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Egyptian Armed Forces

Yeah, those M-60s, Centurions and M-48s made short work of your technologically superior T-62s manned by your best tank crews
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Imagine what they would do to your shitty entrenched T-34s lol
If the war didn't stop Israel would have captured far more than the Sinai, everything up until Cairo would be Israeli, and Cairo would have been constantly bombarded and those 5 million residents would flee.

"Couldn't take cities of 500,000 people" never tried lol, once we understood there was heavy resistance inside cities, we got outside and just waited for them to run out of supplies.

Your soldiers were eating and drinking, your religious leader permitted them to, it's a historical fact, one of the things Israeli spies reported on to the higher ups which chose to ignore it, it was a clear sign of a preparation to war.

Us Jews fast for 25 hours, it's very hard to do, even I don't always succeed. You feel ill, you stay at your house and try not to preserve energy.

12-15 hours of fasting is easy.
It's like saying "You can't compare a day of a navy seal hell week to a month of light jogs" a month of light jogs is way easier.

500 men defense lines aren't meant to stop 40,000 men with tanks and artillery lol, it's meant to slow it down until reinforcement arrive.

You couldn't shoot down a numerically inferior force in almost any given air battle, I honestly doubt you can do that even with F-15s. Anyways, the point is, Israel can rock your world now even more than it did before, its pilots are and were better and since the 80s its planes were better as well.

Because 1973 was a more costly victory for us, we self criticize and improve, unlike the Egyptian army that celebrates a victory despite obvious numerous short comings and failures literally every historian points out.

Agranat commission was inspecting how and why did the Israeli military and government got hit in such a surprise attack, without any warning. Stupid Golda Meir got full of herself after 1967 and thought the Egyptians and Syrians would not have enough weapons in 1973 to attack, despite spies alarming the higher ups. This led Israel to let its guard down.

Yeah, it is the most traumatic war for us, but a victory nontheless.

There were 52 major dogfights between the Egyptians and Israelis in 1973. In all, the Egyptians succeeded in shooting down 5–8 Israeli aircraft while losing 172 of their own to Israeli fighters, out of a total of 334 Arab aircraft were shot down in air-to-air combat. Almost all Israeli airplanes that were shot down, were shot down by Soviet SAMs.

That mission "failed" because most of the aircraft that Israel aimed to destroy were in the air, and the Phantoms in the battle were mostly in an attack loadout. So the achievement we wanted wasn't achieved, and Israeli aircraft returned back to their bases. And hell, let's say 17 Israeli aircraft were shot down in Mansoura and not 2, that only pushes the numbers from 5 Israeli aircraft destroyed, to 20 Israeli aircraft destroyed in air combat, and 334 Arab aircraft destroyed.
Israel literally cleaned the floor with you.

Continental power? You don't know what power is. You're not a power. Only reason the war stopped was because the USSR was ready to send the world to hell over you.

Yeah, believe me, if it was my decision the Sinai would have been ours and much more than that, 1973 war ended with Israel winning, and winning well.

Lol, you don't let anything we don't agree on into the Sinai.

You are sending me videos of people experiencing battles, yes, battles are sometimes lost, yes, soldiers sometimes retreat, but in the end, nothing refutes this:
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And the fact that Egypt and Syria lost 10 times the soldiers, yet couldn't even conquer the Golan or the Sinai.

No lol, he never gave me video evidence saying that, he gave me video evidence of soldiers that participated in battles in which Israel lost.

Lol, easy, you enter here:

And go to the bibliography and enter one of the dozens of sources citing Israel's victory.

You could also watch this nice video.
I didnt send a single video. I sent bòoks American unclassified documents the book i also mentioned quoted of your own prime minister of the absloutely humliating defeat politically and militarily and the only way the gap was still present although of its countless defeats was because the Egyptians respected the UN ceasefire which Israel ignored and yet suffered massive losses. According to your number the Egyptian sky should be open left and right for the IAF but in reality they couldnt pass the channel line and if they lost 2 planes and called off a 120 plane strong bombing mission according to whom? They couldnt wreck the runways command posts reserve pilots on the ground? Please keep up the excuses and arguing with me using wikipedia it really confirms all of my points

Just founded on the internet. Imagine a MIG-21 "locking" on F-18 hahahaha
The same mig21 locked on a f15 and f14 aswell ih the photos but i dont think ill find them
didnt send a single video. I sent bòoks American unclassified documents the book i also mentioned quoted of your own prime minister of the absloutely humliating defeat politically and militarily and the only way the gap was still present although of its countless defeats was because the Egyptians respected the UN ceasefire which Israel ignored and yet suffered massive losses. According to your number the Egyptian sky should be open left and right for the IAF but in reality they couldnt pass the channel line and if they lost 2 planes and called off a 120 plane strong bombing mission according to whom? They couldnt wreck the runways command posts reserve pilots on the ground? Please keep up the excuses and arguing with me using wikipedia it really confirms all of my points
The documents you sent just said that Egyptian sources claimed they only want 20km of the Sinai, anyways, as we concluded, and as your friend concluded, you never could conquer the Sinai, you never stood a chance, because you are weaker and pathetic, and the victory you cheer for was solely a voluntary decision made by Israel 6 years after the war, in a time Israel had F-15s and 16s and SEAD missiles and could have steamrolled you just as quick as we steamrolled Syria in 1982

You don't seem to understand the unimportance of Mansoura battle, Israel wanted to bomb planes on the ground like it did in 1967, when it saw that the Egyptians learned to fly their planes when bombing missions are incoming they stopped the bombing missions and focused on air to air battles

You wonder they and all pundits of American support the like of that clown, who claimed it was am Isieler civixoryy with the barerly surrounded the 3rd Army yet so one one bonber decided to drop a slew of dead Jews beoing beried Sinai )how irnoc ILOVEIT!!!!) losers with would've have been decoimated if we took out all the engineer buriong the during the dead but we have decent CLASS that those SCUM of the earth invading and staling opur land and people.

If it was me I qould;ve killed every single scum sucking jew stealing our LAD EBN EL METNATKA KHAWAL!

what bro? The Sriyans are the most inpmpetem fighters on the platnt. Mozambique children with imitation coat hanger AF 47 fooght 10 timsa with better courage than those useless hacks pf siryan dung.

IO I do, br buit it's rather long we'' Savit for a rainy day/.

That's perfectly right. We didn't need to do what those thieving scum did to steal our lands land not ounce, but TWICE with the help of the SCUM BRITISH and FERENCH. 10 years heater they had all the plan in action to do it themselves and take the brunt of the useless international community controlled by the US.

Look at what the scum sucking hogs that are helping Ukraine against a minor Russian invasion yet where was the support for Egypt when those scum land thieving Jews were STEALING out land?

Someone offer me a viable answer to that and we'll talk but you have NOTHING except oppress the brown Muslim is all and keep sorry for a bunch of holocaust victims that you can allow them to break international law at will without any consequences. SCUMBAG YHPCRITES,

He won't understand, believe me.

Of course he is, Rarely are there ANY Pakistani supporters of Egypt and for one reason only. They thought how great they are fighting the Indians who destroyed them so then they see another Muslim Country MUCH more powerful than the Hindus get their asses jaded to them, they look to disparage.

Yep, a bunch of rats manning the kutnlev line screaming at the high commend: God will get you for leaving us and underestimating the will and power of the Egyptian Army which we abused for not reason Gold will get you NHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA that was my favorite recording of an Israeli RAT getting pounded by Egyptian Artillery and 200 fighters LMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA||||| How sweet is that'

You could have had an entire 16 divisions manning that useless wall that fell to Egyptian INGENIUITY in 4 yours each and the result would've neem the same decimation of the sorry *** IDF!!!!! Just like this where the heat would've rotted the filthy thieving corps before they reached the thieving land of the Palestinians!

Take a close look at the number of dead JEWS!

Egyptian Su17 recon Israeli dead being buried

Damn bro got mad that his military is incapable of conquering the Sinai and changed objective as soon as they started losing in order to claim victory

He also talks about specific battles Israel lost at while Egypt and Syria had 10 times the causalities

Why are you guys such pathetic liars, it's said in the newspaper that the two F-15s were in a training mission not sent to intercept, that F-16 of yours would have been turned into rubble had it done anything.
And ours without AAM because it was bombing some terrorists.
The documents you sent just said that Egyptian sources claimed they only want 20km of the Sinai, anyways, as we concluded, and as your friend concluded, you never could conquer the Sinai, you never stood a chance, because you are weaker and pathetic, and the victory you cheer for was solely a voluntary decision made by Israel 6 years after the war, in a time Israel had F-15s and 16s and SEAD missiles and could have steamrolled you just as quick as we steamrolled Syria in 1982
Not because we are weaker but because we didn't the capabilities. I sent the US Department doc. Stating exactly our objectives hahahaha.
You don't seem to understand the unimportance of Mansoura battle, Israel wanted to bomb planes on the ground like it did in 1967, when it saw that the Egyptians learned to fly their planes when bombing missions are incoming they stopped the bombing missions and focused on air to air battles
Because you saw resistance then your bombing mission failed miserably. Just bring me one saying the unimportance of Mansoura battle. If it was true why even attack the base??

You are denying that you wanted to control Ismailia (Sharon) and Suez (Adan) and you lost miserably against a city of less than 500 000.

What is the reason to debate when you can't even accept and denying some facts???
Why are you guys such pathetic liars, it's said in the newspaper that the two F-15s were in a training mission not sent to intercept, that F-16 of yours would have been turned into rubble had it done anything.
Literally that our F-16 locked your F-15 which was in fact in training so your F-15. Then why it is written "the squadron commander launched to intercept" exactly between the title's article and your F-15 pilot. It is written in the yellow circle (מפקד הטייסת שהוזנק ליירוט=Squadron leader ordered to intercept)
Literally that our F-16 locked your F-15 which was in fact in training so your F-15. Then why it is written "the squadron commander launched to intercept" exactly between the title's article and your F-15 pilot. It is written in the yellow circle (מפקד הטייסת שהוזנק ליירוט=Squadron leader ordered to intercept)
The one that jumped to intercept wasn't the one being locked on, the one being locked on was already in the air, training, probably unarmed. The one sent to intercept was on the ground and quickly took off, by then the Egyptian pilot already realized his mistake and flew back to Egypt, lucky him.

מפקד שהוזנק ליירוט means commander that was ordered to take off ("to jump") to intercept.
The one that jumped to intercept wasn't the one being locked on, the one being locked on was already in the air, training, probably unarmed. The one sent to intercept was on the ground and quickly took off, by then the Egyptian pilot already realized his mistake and flew back to Egypt, lucky him.
And our pilot was unarmed (AAM) because he was killing some terrorist cretins.
Well so there's nothing to boast about if he just made a radar lock
I just said that because I am not really sure if during bombing sorties, we carry AAM yes or no. In the article, it says locked so logically it would have carried AAM
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