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Egyptian Armed Forces

A lifetime deal for Egypt, the purchase of AESA Radar production technology for Egypt


Egypt, Indra, and radars talks


Talks will reportedly resume between the Egyptian Ministry of Military Production (MoMP) and Spanish company Indra for the procurement of early warning radars.

Egypt, ThyssenKrupp, and submarines ToT

The Egyptian Ministry of Military Production (MoMP) is said to be in talks with the German defense company ThyssenKrupp for a transfer of technology (ToT) and production agreement concerning a submarine.
The ToT agreement under discussion is broad and reportedly includes ThyssenKrupp setting up assembly lines in Egyptian ports.

Egypt, Indra, and radars talks


Talks will reportedly resume between the Egyptian Ministry of Military Production (MoMP) and Spanish company Indra for the procurement of early warning radars.

Egypt, ThyssenKrupp, and submarines ToT

The Egyptian Ministry of Military Production (MoMP) is said to be in talks with the German defense company ThyssenKrupp for a transfer of technology (ToT) and production agreement concerning a submarine.
The ToT agreement under discussion is broad and reportedly includes ThyssenKrupp setting up assembly lines in Egyptian ports.
This Sub deal will defnitley fume Israel
They made a big deal about it now imagine this. After Egypt stole 7 years worth of information about one of their highly secretive buildings and got away with it
To be fair, israel has the 216 model as their dolphin subs if im not mistaken. What more could be learned by the older 209s other than just the "foundation" of the subs? I more or less have the same feeling with this thyssenkrupp deal as I did with those f15s america was to "sell" to us that were "up to spec".
To be fair, israel has the 216 model as their dolphin subs if im not mistaken. What more could be learned by the older 209s other than just the "foundation" of the subs? I more or less have the same feeling with this thyssenkrupp deal as I did with those f15s america was to "sell" to us that were "up to spec".
I think Israel ordered a new dolphin class deal again this year
To be fair, israel has the 216 model as their dolphin subs if im not mistaken. What more could be learned by the older 209s other than just the "foundation" of the subs? I more or less have the same feeling with this thyssenkrupp deal as I did with those f15s america was to "sell" to us that were "up to spec".
The report didnt specify what su will be ToT
I think it would be the 209 submarine because it is the only one contracted by the EN. We should ask Naval Group (France) for the Scorpène submarine so we can have the best option for ToTs
That deal is done and closed no reason to ToT it at all

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