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Egyptian Armed Forces

Africa Intelligence confirms French submarines win bidding for Egyptian submarines and Sisi's request for 6 SMX Ocean

If they're able to sign this contract for 6 SMX Oceans which are essentially the same exact submarines Australia was going to order from France before the US and its subservient pawn the UK swept in and pulled the rug out from under the French's feet and stole the Australian contract in one of the dirtiest military industrial complex undercutting we've ever seen, with the only exception being these would be the SMX Oceans with AIP propulsion and not the Barracudas with nuclear powered propulsion. That's essentially the only difference and while it limits the submarine's submerging capabilities to 21 straight days under water compared to essentially infinite number of days under water with nuclear powered version but still dependent of availability of supplies and the human endurance factor.

So to me, the difference is really minimal and even better as it still makes these subs deadly lethal at the same time without the need for the safeguards of nuclear energy which is fine by me.

It still has some of the most modern and deadly weapons systems between the underwater scout vessel with its neat release and recovery system to the use of underwater-launched UAV recon platforms instead of coming up to periscope level and exposing itself. That feature alone somewhat lessens the importance of aerial ASW platforms like the P-8 and other ASW helicopters etc. And if they can actually employ UCAVs lol, wowowow!

This contract would effectively give the Egyptian Navy 10 modern stealthy & deadly submarines including 6 blue water platforms and they would still have the 4 Chinese Romeo class subs, While somewhat much older and less capable, they can still be used very effectively for close-to-shore missions during large conflicts as well as COIN and anti-terrorist missions.

Having the SCALP naval with other land attack munitions is what the EN really needs with these submarines and between the Mistrals, the Rafales to a certain extent because of the US' refusal to sell it to the EAF and now these if this goes through will be 3 deadly platforms of huge caliber that the US has been the cause of when it goes out of its way to cheat and steal and deprive ones from acquiring certain platforms to others (mainly Egypt in this case) from benefiting tremendously from those goofups.

And when it and the Jewish disaster next door go out of their way to deprive Egypt from certain weapons such as the Su-35SE, then assuring an enemy to both of them in Iran acquiring them will also be working completely against them since now those platforms will be most certainly used against any US-aided Jewish attack on Iran's nukes assets. When it could've just minded its own business and not deprived Egypt from having them, they would be much less dangerous against US and Jewish interest than they would be in Iran's hands lol. Talk about kicking yourself in your own head! Let's hope there is still a glimmer of a chance those Su-35s do still end up in the EAF. But this is great news if these subs manage to come to the EN.
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Egypt, GCC, and air defense systems production partnership


The Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi reportedly succeeded in convincing several GCC leaders to establish a partnership to manufacture air defense systems in Egypt.

Several American, European, and Chinese defense companies are said to be ready to cooperate and invest in this partnership.

Aywa keda. We neeed an AD system to be produce in Egypt.
If they're able to sign this contract for 6 SMX Oceans which are essentially the same exact submarines Australia was going to order from France before the US and its subservient pawn the UK swept in and pulled the rug out from under the French's feet and stole the Australian contract in one of the dirtiest military industrial complex undercutting we've ever seen, with the only exception being these would be the SMX Oceans with AIP propulsion and not the Barracudas with nuclear powered propulsion. That's essentially the only difference and while it limits the submarine's submerging capabilities to 21 straight days under water compared to essentially infinite number of days under water with nuclear powered version but still dependent of availability of supplies and the human endurance factor.

So to me, the difference is really minimal and even better as it still makes these subs deadly lethal at the same time without the need for the safeguards of nuclear energy which is fine by me.

It still has some of the most modern and deadly weapons systems between the underwater scout vessel with its neat release and recovery system to the use of underwater-launched UAV recon platforms instead of coming up to periscope level and exposing itself. That feature alone somewhat lessens the importance of aerial ASW platforms like the P-8 and other ASW helicopters etc. And if they can actually employ UCAVs lol, wowowow!

This contract would effectively give the Egyptian Navy 10 modern stealthy & deadly submarines including 6 blue water platforms and they would still have the 4 Chinese Romeo class subs, While somewhat much older and less capable, they can still be used very effectively for close-to-shore missions during large conflicts as well as COIN and anti-terrorist missions.

Having the SCALP naval with other land attack munitions is what the EN really needs with these submarines and between the Mistrals, the Rafales to a certain extent because of the US' refusal to sell it to the EAF and now these if this goes through will be 3 deadly platforms of huge caliber that the US has been the cause of when it goes out of its way to cheat and steal and deprive ones from acquiring certain platforms to others (mainly Egypt in this case) from benefiting tremendously from those goofups.

And when it and the Jewish disaster next door go out of their way to deprive Egypt from certain weapons such as the Su-35SE, then assuring an enemy to both of them in Iran acquiring them will also be working completely against them since now those platforms will be most certainly used against any US-aided Jewish attack on Iran's nukes assets. When it could've just minded its own business and not deprived Egypt from having them, they would be much less dangerous against US and Jewish interest than they would be in Iran's hands lol. Talk about kicking yourself in your own head! Let's hope there is still a glimmer of a chance those Su-35s do still end up in the EAF. But this is great news if these subs manage to come to the EN.
I believe there is these 6 SMX Ocean and another 6 Scorpene 2000 with ToT and localisation..

Do you remember the first articles were talking about 12 submarines from France..
If they're able to sign this contract for 6 SMX Oceans which are essentially the same exact submarines Australia was going to order from France before the US and its subservient pawn the UK swept in and pulled the rug out from under the French's feet and stole the Australian contract in one of the dirtiest military industrial complex undercutting we've ever seen, with the only exception being these would be the SMX Oceans with AIP propulsion and not the Barracudas with nuclear powered propulsion. That's essentially the only difference and while it limits the submarine's submerging capabilities to 21 straight days under water compared to essentially infinite number of days under water with nuclear powered version but still dependent of availability of supplies and the human endurance factor.

So to me, the difference is really minimal and even better as it still makes these subs deadly lethal at the same time without the need for the safeguards of nuclear energy which is fine by me.

It still has some of the most modern and deadly weapons systems between the underwater scout vessel with its neat release and recovery system to the use of underwater-launched UAV recon platforms instead of coming up to periscope level and exposing itself. That feature alone somewhat lessens the importance of aerial ASW platforms like the P-8 and other ASW helicopters etc. And if they can actually employ UCAVs lol, wowowow!

This contract would effectively give the Egyptian Navy 10 modern stealthy & deadly submarines including 6 blue water platforms and they would still have the 4 Chinese Romeo class subs, While somewhat much older and less capable, they can still be used very effectively for close-to-shore missions during large conflicts as well as COIN and anti-terrorist missions.

Having the SCALP naval with other land attack munitions is what the EN really needs with these submarines and between the Mistrals, the Rafales to a certain extent because of the US' refusal to sell it to the EAF and now these if this goes through will be 3 deadly platforms of huge caliber that the US has been the cause of when it goes out of its way to cheat and steal and deprive ones from acquiring certain platforms to others (mainly Egypt in this case) from benefiting tremendously from those goofups.

And when it and the Jewish disaster next door go out of their way to deprive Egypt from certain weapons such as the Su-35SE, then assuring an enemy to both of them in Iran acquiring them will also be working completely against them since now those platforms will be most certainly used against any US-aided Jewish attack on Iran's nukes assets. When it could've just minded its own business and not deprived Egypt from having them, they would be much less dangerous against US and Jewish interest than they would be in Iran's hands lol. Talk about kicking yourself in your own head! Let's hope there is still a glimmer of a chance those Su-35s do still end up in the EAF. But this is great news if these subs manage to come to the EN.
arent we gonna make nuclear fuel and build a few more nuclear reactors in the future? These subs will take no less than 8 years especially if theres tot as some people have saidand by that time our nuclear reactors will be functioning and we might build more as well so why not get the nuclear one?
arent we gonna make nuclear fuel and build a few more nuclear reactors in the future? These subs will take no less than 8 years especially if theres tot as some people have saidand by that time our nuclear reactors will be functioning and we might build more as well so why not get the nuclear one?
They are not for sale.. and you need to make your own naval nuclear reactor propulsion..
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I don't believe that Egypt will have a nuclear powered subs. The US will never let have. Maybe the non powered sub like the scorpene class.
I believe there is these 6 SMX Ocean and another 6 Scorpene 2000 with ToT and localisation..

Do you remember the first articles were talking about 12 submarines from France..

I do remember that now that you mentioned it. I think, to be honest, when that news first came out we (or at least most of us) thought it was craaaazzzzyyyyy lol. 12 submarines of the Scorpene level!? Of course, most -- including myself -- were thinking that was one of the biggest, shameless hoaxes being perpetrated on us loooool. Now that it seems to be coming to fruition, or at least getting there which still, makes it seem just as crazy. But I suppose the craziest and most outlandish purchase the EGY military could ever make is arguably the French aircraft carrier with 24 Rafale Ms (and probably more fighters since that's the total the ship can carry or store at once for its capacity) so that they have trainers and of course backup aircraft. So likely at least 30 Rafale Ms and with the aircraft carrier, if that ever does happen will make these 12 Scorpene submarines look like child's play lmaooooo. Good stuff.

What kind of number would you put on the entire aircraft carrier package? $10 billion or more? I forget if you mentioned this already, but what is the cost per one of those SMX Oceans? Not even sure what the EN paid for a single Type 209 from Germany, I think they were the same as the cost of one MEKO A200 frigate which was around $500 million or possibly Euros. 2 of them were right around 1 billion IIRC.

Sweet shot of Egyptian Navy FREMM Aquitaine Tahya Misr frigate taken from an escort ship with a Browning NMG in the foreground. Great looking frigate and a shame they were only able to get 1 of these. A pair or 3 or 4 would've been much better but hey, it can easily adapt with the killer-looking Bergamini FREMMs.


Great top look of one of the 4 EN Gowind 2500 stealth corvettes and its main systems.


- 1 × OTO Melara 76 mm main gun
- 2 × Nexter Narwhal 20 mm cannon
- 16 × VLS for VL Mica surface-to-air missiles
- 8 × MBDA MM40 Exocet antiship missile launchers
- 2 × triple torpedo launcher

Helicopter Pad:

- Aft landing pad with chain & pulley lock cleats
- Single garage hangar for NH60-type & size helicopter
- Aircraft armament & logistics packages stowage & storage

Electronic warfare & decoys:

- Vigil 200 Tactical R-ESM System
- Altesse Naval C-ESM
- Sylena MK2 decoy launcher system


Not only is it good-looking and wicked sharp, but it's lethal and packed for a vette-sized vessel.

Great shot of Egyptian Air Force Beechcraft 1900 in flight from 2017.


Silver Stars K-8E with armament display.


Rafale low pass flyby over Cairo East airbase.


If I remember correctly, the Egyptian Army has close to 5,000 HUMVEEs of all types.


M60A3s and trucks.


SA-6 & Shilkas


Great shot of EAF F-16 with GBU-12 Paveway PGM and AIM-9L last check red tag removal by crew member.


Sweet shots of EAF F-16 heavy banking run in Crete, Greece with our brothers & sisters of the Hellenic Air Force exercise.


Heavy, heavy, heavy 360 degree banking on a screaming minimum radius turn.


Group of Avengers being unloaded off of a Mistral LHD Assault & Helo carrier L-Cat Landing Craft.





What do you fellas suppose is in those binder booklets those two Sa'ka commanders are holding? Interesting to see them with SiG 552s


MU-90 standard lethal torpedo used by the Egyptian Navy on several of its platforms that can single-handedly take out and sink an entire destroyer. Egypt is 1 of 8 countries currently invested in the creating and usage of the MU-90 torpedo.



I really hope they're able to strike a deal with Leonardo for those 24 Eurofighter Typhoons and possibly more thereafter to bolster the powerful and lethal Rafale/Euro-canard platform in the EAF.

Check out that VERY interesting hand-painted serial number on this EAF Mirage 2000 EM.
BTW, in 1981, Egypt paid $890 million for 20 of these Mirage 2000s. 16 EMs (single seaters) & 4 DMs (two-seaters) & all associated armament, training, logistics support etc. That averaged out to approximately $45 million per aircraft which was really not that cheap back then.


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I do remember that now that you mentioned it. I think, to be honest, when that news first came out we (or at least most of us) thought it was craaaazzzzyyyyy lol. 12 submarines of the Scorpene level!? Of course, most -- including myself -- were thinking that was one of the biggest, shameless hoaxes being perpetrated on us loooool. Now that it seems to be coming to fruition, or at least getting there which still, makes it seem just as crazy. But I suppose the craziest and most outlandish purchase the EGY military could ever make is arguably the French aircraft carrier with 24 Rafale Ms (and probably more fighters since that's the total the ship can carry or store at once for its capacity) so that they have trainers and of course backup aircraft. So likely at least 30 Rafale Ms and with the aircraft carrier, if that ever does happen will make these 12 Scorpene submarines look like child's play lmaooooo. Good stuff.

What kind of number would you put on the entire aircraft carrier package? $10 billion or more? I forget if you mentioned this already, but what is the cost per one of those SMX Oceans? Not even sure what the EN paid for a single Type 209 from Germany, I think they were the same as the cost of one MEKO A200 frigate which was around $500 million or possibly Euros. 2 of them were right around 1 billion IIRC.

Sweet shot of Egyptian Navy FREMM Aquitaine Tahya Misr frigate taken from an escort ship with a Browning NMG in the foreground. Great looking frigate and a shame they were only able to get 1 of these. A pair or 3 or 4 would've been much better but hey, it can easily adapt with the killer-looking Bergamini FREMMs.

View attachment 877535

Great top look of one of the 4 EN Gowind 2.500 stealth corvettes and its main systems.


- 1 × OTO Melara 76 mm main gun
- 2 × Nexter Narwhal 20 mm cannon
- 16 × VLS for VL Mica surface-to-air missiles
- 8 × MBDA MM40 Exocet antiship missile launchers
- 2 × triple torpedo launcher

Helicopter Pad:

- Aft landing pad with chain & pulley lock cleats
- Single garage hangar for NH60-type & size helicopter
- Aircraft armament & logistics packages stowage & storage

Electronic warfare & decoys:

- Vigil 200 Tactical R-ESM System
- Altesse Naval C-ESM
- Sylena MK2 decoy launcher system

View attachment 877526

Not only is it good-looking and wicked sharp, but it's lethal and packed for a vette-sized vessel.

Great shot of Egyptian Air Force Beechcraft 1900 in flight from 2017.

View attachment 877529

Silver Stars K-8E with armament display.

View attachment 877530

Rafale low pass flyby over Cairo East airbase.

View attachment 877531

If I remember correctly, the Egyptian Army has close to 5,000 HUMVEEs of all types.

View attachment 877532

M60A3s and trucks.

View attachment 877533

SA-6 & Shilkas

View attachment 877534

Great shot of EAF F-16 with GBU-12 Paveway PGM and AIM-9L last check red tag removal by crew member.

View attachment 877536

Sweet shots of EAF F-16 heavy banking run in Crete, Greece with our brothers & sisters of the Hellenic Air Force exercise.

View attachment 877537

Heavy, heavy, heavy 360 degree banking on a screaming minimum radius turn.

View attachment 877538

Group of Avengers being unloaded off of a Mistral LHD Assault & Helo carrier L-Cat Landing Craft.

View attachment 877540

View attachment 877549

View attachment 877542

View attachment 877543

What do you fellas suppose is in those binder booklets those two Sa'ka commanders are holding? Interesting to see them with SiG 552s

View attachment 877544

MU-90 standard lethal torpedo used by the Egyptian Navy on several of its platforms that can single-handedly take out and sink an entire destroyer. Egypt is 1 of 8 countries currently invested in the creating and usage of the MU-90 torpedo.

View attachment 877545

View attachment 877546

I really hope they're able to strike a deal with Leonardo for those 24 Eurofighter Typhoons and possibly more thereafter to bolster the powerful and lethal Rafale/Euro-canard platform in the EAF.

Check out that VERY interesting hand-painted serial number on this EAF Mirage 2000 EM.
BTW, in 1981, Egypt paid $890 million for 20 of these Mirage 2000s. 16 EMs (single seaters) & 4 DMs (two-seaters) & all associated armament, training, logistics support etc. That averaged out to approximately $45 million per aircraft which was really not that cheap back then.

View attachment 877547

View attachment 877548
The AC won't cost more than $5 billion fully equipped and with the 24 Rafale Ms..if it is new..some say it might be a used one..but very doubtful as the French current AC Charles de Gaulle have nuclear propulsion as far as it is known.. but they were building/proposing a new one with conventional propulsion The PA2....and Egypt showed a lot of interest in it..


I'm impressed that 2 Arab countries namely Egypt and Morocco are involved in the MU-90 torpedo..
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The AC won't cost more than $5 billion fully equipped and with the 24 Rafale Ms..if it is new..some say it might be a used one..but very doubtful as the French current AC Charles de Gaulle have nuclear propulsion as far as it is known.. but they were building/proposing a new one with conventional propulsion The PA2....and Egypt showed a lot of interest in it..

View attachment 877554

Oh yes, most definitely the PA-2. We were talking about this on another thread recently with the EN being interested in the Rafale M. which coincidentally is really only if there's an ocean-bound platform for a naval fighter to deploy off of.

The interesting part of the PA-2 is that because they purposely designed it as a non-nuclear-powered AC is because the plan was for France to propose it as a mega export ticket to those who can afford it and obviously those who aren't "black-listed" by them, NATO and to a certain extent, the US.

The other neat thing about this is the Egyptian military is on great standing with France thanks to the Abdel Fatah El Sisi administration that has developed that great friendship & relationship with the Macron administration which saw Egypt be the first export customer of the Rafale, followed by the mega naval deal in the Mistrals, FREMM, Gowind with ToT and hopefully a full-fledged aircraft carrier. That will be just out of this world.

If you think about the grief and criticism and chastising and aggravation, we got for purchasing the 2 Mistrals, can you imagine the level of grief we're going to get for purchasing an aircraft carrier LMFAO!

Oh yes, most definitely the PA-2. We were talking about this on another thread recently with the EN being interested in the Rafale M. which coincidentally is really only if there's an ocean-bound platform for a naval fighter to deploy off of.

The interesting part of the PA-2 is that because they purposely designed it as a non-nuclear-powered AC is because the plan was for France to propose it as a mega export ticket to those who can afford it and obviously those who aren't "black-listed" by them, NATO and to a certain extent, the US.

The other neat thing about this is the Egyptian military is on great standing with France thanks to the Abdel Fatah El Sisi administration that has developed that great friendship & relationship with the Macron administration which saw Egypt be the first export customer of the Rafale, followed by the mega naval deal in the Mistrals, FREMM, Gowind with ToT and hopefully a full-fledged aircraft carrier. That will be just out of this world.

If you think about the grief and criticism and chastising and aggravation, we got for purchasing the 2 Mistrals, can you imagine the level of grief we're going to get for purchasing an aircraft carrier LMFAO!

Don't forget the Barracuda and Scorpene submarines.. all 12 of them.. those will be the final blow and provoke a heart attack to the envious and the enemies of Egypt..



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If there is truth to this very possible scenario, then this will be huge. You had mentioned about a year and a half ago that the EN was interested in these Barracudas, I believe something like 2 of them at the time and now they're talking about possibly 6 of them!? Holy moly that brings a lot of fascinating dynamics into the Egyptian military power and specifically the navy, of course.

Submarines are the quintessential deadly & stealthy assets of any military. They actually represent a military's true strength because of their lethality as weapons platforms with their ability to stay hidden underwater while creating ultimate fear and the potential of massive destruction.

Heck, we even know how much the Egyptian military understands that concept very well, you would almost think they understand it better than many others because of what and how they've invested into anti-submarine warfare AND anti-submarine warfare platforms and training. If you think about it, how many assets have they dedicated to that? Most of the frigates they bought are not necessarily ASW (anti-submarine warfare) ships, nor are they fully dedicated ASUW (Anti Surface Warfare) or even ADW (Air Defense Warfare) although most of them such as the Gowinds and Bergaminis and even the MEKOs that are coming are more geared for ASUW & ADW roles.

Take the French-built Aquitaine FREMM, Tahya Misr, is a pure DPW (Dual Purpose Warfare + ADW) while the one Aquitaine FREMM that Morocco bought for its navy and is identical to the Tahya Misr, is strictly an ASW platform. They might've heavily considered a counter to Algeria's 5 deadly Kilo submarines.

But the EN has put a lot of stock into anti-submarine warfare as well. with practically all the Oliver Perry Class & the Knox Class frigates which are purely anti-submarine warfare ships. Then they've dedicated an entire squadron of helicopters strictly for hunting submarines in the 8 Kaman SH-2 Seasprite helicopters and I wouldn't doubt if they'll be equipping and using some of the newly purchased AW-149s/189s as ASW helos.

They also have very capable and heavy ASW capabilities in their E-2C Hawkeyes. Those dish-carrying birds aren't strictly performing AEWCs missions for airborne enemies only. They actually hunt submarines very effectively hence why the US Navy uses them on its aircraft carriers for their dual roles. They hunt for intel and airborne early warning and command of enemy aircraft just as much as they hunt for submarine threats to the carriers.

I'll post it if I see it again, but I just recently saw a quick clip or a P-8 Poseidon flying over a patch of the Mediterranean Sea, and it was filming a submarine that was at periscope depth and the clarity of the submarine was described as a result of the clear waters of the Mediterranean Sea, which made it much easier for the P-8 to spot. They never said who's submarine it was, but it was incredible footage.

We've also seen Egyptian Navy seem very interested in that Italian aircraft that's basically their version of the P-8 Poseidon I forget what it's called. I think you either opened a thread on it or posted the news of the EN interested in it on this thread. Do you remember what it was?

Apparently now they've determined that the Jews having lost their panties in a bunch to the Germans for selling us 4 Type 209 submarines which pose a tremendous threat to them and their navy -- not sure why since we respect the peace treaty better than anyone could -- that they have most likely backed out of offering anything substantially better than the Type 209 to the EN. It also appears the EN is obviously looking for a heavily armed, powerful, blue water submarine with AIP technology to boost that deadly submarine warfare capability and put the EN on the top. This is such a great choice and we're all very well aware of the superb quality and capabilities of French designed platforms, from the vaunted Mirages to Rafales. to their impeccable FREMM designs as well as the immaculate Gowind Corvettes and of course, their aircraft carriers and now Submarines. The EN is making a very sound decision if it really is pursuing these submarines and then if they're serious about the aircraft carrier with Rafale Ms would tie the Egyptian Navy into a super solid all-encompassing French naval assets that will tie in the other Euro ones very nicely and smoothly such as the Type 209s subs, MEKO frigates (I found out why those have that soot mark on the side of the hulls BTW) and of course, the impeccable and most beautiful ships of all, the Bergamini FREMMs. This in going to be a very badass navy more so than it already is.

Honestly, RAA (that's what I'm calling you from now on, bro lol. I'm acronyming your user name since it's so gaddam long lmaoooo) I don't really think it's that much of an issue as you might think it is.

Typically, each infantry level from squad to battalion to division will all be carrying the same size & caliber rounds, even if the rifles are different. For example, the ARX-160 which is capable of switching from 7.62 x 39 to NATO 5.56 x 45 in a relatively quick field change of two components I believe, But either way, if say a group of SF like in that pic from the Navy and the Rangers I believe and one is carrying the ARX-160 while the others are carrying AK-47 or Maadi Misrs, they'll both be using 7.62 x 39 rounds. If they're a group such as the Sa'ka which use mostly M-4 Carbines in 5.56 x 45. they'll mostly be attached with another group that is using either SiG-556 or even the ARX-160 in NATO rounds.

So just like that pic of the two groups waiting for the trailered RIB to drop in the water are all carrying Maadi Misrs. The Team 777 training with the ARX-160 in the last pic will be able to attach to any other group because of that rifle's interchangeability.

I believe the CZ-805 is chambered for NATO cartridges while the CZ-807 which is mostly used by the EN special forces/paratroopers is chambered for 7.62 x 39 which is obviously very compatible with most of the EGY military rifles.

I think at first when we started seeing all these new and different model rifles being introduced in rather small packages, we started freaking out like wut the heck are they doing, maaan?! But then noticing how they assigned the different ones to certain groups while keeping the main workhorse as the most abundant and the other special forces rifles actually being versatile enough to keep the rounds all the same.

BTW, sorry about the long post lol, but seeing you talk about this topic a few times already and you and I are in the same state (which is friggin crazy when you think about it) and if you enjoy taking a couple rifles into the woods and setting up a bunch of different targets and have a blast blowing crap up, then let me know and we can set that up. Most of the time that's what my buddies and I do because it's much more fun than target practice routines of the range, which is also fun to see your accuracy, but not as much as shooting up a bunch of glass bottles and cans and all sort of other great stuff lol. And you're welcome to bring your own if you're licensed CCW or OCW or if you're not, you're more than welcome to use any of my collection. I have a couple of Maadi Misr from the 80s as well as a recently built MAK-90 (Chinese AK-47 with the thumbhole stock which is actually one of my favorites) and a couple of AR-15s, and M-4 Carbine as well as an M-16 and a few hunting rifles with excellent scopes. I even bought a Civil War musket lol, that thing is a blast, figuratively and literally lol! A bunch of pistols, 9mm Barettas, Glock 17 and 22, and couple of Taurus 38 special revolvers and several other types of handguns. Tons of magazines for the AKs including different types and I've stocked up on rounds in the past 10 years as the threats of changing the assault rifle laws might happen or might not because of all the school shootings as you know, so many of us saved up a bunch of loot and went out and stocked up big time on all sorts of rounds. If and when you'd feel comfortable and are interested, let's get in touch and have a blast!
Honestly the small arms thing is my opinion, but to each their own. Mashy, RAA it is then 😂. Also, that would be terrific, Im Honored!! That's freaking cool that you have ak maadis!
I am always optimistic but rn with this SMX Ocean deal, I can't believe it. It is is a big step for us. So I think we must get ready to Dabaa nuclear reactors then SMX Ocean subs.

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