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Emirates---GCC Nations & Kashmir:---

Expecting support from GCC countries on the basis of religion is expecting too much. They havn't done anything for Palestinians who share same ethnicity, culture and language on top of religion, then why pin your hopes on them and expect that they will do anything for Kashmiris.

Pakistanis need to accept that we are alone on this.
You mean Pakistani nuks are eggs and anyone can take. Are You fucking out of your mind.. 230 millions population.with top class nuclear scientists and engineers.top class army and holding major trade routes..you should see some mental experts.. dammm..what kind of shit our liberals smoke these days...fear is not a option. Your nation has been doing this for last 70 years. Last 45 years in nuclear research with hell of experience.. dammm.. we are not going to take any side among Muslims counties. Ik and Pakistani establishment is dammm cleaer about that..


Use this tone for pleasing the illiterate labor class pakistanis or gungho pakistanis---they will be very happy to hear what you are saying------.

This is your war and you have to fight it alone at all fronts. Now the govts are rule by economic school grads. They look everything through profit and loss lens. It is bitter reality , but it is the only reality.


Grown men show mentality of young---because their parents and grand parents have taught them so when fighting a war at a national level---.

But when you fight amongst your families or other adversaries---why do you gang up---.

I have never seen a brave pakistani fighting one on one in a fight---. These cowards bring their brothers and uncles and friends---even when there is a fight against one person---.

So---when it come to fighting for a nation---why don't you get like minded nations get involved---you know why---because you guys are eternally stupid not to do that---.

Look at these white boys---the USA---this fckr can take on the whole world with one hand tied behind its back---but still this moron gets the UK / france / germany / canada / its eternal bit-ch australia and whatever not to come fight for him to fight agains the weakest nation of the world---afghanistan---.

Now look in the mirror---and see the real enemy of your motherland reflecting back at you---.
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Expecting support from GCC countries on the basis of religion is expecting too much. They havn't done anything for Palestinians who share same ethnicity, culture and language on top of religion, then why pin your hopes on them and expect that they will do anything for Kashmiris.

Pakistanis need to accept that we are alone on this.
While we should expect but experience tells us differently. Most of the Gulf countries have not done much in their own countries when it comes to education and research. Most of the monarchs main interest is to prolong the dynasties and rule.
If they wanted the Middle East could have a lot of universities, research institutions and manufacturing units.
But this is not the case and makes one wonder what is the cause? Either is it lack of direction or deliberate attempt to keep majority uneducated to prolong the monarchy and the rule of the family?

Use this tone for pleasing the illiterate labor class pakistanis or gungho pakistanis---they will be very happy to hear what you are saying------.


Grown men show mentality of young---because their parents and grand parents have taught them so when fighting a war at a national level---.

But when you fight amongst your families or other adversaries---why do you gang up---.

I have never seen a brave pakistani fighting one on one in a fight---. These cowards bring their brothers and uncles and friends---even when there is a fight against one person---.

So---when it come to fighting for a nation---why don't you get like minded nations get involved---you know why---because you guys are eternally stupid not to do that---.

Look at these white boys---the USA---this fckr can take on the whole world with one hand tied behind its back---but still this moron gets the UK / france / germany / canada / its eternal bit-ch australia and whatever not to come fight for him to fight agains the weakest nation of the world---afghanistan---.

Now look in the mirror---and see the real enemy of your motherland reflecting back at you---.
Sir ji ..

For that , for the last 10 years , after Musharraf our weak and corrupt govts has done nothing for Kashmir. We don't have much time for building consensus and bring like minded nations on board. Better go straight to UN and give them time line. If UN failed then , exercise what you believe is right.
China is in all out favor , instead of wasting time in muslim nations. Better bring US and Russia on board or inform them, your next move.

O I forget to ask , where the fvck is civil society ... who bitaches for everything in Pakistan ...
moom batti mafia
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Because the Arabs are gutless cowards
They don't care about Muslim brotherhood but love the whites . That much that they love to get bund maared by the gorras people


So what is wrong being a gutless coward---you are who you are---that does not make you less of a human being---. You are still a part of the society---and the only thing that you are lacking is a fighting spirit---.

If for some reason Allah has given you less of it---the Lord has given them other ways and means to compensate---.

In a tribal fight---when your rich first cousin 10th removed comes and tells you that he got beat up by another tribe---you gather up your resources and go fight with the other tribe---.

The GCC was a God given opportunity to us---. That is the difference between the stupid and ignorant pakistani to the intelligent and opportunist east india company---. The company faced the same scenario---there was hunger back home---no jobs---wars coming to an end and no resource visible except for the opportunity in india---.

Same thing with pakistan---bleak future of jobs at home---no security at home either---80000 dead at home---out of those around 28000 troops---.

So---where was the big deal if for 150K jobs you lost 2-3000 troops that were being paid very good wages and benefits.

Allah gave you the opportunity and you pakistanis SPIT on it---now Allah has smashed your faces in sh-it thru the actions of Mr. Modi---.

Where is that Think Tank Mr. Araz who claimed there would be no war---. 370 is gone---we are back to 1949 status---in state of war with india---.

Expecting support from GCC countries on the basis of religion is expecting too much. They havn't done anything for Palestinians who share same ethnicity, culture and language on top of religion, then why pin your hopes on them and expect that they will do anything for Kashmiris.

Pakistanis need to accept that we are alone on this.


GCC wanted our support militarily---why did we bring in religion---.

Our INDUSTRY is military---why would we want support for religion---we have something for sale---they have something us in return---.

For 100's of years---muslim nations have done that exchanging one commodity for another---to give protection to another nation---.

GCC wanted our support militarily---why did we bring in religion---.

Our INDUSTRY is military---why would we want support for religion---we have something for sale---they have something us in return---.

For 100's of years---muslim nations have done that exchanging one commodity for another---to give protection to another nation---.

You know very well that majority of Pakistanis consider religion above anything else. But why would they prefer Pakistanis over Indians. They have bigger and better business deals with Indians than they have with Pakistanis.

Use this tone for pleasing the illiterate labor class pakistanis or gungho pakistanis---they will be very happy to hear what you are saying------.


Grown men show mentality of young---because their parents and grand parents have taught them so when fighting a war at a national level---.

But when you fight amongst your families or other adversaries---why do you gang up---.

I have never seen a brave pakistani fighting one on one in a fight---. These cowards bring their brothers and uncles and friends---even when there is a fight against one person---.

So---when it come to fighting for a nation---why don't you get like minded nations get involved---you know why---because you guys are eternally stupid not to do that---.

Look at these white boys---the USA---this fckr can take on the whole world with one hand tied behind its back---but still this moron gets the UK / france / germany / canada / its eternal bit-ch australia and whatever not to come fight for him to fight agains the weakest nation of the world---afghanistan---.

Now look in the mirror---and see the real enemy of your motherland reflecting back at you---.
Man you are so consist...you are thinking Pakistan is kind of Nepal or some village..we do effect on world politics. There are poor people but they live with respect and dignity..I don't please people I told you the reality.. you have to accept it...we are here to stay..this is your reality...accept it..

Pakistani will have to pick and chose in the end---.

An economically weak pakistan with over 200 nuc warheads needs a lots of friends to survive thru these hard times---even if it has to sacrifice Iran---.

So---here is a condition---does pakistan lose its 250 nucs to survive because it wants to take sides with Iran---or dump iran and save its nucs---.

That is the bottom line now---.

This long awaited fire has reached home---and you dumb fcks are bit-ching and moaning abut saving iran at the expense of your own nations security---.

The world is coming to CASTRATE PAKISTAN---. @Khafee @Mangus Ortus Novem @Irfan Baloch

How much dumping an allied Afghansitan helped us in post 9/11 ? 120 billion lost of economy and 70K of our citizens dead as a result.

People need to realised and understand the bigger picture. I am telling you now, you had all your proxies and ingress into Afghansitan, YET when you handed it over on platter to the forces who used Afghan soil to wage the fourth gen war against you, you had no answer and suffered for two decades. None of the so called brotherly countries came to your assistance in dealing with this fourth generation war. You suffered alone, your people died on streets with hardly anyone bothering about them.

NOW, if there is a regime change in Iran due to a conflict, a Karzai type personality is brought in by America, I cannot even fathom how and in what many ways/permutations the likes of CIA, Mossad and RAW will hit our country using the Iranian soil. We don't even have any proxy and ingress in Iran to fight them and worst, we got the least protected border with Iran. After losing in Afghansitan they will try their luck from Iranian soil, mark my words. And when it happen, all these so called brotherly countries will look the other way, just like they did when Afghanistan got occupied.

Under no circumstance, pressure or greed, we should become part of any destabilisation in our western border, specially at a time when our eastern border is getting very edgy.
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Dude, don’t expect shit from these people. When the mongols were attacking these Arabs it was the Muslims of the subcontinent that held up the torch of Islam. Pakistan has always sided with these cokehead Arabs. With the grace and mercy of Allah It was our people that preserved the deen. These people are good for creating rift between Muslims.

Now that we face a threat that is so vile and full of hatred for Islam. The Hindus want to throw us into the Indian Ocean and these Arabs are slowly turning their back against us. Don’t worry inshallah we won’t need their help. This is not the first time the Hindus tried to remove Muslims from the subcontinent but inshallah it will be the last. We need to rally our people around Islam and nothing else. Modi’s ideology is not a threat to Pakistan but a threat to Islam.
Because the Arabs are gutless cowards
They don't care about Muslim brotherhood but love the whites . That much that they love to get bund maared by the gorras people
Expecting support from ignorant, lazy, gutless arabs is a mistake in itself.
Arabs are pice shit.. I have spent many years with them.

@waz @Slav Defence @Horus dear mods, some gentlemen here are badmouthing and abusing whole arab race/ethinicity. please clear this thread..

Iran will never attack them and that granty was given to them by Ik and pk army..yesterdsy I meet one kuwati the idiot does not know even Kashmir is issue..90 percent are idiots and brainless pice of shit..they don't care

sir, if that Kuwaiti don't know about Kashmir, then it is our ineligibility and insufficiency that we didn't propagate Kashmir Issue effectively to the world and especially to the Muslims around the world..
Indian cold doctrine has successfully isolated Pakistan from GCC.
There's no more brotherly relation, after what ever happened during Zardari rule and what Imran and ministers are doing.
All thanks to the useful idiots..... who benefit India thinking they are doing good to Iran.
People like us are victimized by the Zardari regime and may be now by Imran Khan regime as well because we know those useful idiots.
Pakistan has supported Palestine issue on humanitarian and brotherhood basis for the past 70 years and we did not recognise Israel though we had no direct threat from the Zionist state. We never said it is an Arab issue, so why can't GCC countries support Pakistan in the same faith.
Palestine is about Al Aqsa too. It is not about brotherhood. It is first Qibla. Muslim lost it in 1099. Salahuddin conquered it again in 1187, and he was a Kurd, not Arab and he spend his entire life for Alquds.
Palestine could be a national issue for Arabs and they have given it up now, but Pakistan will up hold it. This is a responsibility from Allah and His Messenger.
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