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Emirati Airforce Can Take Down the Iranian Airforce In Seconds

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Saddam was the biggest idiot that God sent to mankind (specially Muslims) as a curse...

The Emiriti Airforce cannot take Iranian airforce so easily (not in seconds anyway)... The Iranians have a lot of capabilities... They can cause a lot of trouble for all Arab countries if they wanted... war is war, talk about a naval blockade then... UAE would never go to war against Iran
Cant we act with little bit maturity and join hand with each other ,Forget the past coz its gone make our present good for a better future.
Muslims have most of the world resources and still we are lagging behind every one ....................
It would be very great of u people to stop fighting like kids coz we all are Muslims and we are brothers ans sisters so we have to act like tht .

I agree with you and we must get together, ut it is not fair when arabs attack all silent but when Persian responds people ask for peace.
i guess this is in real world as well.
when this guy start the threat should be asked to stop a wrong threat.
no never late.

Damn not again.what the hell
Hell how easily we get trapped in the words of these pathetic american generals .What we have got form Iran-Iraq war? first US backed-up iraq against iran and then demolished Iraq now they want another bloody game and we are always interested in this shia sunni state stuff
People please come out of this Shia suni and iran stuff.We are no one to decide who is muslim and who is not .leave these things to ALLAH Almighty

For heaven sake try to understand that Iran and her people are 1000000 time better than Israel .

Why these stupid arab nations don't stand against Israel when she attacks on Palestine and kill 100 of innocent people?where do there technology get hidden?
I have already reported this racist clown Nishan but the mods haven't responded yet. He's broken all the forum rules but nothing so far.

And as I said, I'm the Qashqai here, I even have pictures of myself wearing full on Qashqai clothes from my childhood, and this clown is telling me that Qashqai want independence.
It can't get anymore ******* ridiculous than this. A nomadic tribe that never had the concept of land ownership in their culture is interested in independence lmao
And as I said, the shah of Iran (Reza shah not Mohamad Reza Shah) forced them to settle down and start farming. In the past 60 years their language has pretty much died down. It will become extinct soon. Not a single person in our family is able to speak it and the language died with my grandfather.

Here's the quote I posted a couple of pages back.

"Saudi Arabia would be over-run by Iranian forces in less then 18 hours"

This is from Robert Baer

The tiny sheikhdom of UAE that survives on foreign investment will give up all its airforce to Iran before going to war. One missile will stop all investment. Apart from that foreign investment they have nothing. They can't produce **** and they have no natural resources.

Arab nationalism is hilarious. It's pretty much acting like little cry babies. You guys say everything you want, act any way you want and are racist towards everyone but at the end you call for "muslim unity" etc... Apparently nationalism is haram for everybody except arabs. And no, we don't hate arabs. You guys are the ones that are constantly poking your fingers into our ****. Iraq attacked IRan, arabs are trying to change the name of the one and only Persian Gulf etc...
Back in the day, during the times of the Iranian Empire, Cyrus didn't even venture into Arabia b/c it was all sand and nothing else. We wanted nothing to do with you arabs. You guys were the ones that started contact with us in the 600s. Your biggest enemy is yourself. You arabs have a defeatist mentality and always think other people are at fault. No, nobody gives a **** about you guys so get your **** together.
I agree with you and we must get together, ut it is not fair when arabs attack all silent but when Persian responds people ask for peace.
i guess this is in real world as well.
when this guy start the threat should be asked to stop a wrong threat.
no never late.


That fool thinks that posting retarded maps makes his arguements more intellegent. I can post 50 maps that show arab countries breaking up lol
Iraq is on a verge of breaking up
Lebanon has has a bigillion civil wars and future doesn't look bright
KSA has the Americans for now but there is the shia issue
Syria has the Kurdish issue
Palistinians don't even have a country lol

As I said, racism and nationalism is haram for everybody except arabs. These guys are blinded by hate.
Even in this forum we can see that the divide and conquer strategy has worked. As a Muslim and Arab I say we should forget the past and start thinking in how we can work together in fighting our enemies (the zionists).
ok great Cyrus . . here is my answer to you by Sight & Sound . .

your statement about arabs support on islamic issues are big joke and no need to answer.

YouTube - ‫???????? ???? ?? ????????? ????? ?????? ????????‬‎

See how the graves of Arab martyrs In Afghanistan Become religious shrines

YouTube - ‫????? ????? ????? ?? ????????? ????? ??????‬‎

just let me know how many shahid we have in Bosnia?

Here is a report talking about the Arab mujahideen brigade in Bosnia . . weher is the Iranians ???

YouTube - ‫???? ?? ????????? ????? ???????? ?? ???????‬‎

but i know how many of us.in Kashmir issue just last week india asked Iran ambassador in Delhi about that and.........but i would be really happy if you can do anything for Islam, you arabs also are our shament.

Do not talk too much empty words . . just show us proves of your claims

arabs did not destroy the Persian empire, but Persian accepted the message of Rasul Allah

:rofl: ok . . do you remember the Message ? . . .listen to the reply of persian Emperor to the messanger of the prophet (PBUH) . . and dont forget while watching that this movie was approved from Shi'a high scholars

YouTube - The Message (MOVIE) = Mohammed (SAAW) 1-18

and did not support the king in war against Islam. just jet me know any war after that in the name of arabs that they could overcome to Persian.

They did not need more wars . . because the Persians were defeated . . and the he Iranian people become Muslims

exporting revolution was offering a chance to tent livers of arabs to have democracy against kingdom but you arabs were not enough mature to learn it and your kings cheated you and told you Iran is danger.

your statement about arabs support on islamic issues are big joke and no need to answer.

YouTube - ‫???????? ???? ?? ????????? ????? ?????? ????????‬‎

See how the graves of Arab martyrs In Afghanistan Become religious shrines

YouTube - ‫????? ????? ????? ?? ????????? ????? ??????‬‎

just let me know how many shahid we have in Bosnia?

Here is a report talking about the Arab mujahideen brigade in Bosnia . . weher is the Iranians ???

YouTube - ‫???? ?? ????????? ????? ???????? ?? ???????‬‎

but i know how many of us.in Kashmir issue just last week india asked Iran ambassador in Delhi about that and.........but i would be really happy if you can do anything for Islam, you arabs also are our shament.

Do not talk too much empty words . . just show us proves of your claims

arabs did not destroy the Persian empire, but Persian accepted the message of Rasul Allah

:rofl: ok . . do you remember the Message ? . . .listen to the reply of persian Emperor to the messanger of the prophet (PBUH) . . and dont forget while watching that this movie was approved from Shi'a high scholars

YouTube - The Message (MOVIE) = Mohammed (SAAW) 1-18

and did not support the king in war against Islam. just jet me know any war after that in the name of arabs that they could overcome to Persian.

They did not need more wars . . because the Persians were defeated . . and the he Iranian people become Muslims

exporting revolution was offering a chance to tent livers of arabs to have democracy against kingdom but you arabs were not enough mature to learn it and your kings cheated you and told you Iran is danger

This is an internal Arab issue . . are Persians are eager on the Arabs than the Arabs themselves . . and why the persians want to export there revolution only to the arabs? :azn:
But I'm not sure about this. Because You were the one who started the fight. While just spreading BS, you didn't even listen to things that others said. You can keep this as long as you wish. But without trying to reconsider your behavior, you can't blame others.
I will just answer your first nonsense that started the fight :
Persians hate Arabs because they have destroyed the Sassanid Empire.
Yes. Persians hate Arabs. But not because of that. Because "You" think you are the leaders of the Muslim world, Don't even take a look to the situation in Palestine and have such a good relationship with US, The biggest supporter of Israel, but started a war with another muslim country to "Stop it from exporting it's revolution". While Iran just announced that "It will export the revolution" not the "Shia ideology" , Which could have united the Umma just like you wanted. That's the reason of the deep hatred towards Arabs by Iranians.

Aspahbod . . Before offering the Iranians themselves as an example to rest Muslims . . they should be first do many things to improve themselves . . Because only idiots are those who will accept iranian Regime "as it is know" as an example.

when irani Regime stop involving in iraq, lebanon, yemen we can accept it

why irani Regime Intervene only in the Arab States? and why does not interfere in other countries ? Iran has a lot of neighbors . . arent they ?
do secrect deal here, after revolution several times US tried to contact with Iran. once Iran returned US delegation from the sky, in the last one Mc farlin interned to Iran with german passport, and nobody accept him In Iran, he stayed in hotel for two days, he got the message nobody wants to meet him in Iran then he returned and a week after Iran Parliament speaker announced that in Jomohe Khotbah.

is that so . . then read how the Iranians and americans met in september 2010
The Hindu : News / International : Iran, U.S. held secret talks: report
If Iran attacked Iraq so why Saddam army was in Iran a week after Saddam announced the ARABS war against PERSIAN, the funny thing is they never sad Iran-Iraq war, they always sad ARABs and PERSIAN war because always Saddam got the support from them and finally lost. and arab's wishes berried with Saddam.

Here's who won the war from a trusted military source

Although Iraq won the war militarily, and possessed a significant military advantage over Iran in 1989
the source : Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988)
assalam alaikum,

I think nobody can deny the fact that arabs r main reason to spread islam be it the prophet (PBUH) or its companions or tab3een. Arabs fought for palestine and many have lost their lives true there were miss calculations, not proper preparatons but still they fough more then one war ( Even the prophet lost a war). After knowing their capabalities they resorted for peace it is also from sunna insha Allah there will come a day they will be able to defend themselves better.

There r many afghan refugees in saudia they came very poor and after hard work they r making a lot of money i know them personally. Some of them earning hundered thousands riyal every month and cant read or write ( or a little).

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Here's who won the war from a trusted military source

Although Iraq won the war militarily, and possessed a significant military advantage over Iran in 1989
the source : Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988)

Fascinating to see your admiration for the only Muslim leader in history to unleash WMD's on fellow muslims.
these two racist clowns are making a joke of this forum (Nishan and Tariq)
This topic is now bordering on the ludicrous...

Heres whats happening...

I dislike the Arabs in General... They have the language of the Quran as their advantage yet they are far far removed from Islam and even its basic spirit... Ideas like Arab Nationalism make me laugh... They even have something called the Arab League... LOL apart from their stupid monarchies...

I like the Iranians in General... They are more assertive even though their leadership is in the pockets of America (like many of their Arab counterparts)... Ahmedinijad is however a loose cannon...

Anything else left to say?
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