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End of Commies in Kerala

The problem with guys like you and pothead is that you think this is a game of one-upmanship.

An Indian of a micro minority that is the most patriotic and Indian of all communities man to man woman to woman, including your own, was lynched by three Hindutva goons.

The case is in court. The community is shocked and very angry. Obviously we will get justice, unlike those poor Muslims and Christians and Dalits you guys have also lynched.

And you think this is a joke? A game?

You think this country will stand with what your side is fomenting?

Do you think there is not going to be a backlash?

I think you guys are drunk on the power of your perceived numbers.

The nation has awoken to the malignancy you represent.

Radical surgery is near.

Cheers, Doc

Nice story ..... we are still waiting for a link or some proof of your claims.

Till then your hateful rant and bile will only suffocate you.

Again a reminder, give proof or link for your claim.
Why do you want to "contain" people who use it ?

Good question. See, we are RSS supporters. And I don't buy the term radical hindutva

You can't call a person radical just be because he is raising voice against the atrocities he is facing..

I will not support people who divide people on basis of religion, caste etc.. or else India will also be like it's neighborhood nation

Hindutva is a fascist ideology based on narrow religious supremacism and bigotry that has no place in secular India.

It is a Semitic Abrahamic ideological construct totally alien to this land and people.

As such it must and will be marginalized by the people of India, where it has never found sustainable traction.

Cheers, Doc

Hiduism perse sees all religions as equal and if you call some person who has supremist religious ideology as a hindutva activist what name are you going to give to other normal persons?

Such people should always be marginalized, agreed here
Nice story ..... we are still waiting for a link or some proof of your claims.

Till then your hateful rant and bile will only suffocate you.

Again a reminder, give proof or link for your claim.

Meanwhile your hate and bile has gotten you banned.

Cheers, Doc

Good question. See, we are RSS supporters. And I don't buy the term radical hindutva

You can't call a person radical just be because he is raising voice against the atrocities he is facing..

I will not support people who divide people on basis of religion, caste etc.. or else India will also be like it's neighborhood nation

Hiduism perse sees all religions as equal and if you call some person who has supremist religious ideology as a hindutva activist what name are you going to give to other normal persons?

Such people should always be marginalized, agreed here

No one is talking about Hinduism here.

Please do not conflate the two.

It's a Sanghi tactic that is way past its sell by date.

Hindutva is no different to Islamism. Saffron and green garbs are all the difference.

One has already brought a nation to its knees.

The other is trying to do the same.

Cheers, Doc
CPM Leader's grandson Joins BJP protest in Kerala.

Hindutva is no different to Islamism. Saffron and green garbs are all the difference.

One has already brought a nation to its knees.

The other is trying to do the same.

Cheers, Doc

I differ with your view
An Indian of a micro minority that is the most patriotic and Indian of all communities man to man woman to woman, including your own, was lynched by three Hindutva goons.

The case is in court. The community is shocked and very angry. Obviously we will get justice, unlike those poor Muslims and Christians and Dalits you guys have also lynched.

Poor Muslims and Christians?
where did these lot come from?

None of these were here in India few centuries back. Now Hindus are being exterminated by these 2 groups and yet it's the Hindus who are the bad guys.

Still waiting on the article that says a Parsi was killed by Sanghis.

Looking at your sympathy for the said muslims and Christians that wiped out your people from your lands - I am confused.
Stockholm syndrome?

Cheers, BS Catcher.

The story is in his head and is coming out from his bottom hole.
No wonder rest of the world does not know about it.

Since he claims to be a doc, may be he is taking some "pills" that gives him these hallucinations.
Poor Muslims and Christians?
where did these lot come from?

None of these were here in India few centuries back. Now Hindus are being exterminated by these 2 groups and yet it's the Hindus who are the bad guys.

Still waiting on the article that says a Parsi was killed by Sanghis.

Looking at your sympathy for the said muslims and Christians that wiped out your people from your lands - I am confused.
Stockholm syndrome?

Cheers, BS Catcher.

The story is in his head and is coming out from his bottom hole.
No wonder rest of the world does not know about it.

Since he claims to be a doc, may be he is taking some "pills" that gives him these hallucinations.

This post marks a new high for you. Even by your pretty impressive standards.

Where did Indian Muslims and Christians come from?

None of them were there till.a "few centuries ago".

You need help buddy. A serious bhagwa detox.

Cheers, Doc
This post marks a new high for you. Even by your pretty impressive standards.

Where did Indian Muslims and Christians come from?

None of them were there till.a "few centuries ago".

You need help buddy. A serious bhagwa detox.

Cheers, Doc

I think I understand you now.

It must be galling for someone like u who believes in superiority of Parsis to have run away and come to us Hindus. begging to save your bottoms from the Jihadis.

Your kind has been wiped out from your native lands from the same people who are now supporting & you are abusing the same people who practically saved your entire civilization.

The inferiority complex you must have going out every day meeting Hindus who are standing up to the Jihadis while your kind just knelt over and either died or run away must be hurting you.

It's not our fault that your kind is useless impotents.

If you have guts go and fight the people who did this to your peolpe. Else just STFU and let the people who want to fight, fight.


you have still given the article that shows a parsi being attacked and killed by Sanghis

Cheers, BS catcher.
I think I understand you now.

It must be galling for someone like u who believes in superiority of Parsis to have run away and come to us Hindus. begging to save your bottoms from the Jihadis.

Your kind has been wiped out from your native lands from the same people who are now supporting & you are abusing the same people who practically saved your entire civilization.

The inferiority complex you must have going out every day meeting Hindus who are standing up to the Jihadis while your kind just knelt over and either died or run away must be hurting you.

It's not our fault that your kind is useless impotents.

If you have guts go and fight the people who did this to your peolpe. Else just STFU and let the people who want to fight, fight.


you have still given the article that shows a parsi being attacked and killed by Sanghis

Cheers, BS catcher.

I actually got you a long time ago.

Your attempts at coming across as balanced and reasonable do little to hide the deep seated millennial scars and hate you have within you.

It's neither new not any more or less attractive than the complexes seen in millions of other Sanghis who have crawled out of their holes and having their moment in the sun.

For the second time in over a hundred years.

That more than anything tells me what I need to reaffirm to myself about Hindus.

Not the saffron Islamists who huddle under the same umbrella yet practice an alien and wholly abhorrent ideology on our land and people.

But this is India.

And we accept all.

Even the most damaged and ugly.

Cheers, Doc
I actually got you a long time ago.

Your attempts at coming across as balanced and reasonable do little to hide the deep seated millennial scars and hate you have within you.

It's neither new not any more or less attractive than the complexes seen in millions of other Sanghis who have crawled out of their holes and having their moment in the sun.

For the second time in over a hundred years.

That more than anything tells me what I need to reaffirm to myself about Hindus.

Not the saffron Islamists who huddle under the same umbrella yet practice an alien and wholly abhorrent ideology on our land and people.

But this is India.

And we accept all.

Even the most damaged and ugly.

Cheers, Doc

I see that you had reported my post and got it deleted.

Did the facts offend you?

More or less confirmed that you are a right coward, no wonder you lot got decimated and had to run to Hindus begging for protection

Still waiting on the proof for the claim that a Parsi was murdered by a Hindu.

Cheers, BS Catcher.

And the Kerala govt officially kills this Sabrimala devotee and dumps his body in gutter.

The MyLord of SC are as usual busy with trying to decide the size of Laddoo that must be used in temples & can't be disturbed for these silly matters of a Hindu being murdered by the Commie govt.

Day by day the commie govt is being hated more and more by the Hindus of Kerala.

Wake and hammer these commie traitors, dear Kerala Hindus.
I see that you had reported my post and got it deleted.

Did the facts offend you?

More or less confirmed that you are a right coward, no wonder you lot got decimated and had to run to Hindus begging for protection

Still waiting on the proof for the claim that a Parsi was murdered by a Hindu.

Cheers, BS Catcher.

And the Kerala govt officially kills this Sabrimala devotee and dumps his body in gutter.

The MyLord of SC are as usual busy with trying to decide the size of Laddoo that must be used in temples & can't be disturbed for these silly matters of a Hindu being murdered by the Commie govt.

Day by day the commie govt is being hated more and more by the Hindus of Kerala.

Wake and hammer these commie traitors, dear Kerala Hindus.

Look buddy, in the real world I wouldn't wrinkle my nose at you. That's how much guys like you register on my social conscious.

Don't mistake our interactions here as vindication of your self worth.

Buzz off now. You're dismissed from my attention. Too needy middle class look at me types ...

Cheers, Doc
Look buddy, in the real world I wouldn't wrinkle my nose at you. That's how much guys like you register on my social conscious.

Don't mistake our interactions here as vindication of your self worth.

Buzz off now. You're dismissed from my attention. Too needy middle class look at me types ...

Cheers, Doc

But I have not dismissed you from my attention dear liar and a colossal coward.

Show the proof that a Parsi was murdered by a Hindu.

This is what you claimed you Hindu hating Bigot and coward.

Lies and Bigotry.

Now, you are not dismissed, answer Bigot.

Cheers, BS caller.
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