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Egyptian C-130s flights to pakistan

So true dude
I thought these vintage airframes were going to be replaced with newer JF17s.

Instead PAF added even more museum grade aircraft.
Maybe these are meant for meseum to generate more revenue to buy some other used aircrafts for operational use. :suicide2:
We are discussing here on rumours. Rest assured we wont be doing anything to harm the Turks. We cant even imagine it. In 1920s you found us by your side even when the whole world was against you and we didnot ask you anything in favour and would never do so, its just out of our love based on historical brotherly relations.

I am not talking about our brother great Pakistani People

I am talking about politicans which easly can be purchased by money ... S.Arabia - The Uae have huge oil money
and TAHIR UL KADRI did judical coup against NAVAZ SERIF who had good relationship with ERDOGAN

FETO in Turkiye
TAHIR UL KADRI in Pakistan
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whole world has started all muslims as terrorist because of S.Arabia and The Uae backed Salafi/Wahabi Arab terror organizations such as AL QAEDA , ISIS , HTS

The west is a terrorizing entity by itself, couldn't give a shit about what the white man thinks of us
I am not talking about our brother great Pakistani People

I am talking about politicans which easly can be purchased by money ... S.Arabia - The Uae have huge oil money
and there was a judical coup against NAVAZ SERIF who had good relationship with ERDOGAN
I agree with you, the politicians in the muslim world sometimes or should i say most of the times let our nations down. There are very few who stand for principles, most of them are driven by power, material, money or all of them. Its like a dirty froth of cream trying to divide people for the sake of their own interests.

Peace, and lets us not be a part of distraction from the topic! :turkey::pakistan:
Support vessel by private sector is thing and if Cruise Missile by Government will be another thing

and SISI's Egypt = Israel-Greece-France against Turkiye

and We dont need anyone including Pakistan .... We Turks always have seen betrayal ... wont hurt another one ... do what you want
turkey have nothing to do with two sovereign countries deals please do not call it betrayal . did we have any agreement with you that we will follow your foreign policy ? tomorrow if you guys have improved relations with Egypt gulf and USA where we stand then ? every country follow its own interests . do not get it personal please . both Egypt and paksitan have very old defense relations since 60s .for example cino/pak K8 trainer aircraft 120 of them were sold to egypt .
turkey have nothing to do with two sovereign countries deals please do not call it betrayal . did we have any agreement with you that we will follow your foreign policy ? tomorrow if you guys have improved relations with Egypt gulf and USA where we stand then ? every country follow its own interests . do not get it personal please . both Egypt and paksitan have very old defense relations since 60s .for example cino/pak K8 trainer aircraft 120 of them were sold to egypt .

I am not talking about cino/pak K8 trainer aircraft

Pakistan is brother country in the eyes of Turkish People and We Turks dont want Pakistan to fight in our side
but if Pakistan sell Cruise Missile to Egypt to fight Turkiye then Pakistan will lose Turkiye and Turkish People

because of Turkiye fight christian-zionist alliance in Syria , Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean
and the US/Israel/France use Arab Dictators SISI,MBZ and MBS to fight Turkiye in Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean

even Russia use Arab Dictators SISI,MBZ and MBS to fight Turkiye
and Pakistan will be next ally of Arab Dictators SISI,MBZ and MBS to fight Turkiye ?

its now very clear that why TAHIR UL KADRI did judical coup against NAVAZ SERIF who had good relationship with ERDOGAN

FETO in Turkiye
TAHIR UL KADRI in Pakistan

both are American proxies
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and Pakistan will be next ally of Arab Dictators SISI,MBZ and MBS to fight Turkiye ?

Dude, You are exaggerating...this would not possible at all. Let me assures you with a recent example...
The Govt to Govt relationship we had with KSA and UAE are a testimony that Pakistan avoids Muslim world internal Strife as far as possible. Both KSA and UAE tries their best to pitch Pak Army against Yemen a tiny country with no strategic value to Pakistan but still Pakistan refuse to abide and refused to participate of any kind. How could it be possible that Pakistan Army or Weapon used against Turks....Impossible.

The above discussion of probable Ra'ad sale is just "Internet Orgasm"...nothing beyond it.
How could it be possible that Pakistan Army or Weapon used against Turks....Impossible.

The above discussion of probable Ra'ad sale is just "Internet Orgasm"...nothing beyond it.

InsAllah you are right Brother
we can expect everything at this time in this world ( the US/Israel/the Uae/S.Arabia/Egypt are now one heart against Turkiye .. also France and Greece and terrorisst groups FETO - PKK/YPG )
Pakistan helps the US/Israel puppet criminal dictator SISI to fight Turkiye ?
Look my dear we are not helping anyone to fight with anyone; current bad phase of Turkey and Egypt relationship is most probably would be over in few years .... like they did not have serious issues with each other few years back

Support vessel by private sector is thing and if Cruise Missile by Government will be another thing

There is NO Joint Cruise Missile development is taking place b/w both the countries, Egypt and Pakistan still do not have any Joint Production agreement, it was my personal opinion on the quoted post of Egyptian Member where he was enquiring about RA'AD cruise missile which will never be exported to any country upon his suggestion of non-nuclear cruise missile, I suggested it could be possible as long as it would not be in violation of MTCR

and We dont need anyone including Pakistan .... We Turks always have seen betrayal ... wont hurt another one ... do what you want
End of the day every be it a person or Nation all struggle alone to survive in this unfriendly world .... it's not unique as far as betrayal is concern I don't know what betrayal Pakistan has cause to Turkey

I am not talking about our brother great Pakistani People

I am talking about politicans which easly can be purchased by money ... S.Arabia - The Uae have huge oil money
and TAHIR UL KADRI did judical coup against NAVAZ SERIF who had good relationship with ERDOGAN

FETO in Turkiye
TAHIR UL KADRI in Pakistan

NS was a Traitor [Note to Pakistani Member: its My personal Opinion other have right to disagree with it but plz don't quote this point to reply me] just because of his Personal relationship with Erdogan does not mean he was [or is] good for Pakistan ....

As far as Thair Ul Qadri is concern he is not an entity of POLITICAL VALUE in Pakistan .... it is the issue related to our domestic politics therefore you are not aware about many thing therefore would advice not to comment on this, NS and his whole family is facing Corruption cases in Court of Law

Lastly Pakistan's 70+ years old National Policy related to conflict of Muslim Countries with each other is based on Non-Alignment we don't have any Religious, Sect or Race considerations in this policy, we Strictly Respect Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity of every Muslim country, for this you can see the exhibition of our National Policy in all such previous conflicts such as
  • Iran-Iraq conflict in which we were asked to support Iraq by Arabs but we remain Neutral here keep in mind even before the war Iran-Iraq Iraq was providing arms to certain groups in Pakistan to revolt against the state and this is important because of the second bullet point mention under
  • In first Gulf War we send our troops only for the territorial defence of KSA, our Troops never participated in attacks on Iraq
  • In Syria we remain neutral and supported no party of the conflict even when some of our close allies were engage in 'activities' there
  • Even in Yemen conflict we refuse active participation inside Yemen and offer our diplomatic services to resolve the matter peacefully
  • We even after the attack on Oil facilities of KSA extended our diplomatic services to Iran and KSA to dissolve the tension b/w them
  • We supported Turkeys operations in Northern Syria against the Kurd rebels and terrorists on the basis of Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity of the Tukey while some of Arabs allies were opposing it
We as a matter of national policy support peaceful negotiation b/w Muslim countries for the resolution of conflicts, and IF we would sell any Muslim country any weapon we expect it to be used for National defence only not to attack any other Muslim Country.

Pakistan is brother country in the eyes of Turkish People and We Turks dont want Pakistan to fight in our side
but if Pakistan sell Cruise Missile to Egypt to fight Turkiye then Pakistan will lose Turkiye and Turkish People
last time there is NO sell is happening of any cruise missile from Pakistan .....
NS was a Traitor [Note to Pakistani Member: its My personal Opinion other have right to disagree with it but plz don't quote this point to reply me] just because of his Personal relationship with Erdogan does not mean he was [or is] good for Pakistan ....

No, Not At All...You could carry on your hate...
I just like to reminds you that the "Traitor/his Party/his clan" you just explain above is coming back to Govern Pakistan again by the help of Deep State aka Establishment.:wave:
NAVAZ SERIF who had good relationship with ERDOGAN

My friend! people to people relations does not matter when it comes to State level cooperation. Erdogan had relations with sharif and so he has with Imran Khan and will have with any other Pakistani PM, since we are brotherly nations having nothing against each other. Tahir-ul-Qadri issue was different having local politics & even if he did so; Pakistan is enjoying strong relations with Turkey more than before. Just look at the meetings & cooperation on certain level.
Look my dear we are not helping anyone to fight with anyone; current bad phase of Turkey and Egypt relationship is most probably would be over in few years .... like they did not have serious issues with each other few years back

in a few years , even earlier there will be very serious conflict risk between Turkiye and Egypt
and Greece , France even Israel will help Egypt .. ( a few days ago Greek-French Navies tried to stop Turkish Cargo Ship in the Eastern Mediterranean but Turkish Frigates warned French Frigate and a dangerous situation occurred )
therefore since 2013 SISI is preparing for a war with Turkiye

End of the day every be it a person or Nation all struggle alone to survive in this unfriendly world .... it's not unique as far as betrayal is concern I don't know what betrayal Pakistan has cause to Turkey

Turkiye doesnt attack Egypt or any muslim country
even when president OBAMA supported Iran , S.Arabia was alone without American protection and Turkiye was ally with S.Arabia against Iran's aggression

but president TRUMP and Israel backed MBZ ( The Uae ) destroyed good relationship with Turkiye and S.Arabia



Turkiye fight christian-zionist alliance in Syria , Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean
and the US/Israel/France use Arabs SISI,MBZ and MBS to fight Turkiye in Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean

even Israel,the Uae,S.Arabia and Egypt took Russia to their side against Turkiye
maybe the Uae,S.Arabia and Egypt are trying to take Pakistan to their side against Turkiye

We as a matter of national policy support peaceful negotiation b/w Muslim countries for the resolution of conflicts, and IF we would sell any Muslim country any weapon we expect it to be used for National defence only not to attack any other Muslim Country.

Egypt led by SISI wants tons of weapons including cruise missiles to fight Turkiye
we will see what will happen .....

and I dont want talking about Thair Ul Qadri

but just one example ..... the US backed traitor FETO also called Erdogan as traitor and the US backed traitor FETO tried judical coup attempt against Erdogan in 2013 and military coup attempt in 2016
I am not talking about cino/pak K8 trainer aircraft

Pakistan is brother country in the eyes of Turkish People and We Turks dont want Pakistan to fight in our side
but if Pakistan sell Cruise Missile to Egypt to fight Turkiye then Pakistan will lose Turkiye and Turkish People

because of Turkiye fight christian-zionist alliance in Syria , Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean
and the US/Israel/France use Arab Dictators SISI,MBZ and MBS to fight Turkiye in Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean

even Russia use Arab Dictators SISI,MBZ and MBS to fight Turkiye
and Pakistan will be next ally of Arab Dictators SISI,MBZ and MBS to fight Turkiye ?

its now very clear that why TAHIR UL KADRI did judical coup against NAVAZ SERIF who had good relationship with ERDOGAN

FETO in Turkiye
TAHIR UL KADRI in Pakistan

both are American proxies
do you have any credible source pakistan sale of missiles ?
its just food for thought nothing more sir
pakistan have got a brain 10 years ago today we don't have any ally but our interest is our ally .

we are open for everyone and we will cooperate with countries upon our interests . yemen war if very good example . and i think pakistan will be safe and secure until we did not go to mess of ME . everyone is fighting in ME for their interests too no one is saint in wars . our interest is sit out of war and see .
maybe the Uae,S.Arabia and Egypt are trying to take Pakistan to their side against Turkiye

We didn't join them even against Houthis in Yemen despite the offers & I mean, big big offer that could have got us a lot of stuff in lieu of our peace, relations & moral, therefore, Turkey or any other brotherly nation shall never doubt about Pakistan that will ever side with any country against another brotherly nation. Pakistan has a history to play mediator role for the issues between Muslim World. Pakistan will maintain relations with all and will always work for good relations between Islamic World. Pakistan only feel threatened or to go against a party whosoever helps India at large against Pakistan and I don't see that happening or at-least not till date. Even Iran enjoys good relations with India but I never saw Pakistan going offensive against Tehran. This is the matter about judging & reading the situation as well as be extra careful when it comes to neighbor, friend or brotherly nation.
No, Not At All...You could carry on your hate...
I just like to reminds you that the "Traitor/his Party/his clan" you just explain above is coming back to Govern Pakistan again by the help of Deep State aka Establishment.:wave:
Pakistani LAW did not apply on my sons as they are not citizens of pakistan . :lol:

We didn't join them even against Houthis in Yemen despite the offers & I mean, big big offer that could have got us a lot of stuff in lieu of our peace, relations & moral, therefore, Turkey or any other brotherly nation shall never doubt about Pakistan that will ever side with any country against another brotherly nation. Pakistan has a history to play mediator role for the issues between Muslim World. Pakistan will maintain relations with all and will always work for good relations between Islamic World. Pakistan only feel threatened or to go against a party whosoever helps India at large against Pakistan and I don't see that happening or at-least not till date. Even Iran enjoys good relations with India but I never saw Pakistan going offensive against Tehran. This is the matter about judging & reading the situation as well as be extra careful when it comes to neighbor, friend or brotherly nation.
i think middle east warriors are acting like bush ether you are with us or against us :D. they forget that some free country stay neutral too .:lol:
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