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Egyptian Armed Forces

I dont understand how someone can be so shameless and have a military and yet not being able to open the Rafah crossing without US and Israeli permission

Because you're opening your mouth and reacting on a predetermined bias and emotional impulse instead of using whatever IQ you might possess and make an effort in understanding not only the complexity of the situation, but the overall impact a wrong decision can cause and then having the wherewithal to make a reasonable and objective stance.
They are closest allies
You are comparing exactly like Turkey being a closest ally to Greece or Albania with Serbia hahaha @Foinikas

I dont understand how someone can be so shameless and have a military and yet not being able to open the Rafah crossing without US and Israeli permission
Seems like that you are ignoring the news on the Egyptian side. The fucking Rafah border is open from our side but closed from the Palestinian side.
@ziaulislam is probably one of those Muslims who think "Egypt is traitor country and Sisi is American slave"
Not really

I think it's delusional to think that Eygpt is going on to war with Israel

Eygptian should do what's good for them that is to be allied with USA and Israel and get a lot of money

What doesn't make sense to me is being a front alley to USA and then simultaneously claiming we are coming to liberate Palestinians

That's being delusional

Imagine calling calling us allies with close Israel hahaa. The joke of the century.

Aren't you sort of security pack receiving billions in exchange for good relationships with Israel
The same pact that kicked dyoubout of OIC back on the day when Arabs first generation was still alive ?? Wow the level of delusions

Whose is conducting the seige of Gaza for last 10 years on behalf of whom?

If you don't know what I am talking about pick up a map

You are comparing exactly like Turkey being a closest ally to Greece or Albania with Serbia hahaha @Foinikas

Seems like that you are ignoring the news on the Egyptian side. The fucking Rafah border is open from our side but closed from the Palestinian side.
Turkey is also alley of Israel but verbage is now different because of change in guard from military regime to erdogan

The Americans tried to over throw the govt like the eygptian govt for same reason (just in case erdogan goes mad and attack Israel) but failed

At this time turkey is friend of Israel but you an fathom a war between them but...

Eygpt? Common

What are we smoking 🚬!!

Because you're opening your mouth and reacting on a predetermined bias and emotional impulse instead of using whatever IQ you might possess and make an effort in understanding not only the complexity of the situation, but the overall impact a wrong decision can cause and then having the wherewithal to make a reasonable and objective stance.
Answer the question

It's a simple question

Why is Eygpt part of decade old blockage of Gaza

It's not rocket science
It's about the fact that Eygpt is second biggest aid receipt after Israel from USA based upon camp David agreement

Wow..this is amazing the amount of delusional behavior

I'm not saying it's wrong..what I am saying it's choice and don't pretend otherwise (choice to get money and keep the Sinai )
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This is like pakistanis saying we weren't part of Americans campaign in Afghanistan against Russia or taliban
Though clearly everyone knew we were double crossing them 🤣

Are eygptians double crossing Israelis..well I doubt it ..the food shortages tells you different story

Can't believe a situation where pushtoons are being slaughtered and put in baracade and pushtoons of other side stay quiet

Honestly what a fall from grace. Arabs have indeed lost grace since they fought the ottomans and hand over their rule to the British

May be the first generation had some grace and weren't so Openly a part of Zionist single state proponents but afterwards..

Even a minion Qatar with less people then the smallest city of Eygpt are more vocal about it

The saudis atleast claim they will rebuilt Gaza with their 💰💰💰 not sure what's are eygptians boasting about

They should go back fighting civil war in Libya and try fighting with sudan and Ethiopia
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Look even a minion qatar can claim they ain't friends with Israel whose soul existence is due to USA but for Eygpt to claim 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Answer the question

It's a simple question

Why is Eygpt part of decade old blockage of Gaza

It's not rocket science
It's about the fact that Eygpt is second biggest aid receipt after Israel from USA based upon camp David agreement

Wow..this is amazing the amount of delusional behavior

I'm not saying it's wrong..what I am saying it's choice and don't pretend otherwise (choice to get money and keep the Sinai )

No problem answering your question, but I'm surprised you either don't know the answer, pretending you don't know the answer for certain reasons or don't believe the answer is the truth. One of those three.

The reason and only reason is because Gaza is the responsibility of the zionist state. They would want nothing more than for us to assume any level of responsibility as THAT would aid them in their ultimate goal of pushing Gazan Palestinians out of Gaza and dump their responsibility on us.

Yes, that's the harsh reality of the matter but it's the bottom line. It's not because of all the silly conspiracy theories that Egypt's is bidding it's master's wishes and getting money in return and all that rubbish. Come on, maaaan. Not everyone and everything is conspiring to do injustice for the sake of the $ and to hold onto their power or whatever the excuse du jour is. It's as simple as not giving Israel the escape route it so badly wants of not dealing with the fact that it is not only responsible for the well-being of the Palestinians and all of Gaza, but to lessen its burden of having to agree on a two-state solution. I hope this at least makes sense to you, even if you don't agree with it.

And the other thing; who the hell ever said anything about us wanting to go to war with the apartheid state? @The SC 's video and comment said nothing of the sort. What was explained is so clear it's astonishing that you're somehow pretending to think it's different. The army is massing at the border for one and only one reason and that is to DEFEND the country. Nothing about going to war in an offensive manner. They're there to DEFEND the country incase the Jews get some silly notion that they think they can invade Sinai again or bomb Al Arish or whatever those criminals have up their sleeves. That's it. Believe what you wanna believe but this is the reality of that situation.

This is like pakistanis saying we weren't part of Americans campaign in Afghanistan against Russia or taliban
Though clearly everyone knew we were double crossing them 🤣

Are eygptians double crossing Israelis..well I doubt it ..the food shortages tells you different story

Can't believe a situation where pushtoons are being slaughtered and put in baracade and pushtoons of other side stay quiet

What? Apples & oranges. Not even close. You're comparing the US' 20-year war vs the Taliban Bananas and attempted Afghanistan rebuild.........to the Zionist 75-year history of land-grabbing, home-stealing, settlement-encroaching and genocidal slaughtering of women & children? You gotta be kidding me! :lol:

That is such a flawd argument that the Pakistan/Egypt analogy doesn't even apply.
Wow..this is amazing the amount of delusional behavior

I'm not saying it's wrong..what I am saying it's choice and don't pretend otherwise (choice to get money and keep the Sinai )

What the hell are you talking about? lol. What delusional behavior? First of all, you got it wrong like I told you. No one is advocating GOING to war. Just making a strong posture to show we're capable of defending our land, that's it. None of the mumbo jumbo jive you're talking about is happening.

As far as "keeping Sinai", that's not negotiable to any degree. It's not based on anyone's goodwill loooool. Nor is there any money exchanged for it. If you're referring to the peace treaty and the military aid, those are the conditions for the peace agreement to be signed at the time. The only way to violate that agreement is to start a war of aggression and no one said anything remotely close to that, nor was there any pretense of it. The only war we'd be involved in is if we're forced into one. And that certainly wouldn't give anyone a say in whether we keep our land or not lol. What absurdity.
America did not send aircraft carriers, it and Britain, to threaten Hezbollah, but to Egypt.


Thank you, I needed a good laugh.
Iran, for example, and Hezbollah reduced the escalation and canceled all their threats.
Source: you made it up

Indeed, Iran itself refuses to enter the war for fear of a Western bloc.
Iran is 1000km away, not a neighbour like Egypt
The countries that claim to be friends with Egypt will not hesitate for a moment to wage war against it, such as Greece and Italy. Rather, these countries will find support from Turkey and Iran to get rid of Egypt, the obstacle to their ambitions in the Middle East.
If Egypt goes to war with Israel, Iran will 100% support it

But we are talking about a country that waits for permission from its historical enemy which is committing genocide in order to send food to starving Palestinians, so let's return to reality please
Everyone wants Egypt to fight on behalf of the Muslims and to fight only until the last Egyptian soldier while 2 billion Muslims are sleeping like chickens. This is naive talk. Why did Turkey not declare war on Israel, which provided the Israelis with free visas for 90 days and vegetables for Israel so that they would not lose any moment of luxury and Azerbaijan’s oil for Israel? The UAE and Qatar provide Israel with secret support, and Saudi Arabia agrees with the Israelis to get rid of the Palestinians, even wanting them to bow to Israel.
Firstly, Turks are not Arab. Second, Turks do not border Gaza.

Arab Muslims are always blaming the actions of other Muslim states for their inaction. It's pathetic.
Iran is an audio phenomenon. The war has been going on for 26 days and it does not dare to declare war on Israel
Iran has been at war with Israel since 1979. Unlike your pathetic subservient regime, we do not recognise "Israel" or host its diplomats on our soil.
the Palestinians have money in the hundreds of billions of dollars as personal wealth.
This is really disgusting.
What the hell are you talking about? lol. What delusional behavior? First of all, you got it wrong like I told you. No one is advocating GOING to war. Just making a strong posture to show we're capable of defending our land, that's it. None of the mumbo jumbo jive you're talking about is happening.

As far as "keeping Sinai", that's not negotiable to any degree. It's not based on anyone's goodwill loooool. Nor is there any money exchanged for it. If you're referring to the peace treaty and the military aid, those are the conditions for the peace agreement to be signed at the time. The only way to violate that agreement is to start a war of aggression and no one said anything remotely close to that, nor was there any pretense of it. The only war we'd be involved in is if we're forced into one. And that certainly wouldn't give anyone a say in whether we keep our land or not lol. What absurdity.
Eygpt is part of Gaza blockade for last 10 years
Eygpt is sort of security pack with isreal and USA SINCE camp David agreement
Hamas and brotherhood is terrorists organization per Eygpt and hence Gaza is ruled by terrorists
Sinai is with Eygpt because Israel gave it to you HOW IS THIA DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND????. You guys may have surprised them but it was quickly realized you ain't winning in drawn out war despite support from Syria

It was evident that Eygptian can't win from adversely which it out numbers 10:1.

The list is lengthy and I don't understand why are you guys in denial.

Simply be proud of it
You ignore all the facts
First, the process of destroying Gaza was planned by America and the West. America established military bases in the Negev only to fight Egypt. America did not send aircraft carriers, it and Britain, to threaten Hezbollah, but to Egypt.
The West sent its forces to Syria and Iraq because they declared it a religious war
Iran, for example, and Hezbollah reduced the escalation and canceled all their threats. Indeed, Iran itself refuses to enter the war for fear of a Western bloc. Egypt does not fight Israel. Egypt fights America and Europe. This plan is known to everyone, not Israel, which can be crushed.
In Egypt, you are facing an economic war from the West and from the service of the Gulf
If Egypt enters the war, no one will be with it against the West, and the war will also inevitably occur, as each side will not stop, and it is expected soon, even if there is a truce for a limited period, meaning that Egypt is not facing 8 million Zionists in Palestine, but rather facing NATO.
Why were Libya and Sudan destroyed as countries and became sources of supplying terrorists to Egypt?
Why is everyone allied against Egypt in constructing a dam to cut off the waters of the Nile from Egypt in Ethiopia? Isn’t this all an arrangement for war and a siege being carried out against Egypt?

The countries that claim to be friends with Egypt will not hesitate for a moment to wage war against it, such as Greece and Italy. Rather, these countries will find support from Turkey and Iran to get rid of Egypt, the obstacle to their ambitions in the Middle East.

You have been imposed an arms embargo on the weapons you desire. Instead of missiles, SCALP Naval gets the unfortunate Exocet.

Everyone wants Egypt to fight on behalf of the Muslims and to fight only until the last Egyptian soldier while 2 billion Muslims are sleeping like chickens. This is naive talk. Why did Turkey not declare war on Israel, which provided the Israelis with free visas for 90 days and vegetables for Israel so that they would not lose any moment of luxury and Azerbaijan’s oil for Israel? The UAE and Qatar provide Israel with secret support, and Saudi Arabia agrees with the Israelis to get rid of the Palestinians, even wanting them to bow to Israel.
Iran is an audio phenomenon. The war has been going on for 26 days and it does not dare to declare war on Israel and Pakistan, as if it does not know that there is a bombing in Gaza. Egypt. In the event of war, we will find Russian filth in not supplying Egypt’s requests for weapons, and China may refuse to supply weapons in times of war.

You are asking Egypt for war, and the Palestinians themselves did not attack Israel from the West Bank, and the Palestinians have money in the hundreds of billions of dollars as personal wealth. We would not find them supporting Palestine if the people of Palestine themselves ignored the war in Gaza. In fact, Israel has 4 million Arabs who could have supported Gaza with the bulk of the Jews’ lives. Hell, if the authority in Ramallah is a guard dog for Israel, Egypt wants war on their behalf
West bank isn't ruled by Israel not Palestinians
The popular front is simply a puppet regime with no power no forces no authority

While Gaza is governed by them it's under eygptians blockage

One thing I have found today

Eygptians are more delusional then even pajeets

Like the amount of Brian washing and lack of independent thinking surprises me

If you guys are serious get out of American influence refuse the aid and build your military professionally..the equipment means nothing if every time Israel fires a gun the whole military collapses (like in 1960-1970s)



Thank you, I needed a good laugh.

Source: you made it up

Iran is 1000km away, not a neighbour like Egypt

If Egypt goes to war with Israel, Iran will 100% support it

But we are talking about a country that waits for permission from its historical enemy which is committing genocide in order to send food to starving Palestinians, so let's return to reality please

Firstly, Turks are not Arab. Second, Turks do not border Gaza.

Arab Muslims are always blaming the actions of other Muslim states for their inaction. It's pathetic.

Iran has been at war with Israel since 1979. Unlike your pathetic subservient regime, we do not recognise "Israel" or host its diplomats on our soil.

This is really disgusting.
It's delusional..

How can ajams help Arabs when they are thousands of miles away.

Instead of getting their house on order they get spanked by isrealis who are 20x smaller in size and equipment

Then lack of any cohesive civil society that refuses to tolerate difference of opinion and forced out a civilian leader

No problem answering your question, but I'm surprised you either don't know the answer, pretending you don't know the answer for certain reasons or don't believe the answer is the truth. One of those three.

The reason and only reason is because Gaza is the responsibility of the zionist state. They would want nothing more than for us to assume any level of responsibility as THAT would aid them in their ultimate goal of pushing Gazan Palestinians out of Gaza and dump their responsibility on us.

Yes, that's the harsh reality of the matter but it's the bottom line. It's not because of all the silly conspiracy theories that Egypt's is bidding it's master's wishes and getting money in return and all that rubbish. Come on, maaaan. Not everyone and everything is conspiring to do injustice for the sake of the $ and to hold onto their power or whatever the excuse du jour is. It's as simple as not giving Israel the escape route it so badly wants of not dealing with the fact that it is not only responsible for the well-being of the Palestinians and all of Gaza, but to lessen its burden of having to agree on a two-state solution. I hope this at least makes sense to you, even if you don't agree with it.

And the other thing; who the hell ever said anything about us wanting to go to war with the apartheid state? @The SC 's video and comment said nothing of the sort. What was explained is so clear it's astonishing that you're somehow pretending to think it's different. The army is massing at the border for one and only one reason and that is to DEFEND the country. Nothing about going to war in an offensive manner. They're there to DEFEND the country incase the Jews get some silly notion that they think they can invade Sinai again or bomb Al Arish or whatever those criminals have up their sleeves. That's it. Believe what you wanna believe but this is the reality of that situation.

What? Apples & oranges. Not even close. You're comparing the US' 20-year war vs the Taliban Bananas and attempted Afghanistan rebuild.........to the Zionist 75-year history of land-grabbing, home-stealing, settlement-encroaching and genocidal slaughtering of women & children? You gotta be kidding me! :lol:

That is such a flawd argument that the Pakistan/Egypt analogy doesn't even apply.
No I am comparing,

Arabs are being slaughtered for 75 years and rest of Arabs are supporting it and cheering at it

Also why will Israel attack Eygpt ..you guys have made deal to slaughter Palestinians together and keep away from Sinai

Also let's assume they do attack once they are done with Palestine then what can you guys do about it..you will smacked in a minute

I would want you to listen to some non Arab scholars translation on the isreal conflict

Listen to Dr Israr Ahmad he predicted all of this bullshit in 1990s because he was so disappointed with arabs

This whole post shows what's wrong with the Arabs..such a fearful race has now fallen to level of ghettos...

it truely saddens me
Noone else would allow such a thing to happen to its own people
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To be honest it's pretty shameful

Read Turkish, Iranian, Chinese, even pushtoons history

They would have never tolerated such bullshit by isrealis if it was there clan

But seems Arabs have lost their glory.. probably because they were under ottoman rule for so long I don't know..never made sense to me how Arabs got smacked around so much by minion Israel even if daddy gave them equipment

After all the toys are as good as the man behind it

Never understood the internal divide and infighting

Unlike countries like Pakistan who are multi military ethnic (20 different ethnicities and languages) Arab atleast have a common language if nothing else yet the divide and infighting is amazing

Being smacked around by isrealis and now being part of Zionist movement calling Hamas terrorists and acting with Israel is something to be shamed about

Remember Hamas is elected by people of Gaza while it's terrorist organization per all Arab countries this kinda summarizes the problem

Blockade of Gaza is done by Eygpt
Kinda summarizes the problem

Blockade of Gaza is done by Eygpt
Kinda summarizes the problem
Eygpt is part of Gaza blockade for last 10 years
Eygpt is sort of security pack with isreal and USA SINCE camp David agreement
Hamas and brotherhood is terrorists organization per Eygpt and hence Gaza is ruled by terrorists
Sinai is with Eygpt because Israel gave it to you HOW IS THIA DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND????. You guys may have surprised them but it was quickly realized you ain't winning in drawn out war despite support from Syria

"Israel gave it to us" hahaha. What do you suppose would've happened if they weren't so generous (kinda like how generous they are to the Gazan women & children right now and for the past 75 years), do you think we would've sat on our asses and oh say, waited................kinda like Pakistan with Kashmir? A lot of good that did. Or kinda like Syria did with the Golan Heights? A lot of good that did, too.



You keep parroting the "blockade by Egypt" lie when there is nothing of the sort. You just don't want to understand that Gaza and the Palestinians are not part of Egypt, despite all the guilt-laying trip you and your bandwagon jumpers keep trying to peddle. This seems to be a slippery concept, but we ARE NOT obligated to open our border as if it's a common territory and free for all. As difficult as that concept might be for you to understand, there is no complicity with the zionisist that you and your cohorts are trying to make it out to be. As a matter of fact, it's the complete opposite as we're not making it easy for them to absolve THEIR responsibility of conceding a Palestinian state. Are we anywhere near grasping that reality?

The fact is that Gaza is Palestine, it's its own "country", "open air prison", "torture territory" whatever you want to call it, OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL, not EGYPT. On our side of the border is ANOTHER COUNTRY! On the Israeli side is the OCCUPATION FORCES - RESPONSIBLE FOR GAZA, not Egypt! Should I say it one more time, or is that getting through?

Yet despite that somehow difficult concept for you to understand, we still allow tons of contraband to infiltrate and get to the hands of Hamas and whatever resistance needs it. I think that's pretty obvious but noooooo, that's not enough! On top of supporting the humanitarian aid which pours in there on a daily basis. These are undeniable facts no matter how hard you try to twist things.

You don't like it or it's not enough or not up to your standards, that's fine. You think somehow we're obligated to open a free-for-all border because you say so, good luck to you. You want to dismiss the fact that it's Israel's responsibility as the 'occupying force' and not Egypt, fine. Good luck to you but it is the right thing to do just as any sovereign nation would do if it were in the same position until the Palestinians get their own sovereignty. But we won't assist Israel in reaching its ultimate goal which is to make that Palestinian sovereignty untenable. Those are the reasons the Gaza border on the Egyptian side is dealt with and will continue to be dealt with the way it has been.

No amount of guilt-inducing or shaming on your part or any other band-wagon hitchhikers will change that or make it out to be any different than that.

Keep pushing the "blockade by Egypt" fallacy song and dance and the only reaction you'll get is laughter at how silly & goofy that is. The intentions for that song & dance are for obvious reasons far removed from any genuine empathy for the Palestinian people. Don't think we can't see through it.
Not really

I think it's delusional to think that Eygpt is going on to war with Israel

Eygptian should do what's good for them that is to be allied with USA and Israel and get a lot of money

What doesn't make sense to me is being a front alley to USA and then simultaneously claiming we are coming to liberate Palestinians

That's being delusional


Aren't you sort of security pack receiving billions in exchange for good relationships with Israel
The same pact that kicked dyoubout of OIC back on the day when Arabs first generation was still alive ?? Wow the level of delusions

Whose is conducting the seige of Gaza for last 10 years on behalf of whom?

If you don't know what I am talking about pick up a map

Turkey is also alley of Israel but verbage is now different because of change in guard from military regime to erdogan

The Americans tried to over throw the govt like the eygptian govt for same reason (just in case erdogan goes mad and attack Israel) but failed

At this time turkey is friend of Israel but you an fathom a war between them but...

Eygpt? Common

What are we smoking 🚬!!

Answer the question

It's a simple question

Why is Eygpt part of decade old blockage of Gaza

It's not rocket science
It's about the fact that Eygpt is second biggest aid receipt after Israel from USA based upon camp David agreement

Wow..this is amazing the amount of delusional behavior

I'm not saying it's wrong..what I am saying it's choice and don't pretend otherwise (choice to get money and keep the Sinai )

Humanitarian aid to Gaza​

Egypt -> 5200 tonnes​

Rest of the World -> 1500 tonnes​

Gaza Aid.jpg

watch| Aid convoys to Gaza move from Al-Arish, Egypt, towards the Rafah crossing​

Wounded Palestinians are being treated in Al-Arish hospital​

The Minister of Health and the Governor of North Sinai inspect the departments of Al-Arish General Hospital to check on the services provided to our Palestinian brothers​

Egypt started the construction of 3 residential cities in the Gaza Strip in addition to providing 500 million dollars as part of the reconstruction plan in 2021 as we are suffering economically in Egypt​

Footage taken this year of the progress of the residential cities being built in Gaza by Egypt​

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