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Egyptian Armed Forces

Here's a link to what an analyst has to say about the SU's. I was able to understand a piece of it, but can someone clarify what he's saying, or the general point he's making?

Sounds like he's basically saying what we've all been saying but he seems to still be hanging on to the theory that somehow the Su-35s will end still end up in Egypt and that whatever deal Russia has made with Iran do not include the Egyptian Su-35s.

The recent pics of Sisi laughing it up with Biden in Sharm might be a sign, despite what Biden said during the campaign. BTW, almost every one of those aircraft in that video are Su-30s besides the first few are Ukrainian Su-27s.

The secret of delaying the deals of the Egyptian Rafale Typhoon Sukhoi-35 fighters and responding to criticism..

What do you think about Eurofighters at $200 million Euros a piece? They were even talking about how proud they were to have the Italians drop the price from 280 Euros to an even 200.

I forget their cost per hour, but those things are NOT cheap. Now neither are the Rafales, but the weapons issues for these EFTs are going to be a complicated issue. If they can make the deal that the meteors (and what about the Storm Shadows or will the call them Black Shaheens also or something else? Or meteor and the IRSTs and the Brimstones and that's it, no cruise missiles are to be included? 100%, that will certainly help convince the ridiculous prices and the delay on upgrading the current FRs is a bit strange because the US can't interfere with an upgrade that is in the contract like that. if they were bumped out of the SCALPs, they shouldn't be able to say anything about the upgrade unless it is considerably American in the avionics part. I'm finding that whole scenario even stranger than the MBDA meteor issue.

Sorry for getting back late basha, I hadn't logged in awhile. I am with you all the way, the situation in Palestine is unique compared to other modern international conflicts. I remember one way you can see genocide is trying to enforce conditions while also facilitating for migration of Palestinians out of Palestine. That has been their policy for decades up to this day. And many Palestinians were forcibly expelled prior to 1948 and through the 60's.

Palestinian's still don't have autonomy and right to self determination to this day. The gov't's in both the West Bank and Gaza don't actually 'govern'. The present and future for the Palestinian's is mostly dictated by Israel, with Western backing, and anyone else is only allowed to fund basic needs and projects for Palestinians. People in Palestine are pretty hopeless, and even more so in Gaza, are waiting to die.

That's why I haven't travelled to Gaza in a long time. It gives me anxiety just seeing how people have become. They have a myriad of psychological issues(understandably), my family member's personalities have changed, and now that I'm an adult and understand reality better, I don't really want to go there and observe that depressing reality. People are left with two choices basically, just suffer and wait, hoping for some miracle one day, or try leaving, legally or illegaly, and potentially risking your life. People killed on a daily basis in the West Bank and if Gaza gets involved they'll kill hundreds within weeks. It's a helpless and prolonged state of suffering that exacts a severe mental toll. I am in agreement with you in everything you said.

Of course our brothers and sisters in Egypt are like our second home. That's something that keeps people of Gaza going, and we know Egypt cannot do much without collective Arab backing, as the West can levy sanctions and much more that could lead to you guys to endure terrible suffering as well. We do not blame you. But, like you, I do wish your gov't gets more tough with securing better weapons systems and so forth for Egypt and Gaza future. Whatever will happen to Egypt will happen to Gaza as well. I hope I don't spoil the thread with this late reply. :)

Don't worry about when you answer, bro. Anytime you feel like it I just can't imagine how you must feel watching what is happening there. Unfathomable.

Interesting, never knew the emiratis had a military with foreigners taking charge in high positions, this would NEVER fly in egypt EVER. Just goes to show that even if their military is one of the most capable in the mideast, they have a chronic shortage of manpower. Their OC is full of foreign officers, which does build competence, but puts their military on a leash. Also in the video, he talks about how arab nations are prone to military takeover, and guess who gets shown??? Misr. However, he forgets that egypt would've went through a different fate hadn't it been for the egyptian military
Also,Qatar,Bahrain and Oman all have similar structures.

Great post. It shows the importance of population.

Reminds me of the old Mirage III/V Z black ones.

So if this is the 2nd MEKO A200-class frigate ENS Al-Qahhar (905) and the ENS Al Aziz (904) just delivered a couple of weeks ago, two things are certain. The first is that Germans are not taking their time building these things even tough Al-Aziz was launched in May of 2021 and just delivered, they took over a year to test it in every sense of the word. But at the same time, the 2nd one (905) is already built and in water and ready for sea trials that means the 3rd one (which will probably be #906) is in the yard being welded & assembled. And if the total MEKOs ordered is 6 and the last one is to be built in Alexandria, these things might just beat the Bergamini FREMMs into the ENS lol! Amazing and the armament on these things are great of course including some of the stuff they won't release any info on.

Some of the larger pics. #905 is ready for sea trials I must admit I wasn't expecting that.


The rest are of #904s. So #909 should be the last one being built in Egypt ISA.




BTW, Algeria already has 2 of these A200 MEKOs with the option for 2 more. Other countries are also operating these as they seem to be quite popular and pretty lethal frigates.

Hopefully these will be joining them soon, too!

Eurofighter Typhoon Coming Soon

According to semi-confirmed private sources for the channel

@Gomig-21 @The SC @Hydration

These would be great, just worried about their cost and weapons. And if they do make the deal, I think we can definitively kiss any F-15 deal (which is not a bad thing but maybe not) but definitely say goodby to the Su-35s.
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That was actually a very surprising video. Many of those comparative numbers were surprisingly equal while many others favored India immensely such as the number of Corvettes. But the "unknown" number of EAF UAVs was pretty interesting but I', sure if they included other numbers of rifles and smaller equipment as such, not sure that would favor Egypt. But I was very surprised at the number of tanks.

One thing I could never figure out was why the navy never really cared about acquiring destroyers. My obvious guess is that they're considered major land attack ships with heavy numbers of cruise missiles which has always been a very difficult thing for Egypt to get since we're the bad people who have attacked that horrible apartheid state to the north TWICE lol. I think that concept will eventually slowly change at the rate they're building the navy but surely as long as they can offer the $.
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How much do you guys think our defense budget is?

Funny that you ask this question because right here on this forum right after SISI's COUP lol and the spending spree went berserk, and If you separated the cost of the newly bought items like Mistrals, Rafales, MiGs Ka-52s and especially the super expensive navy ships from the actual cost of being able to put these items into operational condition which we've seen nothing but one exercise after the other, I would say they've spent a good $120/$130 million on new purchases. This is not to mention the 4 new maritime & maritime/Airbase combination they've built in several strategic places that Jew was yammering about in @sami_1 ' video he posted which is magnificent and we'll get into that in a bit later.

Maintenance and up-keeping aircraft in tip top shape and weapon's schools and patrol sorties and target practice (all of this just to name a few) not to mention most likely an entire $1Billion paid out to the Sukhoi and the Russians for the 29 Su-35, that number could easily topple $30 billion by factoring also the training as well as pilot time in not just fighters, Egypt has a huge fleet of very active cargo aircraft delivering goodies to many countries. That budget will only grow once the next 30 F-3R/4 Rafales start showing up and that fleet grows to 54 aircraft.

Then there is the ever so mighty Typhoon or some form of jimmyjumdumbdooed F-15 shows up which I can bet you a gentleman's bet NO ONE here wants to see any more US influence on the capacity they put us through with the F-16s and from the rumors we're reading and hearing, they're even WORSE lol.

Egypt has an active ballistic missile production program since 1980 and has produced 2,000 missiles. The Turkish teens think they have a recently launched program that will threaten Egypt

Honestly brother, I couldn't care less what the Turks think or might want to think about anything regardiong Egypt as long as it doesn't involve them making any significant decisions in Libya that would threaten us. Then we'll have a problem without a doubt. Stay on your side and we'll play fun games with our Greek brothers and sisters and no one gets harmed.

Ramjet missiles already have Russian and Chinese, before Turkey dreamed of owning its own eyeballs and thinking of a program to manufacture them
Egypt is superior to Turkey in ballistic missiles. In fact, Egypt is the source of the Egyptian Condor missile technology to China in return for the production of cheaper Chinese missiles such as the M-9 in 1990.

Imagine how it's actually GREAT to know that there is a ballistic missile program that is most likely ,oving rather slowly for many obvious reasons but people need to start undertanding, we need to protect OUR land whichever way we see fit. And guess what, Sinai is just the religious name given to the most magnificent peninsula in the world, but it is EGYPT. Many tend to forget that and think it's some independed nation that might be half owned by the Jews and Egyptians hahaha how laughable is that?!

@sami_1 , who is that donkey that put that video together? I read his credentials and it is somewhat of a rhetorical question. What kind of a gumpsh like this guy put all that information and come up with the absolutely stupid decision that Egypt after all it went through and the setbacks those rascals who would be 100% supported by the United States, militarily want anything to do with starting a war with those war-mongering Palestinian women beaters?

So what if we've increased our troops near the canal from 22K to even double or even triple that if we have major assets to protect. He mentions those assets such as the 4 tunnels and bridges but all he alludes to is a quick interdiction under the canal which is faster than erecting those pontoons from 1973 even the new ones take at least 2 hours to assemble and you'd have to shut the canal down and so much military stupidity would have to be done on our part for what, again I ask the same question, to go fight those wife beaters?

It's because of that stupid treaty that has forced us to create a quick passage to stop one of THEIR inhumane invasions (should I remind him again how many times we were attached by those scum? Or have I said it enough?) And as far as our armament (especially the navy he really had a huge bug up his $%^%&%8*% about all the ship bases and docks etc. So what's his stupid problem, we're not allowed to strengthen our military to its utmost capacity? And if we do, it's because we want to attack that little trouble infected nothing but a nuisance. As you guys know, I could sit here and rip that homar all night but it's getting late and hopefully someone else can chime is on some of the other absurdities he's plated.
I noticed something interesting, the missiles on the ST-100 are both Chinese origin.


Anti-tank missile is GAM-102 fire and forget with 4km range.


The "precision attack missile" is CM-501GA with 40km range, and a loitering cruise missile to find targets for the missile.



Lets hope we see these vehicles at EDEX 2020, and also hope that if Egypt does acquire these systems it receives TOT for in house production.


Also, RPG-32 produced in Jordan is in Egyptian service.

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There is also a new fully indigenous product with more penetration that is probably finished by now. Let us hope that we can transfer the production lines to our Egyptian brothers soon to replace the older systems in service.

In early 2018 we started developing a new system,” Mr. Jafar tells EDR, “in the form of a new RPG that in the end will replace our current RPG-32 Nashshab.” He underlines that the aim is to increase range, diameter and thus penetration capability. “We hope the development will be quick, as we are producing in-house most of the components,” he adds, underlining that he hopes to really reduce as much as possible the time to market.
Any update on the CM missile family being used on ST-100? Because there seems to be some major upgrade on the missile during expedition in Zhuhai airshow. @Gomig-21 @Philip the Arab




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First they must reduce their inflation to become a super power. With an inflation more than 85%, it would take years to make it at least 10%.

And for your information, it is only 300 years and not 500 years hahaha. From 1523 to 1829.
lol.inflation is nothing.every country has inflation. It's common.what's matter is for a country to become a super power are solid heavy industry,shipbuilding capability,expertise on core technology such as engine, rocket technology etc.and turkey is quickly developing in that area with the help of both govt. and private company.
Who cares even it is 300 years.sorry. turkey made Greece their bitch for 300 years,not 500 years.

Egypt signed a defense agreement with Greece. So I hope peace more than anything. No one in the region can withstand a new war.
lol.even Egypt can't do shit to turkey.you have recently bought some shiny new toys for navy.but a navy can't project power without AC with fighter jets.you have two mistral class helicopter assult ship.but those are useless infront of Turkish modern ashm.your mistral class didn’t have dedicated modern aam capability.you have only 4 modern submarine. While turkish have at least dozen.greece will face defeat without the intervention of french and Italy.
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Egypt has an active ballistic missile production program since 1980 and has produced 2,000 missiles. The Turkish teens think they have a recently launched program that will threaten Egypt

Ramjet missiles already have Russian and Chinese, before Turkey dreamed of owning its own eyeballs and thinking of a program to manufacture them
Egypt is superior to Turkey in ballistic missiles. In fact, Egypt is the source of the Egyptian Condor missile technology to China in return for the production of cheaper Chinese missiles such as the M-9 in 1990.

The criminal history of Turkey is known to everyone. Therefore, Turkey will not be able to try to occupy other countries with military force. The current alliances have made Turkey weaker and weaker, whose people are looking for a loan for 36 months to buy coats for the coming winter. It is clear that you are absent or most importantly. We know the terrible economic situation of the Turkish people, which is 50% suffering. Nutritional deficiency now

Report: 47 million people live under the hunger line in Turkey.

Before you threaten other countries, you must feed your hungry people

View attachment 895983

May God protect millions of hungry Turks under the current regime, which is only concerned with expansion, stealing the gas of the Mediterranean, and occupying countries.

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lol.don’t give me reference of egyptian copy of 60's scud missile.you can't do shit. your ballistic missile programme don’t have any original design.your copied scud missiles only have 400-500 km range.while turkish missile programme is more modern with original design.they have recently tested 2000 km ballistic missile.
lol.you don’t have any ramjet technology. Turkey have recently tested wvr and bvr missile with own ramjet technology.
lol.i think you guys forget egyptian revolt because of bread over price.think about your own shitty African country.

Yes.any doubt?
Any update on the CM missile family being used on ST-100? Because there seems to be some major upgrade on the missile during expedition in Zhuhai airshow. @Gomig-21 @Philip the Arab

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View attachment 896140.
Till now nothing is officialized with actual real footage of the vehicle with chinese munition. But I hope we will get them as soon as possible because it will enhance our army capabilities.
Funny that you ask this question because right here on this forum right after SISI's COUP lol and the spending spree went berserk, and If you separated the cost of the newly bought items like Mistrals, Rafales, MiGs Ka-52s and especially the super expensive navy ships from the actual cost of being able to put these items into operational condition which we've seen nothing but one exercise after the other, I would say they've spent a good $120/$130 million on new purchases. This is not to mention the 4 new maritime & maritime/Airbase combination they've built in several strategic places that Jew was yammering about in @sami_1 ' video he posted which is magnificent and we'll get into that in a bit later.

Maintenance and up-keeping aircraft in tip top shape and weapon's schools and patrol sorties and target practice (all of this just to name a few) not to mention most likely an entire $1Billion paid out to the Sukhoi and the Russians for the 29 Su-35, that number could easily topple $30 billion by factoring also the training as well as pilot time in not just fighters, Egypt has a huge fleet of very active cargo aircraft delivering goodies to many countries. That budget will only grow once the next 30 F-3R/4 Rafales start showing up and that fleet grows to 54 aircraft.

Then there is the ever so mighty Typhoon or some form of jimmyjumdumbdooed F-15 shows up which I can bet you a gentleman's bet NO ONE here wants to see any more US influence on the capacity they put us through with the F-16s and from the rumors we're reading and hearing, they're even WORSE lol.

Honestly brother, I couldn't care less what the Turks think or might want to think about anything regardiong Egypt as long as it doesn't involve them making any significant decisions in Libya that would threaten us. Then we'll have a problem without a doubt. Stay on your side and we'll play fun games with our Greek brothers and sisters and no one gets harmed.

Imagine how it's actually GREAT to know that there is a ballistic missile program that is most likely ,oving rather slowly for many obvious reasons but people need to start undertanding, we need to protect OUR land whichever way we see fit. And guess what, Sinai is just the religious name given to the most magnificent peninsula in the world, but it is EGYPT. Many tend to forget that and think it's some independed nation that might be half owned by the Jews and Egyptians hahaha how laughable is that?!

@sami_1 , who is that donkey that put that video together? I read his credentials and it is somewhat of a rhetorical question. What kind of a gumpsh like this guy put all that information and come up with the absolutely stupid decision that Egypt after all it went through and the setbacks those rascals who would be 100% supported by the United States, militarily want anything to do with starting a war with those war-mongering Palestinian women beaters?

So what if we've increased our troops near the canal from 22K to even double or even triple that if we have major assets to protect. He mentions those assets such as the 4 tunnels and bridges but all he alludes to is a quick interdiction under the canal which is faster than erecting those pontoons from 1973 even the new ones take at least 2 hours to assemble and you'd have to shut the canal down and so much military stupidity would have to be done on our part for what, again I ask the same question, to go fight those wife beaters?

It's because of that stupid treaty that has forced us to create a quick passage to stop one of THEIR inhumane invasions (should I remind him again how many times we were attached by those scum? Or have I said it enough?) And as far as our armament (especially the navy he really had a huge bug up his $%^%&%8*% about all the ship bases and docks etc. So what's his stupid problem, we're not allowed to strengthen our military to its utmost capacity? And if we do, it's because we want to attack that little trouble infected nothing but a nuisance. As you guys know, I could sit here and rip that homar all night but it's getting late and hopefully someone else can chime is on some of the other absurdities he's plated.
A third of an hour per person and preparing the bridges according to the last maneuver you attended
And a quarter of an hour with tile, which are pieces of iron that are quickly collected

lol.inflation is nothing.every country has inflation. It's common.what's matter is for a country to become a super power are solid heavy industry,shipbuilding capability,expertise on core technology such as engine, rocket technology etc.and turkey is quickly developing in that area with the help of both govt. and private company.
Who cares even it is 300 years.sorry. turkey made Greece their bitch for 300 years,not 500 years.

lol.even Egypt can't do shit to turkey.you have recently bought some shiny new toys for navy.but a navy can't project power without AC with fighter jets.you have two mistral class helicopter assult ship.but those are useless infront of Turkish modern ashm.your mistral class didn’t have dedicated modern aam capability.you have only 4 modern submarine. While turkish have at least dozen.greece will face defeat without the intervention of french and Italy.
In the Medusa maneuver in Egypt, the frigate Kemal Rice was spying on the maneuver
And only the frigate Perry 911 forced her to flee like a mouse
If you have knowledge of your naval officers, you ask them what the Egyptian sea wolves did with the submarines when they tried to contact the Egyptian Navy.
The infantry of the naval fleet tells you
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If you have knowledge of your naval officers, you ask them what the Egyptian sea wolves did with the submarines when they tried to contact the Egyptian Navy.
The infantry of the naval fleet tells you

lol.i think you guys forget egyptian revolt because of bread over price.think about your own shitty African country.
You often live in an illusion
Your country, Turkey, is the largest importer of Egyptian gas, so you can warm your *** after it was kicked from the whole Mediterranean and you only control a beach
And the countries in which you are strong, you were expelled from the union the day before yesterday
Also, the European Union that you depend on is the one who deterred you against Cyprus and Greece when you thought to dig there
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