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Emergency Imposed!

Vote about Emergency Imposed!

  • I support it. I am done with CJ, political instability, Benazir.

    Votes: 36 54.5%
  • I condemn it. Musharraf needs to step down, and elect as a RETIRED General.

    Votes: 30 45.5%

  • Total voters
I agree Pakistan was being destabilized. And a tough action was needed.

But he freakin brought in BB! That's NEVER going to stabilize Pak. She will loot the country again! The American problem has just gotten too hard for Mush to shake off. He's freakin brilliant, but America's going to take him down as he's made America into his respirator.

I could not stop smiling ear to ear when he was quoting Abe Lincon while justifying the emergency to the Americans ....lol...shrewd guy he is :smokin:
Former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto waves to supporters on arrival from Dubai at Jinnah International Airport in Karachi November 3, 2007, following the imposition of emergency rule. Bhutto said on Saturday she planned to discuss with other political leaders a strategy for reversing President Pervez Musharraf's decision to suspend the constitution.

Well she landed....
Imran Khan says that PA is killing its own people and their morale is down and they are deserting and they will react soon against Gen M.

CNN will be putting up translated scripts of Gen M and Mrs BB and Imran on their website soon incase somebody wants to read.


Ps : I think he is being melodramatic
The Army support Mush. There's no morale problem there. If there was to be a rebellion, there would've been one by now. Asking for a rebellion is treachery in it self too. That's like pushing for a civil war like situation.
Imran Khan says that PA is killing its own people and their morale is down and they are deserting and they will react soon against Gen M.

CNN will be putting up translated scripts of Gen M and Mrs BB and Imran on their website soon incase somebody wants to read.


Ps : I think he is being melodramatic

it is because of people like imran that the world thinks that pakistan is coming apart. i hate people like him go on international media and make it seem that nothing is working correctly in pakistan.
I would be fine with Mush even after all this. But this last stage he talks about is a transition to BBism. I fail to see how BBisms would save Pakistan.

A pure dictatorship is better than that.

90% of Pak's problems would be over when America leaves Afghanistan. If Mush really wants to save Pakistan. Stand up to them and cut off air-routes over Pakistan and cut-off logistical supply.

Let the Americans find a new project.
Know you finally see mushy for what he is.....nothing more then a petty little dictator.
aahhhh this all expected, cuz of CJ interference in national security apparatus. When issuing order to releasing hardcore anti social elements.

Ok guys, their is wide difference between Military and Para-military.
This is not emergency this is Marshal law.

Musharraf that traitor has just used his trump card and his last line.

After this diversion he will either leave the country or there will be another overtake by a lower general a revolt.
aahhhh this all expected, cuz of CJ interference in national security apparatus. When issuing order to releasing hardcore anti social elements.

Ok guys, their is wide difference between Military and Para-military.

No thats not why this happened, he wanted this long ago he was craving for a complete yes Sir government with yes Sir judiciary, however, after the feat from Ethezas Ehsan to restore CJ position he truly felt the Pakistani people head on.

He needs a puppet government, and he wont except a free Judiciary that would mean giving people their rights, that were written by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and his companions. He felt the Supreme courts decisions will go against and they should.

Bhutto Zinda hay.
Can someone post information about Abdul Hameed Dogar? The "New Justice".

No need the lawyers and suspended Judges and Justices will never except him and he has betrayed Pakistan his actions are now history.
Pakistan is at point of no return from Musharraf. Musharraf is in it till the end. Only exit strategy he has now if, military or militants knock him off!
I hope Musharraf will use this emergency to kick some militant ***!!

I will create a poll, lets vote.
I hope Musharraf will use this emergency to kick some militant ***!!

I will create a poll, lets vote.

Its a Marshal law webby the constitution of Pakistan has been taken out and PCO protocol has been in placed. This is high treason.
The pole is bias, in both cases Musharraf is to be excepted as political leader after what he's done to the country and the stability of it, and how he made a mockery of the Judiciary.

After this Marshall which wont last long, he wil be hanged on the basis of high treason.
in red my change just so that it becomes clear what Jana is talking about. This was in the first page, sorry for bringing this up. I came to know of emergency only right now. So when I came to this forum, one of the first few posts I read were these posts.

All TV channels went off

Blackout screens

Atlast emergency :cheers:

Yeh the First place(judiciary) to enter ;)

On reading these two posts, it sent a chill down my spine (no joking, really).
A journalist (a woman at that too) showing ecstasy when tv channels are taken down and media is severely curbed, and cheering on emergency. A journalist who shows happiness from deep inside the heart when army is sent into SC to arrest the judges. I really did not think that I would see this day. Frankly words elude me when I try to describe my feeling of, when your basic assumptions going invalid, the emptiness, the confusion it brings.
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