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Egyptian Armed Forces

Do the sudanese not realize what's going on with their nation? Egypt should retaliate very swiftly towards the janjaweed supporting the sudanese military.
What everyone fears has happened.. The armies in Sudan are fighting, a war that no one wishes for, and a message to Egypt..

Decisions of the President's meeting with the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces..
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Egyptian media reported on Wednesday evening, the first batch of Egyptian military personnel detained in Sudan arrived in Cairo.

Al-Arabiya sources said that an Egyptian S130 military plane landed in Sudan with the start of the armistice and received the Egyptian soldiers, adding that the plane took off from Khartoum and the clashes stopped while they were being transported.

Looks like a number of EAF Mig-29s have been destroyed on the ground in Sudan.
This paints a weak image of the egyptian military, compensation should be given immediately
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