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Egyptian Armed Forces

Guys .. Seriously ..
Don't take any notice of these rubbish ..
An ignorant who believes that Egypt's economy is better with those tunnels from Gaza strip !
Who believes that Libyans militants are capable of sailing all the way from Libya to Damietta without any kind of intervention !

And yes we have poor people in our land , like any other place in the world .. So what ?!!
It's better than receiving Aids from all over the world to survive .
And even those poor people have a pride not to **** (I was gonna say some bad things about Palestinians ....)

Please .. just go away from this thread ..
You don't make any good by posting such kind of nonsense ..
Because of MB and Hamas , Egyptian people have never had such bad feelings toward Palestinians .

When i was student back in the days of 2nd Intifada , you could see massive protests in every university and school away before any other place in the world , Aid organizations were everywhere all participated with any means possible .. rich , mid-class and even whom you called poor .. all were in .. we felt it wasn't charity it was our duty .. it was the least we could do ..

Egypt was in war many times .. hundreds and thousand miles away from its border in Palestine , Jordan and in Yemen in the name of Arab Nationalism .. mistakes made by Nasser's regime we still paying it until the moment .

But now .. all have changed ..
Look at the latest military operation carried out by Israeli forces ..
The sympathy and solidarity you used to get from Egyptians .. are no more .. at least not like it used to be .
And in the End .. Egypt's policy was the key to mange a ceasefire .. after weeks of Hamas declines just because it was coming from Egypt ! .. Thousands of lives could be saved .. if other sides didn't interfere .. but it's policy .. all want to have the credit ! .. all want to speak in the name of Resistance .. Iran , Turkey and Qatar .. no matter how many innocent victims would pay the price for their nasty games !

And like it or not .
Egypt - As always - is the shield and the sword of our Ummah .
Then what is your solution to these problems?

Arabs have surrounded Palestinians for a long time now, Egyptian and Jordanian.

You don't need to directly engage with Israelis, you just need to arm Palestinians. However, if you had the guts.....

Or, let us arm them without anyone noticing it.
RAA, unless my dearest best friend, the most loyal (Ithnk he's half Saudi and half Egyptian which proves his interest in both militaries) cans show us the press release I like did about the crash release of the single Rafale which according to them was only damaged and repaired, then I will= believe the meteors are included in the 2nd batch of 30 Rafales.

So far it's been over-zealous writers of articles we've mentioned especially our Egyptian brothers and a few foreigners who could barely speak English. Who the F is gonna believe them?

Why didn't the delivery 28 Meteors with the first batch but dud sio ti Qatar and Saudi? 2 per aircraft to keep the secret and pet pent down since Israel has nothing comparable despite all their advanced technology?

The US will start sanctions against even France for providing them to Egypt and again I repeat why? We were the incompetent assholes who got attacked 3 times from those greedy bastard Jews who stole out land for a few armored vehicles and tanks and Fedayeen approaching the border. All they had to do was bomb them, not steal all of Siani?! But they had OTHER motive such as expansion. Just like the one-eyed bandit POS was bragging after 1967 and crying the temple was collapsing in 1973 ibn n el sharmouta 3 times over, I'm not fasting this Ramadan unfortunately because I've been considerably sick so cursing a bit incase you're wondering what kind of Muslim is this. Not the best unfortunately.

BTW, the one-eyed bandit POS almost got killed with an EAF M-17 flew over his group of guards and dropped an incendiary bomb but missed the crip son of a bitch and his entougare including hid body guards who said he would fight the Egyptians any day and boy did he run and hide as the ultimate coward in 1973 and got fired for his arrogance that two-timing Duche bag. I was 1 year on 1967 and I would have laid him out by kicking him the balls and pounding his face in that pos, eve if i was11 years that punk bitch arrogant pr
According to the famous Janes website: The Meteor missile has been officially sold to Egypt...

Meteor partners have included France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom, and the missile has been sold to Brazil, Egypt, Greece, India, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and South Korea.

MBDA will supply Egypt the Mica NG air-to-air missile besides Meteor and SCALP long-range missiles. In addition, Safran Electronics & Defense will supply its AASM ‘Hammer’ bomb. The SCALP is designed to target bunkers, missile sites, bridges and airfields. It is fitted with a 450kg BROACH warhead, an inertial and GPS navigation system with IR imaging guidance system, and a microturbo TRI 60-30 turbojet. It can fly at speeds of Mach 0.8 and can be launched from a flight altitude of 30-40km. The SCALP has the ability to pierce through well-defended targets and should add significant bite to the EAF ground attack capability.

And not to forget the Rafale F4 with GaN Spectra and updated OSF with the new stealth data link and the most sensitive thermal mica and the AESA radar designed to deal with Syealth aircrafts, in addition to the meteor and Talios pod that can be used in air-to-air thermal detection .... It is not exaggerating at all to say that Egypt will have a very potent, stubborn and difficult match for The F-35..

What's worthy of attention is the ammunition deal with the last 30 Rafales, not only from Mabda, but also from Safran.. that means that the AASM1000 bomb will come...And from that, we can conclude that the deal is of the F4 standard, because it is the only one capable of carrying this bomb!!!
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Egypt stands no chance against Israeli airforce.

Instead of competing with American lapdog in the air, you should have developed missile technology and used airforce as a defense layer. USA will provide them with technology edge when the time comes and make them light years ahead of currently existing platforms hence Zionists will always enjoy air-superiority. Egypt will have no way other than suicide in the air sending their whole air fleet to massacre. West successfuly kept Egyptian armed forces dependent and backward.
@Foinikas How is your Rafale?
This is what we have right now. Notice that the F-16C must be a bit lower in number since the F-16V are upgraded from already existing aircraft of our fleet. If I'm not mistaken. The P-3 Orion are missing 3 aircraft that are supposed to be getting upgraded for some years now. Also check out the M-346 that we got.

Screenshot_2023-05-17 Hellenic Air Force - Wikipedia.png
This is what we have right now. Notice that the F-16C must be a bit lower in number since the F-16V are upgraded from already existing aircraft of our fleet. If I'm not mistaken. The P-3 Orion are missing 3 aircraft that are supposed to be getting upgraded for some years now. Also check out the M-346 that we got.

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What about the F-35?
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