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Egyptian Armed Forces

We better get those meteors before the Saudis
The Saudis are getting it with the Typhoon.. and I bet Egypt already got it with its upgraded Rafale F3R.. not everything is said in public.. Egypt shows its strategic weapons.. 4, 5 or even 10 years after procurement.. KSA is worst.. it took 30 years before unveiling the Eastwind Ballistic missiles.. HaHaHa!
was Ashraf Marwan a traitor or a double agent?
Debatable, a secret that will be going with his grave hahaha.We say that he is a hero, the israelis say that he is an agent for them, we will never know about him haha. The israelis do the same with Raafat el Hagan. We say that he is hero and them that he is a double agent.
Debatable, a secret that will be going with his grave hahaha.We say that he is a hero, the israelis say that he is an agent for them, we will never know about him haha. The israelis do the same with Raafat el Hagan. We say that he is hero and them that he is a double agent.
Well one Israeli british writer made a book which later turned into a netflix movie where he specifies ashraf marwan was a double agent and part of the reason where Israel let its guard down
I always thought he was a traitor
He also said that israeli story of ashraf marwan being a legendary spy is a complete lie?
Well one Israeli british writer made a book which later turned into a netflix movie where he specifies ashraf marwan was a double agent and part of the reason where Israel let its guard down
I always thought he was a traitor
He also said that israeli story of ashraf marwan being a legendary spy is a complete lie?
We will never know because our secret intelligence doesn't open their archive and declassified documents to the public like the CIA does etc..
11 mins is where he begins to talk about it. he doesnt mention whats the documentry's name i would like to know if anyone knows it
We will never know because our secret intelligence doesn't open their archive and declassified documents to the public like the CIA does etc..
Yeah the only thing thing they somewhat published is the 2003 operation on haifa port
Theres loads of info they released about the war but the media would rather talk about couples breaking up or divorcing lol. so youtube remains the dominant summary for this info
Yeah the only thing thing they somewhat published is the 2003 operation on haifa port
Theres loads of info they released about the war but the media would rather talk about couples breaking up or divorcing lol. so youtube remains the dominant summary for this info
The operation where the Shayetet 13 ceased a ship?
The one where they extracted the ship and mined the whole port and left
You have a source? Because if it happened it would have declared a war between Egypt and Israel that's why I want to ask a Unit 777 officier (i think the 777 did the mission) if it is true yes or no. So I doubt a little from it.
Hi they might not even ready to sell those awacs to Pakistan but just to remind you it was General musharaff era & offcourse war on terror was happening for USA against Afghanistan
rest is history musharaff was having a marry go round with Bush junior at that time im sure USA must have pushed swedes to export these birds
thank you

Thanks for the post. Are you suggesting that the only reason Pakistan was able to purchase the Global/Erie Eye when it did was because Musharaf was very friendly with G.W.B. who then put pressure on the Swedes & SAAB to sell the advanced AEW&C aircraft to Pakistan in the middle of the WoT and that if it was asked the same today, the Swedes and SAAB would deny the aircraft to Pakistan?

But Pakistan is still a democracy, right? With elections (despite the vote of no confidence against the Imran Khan, it's still a legal political process) that allows the Pakistani parliament to go through and is not considered like a "coup" as Sisis has been labeled to have committed.

As a matter of fact, if I'm not mistaken, most types of governments that operate under the same principle as the British parliamentary with acting prime ministers having more authority than the president him/herself would such as the UK, Israel, Pakistan and others have and use that same doctrine in their constitution of having a vote for no confidence statute.

So, had Pakistan been interested in purchasing the Erie Eye today, are you saying it would be denied by Sweden? Why, though?

Countries want ITAR free products, and this is the advantage that Rafale has over the Typhoon which has USA components in it.

Which is why it's the #1 selling aircraft after the F-35 and soon possibly able to pass it because more and more countries want nothing to do with the US military chokehold or with countries that have very close ties with the US military, such as the UK.

That's why I see the Typhoon as a very difficult sell to the EAF and would be a miracle if it happens, let alone being sold the meteor missile! Both of those will remain to be seen with very high anticipation.

Lets see - i am not convinced about Saudia Arabia buying a new product that is inferior to their current Tyhpoons given the capability they have right now.

Inferior? It might have certain capabilities that surpass those of the Rafale but the Rafale also has its own certain capabilities that surpass those of the Typhoon. I'd say they're so close that one might be better suited for certain air forces than the other and vice versa, meaning it's not so cut and dry.

was Ashraf Marwan a traitor or a double agent?

Well, a double agent would essentially be a traitor. He was neither and was an absolute spy and agent to Sadat and Egypt. Very plainly put, he misled the Israelis on several occasions, the first one being him telling them the war was to happen in May of 1973 which of course never happened and then being told by Sadat to tell the Jews that the war would start at 6pm instead of 2 because (and this was the genius of Sadat as well as his intel partners at the time) that since they already had information that the Egyptian military was up to something AND that there was also the possibility of the RAT King Hussein of Jordan who did not want to participate in the war that he would RAT out Egypt to the Israelis out of fear and cowardice which is exactly what he did! There is the traitor in this entire picture if you're looking at one.

So knowing that the Jews could see something happening, and they had been already scammed by Marwan telling them the war was to happen in May and it never did, that when he would tell them it was going to happen at 6pm instead of 2, they wouldn't believe him at all that there would even be a war because he was mistaken the first time, or was he? lol. Egyptian intel figured they wouldn't trust him this time and figured he was feeding them wrong information and there wouldn't be any war. And that's exactly what happened; they didn't take him seriously and it worked 100% in Egypt's favor. Despite King Hussein's rat behavior.

The other very obvious proof is why on earth would he accidently fall off his luxury London apartment balcony without any shoes that the British homicide detective could never find? How many spies and whatever's has the mossad ended their presence in such a similar manner? And in the UK also? Does the Egyptian intel do those kinds of murderous actions or is it much more likely to come from the jews hit squad? Especially when one of the neighbors that was questioned immediately after it happened said she saw 2 men with black suits look down from the balcony right after it happened and then disappear.

Put all of that together and it's pretty obvious who he really was working for. Oh yeah, he was also married to Nasser's daughter lol.
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The other very obvious proof is why on earth would he accidently fall off his luxury London apartment balcony without any shoes that the British homicide detective could never find? How many spies and whatever's has the mossad ended their presence in such a similar manner? And in the UK also? Does the Egyptian intel do those kinds of murderous actions or is it much more likely to come from the jews hit squad? Especially when one of the neighbors that was questioned immediately after it happened said she saw 2 men with black suits look down from the balcony right after it happened and then disappear.
Our intelligence maybe have the same manner. It isn't the first time that an egyptian killed London. Look there is El Lithy Nassef (commander of the Egyptian Republican Guard during Sadat), Soad Hosny , Ashrad Marwan. Funny thing is that El Lithy Nassef and Soad Hosny died in the same tower which is Stuart Tower and by the same way (falling from an apartment balcony). So that's why in intelligence war (between our Mukhabarat and the Mossad) you will never see the truth.
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US kills al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri in drone strike in Afghanistan. Ayman al-Zawahiri is an egyptian terrorist who committed attacks in Egypt got killed.

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