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Egyptian Armed Forces

He also has an exclusive video detailing the operation to liberate all our army soldiers in Sudan. You should watch it.

BAHAHAHA keep believing these delusions bro.
Quoting from your article:

"The July intelligence report said federal investigators launched their probe last December, noting in general that Egyptians living in Germany "could become the focus" of Egypt's GIS and its National Security Service (NSS).

These included members of the Muslim Brotherhood, ousted from government by Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in 2013"

Hahahaahaa, these scum are not innocent Egyptian opposition, they are terrorists and deserve to be hunted everywhere on Earth.

Human Rights Watch ?! Man sit the f@ck down. No one is buying this shit.

You're cherry picking from the article to make it fit your filthy kofta narrative? You missed this part " as well as Egyptian Coptic Christians living in Germany"? You can't read? Oh and btw, i expected your response about HRW, just like your Mafia government banned the site in Egypt because they hate rights lmao. Of course you're a pathetic kofta like them, not much different, a sociopath like the people you support.
BAHAHAHA keep believing these delusions bro.

You're cherry picking from the article to make it fit your filthy kofta narrative? You missed this part " as well as Egyptian Coptic Christians living in Germany"? You can't read? Oh and btw, i expected your response about HRW, just like your Mafia government banned the site in Egypt because they hate rights lmao. Of course you're a pathetic kofta like them, not much different, a sociopath like the people you support.
Keep crying bro, you got pounded so hard in 2013. You will never rule Egypt again, Keep Hush Hush or stay in exile or we gonna get ya and pound you even harder.
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Here you go, enjoy reading, ape. This is what your GIS rats do, they spy on Egyptians. Losers spy on Egyptian opposition in Germany:

Only thing they're good at, hunting political opponents. All they care about is keeping the position of the dictator secure.

The war crimes committed by the military mafia against civilians in Sinai

And i can go on and on giving examples exposing your military mafia!
The MB is not a political opposition but a terrorist organization and i dont need to dive in on their crimes against the country which include acts of targetted terrorism against christians jourlanists Had direct relations with terrorist organizations like Hamas and wilyat sinai and much more you probably know. Destroying this cancerous org is a top priority all over the world the final destination will be the UK the HQ. now for the warcrimes forced evictions are necassary when ISIS acts as civillians and have tunnel networks under homes some without the knowledge of said residents. Homes were bought for that purpose. Also now theyre returning and peace has driven over sinai if the military was some grusome war in sinai wouldve ended in 2018

With all due respect, I will not believe this unless I see solid proof from the ground or an official statement from our army. A satellite image can be easily photoshopped and distorted to make it look like an aircraft is destroyed, you just change the colors of the pixels. For a long time, there has been numerous false information coming from Western (State-Controlled) media about matters concerning Egypt that it's so obvious now that it's a psychological war being waged upon us.

These Israeli-backed RSF have intentionally recorded our soldiers on the first day as if they were defeated war prisoners even though they were unarmed and did not engage in the fighting, they were only there for joint training with the Sudanese army. Most certainly these street gangs do not act by themselves, they are being led and given orders from hostile foreign intelligence services to lower our morale and depict our army as weak and incompetent.

My question is if they had the time to record our soldiers and make themselves look like heroes, why didn't they record our allegedly destroyed aircrafts? This by their standards would be an even bigger blow to our morale. I don't buy this crap. So, as I said, I will be waiting for solid proof from the ground or an official statement from our army.

I have been following this guy for a while, his name is Mohamed Nour and he's a friend of Saif Mahmoud (Marker on YT) btw. He has connections with the intelligence service and has been covering events and providing exclusive information from day one. He has this to say about the allegedly destroyed aircrafts, starting from 7:35.

He also has an exclusive video detailing the operation to liberate all our army soldiers in Sudan. You should watch it.

its confirmed by satelite that one of the 5 is destroyed
The MB is not a political opposition but a terrorist organization and i dont need to dive in on their crimes against the country which include acts of targetted terrorism against christians jourlanists Had direct relations with terrorist organizations like Hamas and wilyat sinai and much more you probably know. Destroying this cancerous org is a top priority all over the world the final destination will be the UK the HQ. now for the warcrimes forced evictions are necassary when ISIS acts as civillians and have tunnel networks under homes some without the knowledge of said residents. Homes were bought for that purpose. Also now theyre returning and peace has driven over sinai if the military was some grusome war in sinai wouldve ended in 2018

its confirmed by satelite that one of the 5 is destroyed
Kont fen yasta el wa2t da kolo hahaha?
Sudanese RSF leader "Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo" : The Egyptian Airforce bombed our forces and inflicted heavy losses on us.

Watch starting @14:35

Sudanese RSF leader "Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo" : The Egyptian Airforce bombed our forces and inflicted heavy losses on us.

Watch starting @14:35

You're so delusional. He meant to say "foreign airstrikes," but mistakenly said "Egyptian," which he quickly corrected. It was just a slip of the tongue. Anyone with half a brain knows that the RSF has not actually been the target of airstrikes by foreign forces, but he is too shameless to acknowledge that he's losing to the Sudanese army. It's similar to how your Kofta army always claimed that the US, UK were attacking them whenever Israel kicked their *** whereas, in reality, it was only Israel.
You're so delusional. He meant to say "foreign airstrikes," but mistakenly said "Egyptian," which he quickly corrected. It was just a slip of the tongue. Anyone with half a brain knows that the RSF has not actually been the target of airstrikes by foreign forces, but he is too shameless to acknowledge that he's losing to the Sudanese army. It's similar to how your Kofta army always claimed that the US, UK were attacking them whenever Israel kicked their *** whereas, in reality, it was only Israel.
Ain't gonna read allat
+ stay mad bro :p
You're so delusional. He meant to say "foreign airstrikes," but mistakenly said "Egyptian," which he quickly corrected. It was just a slip of the tongue. Anyone with half a brain knows that the RSF has not actually been the target of airstrikes by foreign forces, but he is too shameless to acknowledge that he's losing to the Sudanese army. It's similar to how your Kofta army always claimed that the US, UK were attacking them whenever Israel kicked their *** whereas, in reality, it was only Israel.
I watch you attack stereotypes and use things that only every dog that has been killed says
I don't want to talk to the kids after that because they keep crying
If you're talking about blows or whatever that is, go to any garbage dump with stray dogs
Ain't gonna read allat
+ stay mad bro :p

I am aware that this is the case since you cannot read and, even if you do, you cannot comprehend. Simply because you are the product of a failed educational system that produces brainwashed, ignorant individuals. Your inability to critically evaluate the information you are provided is demonstrated by the YT channels you follow and the individuals you listen to, those government minions who make up fairytales and fictional scenarios that surpass Bollywood's action movies.
I am aware that this is the case since you cannot read and, even if you do, you cannot comprehend. Simply because you are the product of a failed educational system that produces brainwashed, ignorant individuals. Your inability to critically evaluate the information you are provided is demonstrated by the YT channels you follow and the individuals you listen to, those government minions who make up fairytales and fictional scenarios that surpass Bollywood's action movies.
We can also shoot a movie for you
It seems that the Egyptian army or police have trampled one of your relatives. Do not be sad, so you must thank them because they are finishing their work of trampling insects and imprisoning them.

I am aware that this is the case since you cannot read and, even if you do, you cannot comprehend. Simply because you are the product of a failed educational system that produces brainwashed, ignorant individuals. Your inability to critically evaluate the information you are provided is demonstrated by the YT channels you follow and the individuals you listen to, those government minions who make up fairytales and fictional scenarios that surpass Bollywood's action movies.
If you're talking about brainwashing, that's excellent
Better than being filled with the nonsense💩🐑 you write🤣
Kont fen yasta el wa2t da kolo hahaha?
i just dont see any new info in this forum anymore just arguing with brain dead people like the one above thinking a terrorist org members are political prisonners. Or nationlists fake saudis turks and iranians talking nonsense. i will only view this forum from time to time
i just dont see any new info in this forum anymore just arguing with brain dead people like the one above thinking a terrorist org members are political prisonners. Or nationlists fake saudis turks and iranians talking nonsense. i will only view this forum from time to time
Repeating the phrase "terrorist organization" will not make it truth. Please provide a single piece of evidence linking the Muslim Brotherhood to a single incident of terrorism; there is nothing but their words, but no evidence of them engaging in violence. And don't cite your kofta government/media as 'evidence'; this should be common sense, but because people like you lack it, i feel i've to point it out. Unless, of course, you believe they are terrorists solely because they're Muslims,
Repeating the phrase "terrorist organization" will not make it truth. Please provide a single piece of evidence linking the Muslim Brotherhood to a single incident of terrorism; there is nothing but their words, but no evidence of them engaging in violence. And don't cite your kofta government/media as 'evidence'; this should be common sense, but because people like you lack it, i feel i've to point it out. Unless, of course, you believe they are terrorists solely because they're Muslims,
The muslim brotherhood wikipedia page isnt enough evidence? Recordings released by the GIS arent enough evidence? Words are what leads to terrorism especially targetted against christians. Not to forget hasm a terrorist wing of the brotherhood or its reveloutnary guard or beltagys words or moursis words in said recordings an live news on tv. you propably have a relative locked up due to his affliation or just watched alot of mb tv chanting death to military police and anyone who supports them.
The muslim brotherhood wikipedia page isnt enough evidence? Recordings released by the GIS arent enough evidence? Words are what leads to terrorism especially targetted against christians. Not to forget hasm a terrorist wing of the brotherhood or its reveloutnary guard or beltagys words or moursis words in said recordings an live news on tv. you propably have a relative locked up due to his affliation or just watched alot of mb tv chanting death to military police and anyone who supports them.
Again i will repeat, provide a single piece of evidence linking the Muslim Brotherhood to acts of terrorism. If you don't know how to provide credible sources, tell me and i will educate you about it. Your government has persecuted and imprisoned Atheists and Christians accusing them of 'joining a terrorist group", DO NOT use anything related to your Kofta regime as proof that the Muslim Brotherhood has engaged in acts of violence. The only reason your government has designated the MB as "terrorist group" is for them to persecute their political opponents, or in some cases, businessmen who refuse to "give up some rice" to the military mafia, such as the case of Safwan Thabet, Juhayna's founder whom your government accused of joining and financing a "terrorist group".
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Again i will repeat, provide a single piece of evidence linking the Muslim Brotherhood to acts of terrorism. If you don't know how to provide credible sources, tell me and i will educate you about it. Your government has persecuted and imprisoned Atheists and Christians accusing them of 'joining a terrorist group", DO NOT use anything related to your Kofta regime as proof that the Muslim Brotherhood has engaged in acts of violence. The only reason your government has designated the MB as "terrorist group" is for them to persecute their political opponents, or in some cases, businessmen who refuse to "give up some rice" to the military mafia, such as the case of Safwan Thabet, Juhayna's founder whom your government accused of joining and financing a "terrorist group".
انت شكلك تعرف عربي
تسمحلي اقولك احا ليك
احداث كرداسه دي تسميها ايه
احداث ضرب النار في رابعه وتهديد الناس دي تسميها ايه
احداث سيناء باعترافهم دي تسميها ايه
احداث ميدان النهضه دي تسميها ايه
اوسخ جماعه علي مر التاريخ زي جماعه الحشاشين لحسن الصباح بس دي اوسخ منها صراحه
مفيش دين في السياسه ولا سياسه في الدين
دي اوسخ سنه مسكو فيها كنا فعليا في داهيه كبيره اوي
اوعي تفتكر كام المنظمه الي انت جايبها دي هتنفعك
صراحه اكبر غلطه اتعملت ان رابعه والنهضه لم يتم محوهم وهما بالداخل ومسمحوش لحد انه يخرج حتي لو اطفال لان العيله الوسخه مش هتزرع غير بزره وسخه

انت وامثالك مثال علي نشر الارهاب في المنطقه انتو عاملين زي مناديل المراحيض الدول بتستعملكم عشان تشيل الوساخه
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