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Egyptian Armed Forces

Egyptian military deals Happy news: British supply ships UAE Mirage F-16 development

Man, this military squares guy is starting to get on my nerves lol. All these fellas are just getting off making all these videos as if they're some reliable source and honestly, they know just about as much as we do and nothing more when you really think about it. Just like he said about the Su-35s. He mentioned the latest picture which we posted at least a month and a half ago with the 21 aircraft at Komsomolsk on Amur and then mentioned the Russian news outlet that claimed 5 Su-35s had been delivered to Egypt and then subsequently another 2 making a total of 7. We (or at least me and I'll only speak for myself in this case) never believed a single word of that and then he claimed that picture of the 21 was after the 7 were delivered which adds up to 28 aircraft. I think that was mostly his point but like I said, I don't believe much of this stuff unless the source is solidly reliable and/or we see it with our own two eyes.

You can even read his stuff in the comment section like when someone asked him if the Viper upgrade would also include the delivery of the Su-35s and he actually replied that he didn't think so, and if they agreed on the Viper upgrade, then the Su-35s are most certainly out the door. That's exactly what I've been saying all along with either a Viper acquisition or an agreement for the F-15EX, either one will never be allowed if the EAF insists on the Su-35 which is why they must finish the Russian fighter delivery and forget all about any future US aircraft.

Here's the other VERY IMPORTANT element to this decision, SC, that not too many people are thinking about or at least talking about and that is something that Frogman had mentioned to me/us way back in this thread that made a lot of sense. That dingle donk was actually on to something when he said this about the EAF-s MiG-29M/M2 or even MiG-35 purchase and he questioned the decision to go with that platform (and we were all like WTF, man, are you serious?! What's wrong with you yada yada yada) and he simply said "where is the MiG-29 platform going? Where is the future potential of the MiG-29/35?" His point was that it was pretty much over with that aircraft, but it's also the same with the F-16 in many ways. He was spot on, only directing the question to the wrong platform. There was so much truth to his point and none of us really wanted to hear it at the time BUT, the truth was in asking the question, only. The direction of the question was wrong since it should've been directed at the F-16 and/or any US aircraft and not any Russian ones. Now that we've seen things develop and get to this point, it actually has made a lot of sense for the EAF to invest in the MiG-29M/M2.


The reason is exactly related to agreeing on an F-15 package from the US. At least with the MiG-29M/M2, they can go on to purchase the MiG-35 with the AESA radar and other potentially new inventions on that aircraft and then MOVE ON to the Su-35S, which is exactly what they did. Then with that, their choices of munitions increases exponentially and what does the Su-35S open the door to? The Su-57 stealth fighter and its loyal wingman as well as the Su-75! The latter being essentially the eastern competition to the F-35 which as we all know, the door to that aircraft was slammed shut in the EAF's face.

So there was the answer to Frogman's question of where was the EAF going with their MiG-29M/M2 decision that actually, when you think about it, was criticized and mocked by many pundits and outlets out there as a waste of money on a dud or something stupidly silly like that when in fact, it was nothing short of GENIUS as we have seen all the results of that up to now.

That brings us to the current situation and why would we EVER invest in the F-15 while asking Frogman's exact question! Where is that platform going for the EAF? Is it opening the door for a future purchase of the F-35? NOPE! For sure not and not even thinking about the fact that it really is an undesirable aircraft for the EAF (talking about the F-35) in the first place and has so many issues and cost matters that would make it more of a burden than an asset and so they made the best decision asking for it KNOWING quite well it would be rejected so that they can use that against the US when they pursue Rafales, Typhoons, MiG-29/35s, Su-35 especially and especially the Su-57 & Su-75 and other future stealth platforms.

So there is the answer to that critical question which was very smart to ask because the answer is exactly why the EAF should not indulge in this Viper upgrade at all, and completely reject any F-15 offer because after that, there is nowhere else to go with the US except being tied down! Nowhere! And that kind of jail sentence is unacceptable since the alternative potential with Russian fighters is so much greater that I have no idea why they are waiting so gaddam long to make such a no-brainer decision.

BTW, no dissing of the F-15 since it seems to be a fantastic platform for Saudi Arabia because they invested in it from the start. Unlike the EAF which could only take on the F-16. The Eagle and all its improved versions would've been perfect for the EAF like it has been and will continue to be for the RSAF but not starting now. Just wanted to clarify that dynamic with relation to Saudiya.

Shame, but thanks to the US' disgusting ultimatum, these guys will have to survive the hard way, but they can never get that upgrade at the expense of losing the Su-35S' and any other future Russian fighters.


Will Egypt continue with the contract? Yes or No? @Gomig-21

Yes, of course, why not? Just because they had a few issues and the current fleet is grounded until they figure things out is not really out of the ordinary. That's SOP when something like that happens and it did happen before to the US F-15 fleet. One aircraft crashed and when they investigated it, found out the panels had sheared off in mid-flight because they developed cracks from metal fatigue. So they grounded the entire F-15 fleet and went through a massive examinations and testing protocol and overhaul and when everything was clear and fixed, reintroduce that fighter and all went back to normal. The same will happen here with the Chinooks.

Which BTW, I don't believe the Egyptian Army has ever had an accident of any kind with their huge fleet of Chinooks (MashAllah). They've had issues and even bad crashes with almost every other platform, or most, but never the Chinook or any of the helos from what I remember. They're helo pilots training and maintenance programs on every single type (and they have a lot of different types) are almost second to none.

They even had one or two crashes with the C-130 and one of them was horrible unfortunately. I remember seeing the pics and the story was they had a mechanical failure and the pilots & navigator steered the aircraft away from a Nile village and crashed it into the farmed fields so they wouldn't take out thousands of innocents in the village. The bravery is most incredible but so sad the three pilots and nav lost their lives to a horrible crash. The F-16s have had their issues and so have almost all the other aircraft including the pair of MiG-29M/M2 and Rafale. But these things happen and the point is that I don't recall any of the EAF or Army helicopters ever having a bad accident at all. My guess is it probably has happened to some degree but nothing bad. At any rate, these Chinooks are pretty important to the army and troop transport for the Sa'aka and even Navy Special Operations Forces like they showed in the Qadr Exercise that was so friggin awesome (I will open a thread ISA to discuss a lot of the technical stuff from that most incredible combined arms exercise) so they do have a very strong need for those choppers.

Some pics.

Crotale is a really interesting short range movable SAM system the EGY army has been using for a long time, too. The whole vehicle has a hydraulic system that lowers it almost to the ground with stabilizers that dismount and engage prior to firing the missiles. I wonder how much longer they'll keep these active with all the new systems that are much smoother & faster to operate. But these mobile systems are a must for attached armor to infantry units. We all know how valuable many more of these along with the SA-6s would've been in 1973.



Impressive how many HETs the EGY army has. You can't even see the end of this column of HETs carrying M60-A3s.


@ARCH٤R here's another reason why the EIFV wasn't needed much at the time.



Imagine having a surplus of hundreds of these in the US Army that they just gave the EGY army over 100 of these Caimans. I could've used one! They quite possibly could've used these in all their recent mine extractions from the Western Desert. These are perfectly suited for mined terrains.


Sweet rare unseen before on this thread pic of a pair of EAF Mirage 2000s and a single seater refueling from a......French tanker? Anyone tell what insignia that is on the KC35 tanker?

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@Gomig-21 there is a battleship in my city. I will take a photo then send it here. If you guys want

Yes, please do!

Here's a great look at the Crotale with its hydraulic lifter completely grounded! Really wild system not seen or used in any other ones when I think about it.


@Ramses Akhenaten Ahmose , this is the main system from the Germans that had the Jew's panties all twisted in a bunch! lol. Besides the Type 209s, the 7 batteries of IRIS-T-SLM blew them out of the water because of how advanced and sick accurate with almost an inescapable zone this SAM system has. If Egypt could get a hold of more of these, that would be the way to go against western enemy aircraft in short to even medium range which makes them even more dangerous than any of the TORs or BUKs or Avengers etc.

Here's the other VERY IMPORTANT element to this decision, SC, that not too many people are thinking about or at least talking about and that is something that Frogman had mentioned to me way back in this thread that made a lot of sense. That dingle donk was actually on to something when he said this about the EAF-s MiG-29M/M2 or even MiG-35 purchase and he questioned the decision to go with that platform (and we were all like WTF, man, are you serious?! What's wrong with you yada yada yada) and he simply said "where is the MiG-29 platform going? Where is the future potential of the MiG-29/35?" His point was that it was pretty much over with that aircraft and the same with the F-16 in many ways. He was spot on. There was so much truth to his point and none of us really wanted to hear it at the time BUT, the truth was in asking the question, only. The direction of the question was wrong since it should've been directed at the F-16 and/or any US aircraft and not any Russian ones. Now that we've seen things develop and get to this point. it actually has made a lot of sense for the EAF to invest in the MiG-29M/M2.
I remember Frogman saying that the MIG-29M/M2 doesn't have upgrades like the F-16. And the upgrades of the MIG-29 is stalling

Yes, please do!

Here's a great look at the Crotale with its hydraulic lifter completely grounded! Really wild system not seen or used in any other ones when I think about it.

View attachment 875866

@Ramses Akhenaten Ahmose , this is the main system from the Germans that had the Jew's panties all twisted in a bunch! lol. Besides the Type 209s, the 7 batteries of IRIS-T-SLM blew them out of the water because of how advanced and sick accurate with almost an inescapable zone this SAM system has. If Egypt could get a hold of more of these, that would be the way to go against western enemy aircraft in short to even medium range which makes them even more dangerous than any of the TORs or BUKs or Avengers etc.

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Inshallah maybe we will have an indigenous AD or to JV with a country. I made post like a couple of months ago saying that the chassis of Astros II to be converted into AD system with the chassis on it.
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Man, this military squares guy is starting to get on my nerves lol. All these fellas are just getting off making all these videos as if they're some reliable source and honestly, they know just about as much as we do and nothing more when you really think about it. Just like he said about the Su-35s. He mentioned the latest picture which we posted at least a month and a half ago with the 21 aircraft at Komsomolsk on Amur and then mentioned the Russian news outlet that claimed 5 Su-35s had been delivered to Egypt and then subsequently another 2 making a total of 7. We (or at least me and I'll only speak for myself in this case) never believed a single word of that and then he claimed that picture of the 21 was after the 7 were delivered which adds up to 28 aircraft. I think that was mostly his point but like I said, I don't believe much of this stuff unless the source is solidly reliable and/or we see it with our own two eyes.
That's why I dont trust him that much.
I remember Frogman saying that the MIG-29M/M2 doesn't have upgrades like the F-16. And the upgrades of the MIG-29 is stalling

That's true, he did push the western platforms much more than the Russian ones mainly because of the main issue of interoperability. All the Rafales have Link-16 and the F-16s operate under Link-16 also and so they would tie in much better if the EAF stuck to those platforms. The problem is that limited the choices to just that, the Rafale and possibly the Typhoon which was never discussed at the time. That only came later, and he was ok with the EAF just purchasing more and more Rafales and going that route. Well, we can easily see what the problem with that was. Once the UAE jumped into that party it pretty much clogged up the production line and also, we can see how the decision by the EAF to expand to the Russian platforms was a perfect decision because they had a plan in mind to make all the platforms interoperable with one another. Plus, the cost of the MiG-29M/M2 was very feasible for the deadly platform that it is and most importantly of all, there was a huge door it opened up on the Russian side despite some of the issues such as the Zhuk-AE and IRBIS-E radars etc. But those are all workable things.

With the US, the F-16 was and is a dead-end, even with the Viper upgrade. The EAF having Russia as a source is most valuable in many ways, especially moving into the 5th and 6th generation choices.

That's why I dont trust him that much.

Some stuff is ok, but it's nothing we don't or didn't know about except for one thing he did mention in one of his older videos that I didn't know about and that was how the EAF operated 2 C-130 Compass Call aircraft. I never knew that until he mentioned it in one of his videos and then I saw it mentioned by the announcer of the Qadr exercise at the opening of Bernice Naval Base. The announcer called the two Beechcraft 1900, E-2C Hawkeye and one of the C-130 Compass Call as part of the EAF's AWACs & ELINT platforms when they did a flyby. And some of his other info is very interesting stuff, but again, how do we know it's accurate? If he was an actual military representative, then that would certainly hold a lot of weight. But he never mentions that.
Some more cool pics for my friends on this great thread.

I posted about this great creation by the Egyptian army to make use of a towed artillery into a truck-mounted unit specifically for the Egyptian 2nd Field Army. The first pic is the upgraded M-46 130mm self-propelled cannon mounted on a modified Ural-4320 vehicle and the last two pics are of the D-30 Howitzer also mounted on the Ural truck. Some great improvisational modification/creations. This was during Nasr-14 Military Training for the Egyptian 2nd Field Army Units in 2018.


Here's our dear friend, again, Ghostkiller. M-270 MLRS after letting go a 9-piece salvo lol.




Great shot of that dangerous bugger on a tear through the desert.


F-16s joining in as CAS with Alpha Jets also.



And Gazelles, hopefully soon to be retired and replaced with either more Ka-52s or DRUV attack helos.



Some interesting procedures they follow that was also observed in the Qadr exercise and that is how the operators of the individual mechanized units are tasked with and do cover their platforms with custom covers to protect them from any potential sparking or unwanted shrapnel or projectiles that could ruin sensors or critical parts. You can see the howitzer trucks covered up in the background in this pic.




Egyptian Army Mi-17V4 mounted with rocket launcher pylons and with additional pilot armor protection and the President-S defensive system.


Interesting couple of pics from back in 2018 and probably the most interesting item that those fellas are looking at is the cluster bomb in that crate. Much of this was to display what the Egyptian Army has been using to cut down the infestation of cretins and vile vermin that was trying to infiltrate the western border. We have seen pics of cretins being completely evaporated by those cluster munitions as well as having seen them mounted on EAF F-16s.


This was during an Egyptian Army 11th Exhibition for Military Knowledge. Large scale models of Wing Loong, E-2C and CASA-295s.


And now for some bonus pics for all you October War of 1973 fans - VERY rare few pics of the Egyptian Army SCUD-B & 9K52 Frog-7 Luna short/medium range ballistic missiles being fired at the Israelis on the west bank towards the end of the war. These were a great message that they were ready to be wiped out.




And now for some bonus pics for all you October War of 1973 fans - VERY rare few pics of the Egyptian Army SCUD-B & 9K52 Frog-7 Luna short/medium range ballistic missiles being fired at the Israelis on the west bank towards the end of the war. These were a great message that they were ready to be wiped out.
Funny thing someone in my family was in the Luna missile battaltion stationed in Ismailia during the war. So he told me that to operate the Luna missile, you must connect the vehicle and the missile so you can light the fuse to launch it. So one day during the war, they had to launch it before dawn so they can launch it and escape so their chief commanded them to launch but the problem is that they were loosing time and they can be caught if they didn't move. Hence they had to rush very quickly and they launched it without put them in the right degrees (so the direction). Next day, someone very high in the second army sent them a letter of congratulations for destroying 5 F-4 out 11 where they were taking off to make an offensive sorties against us. He said to me that Allah did a lot of things with us hahaha
Yes, please do!

Here's a great look at the Crotale with its hydraulic lifter completely grounded! Really wild system not seen or used in any other ones when I think about it.

View attachment 875866

@Ramses Akhenaten Ahmose , this is the main system from the Germans that had the Jew's panties all twisted in a bunch! lol. Besides the Type 209s, the 7 batteries of IRIS-T-SLM blew them out of the water because of how advanced and sick accurate with almost an inescapable zone this SAM system has. If Egypt could get a hold of more of these, that would be the way to go against western enemy aircraft in short to even medium range which makes them even more dangerous than any of the TORs or BUKs or Avengers etc.

View attachment 875868
Crotales definatly have their usage, yea it'd be a dream to have more of the Iris t systems when possible, then combine that with possibly more s300s in the future with the newer buk3 and tor 3s. We needa phase out those mim23s as air defence platforms because they too can be used as surface to surface missles, since america designed the missles to be more multirolled, rather than the s75s and s125s which were for one comitted role but excelled at that roll for the time (anti aircraft).

Would also be nice to see the shipbourn version of the crotale on the mistrals too if possible.
Funny thing someone in my family was in the Luna missile battaltion stationed in Ismailia during the war. So he told me that to operate the Luna missile, you must connect the vehicle and the missile so you can light the fuse to launch it. So one day during the war, they had to launch it before dawn so they can launch it and escape so their chief commanded them to launch but the problem is that they were loosing time and they can be caught if they didn't move. Hence they had to rush very quickly and they launched it without put them in the right degrees (so the direction). Next day, someone very high in the second army sent them a letter of congratulations for destroying 5 F-4 out 11 where they were taking off to make an offensive sorties against us. He said to me that Allah did a lot of things with us hahaha

That's fantastic! What a great story! InshaAllah if you're able to speak with him and share those pics but I'm sure he's already seen them. And tell him thank you for his service for defending our country, what an honor.
Crotales definatly have their usage, yea it'd be a dream to have more of the Iris t systems when possible, then combine that with possibly more s300s in the future with the newer buk3 and tor 3s. We needa phase out those mim23s as air defence platforms because they too can be used as surface to surface missles, since america designed the missles to be more multirolled, rather than the s75s and s125s which were for one comitted role but excelled at that roll for the time (anti aircraft).

Would also be nice to see the shipbourn version of the crotale on the mistrals too if possible.

I'm surprised they didn't use the Crotale on the Mistral? It even rhymes! Since the carrier is French-built and so are the Crotales, you would think there would be much more compatibility with those two systems than using the Avengers. The Crotale has its own, fixed radar mounted right on the vehicle right between the missiles. The Avenger uses a separately detached radar if I'm not mistaken which might or might not be the reason. They might've discovered the Mistral's radars were easier and better to connect directly to the Avengers than using the separate radar on the Crotale. Still a pretty interesting situation unless the Avenger is just simply all-around better.

Here's the other strange thing that quirks me a little bit and look at the size of Al Galala Bergamini FREMM which is classified as a frigate and the size of the USN's guided-missile destroyer USS Delbert D. Black (DDG 119). The Al Galala is either just as large or larger with most likely a greater displacement compared to a rather smaller USS DDG yet the latter is classified as a destroyer? Typically, the armament does indicate the classification, but so doesn't displacement and Al Galala is also very capable of carrying 16 additional guided missiles in the aft missile silo container. Even without those it's pretty armed to the teeth. The classification as a frigate is a but weird in this case IMO. Still a gorgeous beast.


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