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Egyptian Armed Forces

Ibrahim Abdel Tawab died and didn't get to see the Sinai in Egypt's hands, because your effort was pathetic and cowardous, and only 5 years after his death you were handed the Sinai because we were tired of your shit, and you sat down like the good dog you are ever since.
Your claims are debunked in this video. Guess who is talking?? Your veterans hahahaha
Air to air missiles were bad back then, Israel didn't rely on them, they were unreliable. Neither did Egypt, pretty much all battles were air battles, and Israel humiliated the Arabs, air to air kill ratio is much better than the overall kill ratio, since you relied on SAMs. Mansoura battle, 7 Egyptian jets shot down, 2 Israeli jets shot down.
Then why you didn't approach with your phantoms after this battle hahaha. If you won it then you could have bombed other air bases, sites etc... Your claims are so illogical.

Ami Ayalon, former Head of Israel's Secret Service
It says 6 killed 11wounded = 17 kia/wia
He said "to conquer this island,we lost many friends", "almost of my units was in this island, 2 out 40 people that fought in this island we weren't wounded, all the rest were wounded or died" Your friend wikipedia said to destroy the island and that we suffered heavy casulties and you only 17 kia/wia.

Just to show that your gov or your population try always to change the narratives to your side.

@Hydration eh ra2yak fi radi. Bageblo mazdar w howa zay shakha wala mazdar hahahha
You fought and lost on the ground, Israel has shown its bravery, single tanks winning against tank brigades, your elite 25th tank brigade with modern T62s got deleted when facing technologically inferior Centurions but with better crew, that allowed us to continue our efforts in mainland Egypt and encircle the whole 3rd army, cut off from supplies.

Chinese farm tank battle. Even your veterans live in a big trauma. 5:21 "we escaped" so he is the coward rn.

Because the Syrians had hundreds of tanks in the Golan against a few dozens of Israeli tanks. Egypt was far from proper Israeli territory, only thing it could do is enter our trap in the Sinai and get encircled

Billions😂 cope
That line was manned with 500 fasting people, its only purpose is to slow down an attacking force until reinforcements arrive. You surprise attacked on the Jewish holiest day.

You are pathetic, you are trying to exaggerate the power of your enemy in order to make your fake victory appear better, 500 men in a defense line against 40,000 people with artillery and jet fighters, and still took 6 whole hours😂

You get encircled, cry to the USSR to stop the war because your whole 3rd army is about to get slaughtered, you lost😂😂😂😂

8000 Egyptians surrendered themselves to Israel, 8000! You really are pathetic, you can't fight for ****, you have **** for brains, you threw 1000 commando soldiers into the desert and couldn't resupply them and they got slaughtered, you had 100,000 Arab expeditionary troops, USSR full support, two fronts against Israel, numerical and technological superiority and you still got destroyed 😂 10 times the casualties, 40 times the captives

Ibrahim Abdel Tawab died and didn't get to see the Sinai in Egypt's hands, because your effort was pathetic and cowardous, and only 5 years after his death you were handed the Sinai because we were tired of your shit, and you sat down like the good dog you are ever since.

Vietnam put 1000 times the fight against the US with the same planes you had, 550 Arab jets destroyed, 104 Israeli jets destroyed.

Air to air missiles were bad back then, Israel didn't rely on them, they were unreliable. Neither did Egypt, pretty much all battles were air battles, and Israel humiliated the Arabs, air to air kill ratio is much better than the overall kill ratio, since you relied on SAMs. Mansoura battle, 7 Egyptian jets shot down, 2 Israeli jets shot down.

You fought and lost on the ground, Israel has shown its bravery, single tanks winning against tank brigades, your elite 25th tank brigade with modern T62s got deleted when facing technologically inferior Centurions but with better crew, that allowed us to continue our efforts in mainland Egypt and encircle the whole 3rd army, cut off from supplies.
@Gomig-21 answer with logic pls because he seems that he is talking without sources.
Barlev line is apparently 500 fasting rats in a bunch of sand to him lol. Whats even more hilarious is the claim of air to air missiles were rarely used and never mattered! Egyptian MoD claims 326 planes were shotdown on the Egyptian front alone and knowing the IDF's urge to often lie the Egyptian source is closer to the truth. When he was addressed on the mansoura air battle (the largest air battle in 20th century modern times) on another thread he didnt even know it existed and claimed only 2 planes were shotdown and kept bringing up excuses! Not even that but apparently they gave up a land which is 3 times as large as palestine infinite mineral resources even gas and most importantly a front on the suez canal which holds 12% of the world's trade was because they were annoyed with us and wanted peace! And they didnt do the same to the Golan which their resources or strategic importance cant be compared with sinai! Gen. David AlAzar cheif of staff of the IDF at that time has said that even the 3rd army was surrounded it overcome and conquered a broader peice of land at the east! I wonder why do you keep denying it
Then why you didn't approach with your phantoms after this battle hahaha. If you won it then you could have bombed other air bases, sites etc... Your claims are so illogical.

Ami Ayalon, former Head of Israel's Secret Service
It says 6 killed 11wounded = 17 kia/wia
He said "to conquer this island,we lost many friends", "almost of my units was in this island, 2 out 40 people that fought in this island we weren't wounded, all the rest were wounded or died" Your friend wikipedia said to destroy the island and that we suffered heavy casulties and you only 17 kia/wia.

Just to show that your gov or your population try always to change the narratives to your side.

@Hydration eh ra2yak fi radi. Bageblo mazdar w howa zay shakha wala mazdar hahahha
@Hydration matrod 3alaya haz3al menak hahaha
The dogs are still talking about an Israeli victory, and the mechanic teams, Dan and Sharon, will be exterminated in the gap. As for the planes, they were cowards who could not approach the channel line.
If Israel had not handed over Sinai, it would have lived in a state of emergency to this day
Barlev line is apparently 500 fasting rats in a bunch of sand to him lol. Whats even more hilarious is the claim of air to air missiles were rarely used and never mattered! Egyptian MoD claims 326 planes were shotdown on the Egyptian front alone and knowing the IDF's urge to often lie the Egyptian source is closer to the truth. When he was addressed on the mansoura air battle (the largest air battle in 20th century modern times) on another thread he didnt even know it existed and claimed only 2 planes were shotdown and kept bringing up excuses! Not even that but apparently they gave up a land which is 3 times as large as palestine infinite mineral resources even gas and most importantly a front on the suez canal which holds 12% of the world's trade was because they were annoyed with us and wanted peace! And they didnt do the same to the Golan which their resources or strategic importance cant be compared with sinai! Gen. David AlAzar cheif of staff of the IDF at that time has said that even the 3rd army was surrounded it overcome and conquered a broader peice of land at the east! I wonder why do you keep denying it
Yeah, Bar Lev line barely had any soldiers because of Yom Kippur, the holiest day of our year.

Air to air missiles were called bombs in the Israeli air force in that era because they dropped and hit the ground.

326 Israeli aircraft shot down???😂😂😂😂 Oh my god you are so pathetic, no wonder the whole Islamic world laughs about Arabs being unable to fight.

Largest air battle of the 20th century 😂?
1982 we shot down over 80 Syrian MiGs with 0 casualties, meanwhile you only managed to shoot down 2 Israeli jets while losing 7 in that battle.

Your sources are so credible 😂 You Arabs lied to each other in every war, Jordan entered 1967 war because you told them you were winning, but you got absolutely destroyed lmao

In 1973 the Syrians told you they were winning in the North so you rushed into the Sinai with your third army only to be encircled and get 8000 of your soldiers captured and thousands more dead

You're talking about mineral source yet your economy is smaller than Israel, a country with 1/10th of your population 😂

We gave you land for peace because we were tired of fighting with you, 3 years after we gave you that land we absolutely wrecked an identically armed Syrian army and air force, could have easily been Egypt instead, look at you now, we tell you not to bring army equipment to the Sinai and you behave, we tell you sit and you sit, like a good dog.

Your country is pathetic and your ego doesn't let you admit defeat even though every historian outside of the Arab world will tell you Israel won this war, you are giving specific incidents as victory points not realising that you Arabs had 10 times the casualties
We gave you land for peace because we were tired of fighting with you, 3 years after we gave you that land we absolutely wrecked an identically armed Syrian army and air force, could have easily been Egypt instead, look at you now, we tell you not to bring army equipment to the Sinai and you behave, we tell you sit and you sit, like a good dog.
Then why you didn't try to do the same with us?? Do you know why because you couldn't simple as that hahaha.
Then explain why coincidently before the war you didn't want peace but after the war you wanted. Don't say because you were tired of fighting us. Even Moshe Dayan said if I was egyptian I would fight rather than making peace (something like that) .Because this war left a big trauma that's why you decided to make peace.
1982 we shot down over 80 Syrian MiGs with 0 casualties, meanwhile you only managed to shoot down 2 Israeli jets while losing 7 in that battle.
F-15 vs Mig-21 hahaha. Unbalanced battle. It is like a dual between a ww2 tank to modern tank.
We gave you land for peace because we were tired of fighting with you, 3 years after we gave you that land we absolutely wrecked an identically armed Syrian army and air force, could have easily been Egypt instead, look at you now, we tell you not to bring army equipment to the Sinai and you behave, we tell you sit and you sit, like a good dog.
Look now, we can put equipment as much as we want hahahaha. So your claim is false.
Yeah, Bar Lev line barely had any soldiers because of Yom Kippur, the holiest day of our year.
Did you know that we were fighting while fasting so during our holiest month, Ramadan. So we are even, we fought during our holiest days.
Yeah, Bar Lev line barely had any soldiers because of Yom Kippur, the holiest day of our year.
That's why you putted napalms but with frogmen we disabled it. A fortified line is made to protect you at all cost during wartime and peacetime. Look what happened, the lines got f*cked by some water hose.
Your country is pathetic and your ego doesn't let you admit defeat even though every historian outside of the Arab world will tell you Israel won this war, you are giving specific incidents as victory points not realising that you Arabs had 10 times the casualties
Egypt can sustain heavy casulties. We lost between 8000 to 9000 soldiers. And you suffer a lot of casualties. Look at the wiki pages about the war, the majority of the sources are from israeli/jews nothing about the egyptian sides.
Then why you didn't try to do the same with us?? Do you know why because you couldn't simple as that hahaha.
Then explain why coincidently before the war you didn't want peace but after the war you wanted. Don't say because you were tired of fighting us. Even Moshe Dayan said if I was egyptian I would fight rather than making peace (something like that) .Because this war left a big trauma that's why you decided to make peace.
Because you wanted peace and the Syrians didn't lol, Egyptian MiG21s would have fared just as well as Syrian ones against our F-15s, today the difference is even more drastic, Israel overpowers Egypt by a factor of 10.

Yeah, wars leave trauma, US pushed us to make peace, you think the Israeli tankers on their way to Cairo by the end of the war with no one to stop them except WW2 era tanks liked having the war stopped?

believe me Egypt suffered far more trauma than Israel did.

F-15 vs Mig-21 hahaha. Unbalanced battle. It is like a dual between a ww2 tank to modern tank
Oh so in 1973 when you had T62s fighting Centurions it was balanced? Doesn't matter, because your more advanced T62s got destroyed anyway
Look now, we can put equipment as much as we want hahahaha. So your claim is false.
No lol, you can't, that's a part of the peace agreement.
Did you know that we were fighting while fasting so during our holiest month, Ramadan. So we are even, we fought during our holiest days
False, your religious leaders allowed your soldiers to eat because of the planned war, Muslims are allowed to eat when necessary and when traveling outside of their cities, also, Ramadan isn't a real fast, you are just fasting for 12-15 hours, this is basically intermittent fasting, very easy to do, I've been doing that for years, meanwhile Jews don't eat or drink for 25 hours, much harder to do, most Israeli soldiers were at home and that's why you chose to attack us that day.

That's why you putted napalms but with frogmen we disabled it. A fortified line is made to protect you at all cost during wartime and peacetime. Look what happened, the lines got f*cked by some water hose
This line was meant to slow a large enemy force down until reinforcements arrive, and it did that very well.

Egypt can sustain heavy casulties. We lost between 8000 to 9000 soldiers. And you suffer a lot of casualties. Look at the wiki pages about the war, the majority of the sources are from israeli/jews nothing about the egyptian sides.
Around 10,000 soldiers dead, 8,000 captured, tens of thousands of wounded.
Egypt as a whole can sustain heavy casualties, the Egyptian army could not, it was very clear that the Egyptian army by the end of the war was merely a shadow of what it was at the start, that's why you saw Israeli advancement and victories, and strategic victories such as the encirclement of the 3rd Egyptian army, as well as complete naval and air superiority.
Yeah, wars leave trauma, US pushed us to make peace, you think the Israeli tankers on their way to Cairo by the end of the war with no one to stop them except WW2 era tanks liked having the war stopped?
You think seriously that you can take a city of approx 5 millions people with your tankers but couldn't take a cities of 500 000 people. Come to your senses mate. That is so illogic mate. Mostly all your tanks were M-48 and M-60 and you had modernized Centoriun
False, your religious leaders allowed your soldiers to eat because of the planned war, Muslims are allowed to eat when necessary and when traveling outside of their cities, also, Ramadan isn't a real fast, you are just fasting for 12-15 hours, this is basically intermittent fasting, very easy to do, I've been doing that for years, meanwhile Jews don't eat or drink for 25 hours, much harder to do, most Israeli soldiers were at home and that's why you chose to attack us that day.
Mostly all of our soldiers were fasting who discard a death while fasting. "Ramadan isn't a real fast" please shut up mate that's why non-muslims can't even fast a whole f*cking day. Mostly they fast for 4 hours then eats. You can't compare a day of fasting to a fucking whole fasting month. Pls Beny comes to your sense. That is non-sense.
This line was meant to slow a large enemy force down until reinforcements arrive, and it did that very well.
The line was meant to prevent any cross. That's why it had not just one line but layered parallels lines.
Because you wanted peace and the Syrians didn't lol, Egyptian MiG21s would have fared just as well as Syrian ones against our F-15s, today the difference is even more drastic, Israel overpowers Egypt by a factor of 10.
Ofc, if we change the roles which mean israeli pilots on MIG-21 and Egyptians on F-15 who will get more f*cked and have higher ratio. It is logic.
believe me Egypt suffered far more trauma than Israel did.
Then why you did Agranat commission if this war traumatized Israel. It is true that we got traumatized from 6 days war and regain our honor in this war.

"Listen, every war is tragic but for the Israelis, the Yom Kippur War of October 1973 is – by a wide margin – the most traumatic."
Your response confirmed my points. You cant address the facts on the ground and a 120 plane strong bombing mission supplied with the best equipment on the planet failed because 2 planes were shotdown on your own force? That either means you are cowards or the numbers dont add up and either way its still both. Your Excuses wont forgive the give up of a land that wouldve made Israel a contenintal power and Israel only got played by the gas game with Egypt due to peace where its gas fields are now held on a leash by Egypt due to complicated deals i explained before and Sinai is now full of military airbases tunnels and outposts with a heavy presence in Sinai breaking the old camp David agreement and making it official with Israel although it is very vulnerable to Israel with no positive outcome to Israel. You dont even know the war or your own defense line or how reinforcments were intercepted and complete armored brigades were destroyed on the north. You are forced to sticking to media titles and poorly elaborated conclusions with out of this world numbers to convince yourself of a victory although all of my sources are from your chaincommand ,soliders, the American INR and Kissinger himself none of Egyptian sources. https://daqaeq.net/egypt-october-victory/
It was a matter of life or death for Israel as kissinger described and you can begin educating yourself about the war then we can start talking.
Yeah, Bar Lev line barely had any soldiers because of Yom Kippur, the holiest day of our year.

Air to air missiles were called bombs in the Israeli air force in that era because they dropped and hit the ground.

326 Israeli aircraft shot down???😂😂😂😂 Oh my god you are so pathetic, no wonder the whole Islamic world laughs about Arabs being unable to fight.

Largest air battle of the 20th century 😂?
1982 we shot down over 80 Syrian MiGs with 0 casualties, meanwhile you only managed to shoot down 2 Israeli jets while losing 7 in that battle.

Your sources are so credible 😂 You Arabs lied to each other in every war, Jordan entered 1967 war because you told them you were winning, but you got absolutely destroyed lmao

In 1973 the Syrians told you they were winning in the North so you rushed into the Sinai with your third army only to be encircled and get 8000 of your soldiers captured and thousands more dead

You're talking about mineral source yet your economy is smaller than Israel, a country with 1/10th of your population 😂

We gave you land for peace because we were tired of fighting with you, 3 years after we gave you that land we absolutely wrecked an identically armed Syrian army and air force, could have easily been Egypt instead, look at you now, we tell you not to bring army equipment to the Sinai and you behave, we tell you sit and you sit, like a good dog.

Your country is pathetic and your ego doesn't let you admit defeat even though every historian outside of the Arab world will tell you Israel won this war, you are giving specific incidents as victory points not realising that you Arabs had 10 times the casualties
You dont even bring sources lmao , here my fellow Egyptian brothers provided video evidence from your commanders and generals that you guys lost. You can not even bring me one good source from any of our historians or generals "admiting defeat" lol
You think seriously that you can take a city of approx 5 millions people with your tankers but couldn't take a cities of 500 000 people. Come to your senses mate. That is so illogic mate. Mostly all your tanks were M-48 and M-60 and you had modernized Centoriun
Yeah, those M-60s, Centurions and M-48s made short work of your technologically superior T-62s manned by your best tank crews

Imagine what they would do to your shitty entrenched T-34s lol
If the war didn't stop Israel would have captured far more than the Sinai, everything up until Cairo would be Israeli, and Cairo would have been constantly bombarded and those 5 million residents would flee.

"Couldn't take cities of 500,000 people" never tried lol, once we understood there was heavy resistance inside cities, we got outside and just waited for them to run out of supplies.

Mostly all of our soldiers were fasting who discard a death while fasting. "Ramadan isn't a real fast" please shut up mate that's why non-muslims can't even fast a whole f*cking day. Mostly they fast for 4 hours then eats. You can't compare a day of fasting to a fucking whole fasting month. Pls Beny comes to your sense. That is non-sense.
Your soldiers were eating and drinking, your religious leader permitted them to, it's a historical fact, one of the things Israeli spies reported on to the higher ups which chose to ignore it, it was a clear sign of a preparation to war.

Us Jews fast for 25 hours, it's very hard to do, even I don't always succeed. You feel ill, you stay at your house and try not to preserve energy.

12-15 hours of fasting is easy.
It's like saying "You can't compare a day of a navy seal hell week to a month of light jogs" a month of light jogs is way easier.

The line was meant to prevent any cross. That's why it had not just one line but layered parallels lines.
500 men defense lines aren't meant to stop 40,000 men with tanks and artillery lol, it's meant to slow it down until reinforcement arrive.

Ofc, if we change the roles which mean israeli pilots on MIG-21 and Egyptians on F-15 who will get more f*cked and have higher ratio. It is logic.
You couldn't shoot down a numerically inferior force in almost any given air battle, I honestly doubt you can do that even with F-15s. Anyways, the point is, Israel can rock your world now even more than it did before, its pilots are and were better and since the 80s its planes were better as well.

Then why you did Agranat commission if this war traumatized Israel. It is true that we got traumatized from 6 days war and regain our honor in this war.
Because 1973 was a more costly victory for us, we self criticize and improve, unlike the Egyptian army that celebrates a victory despite obvious numerous short comings and failures literally every historian points out.

Agranat commission was inspecting how and why did the Israeli military and government got hit in such a surprise attack, without any warning. Stupid Golda Meir got full of herself after 1967 and thought the Egyptians and Syrians would not have enough weapons in 1973 to attack, despite spies alarming the higher ups. This led Israel to let its guard down.

"Listen, every war is tragic but for the Israelis, the Yom Kippur War of October 1973 is – by a wide margin – the most traumatic."
Yeah, it is the most traumatic war for us, but a victory nontheless.

Your response confirmed my points. You cant address the facts on the ground and a 120 plane strong bombing mission supplied with the best equipment on the planet failed because 2 planes were shotdown on your own force? That either means you are cowards or the numbers dont add up and either way its still both.
There were 52 major dogfights between the Egyptians and Israelis in 1973. In all, the Egyptians succeeded in shooting down 5–8 Israeli aircraft while losing 172 of their own to Israeli fighters, out of a total of 334 Arab aircraft were shot down in air-to-air combat. Almost all Israeli airplanes that were shot down, were shot down by Soviet SAMs.

That mission "failed" because most of the aircraft that Israel aimed to destroy were in the air, and the Phantoms in the battle were mostly in an attack loadout. So the achievement we wanted wasn't achieved, and Israeli aircraft returned back to their bases. And hell, let's say 17 Israeli aircraft were shot down in Mansoura and not 2, that only pushes the numbers from 5 Israeli aircraft destroyed, to 20 Israeli aircraft destroyed in air combat, and 334 Arab aircraft destroyed.
Israel literally cleaned the floor with you.

Your Excuses wont forgive the give up of a land that wouldve made Israel a contenintal power and Israel only got played by the gas game with Egypt due to peace where its gas fields are now held on a leash by Egypt due to complicated deals i explained before and Sinai is now full of military airbases tunnels and outposts with a heavy presence in Sinai breaking the old camp David agreement and making it official with Israel although it is very vulnerable to Israel with no positive outcome to Israel.
Continental power? You don't know what power is. You're not a power. Only reason the war stopped was because the USSR was ready to send the world to hell over you.

Yeah, believe me, if it was my decision the Sinai would have been ours and much more than that, 1973 war ended with Israel winning, and winning well.

Lol, you don't let anything we don't agree on into the Sinai.

You dont even know the war or your own defense line or how reinforcments were intercepted and complete armored brigades were destroyed on the north. You are forced to sticking to media titles and poorly elaborated conclusions with out of this world numbers to convince yourself of a victory although all of my sources are from your chaincommand ,soliders, the American INR and Kissinger himself none of Egyptian sources.
You are sending me videos of people experiencing battles, yes, battles are sometimes lost, yes, soldiers sometimes retreat, but in the end, nothing refutes this:

And the fact that Egypt and Syria lost 10 times the soldiers, yet couldn't even conquer the Golan or the Sinai.

You dont even bring sources lmao , here my fellow Egyptian brothers provided video evidence from your commanders and generals that you guys lost. You can not even bring me one good source from any of our historians or generals "admiting defeat" lol
No lol, he never gave me video evidence saying that, he gave me video evidence of soldiers that participated in battles in which Israel lost.

Lol, easy, you enter here:

And go to the bibliography and enter one of the dozens of sources citing Israel's victory.

You could also watch this nice video.
Last edited:
Yeah, those M-60s, Centurions and M-48s made short work of your technologically superior T-62s manned by your best tank crews
View attachment 885674
Imagine what they would do to your shitty entrenched T-34s lol
If the war didn't stop Israel would have captured far more than the Sinai, everything up until Cairo would be Israeli, and Cairo would have been constantly bombarded and those 5 million residents would flee.

"Couldn't take cities of 500,000 people" never tried lol, once we understood there was heavy resistance inside cities, we got outside and just waited for them to run out of supplies.

Your soldiers were eating and drinking, your religious leader permitted them to, it's a historical fact, one of the things Israeli spies reported on to the higher ups which chose to ignore it, it was a clear sign of a preparation to war.

Us Jews fast for 25 hours, it's very hard to do, even I don't always succeed. You feel ill, you stay at your house and try not to preserve energy.

12-15 hours of fasting is easy.
It's like saying "You can't compare a day of a navy seal hell week to a month of light jogs" a month of light jogs is way easier.

500 men defense lines aren't meant to stop 40,000 men with tanks and artillery lol, it's meant to slow it down until reinforcement arrive.

You couldn't shoot down a numerically inferior force in almost any given air battle, I honestly doubt you can do that even with F-15s. Anyways, the point is, Israel can rock your world now even more than it did before, its pilots are and were better and since the 80s its planes were better as well.

Because 1973 was a more costly victory for us, we self criticize and improve, unlike the Egyptian army that celebrates a victory despite obvious numerous short comings and failures literally every historian points out.

Agranat commission was inspecting how and why did the Israeli military and government got hit in such a surprise attack, without any warning. Stupid Golda Meir got full of herself after 1967 and thought the Egyptians and Syrians would not have enough weapons in 1973 to attack, despite spies alarming the higher ups. This led Israel to let its guard down.

Yeah, it is the most traumatic war for us, but a victory nontheless.

There were 52 major dogfights between the Egyptians and Israelis in 1973. In all, the Egyptians succeeded in shooting down 5–8 Israeli aircraft while losing 172 of their own to Israeli fighters, out of a total of 334 Arab aircraft were shot down in air-to-air combat. Almost all Israeli airplanes that were shot down, were shot down by Soviet SAMs.

That mission "failed" because most of the aircraft that Israel aimed to destroy were in the air, and the Phantoms in the battle were mostly in an attack loadout. So the achievement we wanted wasn't achieved, and Israeli aircraft returned back to their bases. And hell, let's say 17 Israeli aircraft were shot down in Mansoura and not 2, that only pushes the numbers from 5 Israeli aircraft destroyed, to 20 Israeli aircraft destroyed in air combat, and 334 Arab aircraft destroyed.
Israel literally cleaned the floor with you.

Continental power? You don't know what power is. You're not a power. Only reason the war stopped was because the USSR was ready to send the world to hell over you.

Yeah, believe me, if it was my decision the Sinai would have been ours and much more than that, 1973 war ended with Israel winning, and winning well.

Lol, you don't let anything we don't agree on into the Sinai.

You are sending me videos of people experiencing battles, yes, battles are sometimes lost, yes, soldiers sometimes retreat, but in the end, nothing refutes this:
View attachment 885690
And the fact that Egypt and Syria lost 10 times the soldiers, yet couldn't even conquer the Golan or the Sinai.

No lol, he never gave me video evidence saying that, he gave me video evidence of soldiers that participated in battles in which Israel lost.

Lol, easy, you enter here:

And go to the bibliography and enter one of the dozens of sources citing Israel's victory.

You could also watch this nice video.
Wikipedia is not even a reliable source hahaha. Israeli wiki editors enter and edit from it according to Bennett, the video you showed above is just a copy and paste from Wikipedia which again is unreliable. My friends showed you videos from Israeli historians admitting their lose in 1973, also according to you guys you allegedly won because our 3rd army got encircled , but even David Elazar said that we resisted them

watch this
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