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Egyptian Armed Forces

@joker88 few weeks ago, I saw you on twitter and it was writtng مشاة البحرية on your bio. So you are in the army or just someone who loves defense, military stuff.

Still waiting 🤷🏻‍♂️ Ana mish3araf matha ya3meloun el fransa. They said they would be sending one every month.
Maybe the next exercice, we will both egyptian and hellenic Rafales together?
The documents you sent just said that Egyptian sources claimed they only want 20km of the Sinai, anyways, as we concluded, and as your friend concluded, you never could conquer the Sinai, you never stood a chance, because you are weaker and pathetic, and the victory you cheer for was solely a voluntary decision made by Israel 6 years after the war, in a time Israel had F-15s and 16s and SEAD missiles and could have steamrolled you just as quick as we steamrolled Syria in 1982

You don't seem to understand the unimportance of Mansoura battle, Israel wanted to bomb planes on the ground like it did in 1967, when it saw that the Egyptians learned to fly their planes when bombing missions are incoming they stopped the bombing missions and focused on air to air battles

Damn bro got mad that his military is incapable of conquering the Sinai and changed objective as soon as they started losing in order to claim victory

He also talks about specific battles Israel lost at while Egypt and Syria had 10 times the causalities

Tell me you didnt read the sources by not telling you didnt read the sources. Please spare me according to whom is your tedtalk? Which contradicts with your chain of command PM and Kissinger which are mentioned in the sources i sent. Called off a 120 plane bombing mission on airfields because the loss of 2 planes and the targets were airborne although Israel defeated the Egyptians in the air according to you they ignored way more important target like runways command posts and reserve pilots 😛. I would really like to know from whom did you hear this or did you just made it up as usual? Go and SEAD the aswan dam and steamroll us i would love to see it in your dreams as a powerpoint presentation soon 😘 cya next year with that presentation
Tell me you didnt read the sources by not telling you didnt read the sources. Please spare me according to whom is your tedtalk? Which contradicts with your chain of command PM and Kissinger which are mentioned in the sources i sent. Called off a 120 plane bombing mission on airfields because the loss of 2 planes and the targets were airborne although Israel defeated the Egyptians in the air according to you they ignored way more important target like runways command posts and reserve pilots 😛. I would really like to know from whom did you hear this or did you just made it up as usual? Go and SEAD the aswan dam and steamroll us i would love to see it in your dreams as a powerpoint presentation soon 😘 cya next year with that presentation
Israeli planes shot down in air to air combat: 5-8
Arab planes shot down in air to air combat: 330~
Goes to show who is better lol

I like how you base your victory over a single battle you didn't really win anyways in terms of air to air kills
The Libyan saga is becoming so boring and repetitive. When we will have f*cking peace on our western borders. Haga bent khara neikkk a7a.
3andama you kick out el ikhwan khanazeer min Trablus! Aquila wa Haftar must rule this country and bring stability and prosperity,finally.
3andama you kick out el ikhwan khanazeer min Trablus! Aquila wa Haftar must rule this country and bring stability and prosperity,finally.
I don't think that Haftar will be a good ruler. He will be ruthless and maybe create another civil war exactly like Ghadafi. He is only a military man like taking the order and execute it. For Libya, you must have a strong leader that can reunited all tribes because Libya is so tribalism. He isn't an economically minded.

Honestly for the best for Libya, the future gov must be neutral between Egypt and Turkey, they must attract investors from both sides. Ya3ni, I heard that they wanted 1 million egyptians to work in Libya (rebuilding etc...). Even Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh visited our new administrative capital and said he wants something like that in Libya (mesh faker kan 2al eh bezapt)
I don't think that Haftar will be a good ruler. He will be ruthless and maybe create another civil war exactly like Ghadafi. He is only a military man like taking the order and execute it. For Libya, you must have a strong leader that can reunited all tribes because Libya is so tribalism.
That's why he needs to be the leader of the Army,while others handle the politics. They have to start making money out of the oil and reconstruct the whole country.
That's why he needs to be the leader of the Army,while others handle the politics. They have to start making money out of the oil and reconstruct the whole country.
Then he will do a military coup then Libya will be again in civil war. Look at Sudan, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan did a "military coup" one year ago and till now, every week there is protest against the army.
Then he will do a military coup then Libya will be again in civil war. Look at Sudan, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan did a "military coup" one year ago and till now, every week there is protest against the army.
Same things again and again...
True. Sadly, Libya and all tribal sectarians are always living in a vicious circle. Elhamdullilah, Egypt isn't tribalist nor sectarian, we are united.
You know who wanted to divide Egypt from Libya...they wanted to use the Muslim Brotherhood. But their plans were stopped.
And your arrogance at the BS strength of your lousy 8 million population all it would take is 1/4 of our population tp walk right into your capital and destroy your it in hours. Try not to be so arrogant like you typical zionist jews hi and just might you'll fall right on your face in PAESTINIAN SAND haha.

You have NOT idea as proven by your arrogant an condescending comments what all we could do to you in 3 days when people will be talking about the 3 day war that instead of the cowardly Jew invasion where the whole word is supporting the Ukraine and chastising Russia for doing Exactly what your thieving land expansionists dreamed off in 1957 & 1967 AND BOTH TIME YOU TUCKED YOUR RABID TAILS in SHAMEFUL withdrawal because you knew dm well we were ready to start another war and kill thousands of your thieving criminals. Get it through your stubborn head!

The rest of your quotes are ridiculous beyond believe there is SO MUCH HATRED FOR YOU KIND that even old Om Ahmad will pick up a broom just to swat as many racists thieving Israelis.

And as the GREAT BATTLE OF AL MANSOURA, why do you suppose your skinny 120lbs clown lobbyist are BEGGING the US not to sell us the Meter with out Rafals and Especially the SU-35? Answer that, smart guy? CUz you're scared crapless from how we'll take out all your AWACs and leave you blind and bunch of chickens with their heads cut off roaming the skies without any positive IFF and your get picked by not only our Rafales, but MiGs but ESPECIA LLY the SU-30 not to mention our stater of the art radar & ultra modernized EAD .
This isn't your grandmother's army pal hahahaha nor is it certainly your grandfather's; ........So sleep well while you can.
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