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End of Commies in Kerala

You will come and have your tiny balls pulled out to be eaten by the street dogs. Son of Golwalkar@!
You will scream and cry just like this when RSS comes for the black rice bag converts like you. Remember, pedo Vatican won't save your children from RSS. Nor coconut jesus of mollustan. What will you do then? LoL..
You will come and have your tiny balls pulled out to be eaten by the street dogs. Son of Golwalkar@!
You and your pedo Vatican children will be in the Arabian sea swimming to italy. I will still be here posting on pdf. LoL..

We will make keema off your large balls and feed it to the street dogs of God's own country, child. Fear the RSS. [emoji6]
What will you do then
No Hindu or RSS dare enough to touch Kerala's Christians or Muslims. You will learn. Always remember, being a cult member of RSS, you are a certified Hindu terrorist. ANYONE who sides with the idea of Holy cow inventor Golwalkar, Maafinama writer Savarkar, Italian Mussolini's lapdog Moonje are terrorists only. You are the same people as Islamic terrorists sans the missing Kalima part. Hope you recite Kalima and join with them as well! RSS cow is mooing too much. I hope we can show you your place hopefully by electing INC in power again.
No Hindu or RSS dare enough to touch Kerala's Christians or Muslims. You will learn. Always remember, being a cult member of RSS, you are a certified Hindu terrorist. ANYONE who sides with the idea of Holy cow inventor Golwalkar, Maafinama writer Savarkar, Italian Mussolini's lapdog Moonje are terrorists only. You are the same people as Islamic terrorists sans the missing Kalima part. Hope you recite Kalima and join with them as well! RSS cow is mooing too much. I hope we can show you your place hopefully by electing INC in power again.
Go take your kids to the nearest pedo church priest. Jesus wants you to. And stop jumping up and down. I know you fear RSS.


I'm not going to spoon-feed you anymore. Nor get into silly dick measuring debates on Zoroastrianism cause you are clearly not equipped.

Hindus worship Mithra as Surya.

They are the same God.

Cheers, Doc

LOL.... you are not going to spoon feed me ? ? ? :cheesy:

You do realize I always asked questions to which I already know the answer to , right ? My questions are always a trap for those who claim to know "facts".

Like testing to know if you know the relationship between Fire and Ahur Mazda. :azn:

Mithra is not worshiped as Surya by Hindus. Mithra was "Light", not sun, not friendship or peace.

There is a Pratha Upasthana Mantra in morning Sandhyavandan of every Hindu. (morning prayers )

"Om mitrasya charshaneedhritaha shrava devasya-sannasim, satyam chitrashravastamam.
Mirto janaan yaatayati prajaanan, mitro daadhaara pruthiveem-uta dyaam,
mitrah krushteer-animishaa-abhichashte satyaaya havyam dhritava-dvidhema.
Pra sa mitra marto astu prayasvaan, yasta aditya shikshati vratena,
na hanyate na jeeyate tvoto nainam-gm ho ashnoti-anti-to na dooraat."

It means,

"salutations to the Light who is the sustainer of all beings. All glories belong to Mitra as all truth is god.
Light activates all beings, He is a witness who is not involved (detached). God sustains the earth by the light and the sun.
God watches all actions in the light and gives fruits of our action, we offer offerings to this god (ghee, water etc.)".

Mitra here is called upon as proof presence of god as well as the presence of Sun.

In this mantra Mitra is also referred as the glory of Ishwara or God or Cosmic Consciousness.

Now Mitra is also the 12 sons of Aditi, the first of whom is "Aditya" or the Sun. They are - Vivasvan, Aryama, Pusa, Tvasta, Savita, Bhaga, Dhata, Vidhata, Varuna, Mitra, Satru and Urukrama.

These refers to the 12 different months of the Hindu solar calendar where the Sun has different influence on earth.

Mitra refers to Sun in the month of Ashwin which starts with Navaratri, then durga pooja, then Dussehra and finally Kali pooja.

This is the same in zorashtrian calendar where the month is called Mehr (Mitra).

Mitra is also associated with Agni as AgniMitra which is the light of agni or fire.

Finally Mitra comes from the sanskrit root "Mita+tra" where "Mita" means to destroy and Tra means protective force. So Mitra is also the Protector and Destroyer at the same time. This refers to Ishwara or God.

That is why he is involved in peace treaties.

Jihadis spewing venom on Hindus....

what else is new?

They are losing their bastions one by one. Bengal is gone & now Kerala looks like gone as well.
Where will the Jihadis hide now?

He is a xtian crusader, not a jihadi.

Mithra is the god of friendship. Hence he was referred in all peace treaties in the ancient days.

No he is not.
I did not "cop out"

I told you I had already told you the specifics of the unease the Parsis are beginning to experience here.

Why should I talk about Jain's and others dude. Is this a mahasabha?

You chose to pooh pooh it as the paranoia of one man.

I chose therefore not to break my head with someone whose mind was closed.

I will put it simply.

A Hindu in India cannot understand what it means to be a minority.

Cheers, Doc

Which specifics?

Can you repeat that please?
You gave a court verdict for unease. WTF man? How the F is that related to Hindus or BJP & RSS?

Are you not seeing the same courts trampling on Hindus even worse on daily basis?
Ram temple court case has been going on for 153 years....

U have nothing specific to point at us RSS and BJP guys saying anything against Parsis.
In fact if not for us, u would be hunted, converted or exterminated by you know WHO.

Imagine if I said, I feel uncomfortable about Parsis without giving any specific instances of WHY?
Imagine then I add I hate parsis and repeat the same everywhere I go without providing proof of WHY.

You my friend are doing the same thing to Sanghis.

There are who have done this in history, starting with Mughals, commies, nazis and Jihadis.
You sir are following their pattern of hatred without any specific just because of some bias you have.
Which specifics?

Can you repeat that please?
You gave a court verdict for unease. WTF man? How the F is that related to Hindus or BJP & RSS?

Are you not seeing the same courts trampling on Hindus even worse on daily basis?
Ram temple court case has been going on for 153 years....

U have nothing specific to point at us RSS and BJP guys saying anything against Parsis.
In fact if not for us, u would be hunted, converted or exterminated by you know WHO.

Imagine if I said, I feel uncomfortable about Parsis without giving any specific instances of WHY?
Imagine then I add I hate parsis and repeat the same everywhere I go without providing proof of WHY.

You my friend are doing the same thing to Sanghis.

There are who have done this in history, starting with Mughals, commies, nazis and Jihadis.
You sir are following their pattern of hatred without any specific just because of some bias you have.


Though I must say that off late you are showing a lot of patience in tearing apart the posts of bigots.
Which specifics?

Can you repeat that please?
You gave a court verdict for unease. WTF man? How the F is that related to Hindus or BJP & RSS?

Are you not seeing the same courts trampling on Hindus even worse on daily basis?
Ram temple court case has been going on for 153 years....

U have nothing specific to point at us RSS and BJP guys saying anything against Parsis.
In fact if not for us, u would be hunted, converted or exterminated by you know WHO.

Imagine if I said, I feel uncomfortable about Parsis without giving any specific instances of WHY?
Imagine then I add I hate parsis and repeat the same everywhere I go without providing proof of WHY.

You my friend are doing the same thing to Sanghis.

There are who have done this in history, starting with Mughals, commies, nazis and Jihadis.
You sir are following their pattern of hatred without any specific just because of some bias you have.

I agree ...

All Indian minorities shouldn't be worried and concerned, bordering often on fear.

Because an online Sanghi in Germany says they should not and have no reason to.

This is my happy face.

Cheers, Doc
I agree ...

All Indian minorities shouldn't be worried and concerned, bordering often on fear.

Because an online Sanghi in Germany says they should not and have no reason to.

This is my happy face.

Cheers, Doc

Modi is on his last few months.

You're getting excited for nothing.

And lost a hot girl in the bargain.

Never compromise on your wallet or dick for a politician. Lesson for the day.

Cheers, Doc

Modi isn't going anywhere.

The main advantage for modi is likes of rahulgandhi, mamata , laluprasad, mulayam etc.

People are also thinking of his replacement too...

I personally don't like modi to lead bjp. But can't help. As long as modi has rss backing nothing will change
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I agree ...

All Indian minorities shouldn't be worried and concerned, bordering often on fear.

Because an online Sanghi in Germany says they should not and have no reason to.

This is my happy face.

Cheers, Doc

Again you failed to mention a single instance of any Sanghi making a negative remark on Parsis.

On the other hand there is a parsi on PDF who is abusing Sanghis.

So, from a neutral POV, who do u think is the one that should be afraid?

"All Indian minorities"?
which ones?
Jains, Buddhists, Parsis, Sikhs, kashmiri Hindus ?

Be specific.

Again, you are doing everything except point at ONE SINGLE INSTANCE of a sanghi doing anything negative to Parsis.


This is from kerala :D

Modified isn't going anywhere.

The main advantage for modi is likes of rahulgandhi, mamata , laluprasad, mulayam etc.

People are also thinking of his replacement too...

I perdperson don't like modi to lead bjp. But can't help. As long as modi has rss backing nothing will change

I have nothing against Modi per se.

He's a Gujju who is very close to our community and always gone the extra mile.

What I don't like is his parent ideology and fountainhead.

What I don't like is Indian society and the way it's begin to mutate under the oversight of the Sangh.

Personally I believe we are spiraling into a fascist state and that sooner rather than later the ones who are engineering and goading the social hatred are going to succeed and something is going to break.

I believe most clear thinking Hindus see this too.

The ones who do not have already chosen the type of India they want.

That is at complete odds with what India is and the India the rest want.

This is no longer a political fight.

This is a war for the ownership andasoul of the nation.

I recognise that blood will likely be spilled before this war is over and the dust has settled.

Cheers, Doc
Have some sambhar and appams with those minority fries.

Cheers, Doc

Appams are eaten with stew you ignorant bawa. Now go munch on some Bun maska.

I have nothing against Modi per se.

He's a Gujju who is very close to our community and always gone the extra mile.

What I don't like is his parent ideology and fountainhead.

What I don't like is Indian society and the way it's begin to mutate under the oversight of the Sangh.

Personally I believe we are spiraling into a fascist state and that sooner rather than later the ones who are engineering and goading the social hatred are going to succeed and something is going to break.

I believe most clear thinking Hindus see this too.

The ones who do not have already chosen the type of India they want.

That is at complete odds with what India is and the India the rest want.

This is no longer a political fight.

This is a war for the ownership andasoul of the nation.

I recognise that blood will likely be spilled before this war is over and the dust has settled.

Cheers, Doc

So the fight for the soul is between the Invaders+refugees on one side vs the son's of the soil and guardians and caretakers on the other side ? :cheesy:
Again you failed to mention a single instance of any Sanghi making a negative remark on Parsis.

On the other hand there is a parsi on PDF who is abusing Sanghis.

So, from a neutral POV, who do u think is the one that should be afraid?

"All Indian minorities"?
which ones?
Jains, Buddhists, Parsis, Sikhs, kashmiri Hindus ?

Be specific.

Again, you are doing everything except point at ONE SINGLE INSTANCE of a sanghi doing anything negative to Parsis.


This is from kerala :D

A middle aged Parsi man from Mumbai (one of the posh baugs) was recently lynched by three Hindutva goons in Pune.

In broad daylight.

Obviously since he was a Parsi it became news. In the papers as well as the community.

Please don't lecture me about my country sitting and making your living in a foreign one.

Come here and lend a hand if you care so much. I've seen a dome a dozen online expat Sanghis.

Cheers, Doc

Appams are eaten with stew you ignorant bawa. Now go munch on some Bun maska.

So the fight for the soul is between the Invaders+refugees on one side vs the son's of the soil and guardians and caretakers on the other side ? :cheesy:

Yup. Fork in a mouthful of juicy minority stew. Crunchy bits of xtians, blood red rare mozzies, sweet succulent Parsis, chewy Sardars, and some nice dark chocolatey dalits.

None of us are invaders or refugees.

We are all of this soil and Indians.

Just like you.

But you are as much the enemy as a Pakistani is.

And way more dangerous an existential threat.

You are the enemy within the gates.

Cheers, Doc
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