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Egyptian Armed Forces

I didn't want to talk unless absolutely necessary, but when I see dogs barking, I tame them.🤣

lol.don’t give me reference of egyptian copy of 60's scud missile.you can't do shit. your ballistic missile programme don’t have any original design.your copied scud missiles only have 400-500 km range.while turkish missile programme is more modern with original design.they have recently tested 2000 km ballistic missile.
lol.you don’t have any ramjet technology. Turkey have recently tested wvr and bvr missile with own ramjet technology.
lol.i think you guys forget egyptian revolt because of bread over price.think about your own shitty African country.

Yes.any doubt?
lol.don’t give me reference of egyptian copy of 60's scud missile.you can't do shit. your ballistic missile programme don’t have any original design.your copied scud missiles only have 400-500 km range.while turkish missile programme is more modern with original design.they have recently tested 2000 km ballistic missile.
lol.you don’t have any ramjet technology. Turkey have recently tested wvr and bvr missile with own ramjet technology.
lol.i think you guys forget egyptian revolt because of bread over price.think about your own shitty African country.

Yes.any doubt?

It is clear that the naivety of the Turks is essential

The Egyptian missile program, despite its antiquity, is constantly evolving and is divided into two programs

The first old program, which is the reproduction of SCUD missiles with derivative versions, up to a range of 700 km, starting from 1975

And the NODONG-1 missile has a range of 2000 km and production stopped in 2007. All that is focused on is part of the long-range systems such as NODONG are being developed continuously to increase accuracy and destructive effect.


The program for the production of solid-fuel missiles for rocket artillery has been in place since 1988

Starting with the SAKR 80 tactical missiles, which started with a range of 90 km, caliber 302 mm, and the range was doubled, then the SAKR 150

Replacement with derivatives of the M20 . missile

Then switching to solid-fuel systems for the CONDOR II missile, its program ended with the production of 200 missiles, then Egypt moved to produce the M9/DF-15 missile series starting in 1992.

Egypt produced the entire DF-15A/B/C/D series with ranges of 600-1000 km, and this is well known and widespread, meaning that the SCUD series was simply replaced by the M9/DF-15 series.


And as long as China allows DF-21 systems like Saudi Arabia, it will not stop providing technology for DF-16/21 systems to other countries.

Simply because no one secretly recognizes the MTRC agreement that America has breached and has not respected in the first place. Therefore, other countries appear to be implementing it publicly.

One simple example: China has sold C-602, CM-302 / CM-400AKG systems with ranges not exceeding 290 km declared, but all these missiles are provided by China with fuel stores and capabilities to reach ranges of up to 560 km for the CM-302 missile and 400 km for the CM-400AKG missile and several times the range Advertiser for the C-602G missile

Back to the Egyptian program

The LUNA/FROG-7 missile has been replaced by an upgraded version of the M20

China developed SAKR Factory in 1990 for this purpose mainly through technical cooperation by transferring technologies from Western Europe to China

Therefore, it was published on strategic studies centers only with one announced program, which is the M9 system, because it is simply considered not to represent a threat to Europe, for example.

The process of slowing down the pace of cooperation with North Korea includes replacing North Korea with South Korea, where Egypt and South Korea develop missile capabilities in general from the points of accuracy, guidance and doubling the range. 239mm with a range of 200 km, South Korea cooperated with it represented in technical compensation for North Korea at a limited cost parallel to the cost of cooperation with North Korea

SEOUL — South Korea has revealed efforts to increase the firing range of its K239 Chunmoo multiple rocket launcher, from 85 kilometers (53 miles) to more than 200 kilometers (124 miles).

For this reason, Egypt has never been interested in any upgraded versions of the M-270 MLRS from the United States

Next South Korea has developed the 9K720 Iskander missile with a range of 1500 km and versions with higher destroying heads

Therefore, the Egyptian ballistic missile program is still progressing well and upgrade

The difference between Egypt, Iran and Turkey is that Egypt is going in a delicate balance

It does not depend on the superiority of the Egyptian Air Force over these two countries, but also on the development of ballistic missiles. The process of doubling the capacity of the ballistic missiles in Egypt is proceeding by doubling the missile stockpiles and continuously developing the old missiles, such as the SCUD B, which have been out of service for years. We have already explained that Egypt dealt with the West in a hostile manner. It spent large sums of money in the years 2012-2017 to develop its missile arsenal to compensate for the suspension and delay of some fighter deals

All arms suppliers, Egypt does not implement deals except by transferring some vital technologies in return, perhaps to areas of Egypt that it sees as vital for it, such as what supports the Egyptian missile production programs

The current and main Egyptian interest is the missile artillery and its development

Egypt has already acquired the production system WS-2D

Egypt is interested in replacing 936 BM-21/SAKR 30/36 platforms with missiles of 300 mm caliber, so we find cooperation programs with Brazil in the ASTROS family and with Ukraine in the Vilkha-M system and Serbia because the volumes of Egyptian requirements are huge. We are not looking for 200 platforms, but rather go to


624 SAKR 45 platform with a range of up to 120 km, caliber 122 mm

936 caliber platform 227/300/400

150 platform caliber 610 mm

600 caliber platform 107 mm

To make it clear that Egypt has been superior in missile artillery systems since 2002, and Egypt uses 122 mm guided missiles, which began in 2002 with 10,000 missiles and then increased later

Before Turkey dreamed of producing even these systems

The problem Egypt has is that the size of the huge demands requires large-scale production at a low cost and the conversion of non-oriented systems into directed systems through local production. Egypt may accept production for part of the requirements by reverse engineering, but all requirements are reverse engineering

We will give a simple example of the thought of the Egyptians. Egypt was producing the MAGIC-2 missile with a license from France for the MIRAGE-5/2000 fighters. Then it went to produce it in cooperation with China under the name of the PL-7 missile, but the cost of producing the Chinese missile was 40% of the cost of producing the French missile, in addition to the percentages of local manufacturing in Egypt. Bigger than France allows

So there is an expansion of 25% in the production of artillery and missiles in Egypt simply to increase local capabilities faster

Egypt will not stop, for example, on 110 WS-2D platforms, but the goal is much greater through reverse engineering serial domestic production

Therefore, building Egyptian missile capabilities is cumulative by periodically replacing old systems with newer ones

The real strength of the program is the provision of the 300 mm caliber with ranges of 300 km in huge quantities and the 400 mm caliber with ranges exceeding 500 km and refocusing on the low cost factor, which is the basis

Cooperation with converting non-guided systems into guided systems, the main goal is to reduce the cost to a minimum. For example, Egypt does not accept a guided missile of 70 mm caliber at a price of 20 thousand dollars, but rather wants to reduce the cost to 5000 dollars by working to spread the production of a more powerful missile with guidance equipment at a very small cost

The Turks provided Egypt with a golden opportunity to develop their capabilities in fighters and missile systems

The Turkish threats and Turkey’s occupation of Iraqi and Syrian lands and their presence in Libya made Egypt use the Turks as a pretext to expand Egyptian armament away from American and Israeli pressures

When we deal with the Europeans, we tell them the ambitions of the Turks to steal wealth and encourage terrorism through the groups supported by Turkey, such as ISIS, it is imperative for Egypt to expand in the face of these threats

The same thing is Iran’s announcement that Iran has any armament development that makes Egypt’s hand in armament free in order not to upset the balance.

Egypt is simply a deterrent to the ambitions of Iran and Turkey in the Arab countries and the Gulf

Turkish greed in seizing the Greek part and trying to obtain a share of Cyprus and Greece gas with the armament threat is the reason for postponing the approval of Turkey’s requirements to develop the F-16 fleet and the real reason for Turkey’s expulsion from the F-35 program and Turkey’s acquisition of 40 new F-16 articles the United States You will agree, but when?

The US allowed Turkey to sign contracts at the beginning of 2023 so that Turkey would get its first plane in 2025. Why


First, Greece has upgraded at least 32 F-16 fighters to the F-16V level

Greece has completed the contract for 20 F-35 aircraft

Greece has completed the acquisition of the first 24 RAFALE aircraft

Egypt is beginning to receive the first plane

Eurofighter Typhoon from the first deal for 24 aircraft

Egypt has received the first 10 RAFALE F4.1 aircraft From the deal of 30 fighters

Egypt will have received the full package of 30 SU-35

That is, simply, the countries have prepared to receive the modernization of the first Turkish F-16 aircraft, with a quantitative and qualitative superiority over Turkey

We leave the Turks screaming, wailing, and empty Turkish propaganda with implementation and real success. Simply, no one trusts Turkey, and everyone knows Turkish ambitions to plunder the wealth of countries and peoples.


Now we leave the microphone to the parrot MMM-E to tell us about the future, the future Turkish Star Wars programs, the pranks between dreams and illusions, the cartoon programs for children under the age of 10, and the Turkish Elf that will occupy all the countries of the Middle East and southern Europe and threaten them with his excessive force
Any update on the CM missile family being used on ST-100? Because there seems to be some major upgrade on the missile during expedition in Zhuhai airshow. @Gomig-21 @Philip the Arab

Hi iblini, great to see you on this thread again. I do hope to see you more often, even if it's criticism.

As far as your question, I believe some fellas have already replied but I'll give you my 2 cents also. Someday soon, my friend, we might start seeing A lOT of Chinese elements fitted on Egyptian military platforms from fighters to frigates and vettes to of course, a lot of armor since you folks produce so much great stuff that can be fitted to all sorts of armor which are a HUGE part of our military arsenal because of the large desert terrain we have.

One thing I would LOVE to start see happening is the EN start making deals and purchasing Chinese destroyers. I'm happy to see the extreme level of modernization with EURO countries with plenty of Rafals, the 2 mistrals, so far 11 possibly 13 frigates for certain, corvettes and other smaller patrol boats and in a very short time.

Speaking of short, a very short while ago I spoke specifically about the Chinese-built and I had suggested that Egypt tests 3 of theses many systems out there, but my focus was primarily on the Russian Arena APS but then with more reading and researching, I found out the Chinese GL5 was MUCH better, especially watching those record-setting height reaching turrets in the Russian tanks in the Ukraine. We don't want ANYTHING to do with that lol.

The primary reason for me for those 3 systems (and I did also include the German-built AMAP-ADS) but as you know pretty well like many others, the influence of our northern neighbors on Germany is beyond ridiculous and for something such as an APS that could literally alter the armored level on a mostly desert and slight urban areas would be considerable since the Russian Arena does not cover the top area and is really not a full 360 degree APS like the German and especially the Chinese GL5 APS for being one of the best and a top of the tank protector.

BUT, the good news (if you know just even a little bit about the EGY military) is that they don't show nearly anything in their props or military news snippets. We get lucky once in a while and spot something very cool like that modified Sparrow missile that @joker88 posted for us here and that was only because the chief of the EAF took a friendly flight in an F-16D block-52 and the snippet was so quick whomever spotted that was a genius! Now we know they're doing something with their a2A missiles and noy just any missiles, American ones! That blew us away.

Then along your lines, we couldn't believe our eyes that they were testing EDGE PGMs on not only their Mirage 2000s, nut on the F-16 blck 52s as well. That was truly unbelievable, these were just from last week and also taken from as a snippet from a quick moving video by the military spokesman. These are the Al- Tariq PGMs co-developed by EDGE SA and by the UAE (mostly the latter Phillip correct me if I'm wrong pls just like to get things right) and what a great pair of shots especially opened in a new tab and enlarged. These are EAF Mirage 2Ks but we have no idea why they cover the insignia on only these aircraft headed towards Libya. Might be an IFF reason but if anyone knows, please share.



Two of the fascinating things about these PGMs is the winglets are on top of the missiles. So of course, they have to mount them upside down onto the jet pylons, then once the missile is released and reaches a certain distance away from the firring platform, it can spin so it's right side up and has enough room to so it can open its winglets and proceed to its destination. It also has another very cool feature such as loitering above targets with very accurate and well-lit position for the WSO to properly identify the target and the extent of any possible unnecessary collateral damage and gives the pilots who communicate with even others in the same squad watching the same thing at real time and ultimately the commander decides to either abort or change target.

The other super fascinating thing is that Egypt is messing around with both, US Sparrow missile seekers and whatever else and also allowing other non-American missiles to be used on EAF F-16s?! Times a changing and amusing how a strong purchase of Russian MiG-29M/M2 & 50 Ka-52 Alligators with tremendous weaponry and a certain number of them with folding rotors for storage in the Mistrals topped off with a bazooka 30 Su-35SEs and the super deadly weapons those things can carry have all seemed to have caused an upheaval in the Pentagon where after 30 years of asking for F-15s, they not only finally approve of that, but allow considerable altering to very dangerous A2A missiles? This is what we've been screaming about for a LONG time is now with the additional income, the US Military Aid $ should not be something that the EAF (entire army) should worry and allow it to influence certain major decisions anymore as we've now witnessed with our own eyes $3.2 billion means nothing (no disrespect intended) in the grand scheme of things) and being smart is much more valuable.

Another very cool feature I had no idea about until @Philip the Arab told me that these PGMs can be fired off of computer pads and don't need to have any connections to the aircraft or whatever platform is being used its avionics whatsoever. I believe that the only need for a major integration to the aircraft's avionics is if there's going to be a certain need for the usage of any linkage like link-16 or 11 or even Link 9 which I think NATO is currently switching to for some reason. But I thought that was also another very cool feature.,

BTW, @The SC told us several years ago that China had developed a sort of a "universal" pylon (for the lack of a better word) and being universal, you can mount it on a Rafale or a Typhoon or even a MiG-21 and of course run all the proper wiring to integrate ANY type of munition on Russian, American, French or Swedish aircraft, I thought that was one of the most AMAZING inventions and wonder who and how many nations have actually purchased those? I would think the EAF would've been one of the first 5 nations to purchase that with Pakistan being the first Know anything about that?
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BUT, the good news (if you know just even a little bit about the EGY military) is that they don't show nearly anything in their props or military news snippets. We get lucky once in a while and spot something
I totally feel you, actually there is a lot of similarity when it comes to unveiling new system between two countries.
Now we leave the microphone to the parrot MMM-E to tell us about the future, the future Turkish Star Wars programs, the pranks between dreams and illusions, the cartoon programs for children under the age of 10, and the Turkish Elf that will occupy all the countries of the Middle East and southern Europe and threaten them with his excessive force

Egypt and Greece can not develop even Cruise Missile
still day dreamer little boys are dreaming about Egyptian Ballistic Missile which does not exist

a few weeks ago Turkiye warned daydreamer Greeks with Turkish TAYFUN Ballistic Missile which can hit all military targets in Greece ,, also in Cairo and Alexandria

And I am not talking about the future ( CENK and GEZGIN Missiles )
TAYFUN Ballistic Missile is already real
SOM air launched Cruise Missile is already real

keep dreaming with the cartoon programs for children under the age of 10 and illusions

full of fake news and wishful thinking on this thread
The Egyptian President announces the establishment of fortified command and control centers underground..

Great video, man. Did you see the squadron of Shengyang F-6s around 1:28 or so? Besides the scuds and a lot of other goodies, if there was anywhere in the world where an underground storage facility would be to move such high level military equipment to the defensive battlefield that basically excluded the headache of dealing with the Suez Canal and not just that, but already being in the thick of things right in the battlefield and not having to wait for them to get there by ground transport where they'd be obliterated by AWACs and attack bombers or aircraft setting up traps after being spotted by satellite and or radars and AWACs. The good old genius of Sa'ad El Din Al Shazly.

Which BTW, I'm pretty positive you knew about Serbia doing the same thing but in its mountains with an incredibly technologically advanced underground setup for scoots of MiG-21s.




Then you got that old Jewish guy talking about the Egyptian forces increasing their 22k to 44k soldiers in Zone A and all he mentioned was the increases in this, that and the other thing without ever considering or even mentioning once that because of that horrible treaty we agreed to sign has put us in this position where we need to do whatever it takes to protect Egypt proper from any terrorism coming from their side of the border. That just angers you to no end I tell you and then the dingdong says the only reason for all this sudden and abrupt buildup is for one reason only and that is Egypt must be getting ready to attack israel. Man thank God people like this clown royale are nowhere near those in charge of making serious decisions because the next 1967 these A-holes ever attempt thinking or trying to sell it to the world as some silly preemptive load of mumbo jumbo jive, the spanking they'll be getting will be unlike any another in the history of warfare.
Egypt and Greece can not develop even Cruise Missile
still day dreamer little boys are dreaming about Egyptian Ballistic Missile which does not exist

a few weeks ago Turkiye warned daydreamer Greeks with Turkish TAYFUN Ballistic Missile which can hit all military targets in Greece ,, also in Cairo and Alexandria

And I am not talking about the future ( CENK and GEZGIN Missiles )
TAYFUN Ballistic Missile is already real
SOM air launched Cruise Missile is already real

keep dreaming with the cartoon programs for children under the age of 10 and illusions

full of fake news and wishful thinking on this thread
Greek Mikado by you
You live a big delusion
I saw that and no one seems to know on our social media, or maybe no one wiling to be the first to releveled it.
Every exhibition goes there, whether she or Hercules, she goes to the exhibition with delegations from the Armament Authority, and she also brings models. This is not the first time.
Every exhibition goes there, whether she or Hercules, she goes to the exhibition with delegations from the Armament Authority, and she also brings models. This is not the first time.
Ah ok, so no procurement of armaments?

@sami_1 any idea how we will replace the old SA-2 and SA-3 any idea which system will replace? Will it be locally or with ToT?

For you guys, which system is to the best sys to replace them.
Egypt and Greece can not develop even Cruise Missile
still day dreamer little boys are dreaming about Egyptian Ballistic Missile which does not exist

a few weeks ago Turkiye warned daydreamer Greeks with Turkish TAYFUN Ballistic Missile which can hit all military targets in Greece ,, also in Cairo and Alexandria

And I am not talking about the future ( CENK and GEZGIN Missiles )
TAYFUN Ballistic Missile is already real
SOM air launched Cruise Missile is already real

keep dreaming with the cartoon programs for children under the age of 10 and illusions

full of fake news and wishful thinking Keep using the F-16's as a backbone for ur air force lmao
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