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No where in the world a mass murderer would be set free let alone allowed to take part in the elections - not even if he has a large support base of like minded extremists.

This happens only in India where hindu fanaticism has taken over the society.

He was the CM of the state when riot happen that doesn't mean he is the culprit even SC has rejected it. ABV was the PM during that time he had instructed to follow the Rajadharm and never asked to resign.

Unless untill SC doesn't say guilty EC can't stop him from taking part in Election that's the Constitutional Right.
He was the CM of the state when riot happen that doesn't mean he is the culprit even SC has rejected it. ABV was the PM during that time he had instructed to follow the Rajadharm and never asked to resign.

Unless untill SC doesn't say guilty EC can't stop him from taking part in Election that's the Constitutional Right.

Yeah, the joke of Judicial system that Indian is.

Where Hindu fanatics are almost always exonerated from any wrong doing. Most recently the other buddy of Modi Swami Asseemanand is also set free. So there you have, your next interior minister....

Why was Modi banned to travel in the West prior to being "elected" to the highest post in the country? Here is the hint: Mass Murder of minorities.

Only in India extremist Hindu terrorists are not only set free but rewarded with highest offices in the country.

BTW, are you going for Pooja to Godse temple?

Modi was addressed to US congress, which few leaders have done the same

Modi got highest civilian award in Saudi Arabia

Modi got a great welcome in UAE and the ruler of Abu dhabi attended Indian republic day as a chief guest

Even our fromer PM Maun mohan who was considered a great economist and framed as most secular party could not do it !!

Whereever he go abroad, he used to receive a great welcome vs former PM Maun Mohan.
Funny how all caste & religion politics has come to an end..Lots of Jatts Muslims Dalits voted for BJP..Amazing that BJP has won 85 seats out of 115 Muslim dominated areas proves people are voting for developments...
Middle finger to all butt hurts,specially to Pakistanis who are taking theka of Indian Muslims...
Is this peego still pretending to be Muslim? LOL! He is happy today because now Ram Temple will get built and he can finally get to pray on there. That will be the true test of Hindu Chauvanism in India. I say, build it tomorrow.

Building Ram Temple is not such a easy task Modi knows that as he had tested sample in Gujarat:azn:.

BJP manifesto clearly says :chilli:"On Ram temple, the law will be followed to get the temple built as soon as possible":chilli:

so wait till SC verdict :-)
google "politics"up-election-2017-muslim-vote-got-split-between-sp-and-bsp-says-survey-advantage-bjp
Yeah, the joke of Judicial system that Indian is.

Where Hindu fanatics are almost always exonerated from any wrong doing. Most recently the other buddy of Modi Swami Asseemanand is also set free. So there you have, your next interior minister....

but comparative Indian Judiciary much better than Pakistans
Modi was addressed to US congress, which few leaders have done the same

Modi got highest civilian award in Saudi Arabia

Modi got a great welcome in UAE and the ruler of Abu dhabi attended Indian republic day as a chief guest

Even our fromer PM Maun mohan who was considered a great economist and framed as most secular party could not do it !!

Whereever he go abroad, he used to receive a great welcome vs former PM Maun Mohan.

All because the hindu extremistm leaning public of India elected him their top leader.

Countries around the world look after their business interests and at the moment have business with India and would even allow an Indian donkey to address their Congress, should Indians elect one as their PM.

Sad, but true.

Just in case you didn't know, today's Taliban the buddies of OBL were invited to White House and were hailed as equals of Nations founding fathers in eighties.
Building Ram Temple is not such a easy task Modi knows that as he had tested sample in Gujarat:azn:.

BJP manifesto clearly says :chilli:"On Ram temple, the law will be followed to get the temple built as soon as possible":chilli:

so wait till SC verdict :-)

Let's see. Modi's victory today was huge. You have no opposition left in India. BJP could effectively turn India into a one party state.
Is this peego still pretending to be Muslim? LOL! He is happy today because now Ram Temple will get built and he can finally get to pray on there. That will be the true test of Hindu Chauvanism in India. I say, build it tomorrow.
@WebMaster ,@Horus ,@Manticore ,@Oscar ,@Irfan Baloch ,@waz ,@Jungibaaz ,@Aether
@Zaki Flame-baiting and trolling, unrelated to thread and Personal-attack. Please delete this post and consider banning this member from this thread.
but comparative Indian Judiciary much better than Pakistans

That was true and to a certain extent still is. I agree with you there. However, your political opposition has been decimated. The Judiciary wont hold out for long. This is a rising tide of Right wing Hindu Chauvanism. Has anything stopped its rise? What has happened in the last 24 hours? BJP guaranteed a second term.
but comparative Indian Judiciary much better than Pakistans

I give that to you, Judicial systems in both Pakistan and India are corrupt.

But the way Indian SC is letting almost every fanatic hindu free it has overtaken Pakistan by a long margin. In Pakistan at least they are hanging the fanatics.
I give that to you, Judicial systems in both Pakistan and India are corrupt.

But the way Indian SC is letting almost every fanatic hindu free it has overtaken Pakistan by a long margin. In Pakistan at least they are hanging the fanatics.

In India they will be appointed to senior positions. There is no opposition left in India. They are celebrating that.
All because the hindu extremistm leaning public of India elected him their top leader.

Countries around the world look after their business interests and at the moment have business with India and would even allow an Indian donkey to address their Congress, should Indians elect one as their PM.

Sad, but true.

Just in case you didn't know, today's Taliban the buddies of OBL were invited to White House and were hailed as equals of Nations founding fathers in eighties.

But if only business applies, why US meddling with South china sea against China?
Why our former PM could not able to address in US congress, when India-US relation was at all time high?

Indians are looking for what is good for our country and not what is good for our neighbour buddy..
This election was mostly won due to demonetization. Other parties did not have the cash to spend.
That being said the so called vote bank politics took a back seat. It's all up to BJp to implement good policies now.

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