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Emirati Airforce Can Take Down the Iranian Airforce In Seconds

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Nishan, I don't think you're interested in the truth, nor do I consider you a person with any level of intellect. This is exactly The same feelings towards you However, I will reply for others.

First explain what an "Arab" is.

Arabs are an ethnic group whose members identify as such on one or more of linguistic, cultural, political, or genealogical grounds.[13] Those self-identifying as Arab, however, rarely do so with it as their sole identity. Most hold multiple identities, with a more localized prioritized national identity — such as Egyptian, Lebanese, or Palestinian — in addition to further tribal, village and clan identities. (Wikipedia)

Zoarastrians pray five times a day and do wuzu too. Unlike what you also might think, they do not believe in a fire deity as is famously spread. It is a monotheistic religion, and you have more in common with them than you think.

A fire temple in Zoroastrianism is the place of worship for Zoroastrians . . . the fire temples are built to serve the fire within them, and the fire temples are classified (and named) according the grade of fire housed within them. There are three grades of fires, the Atash Dadgah, Atash Adaran, and Atash Behram . .

Also no, the racism of the Arabs and their corrupt leaders is why Iranians turned to Imam Ali (as). Who, together with the rest of the progeny of the prophet (s) were the only just among them all.

Do you claim that Shi'ism Began in Iran . . .Not the time of the Prophet (PBUH) . . .Is this your personal opinion or is it that the Iranians agree with him ?

What you should feel sad for is that you follow the line of corrupt leaders who killed and fought against the prophet (s) and his whole progeny (as).

For that reason and after 1431 years . . You still fighting the Sunnah ???

Let me also add that the Semites ("Arabs") of the Arabian peninsula were the most paganistic people of the time, until the prophet (s) came and destroyed all the idolatry. thats true and we praise Allah Almighty that are no longer pagans . . Although the Arabian Peninsula had a great civilizations before Islam especially in Yemen . .But the Arabs after they become Muslim . . Islam become there that they Proud of it Unfortunately, even present day paganism/kofr is alive in "Arab" culture. It is time "Arabs" spend less time on culture, and more on faith. A true Muslim does not allow himself to describe other Muslims that they Non-Muslims (Kuffar) This is what Allah ordered us . . so are you a Muslim ?

If you know anything about Azarbaijan, you wouldn't term it Muslim. They have strong secular policies, and the ruling elite is vehemently against Islam. Based on what you are saying. . the Turkish people are not Muslim Because the Turkish government is secular !!! The majority of the people are Muslim (shi'a) though, but they are oppressed. Some time ago their dictators wanted to close down a mosque and a famous Iranian scholar said that if they touch it, he will declare jihad against them. So they didn't break down the mosque. This is great . . . but at least you should remember the name of that famous Iranian scholar

The population of Azarbaijan wants, and even more so back then, to rejoin Iran. Evidence please . . Because the facts are contrary . . Azerbaijani in Iran want independence and unite with the Republic of Azerbaijan that is the fact The dictatorship started to implement laws to fight back against this popular belief among their people. Their repeated public anti-Iranian statements, anti-Iranian policies and pro-Zionist policies, and even publicly meddling into Iranian affairs (going to the point of publicly asking Iranian Azaris to revolt against Iran and rejoin "the north", were all aimed at strengthening a separate (from Iran) identity and independent policy (the goal of the soviet elite left behind was to be separate from Iran). What they did though, is create an enemy they couldn't handle. :blah::blah: How much does this fun . . What is easier to speak when There are no facts confirmed it

Have you ever wondered why Turkey and "Israel" were the first two countries to recognize Azarabaijan independence? Of course not You are so funny . . Ask me and answer me . . Here's my own answer . . turk and azeris are from th same "familt tree" they are both Turkic people . . for Israel . . . It is clear that Israel is seeking to achieve its interests . .Israel was among the first countries that established diplomatic relations with all Central Asian countries

they don't teach thinking at "King Abdullah University of Science and Technology". However, Take a look at their leaders' statements (back then) against Iran and pro-Israel and you'll understand why.

realy . . thats the first time that i know they teach such things . . i heard that this kind of subjects only teached in the University of Tehran

Not to mention that it was the Azarbaijani dictatorship that was slaughtering the Armenians, and it is our Islamic duty to prevent the genocide. Had Iran not intervened, there would be no Armenia now. Similarly it is our duty to oppose the secular dictatorship oppressing the Muslim population. Hurrah Now you are speaking the truth . . Iran's interest is to weaken the Republic of Azerbaijan so the Azeris be busy from there main issue of unity of Greater Azerbaijan

Iran was the first and largest supporter of Bosnia. In fact, ask any Bosnian and they'll tell you how famous Iran and Iranians are among their people. I met a lot of Bosnians in Istanbul . . .all of them said to me . . The Iranians tried to spread Shiism in Bosnia . . amd When they failed in that . . the Iranians support the Serbs against the Bosnian . . do you wants Evidences??? Iran sent a lot of arms in secret, not to mention food and shelter. Iran even wanted to send soldiers, but the European countries didn't allow it. This was before even genocide of the Muslims in Bosnia took place. That is how fast Iran reacted. Evidences please

I don't know about "Arabs", but in reaction to Iran the Semite Saudis started to export wahhabi doctrine and money to spread it even more. This is what they termed helping.Wahhabism encouraged thousands of Muslims to fight alongside the Bosnian and Chechen Wahhabism did not seek to revive the countries pre-Islam Such as the Persian Empire

I don't know about the Persians in particular, but Iran supports Kashmir so much so, that it has always been a strain on our relationship with India. Even a week ago India voiced 'disappointment' over Iranian leaders statements in support of Kashmir.

YouTube - Passion For Truth #522 "Iran India Alliance"

Did you read that in the encyclopedia of truth from King Abdullah at the wordwide 'renowned' "King Abdullah University of Science and Technology"? :rofl:

The revolution is still exporting at a fast rate. Your pagan leaders are staying in power on thin ice. If the US becomes any weaker (and they will), the people will revolt against them.

is that ture . . is that mean that iranian are living in PARADISE ?
YouTube - Election Battles Turn Into Street Fights in Iran

Though your heroically brave Saddomites leaders attacked in the middle of the night on the September 22, 1980, and started to rape "Arab" women and girls in Khuzestan. They believed they would be greeted, but the "Arab" Iranians in Khuzestan were the first to start killing the Soddomites. :blah::blah::blah:

You know what's funny...? One of the things we found your Saddomite soldiers to practices is homosexual practices among themselves. They quite oftenly practiced sodomy. <--- Your heroes :rofl:


Wow, you must have learnt a lot at the "King Abdullah University of Science and Technology"...


. . .

If I read your response to the end before I answer . . I would not waste my time here
Cant we act with little bit maturity and join hand with each other ,Forget the past coz its gone make our present good for a better future.
Muslims have most of the world resources and still we are lagging behind every one ....................
It would be very great of u people to stop fighting like kids coz we all are Muslims and we are brothers ans sisters so we have to act like tht .
Cant we act with little bit maturity and join hand with each other ,Forget the past coz its gone make our present good for a better future.
Muslims have most of the world resources and still we are lagging behind every one ....................
It would be very great of u people to stop fighting like kids coz we all are Muslims and we are brothers ans sisters so we have to act like tht .

:tup: agree with you my brother
Thank you for this speech, which proves my point . . Persians do not like Arabs every one know that . . Because the Arabs destroyed the Pagan Persian Empire . . Persians are allys of Israel and America against Arabs and Muslims . . Tell me why Persians stands with Christian Armenia against Muslim Azerbaijan . . Tell me who support the independence of Bosnia and Kosovo . . . Persians or Arabs ? . . .Tell me how the Persians support the Kashmir issue . . Show me one single Islamic issue that the Persians support ? ? ?

With regard to the Iran-Iraq war:
- Iran had started the war on Iraq
- Khomeini, who said that Iran will export the Revolution
- Khomeini, who said that the western borders of Iranis Euphrates River
-The international embargo was note on Iran alone, but on the two countries . . see the UN resolutions
-The war ended in victory for Iraq against Iran . . and Khomeini forced the nose to accept the cease-fire:lol:


YouTube - &#x202b;بطولات الجيش العراقي Ù&#65533;ي Ø*رب ايران&#x202c;&lrm;

your statement about arabs support on islamic issues are big joke and no need to answer. just let me know how many shahid we have in Bosnia? but i know how many of us.in Kashmir issue just last week india asked Iran ambassador in Delhi about that and.........but i would be really happy if you can do anything for Islam, you arabs also are our shament.
arabs did not destroy the Persian empire, but Persian accepted the message of Rasul Allah and did not support the king in war against Islam. just jet me know any war after that in the name of arabs that they could overcome to Persian.
exporting revolution was offering a chance to tent livers of arabs to have democracy against kingdom but you arabs were not enough mature to learn it and your kings cheated you and told you Iran is danger.
:tup: agree with you my brother

But I'm not sure about this. Because You were the one who started the fight. While just spreading BS, you didn't even listen to things that others said. You can keep this as long as you wish. But without trying to reconsider your behavior, you can't blame others.
I will just answer your first nonsense that started the fight :
Persians hate Arabs because they have destroyed the Sassanid Empire.
Yes. Persians hate Arabs. But not because of that. Because "You" think you are the leaders of the Muslim world, Don't even take a look to the situation in Palestine and have such a good relationship with US, The biggest supporter of Israel, but started a war with another muslim country to "Stop it from exporting it's revolution". While Iran just announced that "It will export the revolution" not the "Shia ideology" , Which could have united the Umma just like you wanted. That's the reason of the deep hatred towards Arabs by Iranians.
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The Secret Dealings of Israel, Iran, and the US


do secrect deal here, after revolution several times US tried to contact with Iran. once Iran returned US delegation from the sky, in the last one Mc farlin interned to Iran with german passport, and nobody accept him In Iran, he stayed in hotel for two days, he got the message nobody wants to meet him in Iran then he returned and a week after Iran Parliament speaker announced that in Jomohe Khotbah.
Imagine, my brother . . if the Persian invasion of Iraq has succeeded :chilli:

may allah bless the souls of all Iraqi brave martyrs

If Iran attacked Iraq so why Saddam army was in Iran a week after Saddam announced the ARABS war against PERSIAN, the funny thing is they never sad Iran-Iraq war, they always sad ARABs and PERSIAN war because always Saddam got the support from them and finally lost. and arab's wishes berried with Saddam.
totally agree . . But do not forget, my brother That some countries such as Iran Interfere in the internal affairs of other countries in a negative way as it did in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Iraq, Pakistan, Morocco, Yemen, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Syria . . Such interventions should be addressed

Thank you Arab speaker, oh sorry not only arab speakers but Persian speaker. Afganistan always say enjoy from Iran help, Iran has 2 million legal Afghan immigrant and 1 million illegal, please let me know how many you arabs have, public welcome to Iran president in Lebanon shows how right you are, i do believe as long as US (Iran bigest threat) is in Iraq, Iran must be open eyes there, but let us know what Saudi is doing there. just provide evidence about Pakistan, Iran and Pak are close friend with respected border and relation. Morroco, if they are affaid of that kingdom system in middle east is shaking with the message of Islamic revolution in Iran, this is not Iran's fault Morroco's king love office more than his people. Yemen is killing his own people with Saudi force, then they need excuse for that, which excuse better than anger Persian interferer, but even one evidence they could not provide only funny thing they closed the Iran hospital in Sanaa. Eygpt!!!! Iran cut off relation with Eygpt 31 years ago in objection of Israeil and Eygpt agreement.
Saudi doing inbargo on his on people, the nature of Wahabi is a mess does not need any interferer. Syria and Iran are ally and Iran investing there building factory, dam, sillos, ....and help Syria to develop. by the way you forget Sudan, Iran is doing in Sudan same as Syria. any other country you missed in list?
assalam alaikum,

It is funny in the beginning of the war i used to put the blame on iraq and the its continuity. Used to go every place that demonstrate or say anything against the war during my student life in univercity in the states, it was not popular to criticise u.s and favour iran at that time. I used to think that arabs r groupped against iran so i (pakistani and neighbor of iran) used to sympathise with iran. i used to have many discusstions about the war with iraqies ( they were many in that city ) and some of them were shia and they hate khomieni and tell me the war is bcoz of iran i wouldnot believe them. But after the iran contra scandal i became neutral. Now after all those years i accept i was wrong at that time.
Cant' say who won the war but, saddam kind of really saved the gulf states for some years now they have to think of their security seriously.


I recommend you go back to the historical relation of Iran and Iraq, espcially Saddam;s role in 1975 threaty between Iran and Iraq, may help you to better understand.
the people (shia) in US hated khomeini there mostly are not practical muslim so they leaved Iran after Islamic revolution that is why they hate khomeini.
I guess Saddam saved the kings state of Persian Gulf for some times not the states, because after revolution in Iran people there started to follow up people of Iran against kingdom but i think they could manage the situation in the name of danger of Persian with war flag.
My dear brother . . no one claims that the UAE can be overcome in a war against Iran . . not even the Emiratis themselves . . Otherwise they liberated the three UAE islands occupied by Iranians since the seventies

I think you need to go look for independent reference about the islands.if you start the story of island in your way Iran can or must clams about all states around Persian Gulf. then we can start from the last one Bahrain which separated from Iran with Britain politics 40 years ago, after bahrain we will claim on whole UAE, Kuwait later ,....
so my arab brother realize your situation and keep your legs on your carpet, be sure it can not be Persian carpet.
that totally right my brother . . You can refer to UN resolutions you'll find that Khomeini had refused all cease-fires and that he was seeking to export the revolution to all neighboring countries
You look for (plastic keys to heaven) (The plane carrying Israeli missiles to Iran, which fell over Turkey) (Iran-Contra)

and to learn more my brother you can download the following book


khomeni was very right to refuse cease fire, even internal oppositions they found out khomeni was right. as soon as khomeini accepted cease fire Saddam started new round of war and occupied almost one province of Iran because Saddam thought maybe Iran is weak that accepted cease fire and Iran again pushed back them in a week.
for Iran contra for back my former posts
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