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Egyptian Armed Forces

I've got some interesting reads for you. Sorry, I told you I'm down the rabbit hole.

- Article -> “Why did I become a Freemason?”..the story of a mysterious article by the Muslim Brotherhood leader, Sayyid Qutb
- This short clip from "الجماعة" Egyptian series talks about the article above.

- Article -> A document revealing the mysterious meeting between Hassan al-Banna and the greatest sorcerer in history
- The sorcerer and possible MI6 agent mentioned in the article above -> Aleister Crowley
- The guest on Marker's show mentions this meeting @7:40

Watch all "ملفات سرية" series on his channel. Very important stuff.
Looks like a cruise missile? The other one looks like an ATGM maybe the belarus ATGM Shershen. What do you think guys?
Right after the last EDEX 2021.. they had announced that this version of 2023 will be the one of smart munitions..
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The news is not surprising,, Naval Group is busy with a number of deals, most notably the Greek deal, the Emirati deal, its own French deals and other deals..
The only arsenal on the planet that has made the Gowind without any problem is the Alexandria arsenal..

In terms of quality, the French will do everything..Warranties for quality parallel to what they make..not to mention that the production in Egypt will be less expensive than in France..
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