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End of Commies in Kerala

A middle aged Parsi man from Mumbai (one of the posh baugs) was recently lynched by three Hindutva goons in Pune.

Sure buddy, can you share the article that mentions the goons were members of RSS/BJP?

Even Rahul Gandhi pretends to be a Hindu.
Sitaram Yechuri pretends to be a Hindu.
Sharad Pawar pretends to be a Hindu.
Jignesh Mewavi is a Hindu.
Lallu is a Hindu.
Mulayam is a Hindu.

I think u are getting the gist.

Oh Oh, your dear friends SS who shunts out non marathis are also HIndus.

Waiting on the article that mentions that this parsi bro was killed by Sanghis.

Let's see if you are a Hindu hating Bigot who spews Venon or not.
This single share will show this forum your bigotry ot lack of it.
Sure buddy, can you share the article that mentions the goons were members of RSS/BJP?

Even Rahul Gandhi pretends to be a Hindu.
Sitaram Yechuri pretends to be a Hindu.
Sharad Pawar pretends to be a Hindu.
Jignesh Mewavi is a Hindu.
Lallu is a Hindu.
Mulayam is a Hindu.

I think u are getting the gist.

Oh Oh, your dear friends SS who shunts out non marathis are also HIndus.

Waiting on the article that mentions that this parsi bro was killed by Sanghis.

Let's see if you are a Hindu hating Bigot who spews Venon or not.
This single share will show this forum your bigotry ot lack of it.

You can buzz off and sit on my big fat white Persian pappu and spin bro.

Would be a lot more satisfying and illuminating for you.

Cheers, Doc
I have nothing against Modi per se.

He's a Gujju who is very close to our community and always gone the extra mile.

What I don't like is his parent ideology and fountainhead.

What I don't like is Indian society and the way it's begin to mutate under the oversight of the Sangh.

Personally I believe we are spiraling into a fascist state and that sooner rather than later the ones who are engineering and goading the social hatred are going to succeed and something is going to break.

I believe most clear thinking Hindus see this too.

The ones who do not have already chosen the type of India they want.

That is at complete odds with what India is and the India the rest want.

This is no longer a political fight.

This is a war for the ownership andasoul of the nation.

I recognise that blood will likely be spilled before this war is over and the dust has settled.

Cheers, Doc
Nature balances everything...

Previous govt leaned too much left now the balance is shifting to right or far right..

Modi is just a name and face
You can buzz off and sit on my big fat white Persian pappu and spin bro.

Would be a lot more satisfying and illuminating for you.

Cheers, Doc

Yes "bro", I am the one spinning stories.

You hate Hindus.
Your hatred has manifested to such levels that now you are dreaming that Hindus have killed Parsis.

When challenged to share the article - All you can do abuse.

Yes "Bro"....Anyone reading this thread can understand who is the hater here.
Nature balances everything...

Previous govt leaned toomutoo left now the balance is shifting to right or far right..

Modi is just a name and face

Modi is not the problem.

He is only the face of the problem.

It is clear to kat Indians that he neither has the inclination or even any longer the capacity to control the monster of Saffron radicalisation in our society.

Let me put it in a non politically correct way.

India can handle radical Islam.

India has handled radical Islam.

India will burn with radical Hindutva.

It's the scale that will tilt the balance between survival and possible implosion.

Cheers, Doc

Yes "bro", I am the one spinning stories.

You hate Hindus.
Your hatred has manifested to such levels that now you are dreaming that Hindus have killed Parsis.

When challenged to share the article - All you can do abuse.

Yes "Bro"....Anyone reading this thread can understand who is the hater here.

You're just another expat Sanghi kid who has just been dismissed from my near and remote attention son.

Cheers, Doc
Modi is not the problem.

He is only the face of the problem.

It is clear to kat Indians that he neither has the inclination or even any longer the capacity to control the monster of Saffron radicalisation in our society.

Let me put it in a non politically correct way.

India can handle radical Islam.

India has handled radical Islam.

India will burn with radical Hindutva.

It's the scale that will tilt the balance between survival and possible implosion.

Cheers, Doc

What makes you think so that India will burn with hindutva....

People has to change and will change with time.

Majority people should never be sidelined for politics....

In the end you reap what you sow
What makes you think so that India will burn with hindutva....

People has to change and will change with time.

Majority people should never be sidelined for politics....

In the end you reap what you sow

Do you think Hindutva is good or bad.

Tell me without playing it safe. Or qualifying your response.

Cheers, Doc
You're just another expat Sanghi kid who has just been dismissed from my near and remote attention son.

Cheers, Doc

Still waiting on the article saying Sanghis killed a Parsi.
Don't worry abt where I am, if u share the article here, I can get it at where I am.
So, please do share with us evil Sanghis this dastardly news of a poor Parsi murdered by us.

Cheers, BS catcher
Do you think Hindutva is good or bad.

Tell me without playing it safe. Or qualifying your response.

Cheers, Doc

There is nothing good or bad with hindutva...

People who use it need to be contained
Yup. Fork in a mouthful of juicy minority stew. Crunchy bits of xtians, blood red rare mozzies, sweet succulent Parsis, chewy Sardars, and some nice dark chocolatey dalits.

None of us are invaders or refugees.

We are all of this soil and Indians.

Just like you.

But you are as much the enemy as a Pakistani is.

And way more dangerous an existential threat.

You are the enemy within the gates.

Cheers, Doc

Nope with Egg curry or egg and potato stew.

Now that the lying bawa has identified us as the enemy, have you made plans to migrate to iran when Modi comes back to power ? :azn:

Yes "bro", I am the one spinning stories.

You hate Hindus.
Your hatred has manifested to such levels that now you are dreaming that Hindus have killed Parsis.

When challenged to share the article - All you can do abuse.

Yes "Bro"....Anyone reading this thread can understand who is the hater here.

The other day he was claiming that he hates Modi because he did not stop muslims from building a mosque on private land in Gujarat near his Fire temple :lol:

I mean of all the absurd reason to hate Modi, that had to be the worst. But this new spin of the mysterious bawa lynching really takes the cake :lol:

Ask him the name of the bawa who was lynched in pune :D

There is nothing good or bad with hindutva...

People who use it need to be contained

Why do you want to "contain" people who use it ?
There is nothing good or bad with hindutva...

People who use it need to be contained

Hindutva is a fascist ideology based on narrow religious supremacism and bigotry that has no place in secular India.

It is a Semitic Abrahamic ideological construct totally alien to this land and people.

As such it must and will be marginalized by the people of India, where it has never found sustainable traction.

Cheers, Doc

Ask him the name of the bawa who was lynched in pune

Why don't you ask those many bawa friends you grew up with and still meet over a drink?

Maybe I'm lying. You should go to someone you know and trust.

Cheers, Doc
Hindutva is a fascist ideology based on narrow religious supremacism and bigotry that has no place in secular India.

It is a Semitic Abrahamic ideological construct totally alien to this land and people.

As such it must and will be marginalized by the people of India, where it has never found sustainable traction.

Cheers, Doc

And yet the Supreme court of India said Hindutva is a way of life :cheesy:

A way of life peculiar to India, and nothing to do with semitic Abrahamic ideology. lol.

Why don't you ask those many bawa friends you grew up with and still meet over a drink?

Maybe I'm lying. You should go to someone you know and trust.

Cheers, Doc

Why should I ? You made that claim and now the burden of proof lies on you.
And yet the Supreme court of India said Hindutva is a way of life :cheesy:

A way of life peculiar to India, and nothing to do with semitic Abrahamic ideology. lol.

Supreme Court also said that women should be allowed to enter the Sabarimala Temple. :agree:

Why should I ? You made that claim and now the burden of proof lies on you.

You continue to labor under the burden of the delusion that I need to prove anything to close minded sanghis. :lol:

Cheers, Doc
Supreme Court also said that women should be allowed to enter the Sabarimala Temple. :agree:

Women are allowed to enter sabrimala temple genius :lol: My mother went there 2 years back.

You continue to labor under the burden of the delusion that I need to prove anything to close minded sanghis. :lol:

Cheers, Doc

Nope, I knew you would not do it since you have obviously lied :lol:

I just wanted to rub it in and mock you :P
Women are allowed to enter sabrimala temple genius :lol: My mother went there 2 years back.

Nope, I knew you would not do it since you have obviously lied :lol:

I just wanted to rub it in and mock you :P

The problem with guys like you and pothead is that you think this is a game of one-upmanship.

An Indian of a micro minority that is the most patriotic and Indian of all communities man to man woman to woman, including your own, was lynched by three Hindutva goons.

The case is in court. The community is shocked and very angry. Obviously we will get justice, unlike those poor Muslims and Christians and Dalits you guys have also lynched.

And you think this is a joke? A game?

You think this country will stand with what your side is fomenting?

Do you think there is not going to be a backlash?

I think you guys are drunk on the power of your perceived numbers.

The nation has awoken to the malignancy you represent.

Radical surgery is near.

Cheers, Doc
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