemy of Pakistan Will be Considered As Enemy of Iran: Ahmadinejad

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has expressed complete solidarity with the Government and people of Pakistan and stated "Enemy of Pakistan will be considered as Enemy of Iran". "Iran share a long history of friendship with Pakistan and enjoy common history, Religious and cultural values Iranian people will stand to support Pakistan in all times to come," he said in meeting with Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan Federal Minster for Regulation & Services along with Religious Scholar Khanam Tayyaba Bokhari who called on him in Tehran. The President discussed wide range of issues with the Minister that included Economic, Social/cultural/Relegious and Reproductive Health. The Meeting lasted over an hour in which President directed the cultural Minister for Preparing an offical document for supporting Iqbal cultural centre Sailkot.

The President directed Iranian Health Minister to foster further relation in the field of Pharmaceutical production and making use of each other technologies, and in the area of Reproductive health. The President emphasized that women play a significant role in societal/political and economic development he advised to enhance the women to women contact in order to strengthen ties between two countries. The President appreciated Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan Minister Regulation & Services and Khanam Tayyaba bokhari for playing their role in bringing in the Relationship of two countries closer at state and individual level.

The President directed Iranian Red cresent to work closer with Pakistan Red Cresent on the issue of women emancipation and post flood rehab in part of Sind and Punjab. The MoU,s between the two countries of the above mentioned initiatives will be signed during the upcoming visit of Irainain President to Pakistan in August 2012. Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan is currently on an official visit to Iran, where she was invited as chief Guest to International women Health conference at Tehran.

Pakistan's enemies will be considered as Enemy of Iran: Ahmadinejad | The Nation

People of Pakistan have the same Feelings about Iran, their Brotherly Country. Thank You Mr. President !!!
bhaijaan unka khud ka pair to kabr mein hain woh kahan apko support karenge US ke against mein:no:
Iran is a strong country and has a for en policy that will suit its interest, would be interesting to know what they will have to say about Kashmir?
Iran is a strong country and has a for en policy that will suit its interest, would be interesting to know what they will have to say about Kashmir?
They will say nothing in this matter as u have said they have a foreign policy that will suit there interest
they know anything they say is going to annoy either India or Pak and they can afford none
the statement he gave was for US only
Iran has Undoubtedly a soft corner for Kashmiri Freedom Fighters as all the Other Muslim Countries, besides the fact what Indians, with no shame and no Integrity say.

Iran's supreme leader backs Kashmir Struggle

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has appealed to the Muslim elite worldwide to back the "struggle" in Jammu and Kashmir, equating the northern Indian state with the "nations" of Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan. "Today the major duties of the elite of the Islamic Ummah is provide help to the Palestinian nation and the besieged people of Gaza, to sympathize and provide assistance to the nations of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and Kashmir, to engage in struggle and resistance against the aggressions of the United States and the Zionist regime," Khamenei said in a message to Haj pilgrims.

IRNA news agency quoted him as saying that Muslims should be united and "spread awakening and a sense of responsibility and commitment among Muslim youth throughout Islamic communities".

The Iranian leader, who wields enormous influence on the Iranian state, said "the expanding wave of Islamic awakening in the world today is a reality that heralds a bright future for the Islamic Ummah".

The thrust of his speech made this week was directed at Israel and the US. But he also made a veiled reference to Pakistan's nuclear programme.

"The US and the West are no more the unquestionable decision-makers of the Middle East they were two decades ago. Contrary to the situation 10 years ago, the nuclear know-how and other complex technologies are no longer considered inaccessible daydreams for Muslim nations of the region."

He said the US was bogged down in Afghanistan and "is hated more than ever before in disaster-stricken Pakistan".

Referring to what he said was a "hopeful and promising situation" for the Muslim world, Khamenei said that "past lessons and experience should make us more vigilant than ever before".

A former president of Iran (1981-89), Khamenei succeeded Ayatollah Khomeini as the spiritual head of the Iranian people. A staunch supporter of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Khamenei is said to influence Iran's foreign policy.

Khamenei visited Jammu and Kashmir in the early 1980s and delivered a sermon at Srinagar's Jama Masjid mosque.

"At every Friday prayer in Tehran University, whenever there is talk about Palestine, Kashmir is also mentioned and prayers offered," Kashmir activist Ghulam Ali Gulzar said in published remarks.

Iran's supreme leader backs Kashmir 'struggle' - Hindustan Times
would be interesting to know what they will have to say about Kashmir?

No. They have nothing in Kashmir. And let alone South Asia.

All this chest-thumping coming from the Iranis to troll at the Americans is more than....well....trolling. There are many implications. Mainly to rally Muslims (Shias in particular) for Iran's cause.

Note: Iran's cause.

See, this isn't all about being the "Muslim Ummah" we keep bragging about. Most of that is all propaganda, and not actually expressing the real spirit of the Ummah (sadly).

Let me guarantee you, America will never attack Iran in an attempt to have some degree of control over it. Otherwise, they could have done so over 30 years ago.

Iran is one of the oldest nations in the world, with a powerful cultural and historical heritage. They are born leaders. That's the difference between them and Arabs (who rely on American influence).

Whereas America is a young nation, descending from slaves and immigrants.

It doesn't matter how many toys America have. Or how much destruction they cause. They can never match Iran's historical potency.

The key reason why the CIA helped overthrow an elected leader of Iran back in the Cold War days is because America was frightened that Iran would pose a challenge against America's power.

Iran's greatest strength is not in its weapons, technology, etc. But in its cultural and historical heritage which is still in complete form. Not an incomplete one like the nations of sub-continental India. And few nations can match that. Not even America can match that. And that is its greatest weakness despite all their money and technology.
What is the point ?

got another deeper than ocean, higher than everest mountain ?
Iran has Undoubtedly a soft corner for Kashmiri Freedom Fighters as all the Other Muslim Countries, besides the fact what Indians, with no shame and no Integrity say.

Iran's supreme leader backs Kashmir Struggle

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has appealed to the Muslim elite worldwide to back the "struggle" in Jammu and Kashmir, equating the northern Indian state with the "nations" of Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan. "Today the major duties of the elite of the Islamic Ummah is provide help to the Palestinian nation and the besieged people of Gaza, to sympathize and provide assistance to the nations of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and Kashmir, to engage in struggle and resistance against the aggressions of the United States and the Zionist regime," Khamenei said in a message to Haj pilgrims.

IRNA news agency quoted him as saying that Muslims should be united and "spread awakening and a sense of responsibility and commitment among Muslim youth throughout Islamic communities".

The Iranian leader, who wields enormous influence on the Iranian state, said "the expanding wave of Islamic awakening in the world today is a reality that heralds a bright future for the Islamic Ummah".

The thrust of his speech made this week was directed at Israel and the US. But he also made a veiled reference to Pakistan's nuclear programme.

"The US and the West are no more the unquestionable decision-makers of the Middle East they were two decades ago. Contrary to the situation 10 years ago, the nuclear know-how and other complex technologies are no longer considered inaccessible daydreams for Muslim nations of the region."

He said the US was bogged down in Afghanistan and "is hated more than ever before in disaster-stricken Pakistan".

Referring to what he said was a "hopeful and promising situation" for the Muslim world, Khamenei said that "past lessons and experience should make us more vigilant than ever before".

A former president of Iran (1981-89), Khamenei succeeded Ayatollah Khomeini as the spiritual head of the Iranian people. A staunch supporter of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Khamenei is said to influence Iran's foreign policy.

Khamenei visited Jammu and Kashmir in the early 1980s and delivered a sermon at Srinagar's Jama Masjid mosque.

"At every Friday prayer in Tehran University, whenever there is talk about Palestine, Kashmir is also mentioned and prayers offered," Kashmir activist Ghulam Ali Gulzar said in published remarks.

Iran's supreme leader backs Kashmir 'struggle' - Hindustan Times

I guess you people won't believe in Indian media.....

Iran has Undoubtedly a soft corner for Kashmiri Freedom Fighters as all the Other Muslim Countries, besides the fact what Indians, with no shame and no Integrity say.

Iran's supreme leader backs Kashmir Struggle

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has appealed to the Muslim elite worldwide to back the "struggle" in Jammu and Kashmir, equating the northern Indian state with the "nations" of Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan. "Today the major duties of the elite of the Islamic Ummah is provide help to the Palestinian nation and the besieged people of Gaza, to sympathize and provide assistance to the nations of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and Kashmir, to engage in struggle and resistance against the aggressions of the United States and the Zionist regime," Khamenei said in a message to Haj pilgrims.

IRNA news agency quoted him as saying that Muslims should be united and "spread awakening and a sense of responsibility and commitment among Muslim youth throughout Islamic communities".

The Iranian leader, who wields enormous influence on the Iranian state, said "the expanding wave of Islamic awakening in the world today is a reality that heralds a bright future for the Islamic Ummah".

The thrust of his speech made this week was directed at Israel and the US. But he also made a veiled reference to Pakistan's nuclear programme.

"The US and the West are no more the unquestionable decision-makers of the Middle East they were two decades ago. Contrary to the situation 10 years ago, the nuclear know-how and other complex technologies are no longer considered inaccessible daydreams for Muslim nations of the region."

He said the US was bogged down in Afghanistan and "is hated more than ever before in disaster-stricken Pakistan".

Referring to what he said was a "hopeful and promising situation" for the Muslim world, Khamenei said that "past lessons and experience should make us more vigilant than ever before".

A former president of Iran (1981-89), Khamenei succeeded Ayatollah Khomeini as the spiritual head of the Iranian people. A staunch supporter of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Khamenei is said to influence Iran's foreign policy.

Khamenei visited Jammu and Kashmir in the early 1980s and delivered a sermon at Srinagar's Jama Masjid mosque.

"At every Friday prayer in Tehran University, whenever there is talk about Palestine, Kashmir is also mentioned and prayers offered," Kashmir activist Ghulam Ali Gulzar said in published remarks.

Iran's supreme leader backs Kashmir 'struggle' - Hindustan Times

I guess you people won't believe in Indian media.....
Iranian calculation is simple - india switched its stand and so does Iran. Read the article how india is exploiting Iran present situation; not an act of friend or friendly country. While india may be exploiting for some short term benefit, in the long term this indian back stabbing act will come back to haunt them. Iranian port, access to central asia, oil and gas as well as any influence in Afghanistan will be at stake. Indians are at illusion that they will get central asian access and influence in Afghanistan through US presence. But history of thousands years says otherwise.

India leverages Iran’s woes

Indian diplomacy is doing splendidly well in leveraging the United States’ sanctions against Iran to its advantage. All indications are that India has cut down its oil imports from Iran despite the official stance that India observes only the UN sanctions on Iran. The visiting US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton expressed appreciation more than once this week that Washington feels “encouraged” by the Indian government decision to reduce oil purchases from Iran.

She went a step ahead and offered help to India to diversify its sources. In fact, a senior US official is on his way to Delhi to help India locate alternate oil supplies. Reuters, meanwhile, confirmed that India’s oil imports from Iran in April dropped by over 30 percent. No wonder, Clinton was absolutely thrilled.

In the face of these hard facts, our government now concedes finally that, yes, oil imports from Iran have been reduced. But the new mantra is that this is due to “commercial, financial and technical considerations” and not because of US arm twisting, and, secondly, because the Indian refineries only are deciding on the oil imports from Iran — meaning it is not a government decision as such.

Of course, only a total duffer will fall for the sophistry. Our government is lying through its teeth. How come the government-owned refineries have suddenly developed cold feet toward Iranian oil but not privately-owned Essar Refinery?

Clearly, government has meekly succumbed to Washington’s diktat. Which is of course pitiable, but not surprising. All the same, curiously, the government is also leveraging the US arm twisting to its advantage. For one thing, it expects Washington not to impose sanctions against India in July for purchasing oil from Iran.

Besides, the US Congress, where the Israeli lobby is active, has been placated. Hopefully, India will get some benefit out of this ‘goodwill’ at the forthcoming Strategic Dialogue in Washington? Say, a permanent seat at the UN Security Council? Or, at the very least, a membership of the Nuclear Supply Group?

India has done well to take advantage of Iran’s woes. Forty-five percent of oil purchase from Iran will now be as barter trade. India manipulated the crisis in the payment mechanism (precipitated by the US, of course) to bring in the formula that since money can’t change hands between India and Iran, why not switch to barter arrangement?

So, India will sell tea and basmati rice and so on for half of Iran’s ’sweet oil’. Isn’t that splendid? Besides, Iran also now needs to mandatorily buy from India products valued up to 45% of the income out of its oil exports to India. Isn’t that an ingenuous export promotion drive for India? Would Saudi Arabia or Qatar agree to such a deal — sell their oil and gas for India’s attar or aphrodisiacs? I wonder if our political elites who mollycoddle the wealthy Gulf sheikhs to their personal benefit could swing such a deal for India.

And, what does Iran get in return for this lop-sided deal? Nothing very much. Except, an Indian official or two may say now and then that Iran has the right to pursue its nuclear programme as an NPT member and that Iran nuclear issue should be resolved peacefully through negotiations.

To my mind, Indian diplomacy has never showed such ruthless efficiency in leveraging a regional conflict situation to its advantage. I am waiting to see what happens if and when the US and Iran decide to kiss and make up sometime during Barack Obama’s second stint in the Oval Office. Hopefully, India will have become a permanent member of the UN Security Council by then?
India leverages Iran’s woes - Indian Punchline
Genius ..
How does cutting oil imports related to this thread ??

As far as I know even China has cut Iranian oil imports
I think the American tirade against China Russia Pakistan and Iran will inevitably lead to closer cooperation by these 4 countries. Iran Pakistan detente is one manifestation of American unjust policies
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