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Egyptian Armed Forces

These signs are on all trucks, armored vehicles and tanks of the Egyptian land forces
Each division has a digital code and signal, and each division's emblem is stamped on armored vehicles, tanks, and armored cars.

Yep, that's what I thought and told @Buchlaid pretty much the same thing. Ishtah ya m3lem.
Because the war in Ukraine is draining gov. funds and obviously not going very well. The EAF also asked to install the Su-57's AESA radar to compensate and that made matters worse because they don't even have the cost to build enough of those to push the Su-57's program faster for the VVS. So they certainly won't put them in the EAF's Su-35's. At least that's the prevailing rumor.

And the EAF should most certainly not accept them without a fully functional AESA. if you remember, I mentioned a while back that the IRBIS-E was not what the Russians touted it to be as far as a hybrid PESA/AESA. It functions a lot more in PESA mode despite tracking more targets than other 4th gen AC. It still gives up its location because of its great detection distances making its BVR resistance a bit suspect unless the pilot uses its range quick enough to fire first. Still, with the EAF so pleased with the Rafale's RBE2 AESA, they want the same or better for the Flanker Es which is a good stand. Especially when they got shafted on the MiG-29M/M2's radar upgrade to the Zhuk-AE as Russia promised and never delivered for several years now.

Problem is, what's the EAF's alternative besides Korea's KFX which is still at least 5 years away? Use another manufacturer's radar? Complicated and super costly proposition that is almost impractical because it's not just the radar that would need to be changed, Computer and all sorts of other elements making not worth the cost whatsoever. Almost makes the F-15 a much better option at this point, sadly.

Still looks like a beast from hell!


An absolute disgraceful embarrassment. The Russians are asking where are the frames going to end up! They're worried the US will scoop them up. Imperative the EAF run some major destruction method ASAP IMO so that doesn't happen.
Na screw the f15, I'm not having a repeat of that qme bs with strings attached to the aircraft as far as the horizon. Thats a zero tolerance stance from us to the USA. For that reason the eurofighter is better than the eagle, or stock up on rafales. Better yet, there's still those mirage 2000s from France and other countries that can be used
Na screw the f15, I'm not having a repeat of that qme bs with strings attached to the aircraft as far as the horizon.

i wish it was up to you & me, bro. Unfortunately the EGY brass has no choice but to succomb to US demands. I think theyre already pissed we went with the Rafales and I wouldn't doubt they'll halt that deal with pressure of France & Dassault for the additional 30 and will do whatever they need to to put a stop on the meteors. The US is just way too dominant and it's interest in protecting Israel is almost 2nd to none despite those bastards attacking us 3 of the 4 times and the only time we did was to get our Suez canal and a lousy 15 km or Sinai. We just don't have any sort of leverage.

Thats a zero tolerance stance from us to the USA.

Unfortunately they can make our lives miserable beyond belief, I'm just being realistic. What else can we do, refuse them? Then what, stick with aging F-16s without viper upgrades and BVR missiles and be even worst? At least we might be able to negotiate the missiles with the Eagles because they will punish us severely if we insist on the Russian Flankers, It's a shame.

For that reason the eurofighter is better than the eagle, or stock up on rafales.

$65K for 1 operating hour those wouldn't last a month, bro.. This sucks.

Better yet, there's still those mirage 2000s from France and other countries that can be used

I'm surprised cn even takeoff and fly for ten minutes considering they were purchased in 1982 lol.

Meteor? Never I'm afraid.
The Indian AF with their awesome Su-39MKI parked on our tarmac too bad one of our Su-35s isn't present in the middle.

@Ghostkiller , whatever happens to amercer's claim that 17 of our Flanker E's were in house? He lost a bit of credibility there as far as I'm concerned TBH.

SUCKS to high hell that we capitulated to the Yanks and never bothered delivering those awesome awaesome-u-35.



EUFIGHTER TYPHOON cost per flight hour:
60-65,000 € (US$ 79,700)

The Typhoon cost per flying hour reflects the build up of the fleet Italy: They concluded that the Eurofighter cost 60-65,000 € (US$ 79,700) per hour, including the financing and write-offs. The actual variable operation cost was between 13,000 and 20,000 € per hour.


Cost per hour of Rafale USD 16500 per flying hour

The figure for the Rafale was USD 16500 per flying hour and number for the Eurofighter Typhoon, derived from British Parliamentary figures and seeming to cover only fuel usage, was USD 8200.

Doesn't make ANY sense that we acquire that super expensive Typhoon considering our fleet of MiGs (sadly a few destroyed but that's ok for now until those responsible pay the price) as well as the Rafales which are 3 times cheaper because this will drain the EAF's funds and they'll only be able to fly 4 or 5 at the time and ground them for a month after that just to cope with the ridiculous cost. These are always things to consider heavily instead of the glamour of having the jets.
Not much going in this once upon a time great thread? What happened?

I have exams so it is taking my time. Plus there is big news around which we can discuss about it

No Typhoons hope.Good thing my days are loooong away from those dreaded exams.

Oct 15, 20166,8611112,445Country
United States

WHY WHY, WHY, could we not get this? WE are no threat to ANYONE except Ethiopia is the reduce our water supply and we are entitle to defend pour well=being just like ANY other country.

SCREW THE US for imposing stupid a detriment on our well-being. Shame on them. Unless there is no effect of the volume of the real in Egypt which i seriously doubt.

Even if they provided us we F-15s they still would agree on an obliterated Ethiopian dam!
I wish Sisi and Egypt would get a lot more aggressive like other nations and deal with the consequences as they come. Notic how it only carrieis once kh-52? must be a weight issue. they did the same thing in ukraine.

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Qatari delegation visiting Alexandria shipyard to view the massive construcion effort of the meko200 and other patrol and attack ships.
i wish it was up to you & me, bro. Unfortunately the EGY brass has no choice but to succomb to US demands. I think theyre already pissed we went with the Rafales and I wouldn't doubt they'll halt that deal with pressure of France & Dassault for the additional 30 and will do whatever they need to to put a stop on the meteors. The US is just way too dominant and it's interest in protecting Israel is almost 2nd to none despite those bastards attacking us 3 of the 4 times and the only time we did was to get our Suez canal and a lousy 15 km or Sinai. We just don't have any sort of leverage.

Unfortunately they can make our lives miserable beyond belief, I'm just being realistic. What else can we do, refuse them? Then what, stick with aging F-16s without viper upgrades and BVR missiles and be even worst? At least we might be able to negotiate the missiles with the Eagles because they will punish us severely if we insist on the Russian Flankers, It's a shame.

$65K for 1 operating hour those wouldn't last a month, bro.. This sucks.

I'm surprised cn even takeoff and fly for ten minutes considering they were purchased in 1982 lol.

Meteor? Never I'm afraid.
Wait, meteors have been confirmed for the rafales, I think @The SC confirmed this. As far as leverage is concerned, Saudi and Iran are together on a peace deal brokered by China, all thats left is for Egypt to turn away. They're far too important for the biden administration to have qualms with their last ally that isn't israel in the middle east. Russias gonna weigh in on this in some manner
Wait, meteors have been confirmed for the rafales, I think @The SC confirmed this. As far as leverage is concerned, Saudi and Iran are together on a peace deal brokered by China, all thats left is for Egypt to turn away. They're far too important for the biden administration to have qualms with their last ally that isn't israel in the middle east. Russias gonna weigh in on this in some manner

RAA, unless my dearest best friend, the most loyal (Ithnk he's half Saudi and half Egyptian which proves his interest in both militaries) cans show us the press release I like did about the crash release of the single Rafale which according to them was only damaged and repaired, then I will= believe the meteors are included in the 2nd batch of 30 Rafales.

So far it's been over-zealous writers of articles we've mentioned especially our Egyptian brothers and a few foreigners who could barely speak English. Who the F is gonna believe them?

Why didn't the delivery 28 Meteors with the first batch but dud sio ti Qatar and Saudi? 2 per aircraft to keep the secret and pet pent down since Israel has nothing comparable despite all their advanced technology?

The US will start sanctions against even France for providing them to Egypt and again I repeat why? We were the incompetent assholes who got attacked 3 times from those greedy bastard Jews who stole out land for a few armored vehicles and tanks and Fedayeen approaching the border. All they had to do was bomb them, not steal all of Siani?! But they had OTHER motive such as expansion. Just like the one-eyed bandit POS was bragging after 1967 and crying the temple was collapsing in 1973 ibn n el sharmouta 3 times over, I'm not fasting this Ramadan unfortunately because I've been considerably sick so cursing a bit incase you're wondering what kind of Muslim is this. Not the best unfortunately.

BTW, the one-eyed bandit POS almost got killed with an EAF M-17 flew over his group of guards and dropped an incendiary bomb but missed the crip son of a bitch and his entougare including hid body guards who said he would fight the Egyptians any day and boy did he run and hide as the ultimate coward in 1973 and got fired for his arrogance that two-timing Duche bag. I was 1 year on 1967 and I would have laid him out by kicking him the balls and pounding his face in that pos, eve if i was11 years that punk bitch arrogant pr
See what I told you, fealls? The IRBIS -E is not what the Russians touted it to be. They call it a PESA/AESA mode when it's only stuff in PESA most of the time making it very vulnerable/ The only plus it ha it's a iot of long range compared to all the other 4++ gen aircraft but it also exposes Itsel with that power so first see fort to shoot and it ain't the Flanker going up against the F-22 or F-35.

We need to stick to the Rafales and maybe F-1as bad is the US gives us shit about them then ground then in hangers and use the Rafaes & MiGs. enough is enough.

The Irbis-E is about the limit that can be achieved with PESA technology, but it isn't as good as the J-16's AESA - The source gives about 80% for detection and 85% for EW when compared to the J-16's 1760 T/R module radar - IRST system not as capable as Chinese /4

They claim it is a PESA hybrid but no such thing . It's
in mosty PESA which makes it very vulnerable against enemy AESA radars. The only it has going for it isi it is has the longest range vs 4+ gen aircraft. Other thing that, against F-22 and F35, it's overcooked toast.


- The Irbis-E is about the limit that can be achieved with PESA technology, but it isn't as good as the J-16's AESA - The source gives about 80% for detection and 85% for EW when compared to the J-16's 1760 T/R module radar - IRST system not as capable as Chinese /4

It has the longest range of aal the 4++ gens
sorry about the negativy guys,
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Why didn't the delivery 28 Meteors with the first batch but dud sio ti Qatar and Saudi? 2 per aircraft to keep the secret and pet pent down since Israel has nothing comparable despite all their advanced technology?

David's Sling based air to air missile🤫
The ground launched one has 300km range, top speed of Mach 8, achieves a kinetic kill and just recently has been combat proven.

I wonder what it could do when an F-35 is launching it at supersonic speed from 10,000 meters at any 4th generation jet :)

Probably shits on the meteor

David's Sling based air to air missile🤫
The ground launched one has 300km range, top speed of Mach 8, achieves a kinetic kill and just recently has been combat proven.

I wonder what it could do when an F-35 is launching it at supersonic speed from 10,000 meters at any 4th generation jet :)

Probably shits on the meteor
Mansoura air battle. Asshole

See what I told you, fealls? The IRBIS -E is not what the Russians touted it to be. They call it a PESA/AESA mode when it's only stuff in PESA most of the time making it very vulnerable/ The only plus it ha it's a iot of long range compared to all the other 4++ gen aircraft but it also exposes Itsel with that power so first see fort to shoot and it ain't the Flanker going up against the F-22 or F-35.

We need to stick to the Rafales and maybe F-1as bad is the US gives us shit about them then ground then in hangers and use the Rafaes & MiGs. enough is enough.

The Irbis-E is about the limit that can be achieved with PESA technology, but it isn't as good as the J-16's AESA - The source gives about 80% for detection and 85% for EW when compared to the J-16's 1760 T/R module radar - IRST system not as capable as Chinese /4

They claim it is a PESA hybrid but no such thing . It's
in mosty PESA which makes it very vulnerable against enemy AESA radars. The only it has going for it isi it is has the longest range vs 4+ gen aircraft. Other thing that, against F-22 and F35, it's overcooked toast.


- The Irbis-E is about the limit that can be achieved with PESA technology, but it isn't as good as the J-16's AESA - The source gives about 80% for detection and 85% for EW when compared to the J-16's 1760 T/R module radar - IRST system not as capable as Chinese /4

It has the longest range of aal the 4++ gens
sorry about the negativy guys,
irbis is a scam. Byelka hopefully doesnt turn out as a scam because we dont have any other choice
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Egypt can't do anything either way. Don't be fooled by these low IQ CC nationalists on this forum. One of them said CC made Egypt great again. That should tell you how low-IQ these people there. Egypt has zero influence in the conflict. All it can do is contribute to illegal measures against Gaza. Fatah would never launch a third intifada, Fatah is a stooge movement no different from these CC nationalists. I have no idea where you get that idea from. Fatah/Egyptian leadership live just to serve Israel's interests.
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