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Egyptian C-130s flights to pakistan

2 C130 landed in Chengdu some days ago, any idea guys?

Pakistani or Egyptian C-130s? We were also thinking that it's possible that the stops in Pakistan are simply for refueling for the eventual destination which is China as we are well aware of all the huge projects China is involved in back in Egypt, from participating in the construction of the new capital to many other projects along both coasts. Very possible.
Pakistani or Egyptian C-130s? We were also thinking that it's possible that the stops in Pakistan are simply for refueling for the eventual destination which is China as we are well aware of all the huge projects China is involved in back in Egypt, from participating in the construction of the new capital to many other projects along both coasts. Very possible.
Egyptian C130.
Pakistani or Egyptian C-130s? We were also thinking that it's possible that the stops in Pakistan are simply for refueling for the eventual destination which is China as we are well aware of all the huge projects China is involved in back in Egypt, from participating in the construction of the new capital to many other projects along both coasts. Very possible.
A new capital?I need to update myself a bit.
pakistan received the first of 36 mirage-5 jets after french approval of the sale, as egypt retires its fleet of mirages & mig 21s

So basically France delayed the approval of selling old decomissioned Mirage-5s to Pakistan so that they are aligned with the delivery of Rafales to India ...

Read into that, what you want.
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Another Egyptian C-130H landed today at OPRN



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