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Egyptian Armed Forces

Interesting documentary. One thing I don't understand is how can the Syrians only have partial victories in almost all wars and mostly lose. Egyptians performed great,Syrians again were mediocre. In 1982 you remember what happened in Lebanon. So many wars and the Syrians usually only had some small victories. I like them,I have respect for the SAA,but sometimes all the boasting and talking and they lose hundreds of tanks and aircraft.

Like the guy said in the video "HaMisrim"...

If it wasn't for Egypt...Syria couldn't have waged war alone against Israel.
True. Sadat wanted to inflected as much as possible and something we did.

Screen Shot 2022-10-07 at 12.21.58 AM.png

@Gomig-21 @The SC @Foinikas just found unclassified CIA doc.


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Interesting documentary. One thing I don't understand is how can the Syrians only have partial victories in almost all wars and mostly lose. Egyptians performed great,Syrians again were mediocre. In 1982 you remember what happened in Lebanon. So many wars and the Syrians usually only had some small victories. I like them,I have respect for the SAA,but sometimes all the boasting and talking and they lose hundreds of tanks and aircraft.

Like the guy said in the video "HaMisrim"...

If it wasn't for Egypt...Syria couldn't have waged war alone against Israel.
The Syrians and Egyptians lost nothing more than what was logical in their equipment State, especially when it comes the Air Force.
Forget the talk of Egypt and Syria having poorly trained pilots, in Egypt’s case it has been refuted both domestically and in the Helion & Co. book series. I expect the same was about the Syrians.

It took the Soviets ages to learn that their interceptors didn’t have the performance nor the weaponry to properly win an air battle, their missiles were restricted to 2G maneuvering and had poor range and angle of guidance. Israel doesn’t confirm Egypt’s claims of Air Victories but when you look at the ones they even admit to their side it’s a publicly known secret: Their mirages flew straight hence the Atolls tracked.

Mind the EAF had different proportions of MiG-21 variants over time, but it gave its MiG-21M a multirole status and the less advanced as Air Defence, because the M variant had more pylons hence can have a bigger range by deploying fuel tanks.

Egypt, left with a squadron of MiG-21F13 and then several of the P series had no gun and only 2 reverse engineered AIM-9B... these were Egypt’s AD squadrons. It was only until the Soviets tried their MiGs against the Israelis that they finally understood the EAF’s complain: it’s not training or experience but weaponry.
Even with the cannon, the velocity of shells was very low pilots would need to pull lead under their gunsights.
On the other hand the Israelis deployed AIM-9Ds and AIM-9Gs, as well as aim assisted DEFA and Vulcan cannons.

When it comes to maneuverability it’s often said: MiG-21s turn tighter hence why wouldn’t you turn around F-4s and Mirages?
The MiG had a high turn rate but was draggy for its small wing area, it only pulled high AOA and not turn tight in a direct sense, in fact.

Undoubtedly the EAF claims like 5-7 aces among its pilots between 1967 and 1973, though all turned down by the west because Israel does not admit such losses, while Egypt never confirmed losing as much aircrafts as Israel stated we did, though it got a “pass” anyways...

It stands that Egypt’s interceptors had like 1-2 kill-death ratio against the Israeli fighters between 1967 and 1971, where the Israelis deployed their DEFAs and to a less extent AIM-9D and Vulcans, Egypt majorly its Atolls.

In 1973 it was a disaster for the EAF Fishbeds, IAF usage of AIM-9Ds and AIM-9Gs and with the hastily deployment of EAF trainers and attackers against the Israeli advance in the Suez and Ismailia meant high losses to the EAF fleet in general.

You could even refer to an Egyptian pilot’s explanation of the first victory he scored at 17:50.
In 1973 it was a disaster for the EAF Fishbeds, IAF usage of AIM-9Ds and AIM-9Gs and with the hastily deployment of EAF trainers and attackers against the Israeli advance in the Suez and Ismailia meant high losses to the EAF fleet in general.
This was when the EAF lost most in air combat against the IAF, in 1973 the technology gap between both airforces was the greatest and the destruction of SAM sites after the Israeli crossing meant the EAF would be directly deployed to stand between the IAF and Egyptian forces in Ismailia, Suez and the Egyptian 4th Armoured Brigade which had to withdraw west to avoid Israeli airstrikes. Even more, the EAF deployed its MiG-17s and Su-7s directly to bomb Israeli forces (both supply routes and tank/mechanized forces) in the Deversoir gap which never really had sufficient air cover from Israeli fighters.
AFAIK according to Western sources that was the most significant casualty cause to the EAF's fleet during the war.
@Gomig-21 might have a good take on this specific topic.
The Syrians and Egyptians lost nothing more than what was logical in their equipment State, especially when it comes the Air Force.
Forget the talk of Egypt and Syria having poorly trained pilots, in Egypt’s case it has been refuted both domestically and in the Helion & Co. book series. I expect the same was about the Syrians.

It took the Soviets ages to learn that their interceptors didn’t have the performance nor the weaponry to properly win an air battle, their missiles were restricted to 2G maneuvering and had poor range and angle of guidance. Israel doesn’t confirm Egypt’s claims of Air Victories but when you look at the ones they even admit to their side it’s a publicly known secret: Their mirages flew straight hence the Atolls tracked.

Mind the EAF had different proportions of MiG-21 variants over time, but it gave its MiG-21M a multirole status and the less advanced as Air Defence, because the M variant had more pylons hence can have a bigger range by deploying fuel tanks.

Egypt, left with a squadron of MiG-21F13 and then several of the P series had no gun and only 2 reverse engineered AIM-9B... these were Egypt’s AD squadrons. It was only until the Soviets tried their MiGs against the Israelis that they finally understood the EAF’s complain: it’s not training or experience but weaponry.
Even with the cannon, the velocity of shells was very low pilots would need to pull lead under their gunsights.
On the other hand the Israelis deployed AIM-9Ds and AIM-9Gs, as well as aim assisted DEFA and Vulcan cannons.

When it comes to maneuverability it’s often said: MiG-21s turn tighter hence why wouldn’t you turn around F-4s and Mirages?
The MiG had a high turn rate but was draggy for its small wing area, it only pulled high AOA and not turn tight in a direct sense, in fact.

Undoubtedly the EAF claims like 5-7 aces among its pilots between 1967 and 1973, though all turned down by the west because Israel does not admit such losses, while Egypt never confirmed losing as much aircrafts as Israel stated we did, though it got a “pass” anyways...

It stands that Egypt’s interceptors had like 1-2 kill-death ratio against the Israeli fighters between 1967 and 1971, where the Israelis deployed their DEFAs and to a less extent AIM-9D and Vulcans, Egypt majorly its Atolls.

In 1973 it was a disaster for the EAF Fishbeds, IAF usage of AIM-9Ds and AIM-9Gs and with the hastily deployment of EAF trainers and attackers against the Israeli advance in the Suez and Ismailia meant high losses to the EAF fleet in general.

You could even refer to an Egyptian pilot’s explanation of the first victory he scored at 17:50.
I don't buy the equipment argument. How may pilots shot down Israelis in the air?

Vietnamese pilots were flying Mig 17s and were able to knock out the same Phantoms. If Egyptians shot down the planes there would be some cine footage to back up those claims and would have been open to other analysis (regardless of Israeli admission) by experts.
5-7 aces seems a lofty goal: that would mean they downed 25 -30 planes in air to air. I don't buy that till there is some 3rd party verification.

Indeed. I remember my father and mother listening to the radio and BBC and TV news and even they were crying with happiness.

What I take out of it after all these years and especially now is how much more powerful the Egyptian army is compared to that time. They fought an enemy who was clearly better equipped and was the defender with that monstrous wall and the Suez Canal to cross first! People ignore or downplay that tremendous fact.

More importantly is how Egypt held its territory and the Battle of Al Mansoura really put a staple on things to come which is why mostly things are the way they are with the EAF.

So for many years, the culprits (meaning the US and the Jews) were happy that the EAF consisted of mediocre F-16s and MiG-21s and Mirage Vs and only a handful of 2000s.

What they're seeing now is what has them terrified, especially the ease in which the EAF has not only been able to absorb the rather complex Rafale as well as the dual engined MiG-29M/M2, but the frequency of training and strategies of combined forces they've put together. Top that off with all the super acquisitions of naval and radar assets and the emphasis on drones and especially the purchase of the Su-35 and possibly the Typhoon has them shaking in their boots and the sad part is none of that is directed at them. It's strictly a deterrent which for some arrogant reason they don't like it el m3araseen w'lad eld labwa!? Go figure that one out.

I just saw a video of the Erufighter Typhoon Tranche 5 and the air to air missiles it will employ ya lahweeeee I say keep trying for the Rafale but DEFINITELY jump UGLY on the EFT ASAP! And of course, insist on the meteor or don't purchase it. There cannot be a compromise that doesn't include it.
The army of Egypt of that time time deserves a lot of praise. Unfortunately , i don't see the Israelis shivering in their boots because of Typhoons. Big aid $ from Gulf countries with whom Isreal has a truce. Egyptian army has gotten good at suppressing its civilian population
Interesting documentary. One thing I don't understand is how can the Syrians only have partial victories in almost all wars and mostly lose. Egyptians performed great,Syrians again were mediocre. In 1982 you remember what happened in Lebanon. So many wars and the Syrians usually only had some small victories. I like them,I have respect for the SAA,but sometimes all the boasting and talking and they lose hundreds of tanks and aircraft.

Like the guy said in the video "HaMisrim"...

If it wasn't for Egypt...Syria couldn't have waged war alone against Israel.
The Syrians won the first days of the war too..hundreds of their tanks reached to about 15 km from the northern Usraeli bridges.. but they were ordered to stop.. many commanders were confused by this order from Hafiz Al Assad.. and then the Usraeli counter offensive started..but there was no one or anything between them and Usrael to storm it.. I believe that was not the scope of the war ..as it was limited and wanted to force Usrael to the negotiation table.. not storm it per se.. It was known already that it was a protected entity of the US and NATO..
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I don't buy the equipment argument. How may pilots shot down Israelis in the air?

The army of Egypt of that time time deserves a lot of praise. Unfortunately , i don't see the Israelis shivering in their boots because of Typhoons. Big aid $ from Gulf countries with whom Isreal has a truce. Egyptian army has gotten good at suppressing its civilian population
What do you know about the Israeli "Phantom Falls Week" and the Egyptian "Missile Wall"?..you seem biased and have some complex..



The week of humiliation of the Zionists and the end of the legend of the invincible American weapon at the hands of the best soldiers on earth..
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I don't buy the equipment argument. How may pilots shot down Israelis in the air?

We'll get to that in a minute and trust me, you will be surprised despite the number still being in favor of the filthy land-thieving scum sucking criminal jews.

Vietnamese pilots were flying Mig 17s and were able to knock out the same Phantoms.

lol, yep, Vietnamese pilots facing F-4 Phantoms without any GUNS! lmao! How easy do you suppose it would be to shoot even a gun less F-4 Phantom with brand newly fielded AIM-7 Sparrow that barely had a 60% success rate with a Fokker triplane lmao. The tide on

The Vietnamese SA-2 SAM wall wasn't even 1/3 the potency of the Egyptian SAM wall wchich took 3 years under the cloak of darkness to set up under the arrogance of the Jews blindassesl

And understand this VERY important point many of you haters refuse to believe. The RUSSISANS were NEVER interested in Egypt defeating Israel for several reasons, 1) they did NOT want to trigger the eerie of the United States which was protecting Israel and ANY cost and refused to send us the critical aircraft that would've allowed the EAF to hit Israel proper and COMPLETELY change the dynamic of this war. The only offered defensive weapons. This was the PRIMARY reason Sadat gave those Russian the boot right up the *** out of Egypt for that critical refusal. That, right there put us at a HUGE disadvantage because as great as the MiG-21 was, it has one of the WORST fuel dispersant once the full load got used up and would slosh around the aircraft shifting the center of gravity making it almost impossible to fly dogfights where it would bleed tremendous energy hardly making it super vulnerable.

At any rate, the GREAT Egyptian Pilots changed tactics in the battle of Al Mansoura and used the MiG-21 to its exact specification as an interceptor and not a dogfighter which is why it decimated the IDF thieving scum 17 losses to 3 EAf MiGs shot down and 3 running out of fuel and crash landing,

You asked further on why those land-thieving scum are shaking in their boots? Yes, because that specific battel of Mansoura was the last air battle between the thieving scum and the GREAT Egyptian airforce that turned the tide exponentially causing the jew cowards BEGGING the US not to supply us the AIM-120 while SHAKING in their boots because now they won't be facing the lousy outdated MiG-17 (LOLWHAT A JOKE) or early defunct MiG-21s but rather state of the art Rafales that have had great success against simulation battles against the veritable F-22 and the crap-ridden and GROSSLY overrated pieces of shit F-35 and why do you suppose the US has threatened Egypt with CAATSA over the purchase of a lousy 29 Su-35SEs? Care to answer that?

And why is Dassault taking its sweet *** time upgrading all 24 EAF Rafales to the F-3R standeard" Do you even have a clue or you're just throwing spaghetti at the fridge to see if it sticks? The answer is they are doing EVERYTHING in their power to prevent the EAF from acquiring the BEST MISSILE to date in the Meter which would put any AIM-120 straight into the garbage cane

THAT, MY FRIEND, IS THE REASON THE JEWS AND AMERICAN ARE SHITTING THEIR PANTS and doing everything in their power to prevent those missiles from coming to the EAF and the same goes with the BS CAATSA on the Su-35SE because neither the scum Jews or least of all friends in the US have any answer the AWACS KILLER in the R-37M that if there ever was an engagement, with its Mach 4+ speed and ability to evade practically any airborne early warning system, the entire fleet of jews would be decimated in a matter of hours and that is why they sent their top delegations to support their lobbying contingency to make it a serious matter against us.

Let's hope you Pakistani Muslim have the DECENCY to support the RIGHT side of the victimization that has been happening since 1948 to us who lost millions of martyrs to defend the Palestinians from the filthy scum intruders and protect Islamic lands just like Allah Salaatuhu wa Ta'alat ordered us instead of portraying that filthy jealous disgusting and despicable filth or argumentation without even showing a sense of reading the history of what our martyrs went through to protect our GREAT RELIGION and out lands instead of questioning our integrity. Shame on you!

And for the moderators, if my passion and words warrant a ban, go right ahead and be my guest. I couldn't care less when our pride, integrity and courage in our martyrs is put into question, I consider my answer to that to be as respectable as possible considering the lame and filthy inconsiderate insults laid on us. If it happens, I will be moving on to much better forms of discussion with people who truly understand the plight and victory of that war to Egypt. I bid you farewell ya gama3a.

Oh I almost forgot, there are at least 5 EAF aces from the war of attrition to the October war with verified witnesses and more that are unverified since many of the battles were chicken puk puk puk pukaaaakk jews running for their lives while being blown out of the skies into smithereens without a 3rd party taking notice. But that's ok, we don't need to put lousy stickers on our aircraft to prove our fake manhood lmao. That's reserved for the coward jerwl Shoe me ONE MiG-21 2ith that uglyass star if dawood painted on it lmao. All we have is their pilots in pajamas waking down the planes and going home like the two-bit arrogant bitches they were.

Another reason why The 73 Historians should've made copies of their great videos to answer that FILHTY insult but the now defunct history challenge calling a GREATS EGYPTIAN MIG-21 VEWRITABLE fighter trying to save his life and almost pulling off a Split-S maneuver in a MiG-21 at below 300ft and be called an "EGYPTIAN CRAZY PILOT" by that filthy scum sucking TV host that should be sued for $100 million for defamation of character those worthless scum of the earth SWINE FARM PIGS.

Maybe someday we will exact revenge on those filthy smirking jew scum!

And let's watch the Americans cry along with the Jews when
- our submarine fleet exceeds the current 8 Type 209s & Romeo class fitted with Harpoons to 20 Scorpene and Baraccudas ahahah they wont even venture out of their territoirian waters those suck-cucking hogs.
- 13 Frigates of the best worldly caliber and soon to reach 28 with 19 destroyers with cruise missiles.
- 54+ Rafales with MICA NG (next Generation)
- 24 and eventual 72 Euro fighter typhoons with METEOR missiles
- 52 Ka-52 with KIHVR missiles to shoot down Eveny F-16s and ever tank out there
- 46 MiG-29 and soon 100 Mi%-35s that are twice as powerful as the UNSULT the US offered in their POS F-15 those disrespectful scum of the earth!
- 30 plus Su-35SE with the most potent A2A munitions in the new and longer range R-77-1 and deadly AWACs killer in the R-37M amongst a huge slew of other deadly weapons
- 7 and possibly more 11 batteries of German IRIST-T-SLM SAMS that will make out S-300VM look like child's play
1-12 more Barracuda or Scarpone subs and see the knees of the Jews buckle and collapse!
Oh an don't forget the several option the EAF has for the its not only 5th generation fleet, but poissible a upst into the rth gen. Then let's see how hard they shake in the stinky filthy smelly boots whit their needs buckle like a Sunday football percussion set LMFAOOOOOO! There's you answer, sir,

Later fellas it's been nice talking to you for all these years! Tahyia MIRS.
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There is some rumors saying that Egypt is negotiating with Renaud to build locally trucks
I think that's regarding the Renault Ks, tank transporters that Egypt already uses in decent numbers.

There are way better pictures than this. I only have this screenshot because tank transporters are not really my thing.
Egypt is probably looking to replace its aging fleet of Berliet TLM 280s, Renault GBH 280s and International Paystar 5000s
Renault GBC 280.jpg

I think that's regarding the Renault Ks, tank transporters that Egypt already uses in decent numbers.
View attachment 885301
There are way better pictures than this. I only have this screenshot because tank transporters are not really my thing.
Egypt is probably looking to replace its aging fleet of Berliet TLM 280s, Renault GBH 280s and International Paystar 5000s
View attachment 885304
View attachment 885305
Those renaults, which Egypt will probably build them locally, are the modernized types and do modern armies use them? Yes or no
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I don't buy the equipment argument. How may pilots shot down Israelis in the air?

Vietnamese pilots were flying Mig 17s and were able to knock out the same Phantoms. If Egyptians shot down the planes there would be some cine footage to back up those claims and would have been open to other analysis (regardless of Israeli admission) by experts.
5-7 aces seems a lofty goal: that would mean they downed 25 -30 planes in air to air. I don't buy that till there is some 3rd party verification.
The number of pilots to score kills is entirely unknown, but mind the Vietnamese came up against poorly trained Americans when it comes to A-A combat, the Israelis had it practised over and over for a bit short of a decade.
The reason was they only had their cannons, they weren't supplied French heat seekers.

Now mind the Indians for example had already pulled their R-3S out of service sometime around 1971-1972, and for reasons stated like in this video.

Undoubtedly only a few gun camera footage was ever released by the EAF, but even then they never for example released gun camera footage of the shooting down of 2 Israeli fighters that were confirmed by the UN forces in 1959...
When some pilots were approached individually by western journalists during the war they handed over:
images (2).jpg
images (1)g.jpg

Vietnamese MiG-17s had their own performance-guaranteed edge over Skyhawks and Intruders. But for Egypt to deploy them against Mirage IIIC and later on Mirage 5F (variant) and F-4Es was some sort of a WWII era Boom and Zoom tactics promoting campaign...
MiG-17s weren't seen as sufficient by the EAF, by the mid 1960s they were assigned ground attack roles while MiG-19s formed Egypt's main fighter force and MiG-21s as interceptors.
The reasons are easy to understand, Egypt's deployment to Yemen held some of the most undermentioned bombing campaigns in the last century, with MiG-17s and IL-28s deployed for ground support there the MiG-19s arriving sometime in 1966 to provide escort against the RSAF.
In other words, both the MiG-17 fleet's capabilities and experience meant air combat was nothing but generosity from the MiG-17 pilots in the EAF.

Let me now thing loudly: The Israelis claim seven EAF jets were shot down on the 6th of October during an attempted airstrike on Ofira Air Field, but the EAF admits only losing 4 fighters on that day, one of which was a Su-7 piloted by Anwar Sadat's brother, Atef.
The evidence were one footage of a MiG-17/F-4 dogfight where the MiG-17 is shot down and falls into the water, the other was a MiG-17 wreckage photographed in the city. Where are the rest?


This is one of tens of examples of claim disputes.
Egypt would state its losses without a specified cause, in other words within the spectrum of the numbers stated its Israel to determine how it destroyed/shot down/sunk the losses in question. Israel, on the other hand, attributed most of its losses to SAM missiles, while the Mirage III/Nesher in question was claimed by Egyptian MiG-21s.
Egypt's previous Chief of Staff claimed 1,000 lives lost and 4,000 injured during the War in Yemen, the west claimed thousands without even having Egypt's claim stated. In 1973 Egypt claimed 5,000 Soldiers and Civilians killed but the West pushed for the exaggerated 10,000.
The EAF had claimed 14 Phantom/Skyhawks on the 14th of October
Around 10 Mirage 5/F-4Es Between the 20th of October and the 28th of October.
The number of pilots to score kills is entirely unknown, but mind the Vietnamese came up against poorly trained Americans when it comes to A-A combat, the Israelis had it practised over and over for a bit short of a decade.
The reason was they only had their cannons, they weren't supplied French heat seekers.

Now mind the Indians for example had already pulled their R-3S out of service sometime around 1971-1972, and for reasons stated like in this video.

Undoubtedly only a few gun camera footage was ever released by the EAF, but even then they never for example released gun camera footage of the shooting down of 2 Israeli fighters that were confirmed by the UN forces in 1959...
When some pilots were approached individually by western journalists during the war they handed over: View attachment 885283View attachment 885284

Vietnamese MiG-17s had their own performance-guaranteed edge over Skyhawks and Intruders. But for Egypt to deploy them against Mirage IIIC and later on Mirage 5F (variant) and F-4Es was some sort of a WWII era Boom and Zoom tactics promoting campaign...
MiG-17s weren't seen as sufficient by the EAF, by the mid 1960s they were assigned ground attack roles while MiG-19s formed Egypt's main fighter force and MiG-21s as interceptors.
The reasons are easy to understand, Egypt's deployment to Yemen held some of the most undermentioned bombing campaigns in the last century, with MiG-17s and IL-28s deployed for ground support there the MiG-19s arriving sometime in 1966 to provide escort against the RSAF.
In other words, both the MiG-17 fleet's capabilities and experience meant air combat was nothing but generosity from the MiG-17 pilots in the EAF.

Let me now thing loudly: The Israelis claim seven EAF jets were shot down on the 6th of October during an attempted airstrike on Ofira Air Field, but the EAF admits only losing 4 fighters on that day, one of which was a Su-7 piloted by Anwar Sadat's brother, Atef.
The evidence were one footage of a MiG-17/F-4 dogfight where the MiG-17 is shot down and falls into the water, the other was a MiG-17 wreckage photographed in the city. Where are the rest?

View attachment 885306
This is one of tens of examples of claim disputes.
Egypt would state its losses without a specified cause, in other words within the spectrum of the numbers stated its Israel to determine how it destroyed/shot down/sunk the losses in question. Israel, on the other hand, attributed most of its losses to SAM missiles, while the Mirage III/Nesher in question was claimed by Egyptian MiG-21s.
Egypt's previous Chief of Staff claimed 1,000 lives lost and 4,000 injured during the War in Yemen, the west claimed thousands without even having Egypt's claim stated. In 1973 Egypt claimed 5,000 Soldiers and Civilians killed but the West pushed for the exaggerated 10,000.
The EAF had claimed 14 Phantom/Skyhawks on the 14th of October
Around 10 Mirage 5/F-4Es Between the 20th of October and the 28th of October.
You were an air force pilot or what just asking hahahaha. Or just a person who loves aviation. Allah yerham Atef Sadat and the other air force pilots died for defending our honor. Do you know that probably Atef Sadat was the first martyr of this war.
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